On May 30 2009 05:23 Try wrote: Who is Ultimate RatiO, and why did they suddenly gain so much sovereignty? And how did United Legion get absolutely DESTROYED within a week? No they have been under pressure for more than a week. They just collapsed in a bit over a week.
Canada9103 Posts
Lots of stuff has been happening recently.
First, The_Mittani's updates:
5/28 Update:
We pretty much just rode bikes all day, partially to have a break and partially because RAWR and PL were moving house to reside in I1Y rather than NPC Delve. This involved an awful lot of logistics and cap movement, so no real sieging. <3 our allies.
We set off a multiple doomsday or something ******ed on a 80-man battlecruiser/assault frigate gang associated with the eve-online.de german forums, sort of like a ****heap roaming gang but with krauts.
After downtime we visited gorgeous A-5, the soon to be former home of Skunkworks. Mister Vee and Imperian led a gang to chase away their reppers, then blew up a small and a large tower.
Today Molle called for his big push. This was originally for 18:00, but was moved up to 15:00 in hopes of hotdropping our capital fleet at the 5V R64, which came out at 15:30. As is now apparent to Molle, we had planned to blueball this from the get-go, which is why you haven't heard any screaming jabber broadcasts (yet). So they've formed up all their caps for nothing.
In an amusing bout of Spy vs Spy, Nync was repeating everything DBRB said on -A- TS and responding angrily to DBRB's unflattering commentary about -A-. We ramped up the trolling, collected a ****load of timestamps, and uncovered... an incredibly obvious spy who should have been kicked ages ago anyway. Christ, just look at his posting history.
Bon3s of DS1: :bye*****: Yeah, the guy who took the **** on Stampert. His alt is L3xor, make sure they never get back in.
5/29 Overview:
We have reacted to our change of fortune in I1Y with wisdom and prudence rather than haste. By focusing on burning down the assets which Molle placed at risk during his two-week spam offensive, we rack up a series of easy and fun tower killmails. This keeps our capfleets engaged, but gives our subcap pilots a chance to relax a little before opening up another station meatgrinder.
There is no single focus to this phase of the offensive. We want to remove every RKZ nonstation Sov3 and take their last nonstation R64 (5V) in order to prevent the formation of a functioning bridge network and to keep their economy in the gutter. To this end, RKZ targets such as 4-2, 1-SMEB and 5V will see a lot of action.
Meanwhile, we want to get rid of the pet bastions in Querious which have remained untouched by the Delve War. Skunk-Works, the latest iteration of RISE, is now seeing much of its 'home constellation' in Querious get nuked. They are the largest of the remaining Querious pets, but there is an ugly accretion of Blade, CIC and Frontal Impact detritus clogging up our buffer region. So far, RKZ has not deigned to help save any of thier 'allies' towers - not like we think they'd be able to stop us.
Allies have moved more firmly into Querious. Pandemic Legion and Morsus Mihi are basing out of I1Y rather than NPC Delve, making the war much easier from a logistics perspective and I1Y much harder for RKZ to threaten.
The war for Querious going to be a long process, but as Zapawork has stated we have no further territorial aims as an alliance beyond Delve, Querious and TPAR. There is a lot of excitement among the 'alliance warfare' addicts to reform the Foreign Legion and commence making war on our allies behalf in the far-flung reaches of space using jumpclones and fleets stashed in multiple NPC stations, ready at a moment's notice. Meanwhile, there's also a lot of excitement among the '**** pos war' group to finish off RKZ, secure Querious and ride bikes/grief pubbies forevermore. If we can hold a steady pace and avoid burnout, this front could be wrapped up inside of two months.
*Purge Querious of Pet/RKZ Towers in Nonstation Systems *Seize the last RKZ R64 outside of 49-, 5V- *Avoid fleet burnout while maintaining steady siege pressure *Ruin eve for anyone on RKZ's side
5/29 Update:
Yesterday was extremely active. The previous update covered 5/28 to around 16:00 eve, to the point where Bon3s was outed as a spy and given the old :commissar: treatment. For some two hours, RKZ flirted with the ZAU R64, taking ~12 battleship losses to Xttz and the other posgunners before reinforcing it. The process took them two hours. We short-timed the tower and triage-repped it in a matter of minutes, later in the evening.
Judging by the RKZ mewlings on ****heap, Molle's 'big offensive' announcement - which we had published for you all to enjoy - was not actually anything of the sort. Furthermore, RKZ has 'accomplished their objectives' in taking 2 hours and 12 battleships to reinforce ZAU, but it was us who failed because we... I don't even know. I'm beginning to have trouble following their fevered rationalizations.
