I've been playing Eve for about a year. I'm at the stage where I can buy game-time with isk. I rake in about 50 million isk a day with just 20 minutes of setting up buy and sell orders. So it costs me absolutely nothing to play the game.
For PvP I don't bother with 0.0 stuff. It's fairly crap if your just a noname player in a massive alliance. I advise new players to not play with goonswarm because you will want to shoot yourself. Instead I suggest a lowsec pirate corp or something along those lines.
The best things about EVE are: The economy The skill system Being able to buy game-time with ingame money PvP
Every single thing you do is PVP. Even doing missions someone could scan you out and gank you if they wanted to. So yeah.
My mining/trading character is Ludrik. Feel free to log in and have a chat with me. I'll keep the names of my other characters to myself because I'm involved in a bit of espionage/corp theft.
The thing about Eve is that even though I absolutely love the game I never reccomend it to people. Most people don't have the patience for it. I suggest everyone to try the game though. Just realise that you probably won't do anything worthwhile in your first month.
The thing was I played for two months and at the time I got all my money by selling "navy" ravens... so after two weeks of doing that I had 2 billion isk but I was also spending waaay too much time on eve just to make isk . Fraking mmo's are a major time sink as it is and there are only so many noobs etc... so I just called it quits and gave everything I had away to a random person in jita
On February 20 2009 16:58 DeathSpank wrote: The thing was I played for two months and at the time I got all my money by selling "navy" ravens... so after two weeks of doing that I had 2 billion isk but I was also spending waaay too much time on eve just to make isk . Fraking mmo's are a major time sink as it is and there are only so many noobs etc... so I just called it quits and gave everything I had away to a random person in jita
Uh.. what?
There are things that confuse me a lot with your post. In two months there is really no way you could find a level 4 agent.. pilot the BS you need properly... get the agent points... and get lucky with a CNR. How on earth did you get the starting capital to even get a CNR to begin with? I've lost one of those things before and it's kit was worth at the very least 900 million isk at the time. Gist-X types kill the bank account.
On February 20 2009 16:58 DeathSpank wrote: The thing was I played for two months and at the time I got all my money by selling "navy" ravens... so after two weeks of doing that I had 2 billion isk but I was also spending waaay too much time on eve just to make isk . Fraking mmo's are a major time sink as it is and there are only so many noobs etc... so I just called it quits and gave everything I had away to a random person in jita
Uh.. what?
There are things that confuse me a lot with your post. In two months there is really no way you could find a level 4 agent.. pilot the BS you need properly... get the agent points... and get lucky with a CNR. How on earth did you get the starting capital to even get a CNR to begin with? I've lost one of those things before and it's kit was worth at the very least 900 million isk at the time. Gist-X types kill the bank account.
Maybe you didn't understand. He was scamming people by selling "navy" rifters.
I've got some ishkurs for you in jita, but I'm in solitude right now, so if you give me 100 mil isk I'll head over to the forge to put them on sale. Just consider it.
On February 20 2009 16:58 DeathSpank wrote: The thing was I played for two months and at the time I got all my money by selling "navy" ravens... so after two weeks of doing that I had 2 billion isk but I was also spending waaay too much time on eve just to make isk . Fraking mmo's are a major time sink as it is and there are only so many noobs etc... so I just called it quits and gave everything I had away to a random person in jita
Uh.. what?
There are things that confuse me a lot with your post. In two months there is really no way you could find a level 4 agent.. pilot the BS you need properly... get the agent points... and get lucky with a CNR. How on earth did you get the starting capital to even get a CNR to begin with? I've lost one of those things before and it's kit was worth at the very least 900 million isk at the time. Gist-X types kill the bank account.
Maybe you didn't understand. He was scamming people by selling "navy" rifters.
I've got some ishkurs for you in jita, but I'm in solitude right now, so if you give me 100 mil isk I'll head over to the forge to put them on sale. Just consider it.
lol I was selling regular ravens as navy ravens and each time i sold on I would get about 200 mil profit I never got a level 4 agent or any of that stuff really (I could fly a raven though but that doesn't take that much). Now that I remember another reason I left was because I got bored scamming people all day. That profession has like an hour or two pauses between hits.
