Well it's a reference to Zap Rowsdower, the immortal Canadian action hero of The Final Sacrifice.
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The Roffo came from the randomly generated last names that it gave me a choice of when I tried Second Life a long time ago, that was the best way I could come up with to use one of the names. Never used Second Life after that day but I kept the alter-ego name.
I played a Warlock on WoW named Angelnis. Changed it to AngelnisLock on some sites and games but it was too long in some cases so i shortened it. Its not the most badass name in the world but i like it =3
it's a unwound song that i was obsessed with around the time the starcraft 2 beta hit, and i thought it would fit nicely as a name. now ive come to realize that its a slightly corny handle but i still use it in the hope that people will actually recognize it as the unwound song rather than the yoga term.
I was trolling a super annoying clan called eGO, edgegamers, under the ID Grey and got banned from their servers. Later my cod4 team got sponsored by eGO and the jerks wouldn't unban me :O so I switched CD keys with a friend and to show my disdain from having to be in the clan I changed the name to Yerg which is Grey backwards. They never caught on LOL
ok, so my first account back then was "seph!roth" (exclamation marks were cool back then). but all my internet-friends just called me seph, so i cut off the "iroth" and just stay at seph. the ` at the end is because most of the time, seph is already taken.
i came with that idea, because i played like A LOT final fantasy, especially part 7, where sephiroth (bad guy ofc) plays in.
about 2.5 years ago, after finding a brand new copy of diablo 2 + expansion for really cheap, i went home to play it.
I got really mad when it wasnt compatible with vista since my bandwidth was finished and i couldnt download a patch so i could play.
So to calm myself i took a few (too many) hits of a bong. Put a reggae cd on and sat down too chill. Sat down on top of my phone and realised i could use it as a modem.
So when i finally got the game running, in my stoned state i had trouble choosing a class. Then when it came to charachter name i hit a blank for what felt like an hour.
well,once a pretty girl at school - i was so in love with her - called me that way after seeing me sketching and drawing all the time during class. Unfortunatly i never made it to get her, but the nick stood for decades.
in the meantime since 2006 i got a pencil tattooed on my shoulder
I don't remember, me and my old roommate came up with it one time when we were shroomin'. I remember repeating atomicton for like 5 minutes straight until it wasn't even words anymore, and then it became interesting because and AtomicTon sounded like it would weigh several hundred tons, as opposed to just one you know, like in 5th grade when a smartass science teacher asks you "what's heavier- a pound of bricks, or a pound of feathers?" Good times.
I am usually very tired when I wake up. On the day that the game released I was extra tired because I had only had 3 hours of sleep. I get it home and start setting it up and I start to fill out the fields. Now every BS account I've ever had has been named James Woods. Why? He is referenced in almost every television show at one point or another and generally it is very amusing. Family guy traps him with pieces of candy. Entourage also has him pissed off because he needs tickets to a premier. So when I am entering in my personal information I must have read the lines poorly. I am thinking why the hell does Blizzard need my real name??????? Now I am james.
ESWAT stands for “Extra Special Weapons And Tactics”. They are a fictional paramilitary group from the manga Appleseed. They also wore 4-meter tall exoskeleton armour, stuck to their ethos and got shit done. If you’re trying to come up with a personal moniker you might as well name yourself after a team of badasses.
Back in the days of Warcraft 3 TFT i had an account specific for playing night-elf called with the as-self-descriptive-as-it-gets name ...MeldInTheShadow.
When later tried WoW my nightelf druid used to Meld In to become Meldon. And it stuck...
When I was 9 years old, someone asked me what my favorite number was. Because I was 9, I said 9 was my favorite number. Ever since then, 9 has been my favorite number. I've always hated having numbers in usernames, though, so I used roman numerals instead. So my name is KevinIX. It's a fucking terrible ID, and I want to change it. But I already have over 500 posts, and I don't want to lose my epenis.
I originally went by different name both here on SC2, but after one of my friends on EU server renamed to PapaToss, he was like 'Why don't you rename yourself to BabyToss?' We shared good deal of games together and in a way, he was the first person who threw me a bone in SC2 and we also used to do 2v2's for fun together as well - in a way, he was my SC2 'daddy'. (Shame he's gone, sucked into WoW which I hate with passion... BabyToss lost their daddy... ) So, after thinking it through, it kinda made sense to me to rename. My name symbolizes my inexperience in StarCraft2 and in playing Protoss. Hence why I'm BabyToss. ;o)
And if I ever grow up in terms of SC2... will I rename? Most likely no. I'll always be that little BabyToss :D