Canada9103 Posts
There are some interesting / amusing new posts in the CoH topic. Here's one that basically tells the whole story:
Smoske was a fairly well known eve player back in the day, he ran some sites here and there (as I understand it, he was similar to Chribba, who runs Eve-search.com and Eve-Files.com, as well as being the only person in the entire game who has everyone's trust. People use him as an escrow service for doing things like selling titans and motherships).
But back in 2006, he was riding a Vespa on the Autobahn and got hit by a truck. I've heard differing stories, I've heard that he was on drugs at the time, or his girlfriend dumped him and it was suicide, but I can't really tell you if any of it's true. Basically, everyone in the eve community was devastated, except goons, who pretty much treated it like anything else. Some jokes were made in passing here and there and we ended up offending pretty much all of the english speaking eve community (This played in pretty strongly with us cozying up with the French and Russians, no one else would come nears us around that time).
As I understand, we weren't doing anything too horrible, just a light joke in reference to it. Once we started to get a rise out of people, however, some goons saw the serious grief potential and really started pushing it. Our most notorious troll, Firstname Lastname (who is the one who acquired the nude pics of Remedial after he stole the titan fund) got his hands on a Smoske corpse, things got really bad there and then. Him and Remedial threw it in a canister, Remedial shot it with a tractor beam and Firstname Lastname proceeded to ram the canister with a ship he renamed "Beep Beep I'm a truck." So much as mentioning Smoske was a bannable offense for a while. One of our members had a sig referencing his death on our forums for a bit, which led to some unknown alliance taking offense and camping us into S-U for about 2 weeks, calling us an immoral plague that must be purged. The end result of which ended with us killing said alliance and taking their space a couple weeks ago. Outside of FNLN's antics, who always takes things too far, the entire thing was basically a sideshow.
On April 26 2009 15:07 GoodWill wrote:To Motbob and other EVE players: Show nested quote +On April 18 2009 16:04 minus_human wrote:
Azriel Dregg, only active for a few months, has 933 kills (with no Titan losses) and 142 billion isk worth of destroyed ships to 2 billion in losses.
Shrike by comparison has 197 billion isk in destroyed ships with 165 billion in losses over several years.
An actual ace pilot is PL's Gneeznow, non-Titan pilot with 3,236 kills, 12:1 loss ratio (down from 13:1 when I first saw him), 382 billion isk destroyed, and ranked 77th out of the hundreds of thousands of pilots in Eve. Show nested quote +On April 18 2009 18:20 minus_human wrote: You've no idea. I can't find the relevant killmails, but over a month ago Gneeznow was exiting an Outpost in low-security Empire space and found four Cruisers and a Battlecruiser camping the Outpost. Gneeznow was in a Punisher frigate. He asked them what their intentions were and they told him he had to pay a toll to pass.
The other three fled after he had destroyed one of the Cruisers and the Battlecruiser. This is like a chipmunk running off a pack of mastiffs.
Seeking revenge, the two defeated pilots returned with a Battlecruiser and Battleship respectively. Unfortunately, Gneeznow had decided he needed more Gun for the day and had switched out to a Battlecruiser of his own. A fellow Alliance member later commented that if he didn't leave them alone he was going to bankrupt the poor pirate corporation. I'm looking for a new game to play so I want to learn more about EVE. How exactly do player skills factor in combats? Is this like a FPS where you beat your opponents by having greater accuracy, faster reaction and better movement or is this like DOTA where your strategic positioning and reading of the map determines 90% of the outcome? From what I have seen in videos, this game feels like the latter because the player themselves don't really do much in battles, they zoom in and out like they are bored. But that wouldn't explain how this Gneeznow person can solo enemies worth maybe twice his hp and firepower or more. I'm good at FPS and I like games where skills matter more than items, generally speaking most MMOs are not skill-friendly, but all this politics stuff looks really fresh and fun so I may be giving it a shot. And also just a side comment: it feels like minus_human is heavily biased towards goons. Every report he makes goes something like "Goons scored another A+ today, they did this, that and that which is simply brilliant. And the best part is: they don't even care! It's as if each hour they put in are worth less than each hour the other alliance players played. So yeah, they are humble, skilled and humorous. Of course, once again BOB scored F here, E- there and just failing in general. To their credit though, they did get a C+ there, but that was overshadowed by their F- some hours later. The future looks bright for the goons, and molle is a dumbass. Oh, just one last thing, CCP favors BOB, and I will keep talking about it every chance I get." Minus_human mentioned a "Great Northern War" that lasted over a year, will BOB be able to stay in delve for protracted periods this time as well?