Finally finished reading this and it was fun as i've just started playing EVE myself so i didn't know much about the current war, but i really hope that BoB/Ken gets crushed.
I've fought both with and against BoB and i have to say that i had more fun when fighting against them than with, being in a bob pet corp wasnt all too much fun as you were limited to what you could do in delve and areas around, so the most fun was going in small hitsquads into enemy terratory and try to catch out on people who were either mining or ratting(killin npc pirates in asteroid systems).
It will be really interesting to see how the south will look after this war and what becomes of the goon space, if it goes to many alliances or if AAA take it completely.
For more than five days now, KenZoku and its subordinate Alliances have remained camped into the NPC station of PR-8CA. The only activity from the blockaded parties is a few individuals trying to leave in disposable frigates or shuttles. A greater threat is currently posed by...well...Minor Threat, who now seem to be intendant upon more than quick vengeance for last weekend's moment of comedy.
In the last three days a majority of the in-system kills by GoonSwarm are Minor Threat fast Frigate and assault Cruiser gangs roving Delve. The next night, more of them are back; seeking stragglers and targets of opportunity. Given their chosen enemy's indolence, I don't think GoonSwarm minds the distraction deep down. In different circumstances, an invasion of annoyances like this could be chased out with a few flottilas of Goon assault craft and sniping Battleships. However, the focus of attention remains the systematic destruction of KenZoku's hundreds of Towers and the claiming of their territory.
Again, keep in mind that the map represents the reality on the ground from a week ago. It takes seven days for a Tower majority to officially claim Sovereignty in a system. Regardless of the delay, KenZoku Sovereignty continues to disappear because all Towers in some systems have been destroyed. KenZoku enjoyed a 42-to-8 Station majority in J-LPX7 (the site of the heaviest fighting) this morning. Each station literally has millions of hit points. By tomorrow morning, GoonSwarm and its Coalition partners expect to have razed all of them; leaving them with 0-to-8 control of a system having 108 moons. The Dreadnought teams are working around the clock with what is now a practiced, machine-like efficiency.
Meanwhile, lesser strategic threats are also being dealt with. When the BoB Sovereignty collapsed, one of the groups unaffected was the Pet Alliance Axiom Empire. Axiom Empire held Sovereignty level 3 in a couple of scattered systems. They tried to help with the resistance by emplacing new Towers of their own early in the conflict as well. Now, Axiom Empire holds no Sovereignty anywhere in Delve; thus removing one more bolt-hole for GoonSwarm's enemy to base from.
Further East, the Skunk-Works Alliance also held Sovereignty 3 in a small portion of Querious and expanded that territory early in the War to stem the tide of Goon-Coalition Tower-spam. The RAZOR Alliance, along with other members of the Northern Coalition, has done yeoman's work in attacking this redoubt. Two more Skunk-Works held systems lost all Sovereignty this morning. While Skunk-Works is putting up as little resistance as the rest of the KenZoku Pets at the moment, it must be mentioned that RAZOR and company are having to do this the old-fashioned, brute-force way. Any system with functioning Cyno-jammers means rapid reinforcement and Capital Ship firepower will not be forth-coming.
Moving away from the major combat (if I may be permitted to call it that ) zone, Against ALL Authorities and its Southern allies continue their occupation of old Goon-space and are even moving on Goon allies. Prior to the dissolution of BoB, AAA (with BoB support) had been contesting GoonSwarm territory in Tenerifis and Feythabolis. Also in the South, Stain Empire, Systematic-Chaos, C0VEN, and Atlas Alliance were fighting for Esoteria against GoonSwarm and the United Legion (UNL). UNL was able to hold its own, and backed by GoonSwarm were denying the enemy territorial gains.
When GoonSwarm relinquished their holdings in the South, UNL moved rapidly to take possession of their Feythabolis and Tenerifis domains. They have had some success in Tenerifis, contested against AAA, but have been pushed back by Red.Overlords and AAA in Feythabolis. Loss of this area means their holdings in the Southwest are cut off from South-central. Furthermore, they were not able to claim the Goons' part of Esoteria and are now beginning to lose ground in Paragon Soul.
