Earlier today, since kwark cant hold onto his money, he went to Aeditide to run an escalation that VoV had obtained for him. He couldnt really tank it, so I came in another drake. On the way there, I had to pass through the Aedald-Heild gate, which is always camped by a group of very special corps (who lost 2 carriers to us on their first night camping it).
However, since we smash them every time we fight, they sort of dont go for us. Kwark was in local in a tengu, acting very suspicious, so they didnt even appear on the gate when I went through. As we finished the escalation, kwark noticed that despite 3 hatchery members being 2 jumps away, they started killing things on the gate again.
Kwark then warped in with Steve, and sat on the gate. After some indecision on their part, they went for him. As soon as Vov's cheetah entered local 1 jump away, they all gtfo.
Eventually, they come back, and we undock from oddelulf, 3 jumps away, and as soon as we hit Heild (1 jump off) they all run away. We kill a (badly fit) cane.
http://teamliquid.killmail.org/?a=kill_detail&kll_id=9942719Finally, they leave their gate and enter heild, where they decide to fight us. We leave half our fleet 2 jumps away so they dont flee, and warp to the station they are on and engage.
Kwark calls the scorpion as primary, since between its jam bonuses and the link-Eos it would be really annoying. Instead of docking, it tries in desperation to jam us, and we kill it in seconds.
http://teamliquid.killmail.org/?a=kill_detail&kll_id=9942786A cane then lands on top of us, and promptly dies.
http://teamliquid.killmail.org/?a=kill_detail&kll_id=9942765Vov gets a bit overeager, and nearly is deathed, but good scrams by the rifters get him out in 30% structure. He docks and returns promptly. At around this time, the other half of the fleet arrives, with a scimitar, and from then on we take no losses, not even rifters, and kill most of their fleet.
The last ship on the field, a broadsword, decides to stay agressed and shoot at me from 70km away with autocannons. We kill it, and loot and salvage everything.
http://teamliquid.killmail.org/?a=kill_related&kll_id=9942748Some pretty LOL fits in there.