Lol what the fuck
I'm sorry to bump this but I just stumbled upon this post and I freaked out haha I never actually played EVE, I don't even know what it looks like, and I certainly didn't post in any related thread
Is this a name coincidence or something? I really don't see how someone could come up with my name
oh apparently it's not a bump
I got a 5 day reactivation for free, going to see what's the buzz is about but i'm sitting on rupie with no fitting or money :D
Apparently, Atlas and AAA reset Aggression, who will probably failure cascade over the next couple weeks. From what I've read so far on CAOD forums, they want to give the space over to Tri. Overall, I am very confused. Seems like AAA/Atlas are doing their own thing, not really giving a damn that IRC is getting pounded.
On July 05 2009 06:08 Kuja900 wrote: How is IRC's war going?
Funny you should ask that.
As a refresher: Items are produced in EVE with a Blueprint, materials (Sometimes raw, or themselves produced), and a production slot. The production slot is provided by a Station or POS. Materials are bought, mined or made. Blueprints come in two forms. There are originals (BPOs) that you can research to improve the speed and cost of production, and there are copies (BPCs) that are identical to the original they were copied from, except they can only be used a finite number of times. An Original can be used again and again and again and can put the Energizer Bunny to shame. Copies are often sold to the amateur producer and cost much less than the original, for obvious reasons.
BPOs have incredible amounts of ISK stored in their digital pages. There's a business venture underway to sell Titan BPCs, and the set of all racial titan BPOs will cost investors 280 billion ISK. Most BPOs don't have that value, but many do have considerable worth: When borrowing money from a player or investors, BPOs are often used as collateral.
How does this relate to IRC? They fucked up. Big time. Dropped the ball. Screwed the pooch. If that Killboard is Greek to you, don't worry, it's mostly Greek to me too. Scroll down a bit and you'll see something rather obvious, that's a shit load of cargo.
This Covops ship, pilotted by IRC's CEO's alt, was carrying hundreds of billions of ISK, and got fucked up the tailpipe in a Goon bubble. The cargo list is so long I had to use a spreadsheet to count it: 327 different BPOs, with many multiples.
Our good friend Seoul_Power reminded us that the ISK in that ships cargo bay is equatable to Goon's moon income for a month. IRC is less wealthy than Goons, so this is a huge hit. Talk about the affect to morale as well.
Referenced: CoH topic pages 175, 176.
God damn that is a lot of isk.
This new A-team drama is pretty interesting though, can't wait to see how the Goons involve themselves in these affairs.
HOLY SHIT EPIC FAIL, im a bit of a EVE newb i play but i dont know anything lol. I love the war stories though, so did the Goons get all the dropped items?
On July 05 2009 18:12 Kuja900 wrote: HOLY SHIT EPIC FAIL, im a bit of a EVE newb i play but i dont know anything lol. I love the war stories though, so did the Goons get all the dropped items?