United Legion is very much a "rear guard" for the Delve invasion, with all the risks that come with that role. So long as Stain, C0VEN, & cetera do not take Paragon Soul, there is no escape route from the southern region of the war-zone through Period Basis. KenZoku and Pet posters have made much of GoonSwarm and the Northern Coalition "abandoning" United Legion. The Goons have replied that everyone in the War Coalition knows what is at stake, what must be prioritized at the moment, and that unlike BoB/KenZoku, they do not abandon their allies or treat them as servants. UNL for its part, has expressed confidence that they can hold against their bitter rivals.
So is that all AAA is up to? In an earlier post this morning, I pointed out that a Red.Overlord ship with a Cyno-field Generator had been destroyed in PR-8CA. That could have signaled the beginning of an invasion, but there has been no other activity through (and now beyond) Russian prime-time. It's entirely possible it was simply a head-game. A cheap (literally) joke at everyone's expense.
If the Kestral had been part of a larger invasion plan, I'm afraid I would have had to revise my estimate of their stance a third time. I'd previously expressed puzzlement over why AAA would not be fully backing KenZoku when they would become the natural next target for all the parties involved. I changed my mind after I recalled that AAA is Russian; with the educational point of view on history which that implies. If you look at Against ALL Authorities territory (Catch, Tenerifis, Impass, Omist, and Feythabolis) their constellations tend to be arranged in long strings. Most of these are heavily built-up Sovereignty level 3 systems. It may be the AAA leadership's belief that, even if they end up facing a large Coaltion, they have plenty of ground to force an enemy to fight for. Their territory is very "deep", and has recently gotten deeper. If facing more enemies than they can manage, they can make a fighting retreat of it while their central territories are untouched. AAA might survive this way for a long time.
Furthermore, if they sit and wait for KenZoku and the Pets to collapse, they can pick and choose amongst their best pilots to recruit. What other alliance could they join? Where else are they going to go?
I don't think the Russians are coming to help ...
So where does that leave KenZoku and the Pets? I'm reminded of a frustrated fan sitting near me at a hockey game who screamed to his team "Do Something! Even if it's wrong!" The current KenZoku strategy is like the occupants of a besieged castle saying "forget the food stocks, I'm sure they'll pack up and leave soon enough". The longer they sit inactive, the less a breakout is likely to accomplish.
KenZoku still has possession of 26 known Titans. A group of them could break the fleet out of PR-8CA in a few minutes. They would naturally be beset immediately...unless of course another Titan could also be used as a distraction. If one was spotted trying to hop north to the borders, the bored attackers would likely swarm it from all locations. Even more-so if it turned out to be Shrike in a fifth Avatar. (The deliberate sacrifice of himself to fool his enemies would also go some ways towards recovering face for him.)
Once a breakout was made, they could either stand and fight in a single throw of the dice or retreat Northeast. If they made a stand in PR-8CA with all of the Coalition members jumping in-system, they would be attempting to cripple GoonSwarm's numbers in their space with superior firepower and bring a halt to the Tower offensive. If they retreated to Skunk-Works space, they regain Sovereignty advantages for their base while being able to range freely across the rest of Querious.
As it is, a few KenZoku members are retreating to Period Basis. Why this is a good idea is beyond me. In the Northeast, resupply from Empire should be easy. Period Basis is a cul de sac. Resupply is extremely difficult and even if they had a route through Paragon Soul, the distance is too far for a Cyno-Jump; retreating that way would mean leaving their Capital Ships and Titans behind. The Executive Outcomes Alliance, in Sovereignty 3 control of the southern half of Period Basis, has openly told their members to get their equipment out to Empire-space while they still have time.
If anything happens, it needs to happen Friday or Saturday at the latest. Anything later means there will be fewer people with time to log on for extended periods and less likelihood of building any momentum. Failing to make a move by the end of Saturday in Europe will mean the loss of many corporation members as they are faced with probability of another week of inactivity while the leadership "waits". Throwing taunts at the Goons and promising to do it a second time tomorrow is not rewarding play. (Though there have been reports that a few of *the Goons* have been stunned into silence by the vehemence and personal nature of some of the smack-talk emanating from PR-8CA.)
