omg the nostalgia of fighting BoB 
I quit playing EVE about 4 years ago, I played for 2 years almost 15 hours a day...I had to quit to live IRL 
I'm happy me and my RL friends gave many BoBs a very hard time in small skirmishes, we couldn't gather many fighters from the carebear alliance which we were in (Phoenix Alliance at that time), but in small skirmishes we very good, I remember the smack talks after the battles 
And I miss the fleet battles with them when I could gather a large number of people, being carebear was very hard to coordinate all of them, but we held them for 5-6 months, after which most people didn't want to fight anymore.
I miss ransoming people, I miss the adrenaline rushes, I miss the politics.
EVE was and probably is the most dynamic MMO I've seen, you really could choose what you want to do in that game, and the community which had an average age of 25+ was awesome.
You didn't have to have a certain level to be able to fight, in fleet battles even small frigates were VERY useful, just as zealots are useful in late game Starcraft.
I also played WoW for 1 year, and I regret it, but I don't regret playing EVE (which I spent time 10 times more than WoW), that's the difference between the 2 games for me. I miss EVE.
Is there an interview where it's Mittani and Dianbolic? The one linked as that is just Mittani on Eve Radio from what I can tell.
On February 20 2009 08:03 Rho_ wrote: Is there an interview where it's Mittani and Dianbolic? The one linked as that is just Mittani on Eve Radio from what I can tell.
the interviews were separate, they weren't both on together afaik.
I guess I linked the wrong one. I know they were on together, because I listened to it a week ago (or so). I'll try to find the correct one, and then correct myself.
Anyone who is still playing EvE and knows about all of this going on, can you answer my question (from page 2)?
- Is BRUCE (Brutally Clever Empire) still around? - Have they taken part in these events?
A lot of people seemed to have played Lineage 2... that game was the shit. I loved it to death, but eventually quit after 2 years of no-lifeing it because it killed my social life. Hearing all this stuff about MMO's makes me miss it a little bit... but I did manage to squeeze $250 out of my account in the end.
On February 20 2009 08:28 VorcePA wrote: Anyone who is still playing EvE and knows about all of this going on, can you answer my question (from page 2)?
- Is BRUCE (Brutally Clever Empire) still around? - Have they taken part in these events?
Bruce was destroyed by PL+SOT. Memory's a little fuzzy, might just be PL.
lol i used to be in goonswarm
edit: the actual game is really boring btw
On February 20 2009 08:56 whatusername wrote: lol i used to be in goonswarm
edit: the actual game is really boring btw
Probably because you were in goonswarm
France2377 Posts
I love reading EvE stories, be it battles, spying or scamming reports. But the game is honestly boring to play. It's a beautiful, gigantic simulation, the alliance play is interesting, but, to quote the original post :
For a boring game to play, it really does make a fascinating spectator sport. Also, if you start to play late, too bad for you, there's pretty much nothing you can do to close the gap in skill points with people who've been playing for years : your skill points (similar to experience in other MMOs) increase only with real time passing, independently of your in-game actions. While it's an amazing mechanism to avoid losing time on the game (you just launch the training of a new skill and then you can log off and do something elese), and I really like it for that, it also means you can't catch up with older players, and there's nothing you can do about it. That really limits the roles you can have while you're still low in skill points, or your effectiveness, compared to people whose only edge is having played longer than you.
Oh, and did I mention it's boring :p Well, not all the game is boring of course. But the PvE is really boring to hell (even more repetitive than WoW lol), and if you're not in a big alliance, PvP is roaming for hours to finally have a 20s fight. The parts I liked most about the game are : - the economics simulation and the great freedom it gives. It's awesome. - fitting ships (that is, choosing the exact equipment you're going to use for your ship). It's really one of the more interesting if not the most interesting part of the game.
Okay, I think I finally found the interview where Dianabolic and The Mittani were on EVE radio at the same time. Sadly, the only place I found it is in the middle of a two-hour long show discussion various aspects of the BoB buisness. Link here. The joint interview itself starts at about 1:00:00 (one hour) in. If I happen to run across the excerpted version, I'll try to remember to link it. I'll go update the OP now. Edit: Everything should be all updated.
On February 20 2009 09:06 CDRdude wrote:Okay, I think I finally found the interview where Dianabolic and The Mittani were on EVE radio at the same time. Sadly, the only place I found it is in the middle of a two-hour long show discussion various aspects of the BoB buisness. Link here. The joint interview itself starts at about 1:00:00 (one hour) in. If I happen to run across the excerpted version, I'll try to remember to link it. I'll go update the OP now.