When a ship blows up, some of its cargo and fittings are lost forever, but a I think about half remains. The Goons got:
+ Show Spoiler +250mm Light 'Scout' Artillery I 1 High Slot 250mm Light Carbine Howitzer I 1 High Slot Covert Ops Cloaking Device II 1 High Slot Heat Dissipation Amplifier II 1 Medium Slot Kinetic Deflection Amplifier II 1 Medium Slot Magnetic Scattering Amplifier II 1 Medium Slot Local Hull Conversion Nanofiber Structure I 1 Low Slot Overdrive Injector System II 1 Low Slot EMP S 20 Loaded 100MN Afterburner I Blueprint 1 Cargo 100MN MicroWarpdrive I Blueprint 1 Cargo 10MN Afterburner I Blueprint 1 Cargo 10MN MicroWarpdrive I Blueprint 1 Cargo 150mm Railgun I Blueprint 2 Cargo 1MN Afterburner I Blueprint 13 Cargo 425mm Railgun I Blueprint 1 Cargo Abaddon Blueprint 6 Cargo Acolyte I Blueprint 2 Cargo Ancillary Current Router I Blueprint 1 Cargo Anti-Thermal Screen Reinforcer I Blueprint 1 Cargo Antimatter Charge L Blueprint 6 Cargo Archon Blueprint 1 Cargo Armor Explosive Hardener I Blueprint 1 Cargo Armor Kinetic Hardener I Blueprint 1 Cargo Armor Thermic Hardener I Blueprint 1 Cargo Assault Missile Launcher I Blueprint 1 Cargo Aurora Ominae Blueprint 1 Cargo Auxiliary Thrusters I Blueprint 3 Cargo Ballistic Control System I Blueprint 7 Cargo Berserker I Blueprint 2 Cargo Berserker SW-900 Blueprint 2 Cargo Berserker TP-900 Blueprint 2 Cargo Blackbird Blueprint 1 Cargo Bouncer I Blueprint 1 Cargo Brutix Blueprint 2 Cargo Cap Booster 800 Blueprint 5 Cargo Cap Recharger I Blueprint 2 Cargo Capacitor Control Circuit I Blueprint 2 Cargo Capacitor Power Relay I Blueprint 1 Cargo Capital Armor Plates Blueprint 1 Cargo Capital Capacitor Battery Blueprint 1 Cargo Capital Cargo Bay Blueprint 1 Cargo Capital Clone Vat Bay Blueprint 1 Cargo Capital Computer System Blueprint 1 Cargo Capital Corporate Hangar Bay Blueprint 1 Cargo Capital Drone Bay Blueprint 1 Cargo Capital Jump Bridge Array Blueprint 2 Cargo Capital Power Generator Blueprint 1 Cargo Capital Propulsion Engine Blueprint 1 Cargo Capital Sensor Cluster Blueprint 1 Cargo Capital Shield Booster I Blueprint 1 Cargo Capital Shield Emitter Blueprint 1 Cargo Capital Ship Maintenance Bay Blueprint 1 Cargo Capital Turret Hardpoint Blueprint 1 Cargo Catalyst Blueprint 5 Cargo Citadel Torpedo Launcher I Blueprint 1 Cargo Civilian Mining Drone Blueprint 1 Cargo Core Defence Charge Economizer I Blueprint 1 Cargo Core Defence Field Extender I Blueprint 1 Cargo Cormorant Blueprint 13 Cargo Cruise Missile Launcher I Blueprint 1 Cargo Dragonfly Blueprint 1 Cargo Drake Blueprint 8 Cargo Drone Control Range Augmentor I Blueprint 1 Cargo Drone Repair Augmentor I Blueprint 1 Cargo Drone Scope Chip I Blueprint 1 Cargo Dual 250mm Railgun I Blueprint 1 Cargo Dual Heavy Pulse Laser I Blueprint 1 Cargo ECCM - LADAR I Blueprint 3 Cargo ECM - Ion Field Projector I Blueprint 1 Cargo Einherji Blueprint 1 Cargo Electron Blaster Cannon I Blueprint 1 Cargo Focused Medium Pulse Laser I Blueprint 1 Cargo Gamma L Blueprint 1 Cargo Gravimetric Backup Array I Blueprint 5 Cargo Gravimetric Backup Array II Blueprint 1 Cargo Gyrostabilizer I Blueprint 3 Cargo Hammerhead I Blueprint 2 Cargo Hammerhead SD-600 Blueprint 1 Cargo Harbinger Blueprint 13 Cargo Heat Sink I Blueprint 1 Cargo Heavy Energy Neutralizer I Blueprint 1 Cargo Heavy Ion Blaster I Blueprint 1 Cargo Heavy Neutron Blaster I Blueprint 7 Cargo Heavy Nosferatu I Blueprint 1 Cargo Hyperion Blueprint 3 Cargo Ice Harvester I Blueprint 