If KenZoku is planning to rise phoenix-like from NPC space in a few weeks, they will be sorely disappointed. Even if the Northern Coalition has gone home by that point, they have stated they are leaving a battle-fleet and Jump Clones behind in an EVE equivalent of pre-positioning. If KenZoku should reappear weeks later with any kind of strength, the North could respond within hours. Furthermore, who will wish to come with them in these forays of vengeance with little likelihood of material gain? It's conceivable that Sir Molle could form new Alliances and sortie from Delve NPC-space for years; but each time he did it would be with fewer pilots and more derision. Meanwhile, the Goons will gain all the terrain advantages that their enemy once held and more. They will have "Fortress Delve" with easy access to Empire, allied groups holding their Northern and Southeastern approaches, and the Sovereignty Level 4 constellations that once belonged to BoB.
If KenZoku fails to fight any further for what they are losing, I firmly lay the blame on a Failure of Leadership. BoB was the strongest and most feared organization in EVE. Their stated opinion was once enough to sway other Alliances. It was Sir Molle who set BoB's goal of the destruction of GoonSwarm, citing them as too rude and uncivilized to remain in Band of Brothers' Game. It was Sir Molle who declared that GoonSwarm would never be allowed to hold territory in Player Controlled Space. Where now is this majestic heater repairman while his empire burns?
When BoB first came to destroy GoonSwarm they were a new, tiny alliance based in Cloud Ring. GoonSwarm didn't have the skills or resources to fight back against the Battleships BoB was fielding against them. For two and a half weeks they sustained losses against them. Then in a shift of tactics, they made dozens of new characters named "VCBee XXX", where XXX was a random number. These throw-away characters were used for guerilla warfare against BoB. Having them destroyed essentially cost GoonSwarm nothing and any losses for Band of Brothers gained them nothing. Furthermore the unique "Goon" mentality meant they could keep up the effort indefinitely while still enjoying themselves. BoB declared GoonSwarm "Destroyed" and left the North.
If Sir Molle is indeed planning to attempt harassment of GoonSwarm from NPC space at some later date, he is willingly adopting the position GoonSwarm held when he personally declared his enemies "Destroyed" so many years ago . Take that as your Daily Irony...
On February 21 2009 00:01 motbob wrote: More from our man in the field, Human_Being.
If Sir Molle is indeed planning to attempt harassment of GoonSwarm from NPC space at some later date, he is willingly adopting the position GoonSwarm held when he personally declared his enemies "Destroyed" so many years ago . Take that as your Daily Irony...
Wich would mean BoB had lost. i mean, if to match (not even win against) GS they have to use their own tactics then they prove that their superiority was nothing but delusion. In any case they've already lost a great deal of reputation.
And why dont they use one titan or two as a decoy to incinerate most of GS's alliance? According to your reports GS fleets react very fast when one of those shows up. They've got 20+ of them so why not sacrificing one or two of them? it would be better than waiting for their opponent to create a fortress just in front of their door.
And i would laught so hard if another officer of bob/kenzoku was to switch side...
Oh, this is late in the war. There's some other epic stuff like old Red Alliance tales and how GoonSwarm & BoB crusades started.
I didn't see this mentioned but if it was, my mistake (this is ties in with recent events). I found this to be funny as hell but on the Goons side the pilot "suas" aka KIATolon stole a titan the Goons were planning to sell, then he made a song about it and dissapeared. That guy is hilarious. To bad the gameplay is so damn boring, but so interesting at the same time.
So since it's hit CAOD I guess it's time to inform you that this morning Yelina hacked xttz's alt corp account and stole the Erebus we were going to sell to theadj.
It was being sold rather than kept because of the drama surrounding its creation. You see, the titan was meant to be Iromei's from what we were told, however Alexi, Yelina, and Iromei were responsible for the funding. They knew we'd not build a titan for Yelina, so they lied to us about who it was for to get it built. The idea was to sell the titan, pay back Alexi and any other non faggot owed money, and use the rest to beef up our warchest.
Instead suas has taken it for himself insisting that Goonfleet owes him 150B isk for items purchased for specops using moon income. Some of you I'm sure will find this hilarious. I myself find it pretty fucked up that someone who was your friend would fuck you over a videogame. I also think if a friend owed me money I might actually discuss it with them before stealing their car, but that's just me.
