Metagaming in EVE - Page 76
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United States3714 Posts
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1193 Posts
On October 24 2011 06:16 motbob wrote: I dunno. There are times even now when I feel like I don't know what the fuck is going on. And than you google it and you know! I guess its kind of like the concept of FF14 where it was only hard because you had no idea wtf you were supposed to do/go for quests, but once people found out and put the information on the net, you just had to know what to search for and read it to learn. Though I guess willingness to self learn isn't something most players want to do >-_->. | ||
Lalalaland34484 Posts
On October 24 2011 06:35 DyEnasTy wrote: So if I were too do the 14 day trial, I could start in The Hatchery territory? 21 day, and yes. It's not our territory though. We aren't a sov-holding alliance because we don't want to be at the moment. Kwark describes it quite well - we're an infestation of insects. Other people hold the sov, we buzz in from nowhere and start attacking them, stealing their pve sites and whatever. Once we're bored and done, we go back to our own little corner outside nullsec. | ||
United States3714 Posts
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1193 Posts
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United States3714 Posts
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Canada3368 Posts
The skills continue regardless, you just have to load more in the queue. | ||
United States3714 Posts
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Canada1981 Posts
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Lalalaland34484 Posts
Exploration is another way of making money. You can start this a lot earlier and with some guidance from our explorators you should be fine. The money you can make from this is very hit and miss - sometimes you will make upwards of a billion for an hours work yet sometimes you can go for days without making anything. If you start this within your first week your ship will be a little weaker and it may take a while before you can start doing the potentially billion isk plexes but people have still plexed off beginner exploration. | ||
Canada1981 Posts
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Lalalaland34484 Posts
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Canada1981 Posts
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Germany254 Posts
One month support skill training is doable, 2 month is okay and after 3 month you have a good set of drake support skills. | ||
Hyrule18977 Posts
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United States3714 Posts
On October 24 2011 14:18 Firebolt145 wrote: 1-2 hours to plex is a slight exaggeration and also depends on what you're doing. Most people in Hatchery mission for isk and make about 100-150+m an hour, even if other people on other forums claim that it's impossible to make 60+m an hour. Poor fools. However missioning at this level may take a month and a half or so to train for. Conveniently enough, when signing up with us you'll get 51 free days of playtime. Exploration is another way of making money. You can start this a lot earlier and with some guidance from our explorators you should be fine. The money you can make from this is very hit and miss - sometimes you will make upwards of a billion for an hours work yet sometimes you can go for days without making anything. If you start this within your first week your ship will be a little weaker and it may take a while before you can start doing the potentially billion isk plexes but people have still plexed off beginner exploration. You mean on top of the 21 day trial? Or am I way off track? ![]() | ||
Lalalaland34484 Posts
On October 24 2011 23:30 Nub4ever wrote: Yeah that doesn't suprise me... trying to decide,what to fly D: I used to fly mainly amarr/caldari. Soo would a raven with literally no support skills be able to do lvl 4s? I'm thinking about rushing one just so I can mission etc, and then train amarr for PvP :D If you want to join hatchery and pve on the same account that you pvp on, you'll want a drake. Amarr won't be able to help you with this, and a raven is shit at the style of missioning that we do. Other guy (sorry on my phone) - what do you mean? When you first start with us you will get a 51 day account for free and 51 days are far longer than necessary to make the isk for your next month. | ||
Germany3208 Posts
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United States1761 Posts
As it stands now The Goons have become extremely powerful. They Live in the north now, and control almost all of the tech moons in the game (those are the big money moons!) A few weeks ago goon spies found out that their neighbor to the east (white noise) was having a serious internal dispute. The goons believed they were about to be attacked by White noise, because sometimes war is used to create solidarity. Several months ago, White noise hosted an invasion of Goon space, that goons were able to defend well, this has not been forgotten. However, after finding out about these internal disputes in white noise, and their plans to attack goon space, via their spies, goons setup a massive preemptive first strike. The results of which was the most one sided beatings and conquering of space since the fall of BOB. White noise simply collapsed under the pressure, and their leadership essentially went AFK. Ironically, over time, some of the former BOB people were residing in and around the area and are once again being crushed by Goons. A few Alliances still hold space in the north but they now find themselves between the Goons and Russians (and friends). While some of the Russians are dealing with their own internal struggles (a civil war broke out in the east recently within Russian space) However, the Russians are still mostly unified and extremely powerful. After destroying the core of White Noise in mere days, Goons quickly continued there campaign into Raiden space and have made considerable gains. It seems there is no one left in the north who can shut down Goon aggression. While in the south the area that was BOB (which the op is about) has become a Ghetto of constant war. Known to eve players as "the thunder dome" Before the war in the north broke out, this area was basically the Goons play ground, where they would go to fight with the locals for fun. If the north does completely get taken by Goons, the south will be the last area in Eve that isn't ruled by russians or goons and none of the Sov holding alliances there seem able to stop a full scale invasion by the main power blocks. Also, before the war broke out ijn the north, Against All Authorities (in the south) was being smashed by a combined effort of some in the north (who the goons are currently killing) and some russian involvement. Luckily for AAA, the war in the north caused much of the aggression to subside for the time being. However, AAA did loose a good portion of their space and won't be able to reclaim it (their eastern border is with the russians) and AAA were in full retreat. AAA did decide not to defend their territory when they were invaded and mitigated the damage as well as one could expect, it is unclear how much actual power they retain. Also, in the new eve release/update "crucible" there were substantial changes to ships, and super capitals are slightly less god like, but still must be feared. So very few have been willing to commit to substantial engagements using super's. What's truly ironic is that goons have now essentially become what BOB was when they destroyed it. + Show Spoiler + Below is a map to help you visualize what has been described above. ![]() Area "A" is the space that white noise lost to Goons and friends, the dotted line indicates the former boarder. Area "B' is Raiden who were non aggressive towards white noise, but didn't try to save them. They may not be able to stop Goons from taking this space and have lost some space already. Area "D" is a segment of Raiden and the last holdings of white noise (white territory) The white line around "B" and "D" indicate the only area in the north not aligned with goons or russians. This may all be goon space soon.... it remains to be seen if they can muster enough to stop the Goon advance. The yellow line indicates Territory controlled by goons and their allies/pets. The red area is russian space, the letter "C" indicates the area of civil war conflicts between Shadow of xDeathx and Solar fleet. The area in the south surrounded by white is the last "independent" space that is not aligned with russians or goons. The "E" indicates the former core of BOB (which the OP is about) and the southern tip of Goon allied space. For anyone unfamiliar with eve, the black space in the middle of all of this is Empire space (non-claimable) If I have made any serious errors please feel free to correct me. I'm sure there are plenty who keep better tabs on the large political happenings than me, so some of the information may be outdated, misrepresented or flat out wrong. A lot of this is hear-say. It is entirely possible that I have been misinformed about things. | ||
United States1717 Posts
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