On February 23 2011 23:01 Scorcher2k wrote:Show nested quote +On February 23 2011 22:52 Lord_of_Chaos wrote:1. Obesity in the US has exploded the last decades. 2. Obesity includes lots of fat, which gives an increase in estrogen production. 3. This means fat people get bigger boobs and fat girls in to puberty earlier. The major reason is that Americans are eating too much and moving around too little (just like most of the western world). This makes people fat. Fat people have bigger boobs (as I'm sure you've noticed). Also, the normal control for when girls hit puberty is the amount of fat they have. The fatter you are, the earlier you are going to reach the amount of fat needed to produce the amount of estrogen needed, ergo fat girls go in to puberty earlier. BPA MIGHT have toxic effects on fetuses. There is basicly no concern that it has any effect on already born people (in the amounts measured in people today). On February 23 2011 22:49 solidbebe wrote: The 'logic' of if you ingest only a little then it isn't THAT bad is so flawed. Ofcourse ingesting less of something that is just plain bad for you is LESS bad than ingesting MORE. But that still means it is BAD FOR YOU. No. Your body is made to take care of small amount of toxic stuff all the time. Many things considered toxic are in fact needed for your survivial in small enough doses. Likewise, most things you eat normally and consider healthy is toxic in large enough doses (water for example, many vitamins etc.) and will kill you. So that logic isn't flawed at all. It's perfectly reasonable. So then how do you explain skinny girls going into puberty sooner and having bigger boobs? Or would you just like to admit that you have no study or evidence to back up what you're saying what so ever. "There are clear associations between childhood adiposity, as reflected in BMI, and early pubertal development." From the article "Childhood obesity and the timing of puberty" by M. Lynn Ahmed, Ken K. Ong, and David B. Dunger. Trends in Endocrinology & Metabolism Volume 20, Issue 5, July 2009, Pages 237-242
15 minutes of searching on PubMed. If you STILL want more scientific proof, I suggest you do the searching yourself.
The above quote is line with what I've been taught in class in med school. Large amounts of fat -> high estrogen by a mechanism that I no longer remember.
What evidence do you have for your claim that girls that are skinny also have had their onset of puberty come at earlier age? I assume you mean that girls today of weight x have earlier puberty than girls of say, 50 years ago, of the same weight x? I have seen no such data, and it's never been raised in class. Feel free to inform me though.
On February 21 2011 04:48 iGrok wrote:Do you like fish sticks?
No wonder kids like Justing Beiber are showing up
Tap water in germany is of very high quality and is strictly controlled, I never drink bottled water. The levels of chlorine are also very low, so it comes without the stench. Water in austria can be outright delicious though.
On February 21 2011 04:38 Hawk2 wrote: I believe male sperm counts have decreased by 50% in America due to this issue compared to 50 years ago.
I think thats because of laptops.
A lot of this is coming from people flushing their birth control pills (or other prescriptions) down the drain.
![[image loading]](http://www.thismoment.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/blog/slove.jpg)
Do I look all rancid and clotted? You look at me, Jack. Eh? Look, eh? And I drink a lot of water, you know. I'm what you might call a water man, Jack - that's what I am. And I can swear to you, my boy, swear to you, that there's nothing wrong with my bodily fluids. Not a thing, Jackie.
On February 24 2011 00:18 MangoTango wrote: A lot of this is coming from people flushing their birth control pills (or other prescriptions) down the drain. source? :p While I don't deny that that's done, I find it hard to believe that it's a significant source, especially since the article suggested other primary sources.
The plastic bottle stuff bothers me the most - I drink filtered water mostly, but plastic bottles are pretty much a staple of storing ... well... nearly any liquid. If chemicals which are chemically similar to estrogen are being leached out of the plastic with water bottles, I can only guess that it's likely happening with other beverages as well. Will have to start following this stuff more closely (and more scientifically than NBC covers many scientific topics.)
Time to research the research. Here's information on the relevant scientific journal article - I need to go on my college's library computer to actually access the article, though. Endocrine disruptors in bottled mineral water: total estrogenic burden and migration from plastic bottles.
On February 23 2011 23:51 Tazza wrote: No wonder kids like Justing Beiber are showing up hahaha
maybe you should make a post on fluoride in your water , might be more educational
These stories seem pretty exaggerated - we look everywhere for the sources of our various health problems, but I think we could take advice from the thread in SC2 which basically says "it's you (not blizzard, not your cheesy opponents, it is you that you have to blame)."
It seems like every day I read something new that can give me cancer: power lines (this is old), cell phones, plastic cups, meat, etc. The thought that something could be in *everybody's* drinking water causing imperceptible yet incremental changes is just the perfect storm for an urban myth which can never be held to enough scientific scrutiny.
If this is really confusing its because I just threw it together after I saw the banning spree on the first page and had to edit my post
wait... cup sizes are going up and were complaining? Idungetit.
But seriously, this could account for the overall lack of manliness. good thing i never drink bottled water.
I'm pretty sure the breast thing is because of growth hormones in poultry and other meats, and general improvements in nutrition
Lmao at the first 5 posts or so XD
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why is it so scary for everyone? I mean honestly. A small amount of estrogen prolly wont do anything, anyways. if fish are just starting to grow female organs, it would take a human many many generations. In sex changes they pump high levels of estrogen and it doesnt do to much to man. enlarged breasts and higher voice...
On February 21 2011 05:54 pred470r wrote: In Europe everyone has special toilets which evaporate women's piss in mid air before it reaches the water, and at the same time it does not work for men's piss, hence every one is more manlier in Europe compared to the U.S.
except for france,
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I have heard and read stuff on this issue before. A great deal of this 'pollution' comes from birth control medications, as well as from plastics, and it does almost certainly have an effect on people...though how much of an effect it's pretty hard to say conclusively. It could be linked to a lack of masculinity and drive in males, though other societal factors almost certainly have a lot to do with that as well; and it may also be linked to female developmental problems as well, though there's very little data in this area.
In any event, it's good to see this finally getting more mainstream scientific attention. Hopefully, this will lead to more research to pin down and assess the problem, and policy changes to do something about it. At the very least, it's highly deleterious effect on fish should be enough to get environmental groups on board.
In the meantime, no, it's not going to turn you into a woman. The main potential issues are developmental; though it may make adults slightly less 'manly' as well.
In any event, if you suddenly start feeling a strange attraction to parasols, frilly clothing, and the color pink, OR if you just want to get more manly in general, (1) try getting more exercise, and (2) start taking cold showers. Both of these have been proven to increase testosterone levels significantly.
Call me out on this, but what about the steroids used to grow our meat and veggies? Would these not have a counter-active effect of sorts? I have generally believed that that's the reason our society has gotten taller as a whole?
lmao at the 6 bans in a row right off the bat. So good. haha.
Edit: Just saw someone got warned for saying the same thing sorry mods !
On February 24 2011 11:59 Rebornlife wrote: Call me out on this, but what about the steroids used to grow our meat and veggies? Would these not have a counter-active effect of sorts? I have generally believed that that's the reason our society has gotten taller as a whole? The part about society getting taller could just be the related to the desirability, to the opposite sex, of height (obviously not everyone, just speaking generally); we've been using steroids for a few decades, but our species has been getting taller for centuries; I'm unsure if the increase in height has accelerated in recent years due to steroids, but it should definitely not be deemed the primary cause, if related at all.
Hopefully these fish just serve as a canary in the mineshaft and humans need much higher concentrations to have a significant effect on our health. I wonder if estrogen-related birth medication will be banned as a result of this research (looking at you, San Francisco).