The account hacking was petitioned. In theory that will get the titan back, but I'm not a GM and can't speak for them. I'll let you know what goes down. Suffice it to say Suas went out like a true faggot, and you'll never see him again. Sorry to anyone he just fucked over.
Awesome, someone posted his song on youtube, enjoy:
I can't get over it, still makes me laugh like hell.
Edit: Also for people who might not understand the significance of stealing a Titan, the ship is worth roughly $10,000 USD converted into real life money.
The whole sandbox aspect is the amazing part of Eve, there's real war and political machines. That being said, CDR you can add this to your post. This is Haargoth's logs of IRC from BoB's director channel as the alliance was being disbanded. They call it chat porn, for good reasons. This also illustrates how amazing the metagame truly is in a true sand-box game (don't even need to play the game to be invovled in it.)
<@LadyScarlet> noooooo <@LadyScarlet> dice <@LadyScarlet> is not in the allince <@LadyScarlet> wtf <@arcantos> nor is finfl <@LadyScarlet> omg <@arcantos> 2009.02.05 01:31 <@arcantos> The war between FinFleet and Abbach Alliance is coming to an end. FinFleet has surrendered to Abbach Alliance. The war will be declared as being over after approximately 24 hours. <@arcantos> someone did a bubu .. <@tricky> um <@Luciender> Um... <@LadyScarlet> the allince <Argentina> that's going to be interesting <@LadyScarlet> dotn exisit anymore ? <@arcantos> no <@arcantos> bob is closed <Argentina> looks like bob closed <@tricky> FUCK <Argentina> hahahaha <@arcantos> Band of Brothers (Closed) from 2007.08.10 to 2009.02.05 <Argentina> someone didn't pay the bill <@tricky> sov4s are going to die <@LadyScarlet> call molle ! <@Luciender> ............. <Argentina> it doesn't matter who you call <Argentina> don't bother waking anyone up <@tricky> wtf <@Luciender> ............... <Argentina> it isn't just sov4, it should be all sov dropping <@Spathi> all sov will drop now <@Spathi> petition that. <@Spathi> like, now <@LadyScarlet> we need it delt with now <Argentina> directors, go <Argentina> or ceos <@tricky> Standings are going to be fucked up <Argentina> but if it's an unpaid bill, will they care? <@tricky> ping your corps <@tricky> or we will lose shit <@Luciender> Sort your standings out to every bob corp <@LadyScarlet> can i pay it from hat ? <@LadyScarlet> do we know ? <Argentina> lady, it needs to be recreated <Argentina> via petition (preferable) or in game (we lose sov and so on) <@Spathi> just get it petitioned. -stratics.frws.com:@#bobsecure- ChanServ invited Blocko into channel #bobsecure. * Blocko (Me@CPE0013f7fb0f08-CM0013f7fb0f04.cp...ble.rogers.com) has joined #bobsecure * ChanServ sets mode: +o Blocko <@Blocko> What needs to happen to sort this? <@LadyScarlet> im yelling at coranor now <Argentina> wake your brother up ;p <@LadyScarlet> or get dian ya <@Luciender> get dian on <@Luciender> wake him up <@LadyScarlet> blocko he had to pettion and pay the bill now <@Blocko> to do what? <@Blocko> on lousia? <@LadyScarlet> recreat bob allince <@LadyScarlet> its gone <@Spathi> dont recreate, just petition it.. either way we're screwed if the gms dont help <@Blocko> someones ringing him <@Blocko> lol <Argentina> the bob alliance is closed. we don't know why. we need a petition begging for it to be recreated so we don't lose all sov <@Coranor> petition it <@Malindah> has anyone petitioned it? <@Malindah> if nto I will <Argentina> who needs to petiton? ceos? one ceo? <@Blocko> hes up <@Spathi> just everyone do it lol <@Luciender> i woke him up. <@Coranor> i see no payable bill on record on one of my director alts <@Coranor> just someone fucking petition it it doesn't have to be me <Argentina> who does it have to be? any director <Argentina> ? <Argentina> any ceo? <Argentina> surely not just any member <@LadyScarlet> well i can pettion it but i though it had to be a ceo <@Coranor> mal go petition it please <@LadyScarlet> if mal isnt i will then <@Malindah> i am working on it <@LadyScarlet> but im not sure how all that allince shit works <@Luciender> Guys <@Luciender> set your standings to each corp please <@Malindah> but we have freighters that justgot bounced. <@LadyScarlet> ya <@Malindah> trying to get them safe. <@arcantos> luci it's not only standings <@LadyScarlet> fken hell its already on coad <@arcantos> now we need to share pwds for poses <@Blocko> Dian is up <@Coranor> it doesn't matter just fucking sort out standings so people don't get nailed by pos guns <@Spathi> Check the titans in h-a <@Spathi> Cos any online... <@tricky> rkk standings should be sorted <@Mako> still going to get bounced <@Coranor> now make sure titans are logged off <@cflux> get a message out that no titans logs in, they will all be bounced to fuck <@Dian> *yawns* <@Luciender> lol <@Luciender> HAI DIAN <@Coranor> all of you in all your corps go set standings and make sure titans stay logged off <@Dian> can somenoe just paste me what I need to put in this petition <@wizzard66> strange, all our standings seems correct for evol <@Dian> my brain isn't working <@wizzard66> hi dian <@Ciryath> !orders DONT LOG IN CAPITALS TO ANY BOB TOWER | Thursday h-ad, mixed fleet regroup 17:30 and 21:30. Those that logged of close to 3-l, we try to arrange bridge from 3-l before ops <@cflux> when was the last bill paid? <Argentina> [04Feb09 20:38|Argentina> the bob alliance is closed. we don't know why. we need a petition begging for it to be recreated so we don't lose all sov <Argentina> that's what we need, dian <@cflux> when was the last bill paid? <@Dian> it was paid <@Dian> I'd bet money it was paid <@Dian> fuck knows how I find out though <Argentina> could someone have closed it on purpose. who has the ability to do that? <@Dian> and, it wouldn't have reset <@Dian> until dt anyway <@Dian> afaik <@LadyScarlet> i sent corp mail n o titians or caps to log in w/o fc orders first <@LadyScarlet> everyone prob should do the same <@Blocko> I blame Thol! <@LadyScarlet> hey i was scared thol removed us lol <@Dian> Argentina, I think only the executor <@Coranor> qd put that on the irc channels or forums not corp mail <@Dian> of the holding corp <@cflux> Ok. Who has a fucking director in tin foil, actual director not these bullshit gave access shit, go to bills tab and check if the shit was paid or not. <@Dian> I do <@Dian> fuck sake <@Coranor> chill lads <@Blocko> cflux,,,, ssshshshshshhhhh <@LadyScarlet> i have a director in tin foil <@Coranor> we've done what we can about it so let the petitions go in and just chill <@cflux> I just need an answer was it paid or not, if it was paid, for sure, someone gurantees his mother that it was fucking paid, I call the batman hothline. <Argentina> change !orders. it reads like it was done on purpose <Argentina> no sense adding to the confusion <@Mako> who is arkannen <@cflux> and thats heavy duty batman hotmail. but i aint fucking ringing if it was our screwup <@LadyScarlet> a gm ? <@Coranor> dian said he was sure it was paid <@Dian> I am almost certain it was paid <@Dian> and cflux, there's no record of ANY alliance reg fee <@cflux> Mako: arkannen? arkanon? hes the internal security guy <@Dian> ever being paid <@Dian> in the wakket <@Dian> and the last one <@Dian> is listed as the 8th of jan <@Dian> so no, this should not be happening <@Dian> and the one before that <@Dian> is december <@Dian> exactly a month before <@Dian> so yeh, no fucking way <@Mako> who is arkannen <@Sivona> so it should go down on 8th feb? * Theo|dinner is now known as Theo <@LadyScarlet> <cflux> Mako: arkannen? arkanon? hes the internal security guy <@Dian> who is gonna sit online <@Dian> that I can direct a gm to? <@LadyScarlet> i can be online <@LadyScarlet> all night <@Spathi> I can too <@Malindah> i can be online as well <@LadyScarlet> till 11 or so <@DeadAgain> Same for Evol <@Mako> some with that name took al the wallet from hat <@DeadAgain> *all night <@wizzard66> wtf? <@Mako> and left reson <@LadyScarlet> huh <@Mako> the mittani says hi <@cflux> first one who gets contact of a GM, tell him we