While RKZ held their ****s and lost battleships in ZAU, we blew up a pet tower in 9SBB. RKZ stood down, calling off their 'new offensive' early in eurotime; we went to A-5 and proceeded to rip Skunk-Work's **** up. We destroyed an anchored faction tower and an unstronted tower, as well as blowing up a tower which had come out reinforced. Added to the previous kills in 9SBB and the downtime tower kills, this was shaping up to be a great day as far as siegework goes.
In Period Basis, KIA doomsdayed the Romulans as part of a running series of fights in 0-NTIS. We apparently sent a support fleet to help and killed a bunch.
Meanwhile, we sieged V-3, another RISE (er, Skunkworks) pet system. This was untimed and they had max stront, so we have a whole host of pet towers to kill in US TZ on Saturday night.
And then, we sieged A-B, getting a bunch of Saturday morning/downtime timers. We'd love to see those die, if only as vengeance against Tormentum for breaking our sov in A-B and forcing our logisticians to reroute the webway to an adjacent system. RKZ bridged onto our caps; we lost a DS1 carrier, killed the scrubs, and those who lived sat in a tower watching helpless while wesieged the rest of the system.
Phreeze took over and whacked a Brick Squad gang, including a Tengu, in 9CG. Shamis warped his Naglfar to a gate in I1Y (lawl) and it had to be rescued. Then we blew up another tower in W6V. All in all, a busy, busy day. Great work!
Two founding corps left Skunk-Works this morning, Jugis Modo Utopia and FREE GATES. Heh.
In Period Basis, Legiunea ROmana ("Romulans", "ROMAN", etc.) now have sov in two systems: XZ- and O-N. Here's a post from SHC (Scrapheap Challenge) from a KIA member regarding them:
I'm going to assume 'questionably erotic people in Titans' is Period Basis. Can't think why though Last night was a good night for ‘good fights’ in Period Basis. Some background. Legiunea ROmana a PVP alliance based in NPC Stain has been pushing into the North East corner of PB (a few others have joined them Domination and Systematic-Chaos). While KIA were away spit roasting pigs, riding bikes and fighting in Querious they have conquorered XZ- (taking out the Goon jumpbridge network to TPAR), and have now started to push into 0-N. After a welp moment on Wednesday night and some failed tower spam by us the decision was taken to focus some attention on the situation in Period Basis. A CTA was put out for last night with the situation currently 1 KIA tower in reinforced (due out around 00:00 eve time) and one hostile Legiunea ROmana tower, as yet untouched. We formed up in the 1-N area. A BS heavy gang of around 60 and proceeded to 0-N. Once in system large bubbles were erected on all gates and Dreads were cyno’d in to go to work on the hostile tower (which was armed with neuts, a lot of jammers and some large pulse I believe). Our scouts reported a BS heavy gang of around 70-80 Legiunea ROmana jumping into XZ- and warping to the 0-N gate, our support and BS warped to a spot 150km off the XZ- gate and waited. Hostiles jumped in and started attacking the large bubbles. At this point two KIA Titan class Leviathan’s appeared roughly 150km from the gate on the opposite side to our fleet and double Doomsdayed killing around 40 hostile BS and support. Friendly support cleaned up what was left with the remaining hostiles heading back to Stain to reship and regroup. After a brief pause in the action it was reported hostiles were on their way back to 0-N. This time however the fight was to take place to their advantage, on the armed hostile POS. Now they had the numerical and tactical advantage it was decided to pull our Dreads off the hostile POS. Of course 1 dread (and there is always one), thought he would solo the POS and went into another siege cycle. We had little choice but to warp everything on top of him and started killing tacklers and enemy battleships, all the while being jammed and shot by their POS. Eventually we managed to kill enough of the ships tackling to get the Dread out to safety, however we had taken losses in order to do so. Now it was our turn to reship. Pods were bridged back, new ships were got and we proceeded back to 1 jump from 0-N. At this point some of our allies had also joined to assist with repping the friendly POS coming out which was coming out of reinforced soon. The 30 or so friendly’s holding in XZ jumped into 0-N to find all the hostiles waiting on the gate, bubbles up. Simultaneously all friendly’s inside 0-N warped to the gate and the third large fight of the evening was underway. Probably because of the constant reshipping the hostiles seemed to be for the majority in sniper setup BS’s however due to the fact we were at short range, and now had support from maybe 4-5 carriers the fight was won fairly conclusively. Having cleaned the field the carriers begun to rep the friendly tower just out of reinforced. This was luckily at just over 50% and stronted when DBRB and friends had to jump out in an emergency op to save the ‘hot dropped’ Dreads in Querious. Shortly after that Legiunea ROmana came back with around 30 BS and re-reinforced the POS, which is due to come out Saturday afternoon eve time. http://killboard.kia-clan.info/?a=kill_related&kll_id=54543 Thanks to Legiunea ROmana and friends for some good lag free fights.
