On June 22 2009 22:33 Gretchen wrote: So who did pay who? I heard a lot of rumors, but i thought it was ROL throwing money at everyone, not BoB.
As is heard it, the ROL-Director, allegedly a russian aluminium magnate, used - 50k Dollar to buy Titans and stuff illegally and after being discovered another 50k to buy ISK via Game Time Cards the legal way (sounds farfetched) - paid 10k for Evil Thugs new teeth and other expenses, so AAA would ally ROL (seems accurate) There's a reason ROL can field 9 titans with only 500 or so members. Basically one guy started the alliance by promising 234872394 capitals.
Big Cap Fleet fight between Tri+Atlas+a bit of ROL against Mostly Harmless and Wildly Innappropriate in MJYW-3 in Cloud Ring. So far MH+WI have lost 16 dreads compared to 2 lost by Tri+Atlas. Why does Atlas kick so much ass? They've won almost every battle they've fought over the past couple months, but hardly have a reputation as an elite pvp alliance. I guess the insane activity of their members, like Tri, pays off.
Edit: Also, with Atlas still busy with RA, wtf is their cap fleet doing up there fighting NC?
this is such an awesome spectator game :D
On June 24 2009 04:26 Bill307 wrote:Here's a TS recording of a guy who got kicked from BoB (Reikoku corp) and Goons invited him to talk shit about his former alliance. http://www.mediafire.com/?bc21wwmiw1zOne quote: 12:26 Goon: I know on this side, when we see LadyScarlet we automatically go after her. What does your side think about her? Agmar: She has the single most annoying voice of any human being that I've ever met.
"If you could describe Lady Scarlet in one word, what would it be?"
Canada9103 Posts
Mittani on the inevitable war coming up:
+ Show Spoiler +Unless something is swiftly resolved, we may see another Great War breaking out in the next few days. Word has reached us that Atlas intends to take its growing powerbloc north, past Insmother, to invade and attempt to destroy XIX. While the rest of the combatants in the Great War were beating the shit out of each other on a daily basis, Atlas bided their time and, while they did fight XIX in Tenerifis, was mostly shielded from the costs and exhaustion of the conflict. Once RKZ was shattered, many of the former Molle-pets simply moved to Atlas's side, either joining their ever-growing alliance or Aggresion, which is an EXE-spinoff based around FoFF, the 'pvp half' of EXE.
RA, beset by internal issues, has retreated to Curse and may relocate to XIX space to recover. With RA out of the picture for now we must defend XIX against whatever Atlas/Aggression/etc throws at them.
The primary worry here is a destabilization to the nascent post-Great War balance of power. The coalition was on the verge of disbanding and mutually resetting, and then this extinction-level threat to XIX/RA manifested. Neither the NC, PL or GS is willing to abandon XIX or allow the drone regions to fall into hostile hands. In the allied command channel, Shadoo is screaming and ranting about the impending threat. Imperian is plotting about how to take out the enemy capital groups. Phreeze seems positively giddy. Meanwhile, Vuk is busy showing us pictures of his naked ass. In short, everything is back to the way it was three weeks ago.
This weekend Atlas will be moving and staging into upper Detorid to prepare for its push. Aggression will be moving to the middle of ED territory in Etherium Reach - meaning that IRC/ED, who are still formally blue to XIX, intend to harbor the attacking force against XIX, and thus won't be blue long. This means that a massive, LV-esque coalition of faggotry is in the making - Atlas, Aggression, ED, IRC forming the core, plus hangers-on in the form of COW/Scorched Earth/Minor Threat, and occasional military support from -A-.
GFFL and the rest of the coalition will be likewise getting ready. Get to WNM. Join the GFFL jabber channel. Begin stockpiling ships, get the XIX jump bridge network bookmarked. Let's do this.
The CoH thread won't die! I was worried that I'd not hear from HB and SP for a while ~
The tilde is contagious.
These guys can't help themselves and I love it.
pl is murderous.
