Metagaming in EVE - Page 78
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Canada5776 Posts
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United States918 Posts
I can't wait to finish this story. It's SO epic! | ||
United States1190 Posts
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Canada5776 Posts
On February 14 2012 10:37 hoby2000 wrote: I've only gotten through half of this, and i hope no one gets in trouble for reviving this thread, because this has been such an interesting reads. People say that MMOs have no real life relations, but just reading this story makes me smile, and laugh at the idea that MMOs have no real life relations. I can't wait to finish this story. It's SO epic! No worries, my posting behaviour is too awesome to be banned for this. ![]() User was warned for this post + Show Spoiler + just kidding -- motbob | ||
United States1717 Posts
On October 13 2011 09:47 motbob wrote: I think this thread deserves a bump every once in a while. Dont worry, this thread is motbob approved ![]() | ||
Lalalaland34484 Posts
On February 14 2012 10:45 Flamingo777 wrote: I remember hearing of SA's presence in EVE, however I had no idea that they had such a huge impact. Very interesting ̶s̶k̶i̶m̶ read! They still do actually. They pretty much are one of the biggest alliances right now and hold what I believe to be the most resourceful space in eve. We also fight them quite often. | ||
Canada510 Posts
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810 Posts
I never played EVE but read the metagaming thread with interest, and I'm wondering if some of you players could give an inside look about this event, 'cause the article I read was vague about results and consequences. | ||
United States41983 Posts
On May 09 2012 07:18 Cynry wrote: Hey guys, I just read from a french news website that Goonswarms launched a massive attack against Jita. I never played EVE but read the metagaming thread with interest, and I'm wondering if some of you players could give an inside look about this event, 'cause the article I read was vague about results and consequences. No consequences on Jita itself. Goonswarm need to do big flashy and "shocking" events to keep their playerbase interested. The only thing it achieved was making them feel good about themselves. That said, making thousands of players feel like they're important and having fun and should keep logging in is a pretty huge victory, simply because of how the wars work in eve. It'll keep them united and interested in sov grinding for a bit. | ||
810 Posts
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United States7927 Posts
On May 09 2012 07:27 Cynry wrote: Thanks for the quick answer, definitely not as dramatic as it sounded. Nothing ever is... | ||
United States1825 Posts
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Germany3208 Posts
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United States1600 Posts
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Hyrule18977 Posts
Pretty crazy. Also, Burn Jita was funny. Anyone with an insta could get out of the station and into a safe system pretty easily. The cloaky haulers weren't affected at all, and since they'd announced it over a month beforehand most people simply stocked up on what they needed long before the event happened. I remember jumping in on the second day and seeing a bunch of afk industrial ships sitting near the gate...not being killed. So overall it didn't really affect the economy too much. | ||
United States1761 Posts
Null Sec: Map + Show Spoiler + ![]() If you read the OP, (which is a few years old at this point) you have some understanding of who goonswarm is (aka CFC or Cluster Fuck Coalition) They are dominating the eve null sec landscape at this point. In many ways they have become what BOB once was although they have a much different internal culture, many on the forums have accused them of being victims of Hubris and that they will collapse because of it. However, they show no signs of faltering as of now. After CFC invaded raiden in the far north (where Razor alliance now sits) they set up OTEC. Much like the real world OPEC they setup an agreement between all the alliances/coalitions that controlled moons with the Technetium resource. It is a vital component in the production of Tech 2 modules. The goal was to control flow of this resource and insure stability in the region with a non-invasion pact. The price of this resource quickly increased. However, after a few months, Northern Coalition aka NC. broke the pact and attacked a Tech moon of another OTEC member. So the CFC reacted as expected and invaded NC's space. The war dragged on for several months, and although greatly outnumbered NC was able to fight well against the superior numbers of the CFC. Unfortunately, the CFC had the ability to fight well in every time zone, and from what I've heard they had a huge advantage in Australian time zones. Which left NC's aussies in a horrible position of attempting to stem the bleeding and repair towers that were constantly under pressure. NC had no major allies in this war, they did get some help from intrepid crossing (aka IRC) but just like the NC. left their then ally Raiden to collapse, the rest of eve left NC. to collapse. NC. was also enemies of the major power to their east flank SOLAR. As of now the NC. has been completely pushed out of the north. The few systems that bare their name are being taken without resistance. If you look at #2 on the map this is the area that was once NC. Solar and their pets are grabbing what they can of the space as the CFC rightfully claims the lions share, and most of the tech (rightfully so). I'm not actually sure whose side