7 Cargo Ice Harvester Upgrade I Blueprint 3 Cargo Incursus Blueprint 6 Cargo Infiltrator I Blueprint 3 Cargo Infrared L Blueprint 1 Cargo Iridium Charge L Blueprint 1 Cargo Iron Charge L Blueprint 3 Cargo Iteron Mark V Blueprint 5 Cargo Jump Portal Generator I Blueprint 1 Cargo Kestrel Blueprint 4 Cargo Large Armor Repairer I Blueprint 1 Cargo Large Capacitor Battery I Blueprint 1 Cargo Large Energy Transfer Array I Blueprint 1 Cargo Large Remote Armor Repair System I Blueprint 1 Cargo Low Friction Nozzle Joints I Blueprint 1 Cargo Maelstrom Blueprint 1 Cargo Maulus Blueprint 12 Cargo Medium Armor Maintenance Bot I Blueprint 1 Cargo Medium Energy Transfer Array I Blueprint 1 Cargo Medium Nosferatu I Blueprint 1 Cargo Medium Remote Armor Repair System I Blueprint 1 Cargo Mega Beam Laser I Blueprint 3 Cargo Mega Pulse Laser I Blueprint 2 Cargo Megathron Blueprint 1 Cargo Merlin Blueprint 1 Cargo Microwave M Blueprint 1 Cargo Mining Drone I Blueprint 4 Cargo Mining Laser Upgrade I Blueprint 2 Cargo Multifrequency L Blueprint 1 Cargo Myrmidon Blueprint 14 Cargo Naglfar Blueprint 1 Cargo Neutron Blaster Cannon I Blueprint 4 Cargo Nidhoggur Blueprint 1 Cargo Oblivion Blueprint 1 Cargo Ogre I Blueprint 5 Cargo Osprey Blueprint 1 Cargo Overdrive Injector System I Blueprint 6 Cargo Passive Targeter I Blueprint 5 Cargo Photon Scattering Field I Blueprint 2 Cargo Plutonium Charge L Blueprint 1 Cargo Polycarbon Engine Housing I Blueprint 1 Cargo Praetor I Blueprint 4 Cargo Prophecy Blueprint 1 Cargo Punisher Blueprint 2 Cargo Quad 3500mm Siege Artillery I Blueprint 1 Cargo Radio M Blueprint 2 Cargo Raven Blueprint 6 Cargo Reactive Plating I Blueprint 1 Cargo Remote ECM Burst I Blueprint 1 Cargo Remote Sensor Dampener I Blueprint 1 Cargo Rokh Blueprint 1 Cargo Rupture Blueprint 1 Cargo Salvage Tackle I Blueprint 1 Cargo Salvager I Blueprint 1 Cargo Scorpion Blueprint 1 Cargo Semiconductor Memory Cell I Blueprint 1 Cargo Sensor Booster I Blueprint 2 Cargo Siege Module I Blueprint 1 Cargo Signal Amplifier I Blueprint 4 Cargo Small Armor Repairer I Blueprint 2 Cargo Small Capacitor Booster I Blueprint 1 Cargo Small Energy Neutralizer I Blueprint 1 Cargo Small Energy Transfer Array I Blueprint 1 Cargo Small Hull Repairer I Blueprint 1 Cargo Small Remote Armor Repair System I Blueprint 1 Cargo Stabber Blueprint 1 Cargo Station Warehouse Blueprint 2 Cargo Strip Miner I Blueprint 8 Cargo Survey Scanner I Blueprint 1 Cargo Tachyon Beam Laser I Blueprint 2 Cargo Tempest Blueprint 2 Cargo Templar Blueprint 1 Cargo Thorax Blueprint 2 Cargo Thorium Charge L Blueprint 1 Cargo Titanium Diborite Armor Plate Blueprint 4 Cargo Tracking Computer I Blueprint 1 Cargo Tracking Enhancer I Blueprint 1 Cargo Trimark Armor Pump I Blueprint 1 Cargo Tungsten Charge L Blueprint 2 Cargo Typhoon Blueprint 1 Cargo Ultraviolet L Blueprint 1 Cargo Uranium Charge L Blueprint 5 Cargo Valkyrie I Blueprint 2 Cargo Valkyrie TP-600 Blueprint 1 Cargo Vigil Blueprint 2 Cargo Warhead Calefaction Catalyst I Blueprint 1 Cargo Warhead Rigor Catalyst I Blueprint 1 Cargo Warp Core Stabilizer I Blueprint 1 Cargo Warp Disruptor I Blueprint 3 Cargo Warrior I Blueprint 11 Cargo Warrior TP-300 Blueprint 1 Cargo Wasp EC-900 Blueprint 1 Cargo Wasp I Blueprint 1 Cargo
Don't blame me for the formatting ~
United States12546 Posts
It wasn't "hundreds of billions of isk"... more like 100 billion isk. There weren't many t2 BPOs in there, and even capital BPOs are only worth about a bil each.