need our constellation sovs returned <@LadyScarlet> omg <@LadyScarlet> you have got to be shitting <@wizzard66> Arkannen - Haargoth Agamar <@Mako> not 20 min <@Luciender> remove <@Dian> rut roh <@Luciender> =/ <@LadyScarlet> but harrgoth is in here <@Dian> hahaha <@Dian> and what roles did he have? <@cflux> Mako: repeat again <Argentina> we just got played? hats off (not pun intended) <@Blocko> Secure is comprisimied - Mittani shags goats <@Dian> cflux <@Dian> hat.. wallet <@Mako> look at journal of hat wallet <@Dian> arkannen took 500m <@Dian> or so <@Dian> at 0130 <@Dian> "mittani says hi" <@cflux> get coranor online, control hat assests now <@cflux> lockdown the fucking corp, remove all roles from everyone <@cflux> BNC, lockdown your corps, hes your guys <@cflux> It looks like we are being fucked royally <@Blocko> - Mittani shags goats <@Dian> Luciender <@Dian> what roles did he have? <@Dian> Coranor, audit that char plz <@Dian> see what roles it had <@Luciender> i dont have access for that mate <@Luciender> just a fueler alt <@Ztrain> I'm off work in 8 munutes <@Coranor> that characters roles are now gone <@Ztrain> I'll be home have a director character in Hat <@Ztrain> or at least had. <@Luciender> Id say remove everyone's mate <@Dian> ok that char <@Dian> would not have had roles <@LadyScarlet> dotn remove miss dixies <@Dian> it has bnc.e director title <@LadyScarlet> its me ;P <@LadyScarlet> took me 2 months to get them back <@Malindah> I cannot remove roles <@Ztrain> lol <@Malindah> trying to get Okuden now <@Dian> roles gone on that char <@Spathi> haarg is nova, not eclipse. <@Spathi> he has 1 char in eclipse and it was pos gunner only <@LadyScarlet> do we ban him from here yes or no ? <@LadyScarlet> he sitting in this channel * You were kicked by Spathi (Bye ) * Attempting to rejoin channel #bobsecure * Unable to join channel (invite only)
On February 21 2009 00:35 Groslouser wrote: And why dont they use one titan or two as a decoy to incinerate most of GS's alliance? According to your reports GS fleets react very fast when one of those shows up. They've got 20+ of them so why not sacrificing one or two of them? it would be better than waiting for their opponent to create a fortress just in front of their door.
It really comes down to logistics, the main issues is the difference in intelligence gathered by both sides. Goons have vastly superior intelligence network. They literally have every major alliance saturated with spies so when people make moves, they'll likely know it. Can't setup a decoy when they already know its a decoy.
Since this topic was brough up, I feel compelled to post this just for laughs.
In any case, the metagame in EVE sounds quite compelling, since it has a lot of political intrigue. I remember reading about an assassination attempt as some guy infiltrated a corporation and then self-destructed his ship in an attempt to take out another one. While it did not work well, it still caused a lot of controversy and I think the developers of EVE are even considering banning such things from sanctioned matches. But in any case, such concepts have the potential of giving a game longlasting appeal, which is important for an MMO.
Having said that, however, I cannot help but feel that the gameplay in EVE is too niché-based in order for the game to play fully on that potential. That is why I think it will take a different kind of game to use such an element fully to advantage (who knows...perhaps even a StarCraft MMORTS ).
Amarxist; thanks for the chat logs, but that very log was in my post from the beginning . I'll probably update it with Human_Being's latest war correspondence instead.
Edit: OP updated. At some point, I'll go through and attack dates to all of the separate posts, and fix all of Human_Being's map links (he always linked to the current sov map, but I'll go through and change his links to point to the map at the time of his posting). Again, it would be great if anyone with a City of Heroes forum account asks him if he's okay with copy-pasting his work over here.