Brick squad is loyal to, but it is either Solar or the CFC (if they are not loyal to either of these, I expect to see them pushed off the map soon) In the east there was a large "Russian civil war". With Red alliance, XXdeathxx, solar and intrepid crossing (all with large Russian membership) there is not much I can say about this (because I just don’t know the facts) other than XXdeathXX was defeated and Solar/IRC were victorious. Red alliance (aka RA) stood with XXdeathXX, having picked the losing side they found themselves in a very bad position after the collapse of XXdeathXX. They made an agreement with Against all authorities (aka triple a or just -A-) that they would move to delve leaving the area they had called home for many years (centered around #3 on the map). However after arriving in delve the locals were not to keen on the idea and war broke out. AAA did not come to RA's aid but they were able to hold about 1/3 of delve on their own. Meanwhile in the south..... Test Alliance Please Ignore (reddit’s eve alliance) have taken off as their own independent coalition. They were nurtured and grew under the wings of the CFC but now allied with Pandemic legion (a major alliance of non sov holding PvP players) they have been on a path of conquest across the south. The experienced FC's (fleet commanders) and tactics of Pandemic Legion combined with the "no fucks given" masses of Test alliance player has proven to be a potent combination. The Delve region (where BOB once lived if you read the OP) had devolved into a thunder dome of smaller alliances trying to hold their own piece of the eve pie. HBC saw the opportunity and invaded Delve. From what I've heard a smaller alliance or corp within the HBC went down there poking around and was easily able to take some space. The rest of the HBC moved south with the goal of "good fights" but with the locals denying any good battles they simply decided to take all of the space, which they did. Again, AAA did not come to Red alliances aid. Nulli secunda was also among the groups forced out of delve by HBC (I believe Nulli and RA were fighting prior to HBC's arrival in delve, not sure though) The groups of Delve teamed up, including AAA, RA, Nulli, and some others, but they made the mistake of putting AAA in the lead of this new coalition. AAA simply sat on their hands, as usual not supporting their friends. Nulli and RA tried to hold off the HBC invasion, but quickly realized they were completely outmatched. All of delve fell pretty easily to the HBC. The HBC was in some financial trouble after taking all this space. They didn't have a balanced income for paying the sov bills on so much space. So they began recruiting smaller alliances to join the HBC and hold space. Many Alliance who were formally hung out to dry, by previous allies were happy to get a fresh start. Tribal band, raiden, and several others are now pets of the HBC. But from what I've heard the HBC and CFC treat their pets and allies very well and are generally loyal/honorable in this regard. Which is where most other larger alliances of eve outside of the CFC and HBC seem to fail. They don't backup their allies, and in general don't treat them fairly. So the HBC continued to push across the south, invading the large space held by AAA. "Unclaimed", and "the initiative" (the red and darker green area south and west of the #3 on the map) are pets of HBC, and are actually taking sov over the space that is being taken from AAA. Stainless, stain empire, Curatores Veritiatia Alliance (CVA), and several other smaller groups such as The jagged alliance, have all aligned themselves with the HBC (many of them leaving their agreements with former hosts AAA). I'm not sure where Red overlord stands (purple area near #1 on the map, HBC I think?) Some other smaller groups such as "Zombie Ninja space bears", Squee, Thorn alliance, are also taking small bits of space, I'm presuming they are also aligned with HBC or pets of other groups who are aligned to HBC. It makes sense for them as they are getting space or increasing in the space they control and HBC doesn’t have even more SOV bills to pay and I'm pretty sure they are getting some kickbacks from these groups. Also, the Kadeshi are not aligned with Solar or HBC (they are the pink alliance below the area labeled #1) They will probably be removed from their space, or be the new foothold for the new N3 coalition they are a part of. In the east of AAA's space (the remaining AAA space is being taken without a fight at this point) Some of the homeless groups are taking small chunks of space such as Red alliance and Nulli Secunda, I doubt they will be able to hold it very long with the HBC advancing in the west and Solar's pets pushing in from the east. (Everyone seems to be trying to grab what they can of AAA's space) Perhaps they are hoping to create the new border between the major powers Solar and HBC as far into what was AAA's space as possible. We are now at a point where the map is split between 3 major powers (and their friends/pets) HBC, CFC, Solar. While some might argue that HBC and CFC are all one in the same, it's not really true. While they do have a non-invasion pact (which I expect to hold up at least for some time) and they will come to each others aid if needed, they are indeed acting independently of each other , and their strategic goals are separate at this point. The boarders between these powers is a mess of small pet groups, and with the wars and sov changes still being concluded in the north where NC once was, and the south where AAA has fallen it is unclear precisely where the new boarders will sit between these massive coalitions. For the time being there is plenty