EDIT: Actually looking back over it it's probably closer to 200 bil
Canada9103 Posts
There are some good posts on the CoH topic that I don't feel like c&p-ing over here. 
Here's a post from SHC where Aggression is salty about being screwed over by Atlas:
+ Show Spoiler +Yes, atlas and its screwovers. We attempted trying to take over wicked creek, it went wrong and shit has hit the fan when TCF came down to help their ex-pets.
We then went back to curse to regroup etc and for quite some time it looked like we had no other option than staying in curse for a bit but then snake came to the idea to take immensea. Atlas helped us with claiming 1 station system. We claimed the rest.
While still claiming the last station system atlas told us to help them in detorid, to claim space for them. Financially it wasn't possible normally but we agreed and accepted to help them so we can pay back the favour of them helping us in immensea. However, he offered us a high end moon for helping him. We were happy and went to detorid every night to help atlas.
At the end when not even done in detorid, he told us to go to insmother and to help atlas kick our RA etc, we asked him about the highend but he never responded to that question I believe. So we went to help atlas in insmother, a lot of ppl got stuck there and it was a pain to get everything in place again.
Insmother was not even done really but he sent us to help IRC/ED to attack the drone regions, this went wrong and it got leaked so the whole drone region alliances reset IRC and ED, bobby atlas told us to pull back and to go to immensea for a bit. Note: We already moved most of our capitals and regular fleets to an IRC system.
Since the alliance was paying for fuel for the capitals it was nearly impossible to jump them around that often because aggro hasn't got a high end moon, we never got the high end bobby promised to give us. Never!
Then again, he told us to help IRC/ED because they're being attacked by the drone regions alliances. We were not happy about him sending us around, back/forward whatever but we said OK, Let's help them. A lot of people made their way down to Uemon in low sec but nothing ever happened.
We heard about tri coming down, talked to bobby, bobby reset us. SCREWED :p
40% of the alliance in Uemon in low sec, the other 60% sitting in immensea starting to move stuff out. We lost some carriers here and there when moving stuff out but that happens when a whole coalition around you is resetting you. What we are doing now? Some assets are locked down in stations/POS' etc, we're trying to move stuff out but with bubbles at the station and a lot of ppl already in high sec we can't do much. We can't do anything really. We're being perma camped by -a-, atlas, providence alliances, ex kenzoku corps and even some nc's here and there.
You can pretty much say: We got screwed by bobby atlas. Yes.
To me the whole story sounds like bobby used us. He used us to get space for atlas. But that's not new to us, bobby did that a lot of times before and we know learned a lesson.
Meanwhile, IRC is losing a second sov 4 const to xDeath. The first was in Malpais and was arguably hard to defend, but this one is in Etherium Reach and is surrounded by IRC space. IRC is now being aided by the A-Team while xDeath has the Goons and PL on their side.
Also notice that despite RA pretty much giving up their space in Insmother, ED still hasn't taken back all 4 of its outposts in its former sov 4 const, "The Loop". They had reclaimed 3/4 of the outposts at one point, but today 3H5 actually flipped back to RA sov.
It sounds like IRC/ED are trying to evacuate Etherium Reach now, while Goons and PL are running amok throughout their space.
Woooow Aggression got rolled over.
On July 07 2009 11:27 Kuja900 wrote: Woooow Aggression got rolled over. Rather they imploded. F-OFF (their executor corps) booted all the other corporations from the alliance. -A- and Atlas have pissed off ALOT of people.
Still waiting for the PL Goon reset...
From what i reading on the CoH forums it sounds like it was more Atlas who betrayed them not AAA.
People in Atlas and their allies will say that Agression wasn't doing anything and was just whining about getting high ends and what not. Obviously they are right because if Agression was tougher maybe they wouldn't have just rolled over and evac'd out
On July 07 2009 12:23 Try wrote: Still waiting for the PL Goon reset... I thought the goons were giving PL space in querious. Why would a reset be coming?
On July 08 2009 14:09 number1gog wrote:I thought the goons were giving PL space in querious. Why would a reset be coming?
I don't think PL would ever take Querious. From my understanding, Fountain, PL's home is far more profitable than Querious.
Perhaps you recall incorrectly?
I don't think they'd be taking it. I seem to remember a bit from the State of the Goonion about PL moving into a system or two. They're invited.
But like you said, perhaps I recall incorrectly. Maybe it was UL? Oh boy now I have to go back and listen to it again.....