Canada9103 Posts
Report of a KenZoku triple doomsday, from their side:
So we had a tower comming out of reinforced in 4-2 and decided to run up there manual jump ....
A few jumps out hostiles bridged in around 100 ppl, so we stopped in the system next door on the jumpin.
Hostiles bridged in around 30 more ppl so they now had 130'ish people and 80'ish battleships.
They did abit of repositioning on the gate and I tried to get dictor warpins for a while, but then all of a sudden they all warped to a planet. We hurriedly jumped in support and think they saw this as all of us jumping, since they ordered ALL ships on the gate at 0.
They bubbled themselfs and started shooting our support getting all agressed.
I was sitting 180km off the gate in my covert, and was like "hmm nice", so decloaked and lit up my cyno and fire hawk, zeveron and believe it or not Dianabolic jumped in and DD'ed.
Hostiles had a HID ready but he couldnt tank 3x DD's apparently. Even though he made it all the way up to the titans he popped when he arrived due to lag etc.
Triple DD got pretty much all hostiles, so around 130 ships and 80 bs's.
There should probably be more emphasis on the Kenny allied corps leaving their alliance to get out of the war. Everyone can argue over the importance of specific systems, supercapitals and R64 moons but no matter what assets a side has it's impossible to win without people. Corps leaving an alliance is always a bad sign and the cause is almost always infighting regarding what the alliance should be doing.
Canada9103 Posts
In the Drone regions, according to SHC, Solar Fleet is apparently faking a civil war with one of its own corporations...?
Some posts on the issue:
It looks like Solar maybe out of this conflict in the short or long term. http://killboard.solar-fleet.ru/index.php?op=alliance&name=SOLAR FLEET I translated the comments that I could concerning the cap deaths and it appears they are having a civil war over Dyspro moons. The one comment states that it is open season on Dragons and that they (3V Corp) took one of their moons. I have no idea where else to post this or get info but it would clearly affect this campaign if Solar were suddenly unable to help.
Can anyone shed some light on this? There are Dragons on the killmails for other Dragons' cap ships which doesn't make much sense to me unless Dragons are also splitting internally.
if the mails are not fake and the comments are true it seems solar are fighting between themselves over a plex or something. That's what some of the comments say.
I won't entirely believe Solar Fleet is in fighting right away. They've been known to pull this type of stuff before.
Looks fake to me. There's 2 pages of bullshit on russian caod, half say plexes, half say dyspro. But it looks like sisi to me.
Show nested quote +One of our corporations decided they should have some Dyspro of their own. Silly puppets. It's SDG vs pretty much the rest, but we still have executorship, so they will pay for this treachery!
MACTEP has ordered a full regroup, so we are pulling all our spies from the rest of Eve to defend what is righteously ours.
DEATH to non-believers!!
As a sidenote, the rebels managed to grab 6 of our Titans; while we still have 27 left, it's going to be something to deal with. From CAOD, from a SOLAR (it's the best we can get, I bet). The Titans part, don't dizz at it for it is, after all, the Drone Regions. So it is highly possible they have that much, lol.
Canada9103 Posts
On May 30 2009 05:23 Try wrote: Who is Ultimate RatiO, and why did they suddenly gain so much sovereignty? And how did United Legion get absolutely DESTROYED within a week? Ultima Ratio has been fighting with RA against IRC/ED. I think they're an RA pet. The systems they took sov in appear to be former UNL systems in Detroid, making me suspect UNL is finished. Their member / corp numbers haven't plummeted just yet, but they are slowly decreasing:
Meanwhnile, Aggro and Atlas are meeting very little resistance in their conquest of Immensea.
On May 30 2009 05:48 Aurra wrote: There should probably be more emphasis on the Kenny allied corps leaving their alliance to get out of the war. Everyone can argue over the importance of specific systems, supercapitals and R64 moons but no matter what assets a side has it's impossible to win without people. Corps leaving an alliance is always a bad sign and the cause is almost always infighting regarding what the alliance should be doing. The Mittani did note this with regards to Skunk-Works in his 5/29 update, btw.
Canada9103 Posts
http://evemaps.dotlan.net/system/RK-Q51/kills (Etherium Reach)
There's been a LOT of fighting in this system over the last few days, involving IRC/ED vs RA + allies (mostly Ultima Ratio and Scorched Earth). It's an IRC station system belonging to a sov 4 constellation. RA has already broken ED's sov 4 capital, and now it looks like they're working on one of IRC's two capitals. Since this const has only 3 outposts, if RA can take sov in this system, they can break IRC's sov 4.
http://evemaps.dotlan.net/system/9-4RP2/kills (Cloud Ring)
Lots of fighting between Mostly Harmless + allies and Triumvirate + allies.