I wish WoW had such a sandbox effect, but I think its a lot harder then in a space setting. SCMMO would be the best mmo ever if they did something similar to Eve but yet allowed for a more compelling gameplay. Maybe by having game mechanics for piloting be more interactive with more control so pilots actually "fly" their crafts?
On February 21 2009 06:30 Slaughter)BiO wrote: I wish WoW had such a sandbox effect, but I think its a lot harder then in a space setting.
I don't think it would that hard actually. Instead of space, make it different "worlds". Stargates = Portals to different worlds/plane of existence/dimension.
SCMMO would be the best mmo ever if they did something similar to Eve but yet allowed for a more compelling gameplay. Maybe by having game mechanics for piloting be more interactive with more control so pilots actually "fly" their crafts?
I would have to disagree because I don't think Blizzard would ever make a niche game. The thing that sets eve apart is also what limit itself to a small subscription base. I doubt Blizzard would ever choose to handicap its profit; they'd much rather make a game that is easy and fun for everyone (don't take this the wrong way, I have no problem with WoW).
Blizzard can make the PVE component much more compelling but I doubt they would ever implement the amount of consequence which exists in EVE.
I think Human_Being pretty much has most of the facts right. Aside from the facts, a lot of this is speculation since no one really knows what all sides are thinking. Describing goons as Orks is probably fair, but the leadership appears to be frighteningly intelligent and competent. A few opinions I have:
I'm basically a grunt and am not involved in any kind of strategy or planning, but Kenzoku's problem at this point is pretty obvious. I can talk about it because it isn't exactly a state secret, they know it, we know it, and aaa knows it. For some bizarre reason BoB leadership decided about a week ago that it would be a swell idea to place a ton of battleships and almost their entire dreadnought fleet inside the PR- pirate station only a few convenient (for us) jumps from our main base of operations, rather than one of their own stations farther from the front lines. It wouldnt have been hard for them to travel a few extra jumps to the fight every day. They cant defend their towers, destroy our towers, or oppose our capital fleet without their fleet, now bottled up in that station.
When an opponent in any game whether its eve, chess, whatever, does something that seems to be an incredibly dumb blunder that they could correct quickly if you dont act, you dont hesitate or wonder what they are up to, you take full advantage of it and laugh at their mistake later if they didnt have some devious plan behind it.
Anyway, I guess our spies must have figured out what they were doing, so the entire coalition descended upon PR-. Our support fleet then began what has got to be one of the biggest camps this game has ever seen. Well over a dozen disruption bubbles anchored around the station with hundreds of pilots in every time zone around the world camped around it 23/7. It's a bit dull for both sides, with the support fleet camping the station and all entrance gates instead of fighting, and bob pilots sitting inside the station, but it frees up the goon and allied capital fleet to rampage throughout delve, destroying more towers faster than anyone has ever seen, taking risks they never would have considered if there was a possibility that the enemy capital fleet could show up.
Its hard to describe why this is such a bad spot for them, but basically if they tried to mass undock from the station, most of them would probably be shot to pieces simply because we are loaded on grid ready to go, and their pilots would erratically get out, having to deal with lag, etc. Once they are out, their extremely slow ships would have to travel a very long distance out of the bubbles to warp away, assuming they werent warp scrambled by dozens of ships.
I dont know what bob can do at this point, they simply must break their dreads out of PR- pretty soon or they will not have anything left in Delve to defend in a week or so. They either need AAA to be willing to take heavy losses to come rescue their dread fleet, or if that won't happen, they may have to start sacrificing titans. They would be laughed at for losing a few titans in the short run, but they cant win if their dreadnought fleet is bottled up while our dreads run free.
This seems to fit in with my other readings, especially considering the earlier mentions of a "rapecage", although I can't recall if said rapecage was in the PR- system or not.
Awesome read, went through the entire thing on a boring friday afternoon at work.
Almost makes me tempted to actually play eve again, but I still shudder at the experience I had with the tutorial my friend put me through. Playing through that is about as much fun as doing your taxes. Still, reading about all the politics and battles is really great fun! I talk to my crazy eve friend pretty often about it, even though I have no intention of playing just cause it's so interesting. There's an actual eve magizine out there, not a webzine, real ink and paper and it'd be a hell of a lot more interesting if it devoted some of its space towards recaps of these massive wars.