Thanks dude. And yeah, while reading all this stuff is fun, EVE does sound really boring to play. If all you do in combat is click on a dude and tell your ship to fire, I don't really see anything compelling besides all of the drama (which you can thoroughly enjoy without playing). Min/maxing is cool too, but that's a part of most games. Sure, the degree varies, but you don't have to spend years getting to that part in most other games.
From what it sounds like, combat isn't really meant to be quite as much fun at the 1v1 level. The epic stuff starts when there are entire fleets. I'm pretty sure that some of the attraction of playing is the idea of being a part of something epic. I played WoW for a while, and I always loved the idea of PvP raids and such. Individual PvP was entertaining there, but I absolutely love group PvP. Makes me wish I had a somethingawful account so I could try out eve with goonswarm, but it's a probably a good thing not to get involved in an MMO.
United States12607 Posts
I'm about 3/4 through the OP right now, but I wanted to comment before I finished because I already have a lot to say.
First off, screw all the guys that complained about its length. If you don't want to read it, then just go to another topic. No need to be angry just because the topic at hand can't be explained in 50 words or less.
Second, I was aware of EVE online before reading this article but had no idea how complex its politics are or how large its community is. I'm impressed.
Third, Ender's Game anyone? This whole saga - the power plays, the leadership struggles, obviously the epic battles in outer space - reminds me of this series in particular. Except, in EVE online power seems to be related more to how long you've been playing the game rather than merit (at least that's the impression I get based on Shreik's noob-ness...how did he get control of so many huge ships considering what a poor pilot he appears to be?).
I'm tempted to start playing this game, but I already know it would be a MASSIVE time sink that would kill my real life activity. I think it's safe to say that there are lots of EVE players who are living more in the world of EVE than the real world - and the integration of game mechanics which enable this ("reinforcing" to let people sleep or work for a few hours, no more) is pretty interesting to me.
Another thing that strikes me is how similar this game seems to actual warfare - the importance of morale, scouting, the chaos and opportunism. Seems that the Goons' strategy of propaganda over skill (massive armies over a few skilled pilots) is the "new wave" of warfare and BoB can't hack it anymore. The concept of the "fail cascade" is also fascinating - just as soldiers desert the battlefield when they start to lose, so do players desert their computers.
Wow. I read about half and will finish up some time when I'm feeling really bored.
It kinda makes me want to play despite the plethora of reasons not to. Pretty wild.
Wow, nice work. I played eve for a while and lived in low-sec...but I was in the NE part of the galaxy, so I rarely encountered Kenzoku or Goonswarm. I remember seen the names, though.
My friend axel played this game for ages with only 3 hours of sleep a day and was one of the 3 bigwigs of a huge alliance of raiders and backstabbers in the beginning of eve. He was telling me all about how he built the empire up only to have it come crashing down when at the zenith of his power.
He still has an account with billions of whatever the currency. Enough to buy a lot of motherships apparently.
On February 20 2009 10:25 JWD wrote:
Third, Ender's Game anyone? This whole saga - the power plays, the leadership struggles, obviously the epic battles in outer space - reminds me of this series in particular. Except, in EVE online power seems to be related more to how long you've been playing the game rather than merit (at least that's the impression I get based on Shreik's noob-ness...how did he get control of so many huge ships considering what a poor pilot he appears to be?).
Ender's game is pretty much the reason I picked this game up in the first place. In general people who have been around longer have a better grasp of discipline and game mechanics. This is obviously not true all the time but it's a general thing.
Shrike was Sir Molle's alt (which I thought was common knowledge.. apparently not? o.o). Sir Molle was the main FleetC and pretty much the leader of the entirety of the BoB alliance. He has two characters with MASSIVE amounts of skill points and he at least used to be one of the best FC's in the game. He was a very risk oriented commander that had no qualms about jumping into a heavily outnumbered gate camps and still coming out on top.
He does tend to be rather shall we say... risky with his ships. That did stop once he acquired his first Avatar (titan).. until he lost it. After that he pretty much lost his edge in just about ever way that counts.
wow i want to play this game now, anyone with me? teamliquid invades eve?
On February 20 2009 11:35 rei wrote: wow i want to play this game now, anyone with me? teamliquid invades eve? If we join up with the goon side I'm down. We can spam enough to fit in right?