Canada9103 Posts
I love these propaganda posters from Razor--the rest of the updates are kind of boring to me, but these are awesome.
Love ALL the updates. Keep em coming! I've been caught up by this story since the OP!
(And thanks to all the contributors. You guys rock!)
Canada9103 Posts
RA is being wiped off the map:
And X.I.X has finally reset IRC/ED.
Seoul_Power explains:
So yeah, it's looking like the South is going to be the spot for the next big war, complete with muddled politics, there's the usual complicated Russian politics, further mixed with the complicated Drone Politics. Atlas is going into Detorid to stage attacks against insmother, while Aggression is going to base out of IRC/ED territory to attack Legion of xXDeathXx space. The NC might get involved, but neither Legion of xXDeathXx and Solar Fleet are blue to them, the XDeath guys have tried getting standings for the sake of convenience, but things are getting muddled or something. Meanwhile, Insmother is pretty much completely on fire and I don't think there's going to be much that we can do at this stage to stop it. In good news however, Drone politics got a little less complicated with the XDeath guys finally resetting IRC/ED. If I can get the necessary information together, I'll try to do a write up to explain just WHY drone politics are such a pain, most goons have given up trying to comprehend it and just say "Alright, just tell me who to shoot and we'll leave it at that." Also, a fun quote from Krutoj, the XDeath diplomat: Show nested quote +Krutoj > i just notified irc that we are reseting them Krutoj > irc didnt take the reset notification very well Krutoj > tried to argue with me i said this isnt a negotiation its a notification, see ya and left channel
Kenzoku is splitting up; over the past couple days DICE, BNC, and Reik left Kenny. Reik intends to participate in factional warfare, and the other two have not yet stated their plans. It will only be a matter of time before Finfleet separates from Kenny. Interesting to finally see BoB dead; with all the corps leaving, there will be no quick comeback anywhere, especially with members more interested in low-sec fac warfare rather than 0.0 pvp. However, I don't believe these guys will stay in fac warfare very long since it is quite boring. I can see DICE joining Atlas, and the others possibly hooking up with other formerly friendly alliances in the southwest.
I'm looking forward to the next war, which might be the most massive yet. IRC+ED+Atlas+-A-+Aggression+SE+ROL+Stainwagon+smaller alliances is easily 15k+ members, while NC+Goons+xxdeathxx+PL will be even larger. I'm also interested to see what Solar Fleet will do in the conflict, them being blue with both IRC/ED and xxdeathxx.
A lot of KenZoku members spotted near Aridia lowsec systems & Genesis.Also met a few in Derelik border systems with Providence.
No one from them wanted to talk about their future
Apparently Mactep (leader of Solar) is not getting along with xxdeathxx right now, so will likely enter the war, if at all, on the "A-team" (or whatever the hell they are called now) side. http://forums.somethingawful.com/showthread.php?threadid=3133232&userid=0&perpage=40&pagenumber=73
Also, despite Goonswarm having over 5000 members, they have a hard time fielding a fleet over over 120 because of how laid back they are. Unlike PL and many other hardcore, "elite" PvP alliances that operate on a "come or get kicked" basis, in Goonswarm participation is all voluntary, so people are very, very lazy. This is especially true for the Goons that believe they have achieved what they came for, and are exhausted from POS warfare.
Goons without hand of PL & NC are not able to do anything unless they will use or share their Spy network over the RA side.(their last CTA = 40 ppl)
Anyway Goons wanted to help evacuating RA assets and got doomsdayed after entering 0.0 from the side of Rens 
Basically we got intel goons were coming to help RA to evac some asset from a station which is under heavy siege. So with this juice intel (cow/minor threat) thought to head off the goonies coming through a pipe to save these so called assets of RA.
After failed estimations of their current destination we finally found the little bees burning to KZF which is a newly conquered station which Minor holds (grats!). So Goonies jumped in and took the hic bait (of course!) by the end there was 2 large pen 15's on the field and goon pods.. api still fetching.