of conflict and smaller scale battles taking place. Many people are upset with the current state of null sec. 3 powers controlling everything. Some talk on the forums of these large coalitions becoming bored and collapsing from within. Others predict they will fight each other at some point. Although at this point HBC and CFC would be a pretty even fight in terms of numbers and firepower, the CFC certainly has a much larger war chest because they control the vast majority of eve's tech at this point. (HBC has very few tech moons by comparison) Also it simply doesn't make sense for them to fight at this point. They have both been honorable towards each other with regards to non invasion pact, and have come to each other's assistance when needed. Although I've heard some talk of HBC members disliking Fatal Ascension (a major member of the CFC, they are orange on the map) and I've heard they've even fought each other a few times in fleet battles just for lols, I just can't see them actually invading and attempting to take space. It would be a very painful war for both sides. As long as there are others on the map, I don't think we will see CFC vs HBC anytime soon. Solar is at peace with CFC (not sure where they stand with HBC) but they find themselves in an awkward situation. They are the only group left standing outside of CFC/HBC. Fortunately for Solar, no one really wants their space bad enough to face them. (no tech moons) Null sec is at stale mate. With only small conflicts to establish the new boarders. The 3 super powers have no real reason to invade each other or the desire. While some spend their time whining for CCP (the game developers) to make changes like making it more difficult to move large fleets or to make it more difficult to hold huge amounts of space, or to spread the resources further, it is for the most part falling on deaf ears. Other groups have wisely begun to look internally and make changes. Asking the tough questions like, what has led to the rise of the CFC, and HBC? How are they different from us? Why have all the older alliances failed? How has eve changed? How can we return to power? The answer is complicated; there have been changes to the game which influenced this new era. Such as nerfing supers and titans, which meant that having superior numbers became a more solidified advantage, groups that had large Super capital fleets were not able to crush vast sub capital fleets. The CFC has been around long enough now, that I'm sure they could field an impressive Super fleet of their own anyway. (if they desired) The major difference in my eyes is the undeniable truth, that many of the old alliances treated people badly. They didn't come whole heartedly to the aid of their allies and pets, and they didn't support their own growth. They were elitist, and they didn't recruit new players. Having pretty stiff requirements for players who wanted to join their ranks. Some groups have realized this mistake and are wisely attempting to reverse their folly, Northern coalition and Nulli secunda have both opened up new recruiting/ training corps for new players. They have also formed a new group N3, I predict some of the other groups who have lost their space in the last year will join them as well. They realize they must form larger coalitions with strong bonds to compete in this new era. While others like AAA refuse to change and adapt, and although they claim they are content to sit back and pvp from NPC space (space that players cannot claim) I predict they will never regain their past glory if they don't change. Over time their corps will leave and join the alliances who do adapt and grow. Here is a recording from Northern coalition leadership when they announced they had lost the sov war in the north, it's very somber, honest, and clear about these things. It also gives more detail on some things that aren't in this post. Here is another article discussing the new group they have formed N3³/ Also, I intended to write a bit more about all the new changes being released in the next month, and some of the most recent changes in the last year. But I will have to save that for another post. There have been changes to almost every ship below the Battle Cruiser class. (Frigates, Destroyers, and cruisers) changes to skill training, faction warfare, war declarations, aggression mechanics, and much more. I will hopefully find the time to post about these in the near future, but it is a lot to talk about. There is quite a bit discussed in the eve corporation thread , and you can also find lots of discussion about the changes on the sites previously linked ( and the tournament stream is here | ||
United States7 Posts
BrickSquad is largely irrelevant at this point and is a mortal enemy of Goons (CFC). Red.Overlord has no affiliation with the HBC. Legion of XxDeathxX is part of the CFC or at least blue to it and lives in NPC space in the north. TJA was kicked from the HBC a couple of weeks ago. They're currently reforming into another entity for reentry. Solar had been fighting a smaller coalition led by Gypsy Band earlier this year after the Russian Civil War ended. - N3 definitely looks like a strong contender for a 4th power in nullsec. Hopefully it pans out for them and they can take a bit of space. Solar is pretty much asleep at the wheel at this point, so maybe N3 can poke them a bit? | ||
United States10225 Posts
On October 13 2011 09:47 motbob wrote: I think this thread deserves a bump every once in a while. Like really that says it all. I wonder if there are other write ups out there of some of the other big wars that have happened over the years. | ||
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