Hey, just DL'd eve, gonna give this a shot. Won't lie, I probably will quit after trial expires or earlier. Not sure what i wanna get into.. crafting/trading maybe? can't get excited about pvp in spaceship games. my last spaceship mmo was earth and beyond where i played a jenquai explorer ^_^
I hang on phiwha's vent a lot, nick's shinbi. Anyone got a 21 day trial? <3
also what a shitty 2000th post. dedicated to spaceship games ftl.
On May 30 2009 11:45 JeeJee wrote: Hey, just DL'd eve, gonna give this a shot. Won't lie, I probably will quit after trial expires or earlier. Not sure what i wanna get into.. crafting/trading maybe? can't get excited about pvp in spaceship games. my last spaceship mmo was earth and beyond where i played a jenquai explorer ^_^
I hang on phiwha's vent a lot, nick's shinbi. Anyone got a 21 day trial? <3
also what a shitty 2000th post. dedicated to spaceship games ftl.
I believe if you sign up through steam, it's a 21 day trial.
yes, but if you sign up through a buddy invite you will give the tl player who sent you that invite a free month of game time, thus helping him out without it costing you anything
Hey! LR finally got a mention. However I don't know how you get Romulans out of Legiuna R0mana. Primary also had a few guys who got DDD. I was at the start of the third fight, but when Kia / GS hotdropped 15 carriers, I left. Roms still have Sov 1 in XZ
Canada9103 Posts
From SHC:
GoonSwarm dropped a new station in U-HYZN just before downtime, two weeks until the I1Y constellation hits Sov 4. Outpost name:
U HYave 2 weeks tick tock molle
Baltimore, USA22250 Posts
On May 31 2009 03:15 Bill307 wrote: Outpost name:
U HYave 2 weeks tick tock molle
Holy shit that's awesome
Canada9103 Posts
5/30 Update:
Yesterday was a combination of bikeriding + 0wning. The bikeriding came from DBRB's slosh op which was - judging by how hungover everyone is today - a brilliant success. The 0wning came from yet more Skunk-works towers stolen, more tower killmails, and Xttz. For welp and variety, we also had a fleet 3xDD'd into oblivion. Good times. Eurotime yesterday, Molle got everyone together to hit our R64 at A-E in NPC Delve. We swiftly discovered that this critical pillar of alliance income had no crystals in its large guns, rendering it vulnerable and useless and my god. Sending our fleet to try to salvage the situation, we ended up losing everyone to a massive doomsday, care of RKZ. Molle got everyone back to shooting the R64, only to have his blob of battleships and logistics ships obliterated by Pandemic Legion's fleet of 30... stealth bombers. Doing a bombing run. Whoosh. No doubt paralyzed by the shame of such a loss (22ish BS, 4 logi or so), RKZ hid and ****ed off. They did not even succeed in reinforcing the R64, and by this point we'd slammed crystals into the guns such that it could actually defend itself. Total strategic gains for RKZ on 5/29: zilch. But hey, k/d ratio. We proceeded to run around sieging the crap out of Skunk-Works and HUN Reloaded with Phreeze before the slosh op kicked off. Imperian managed to steal yet another unanchoring SW tower; why these quislings insist on taking their towers down when our fleet is next door is beyond me, but then so is their sycophancy. Around 8:00, we killed an EXE tower in MKD, then got outblobbed as RKZ and Tormentum formed up to save thier towers in A-B. They valiantly locked down A-B and denied us enterance. We tried to hotdrop them but ****ed up, so opted to blueball. Hostiles did actually reinforce some of our **** in A-B, which we short-timed to save tonight. Meanwhile, Xttz was cementing his status as Eve God by dropping a new outpost in U-H. That hostile fleet could have ostensibly messed with the outpost, but they didn't even notice it. Heh. The strategic implications of this outpost are significant and mostly gone over in his thread about the victory, but the tl;dr is that if we hold that **** for 2 weeks, the constellation hits Sov4 and Molle will have a nightmare of a time taking it from us. In eurotime today, RKZ went to help the Romulans blow up a KIA tower in 0-NTIS at 17:00 which hadn't been timed. We didn't have numbers to match theirs, so we went to A-5 and blew up another Skunkworks tower. We're chewing on yet another as I type this. Tonight in US TZ is pretty big. We have a bunch of hostile towers which weren't timed coming out in our prime. Easy killmails! Meanwhile, wave to the TCF fleet if you pass them. As we all know, TCF will never return to help us from Deklein, so Josh's battlegroup must be a ham-induced illusion. Oh, and I have no idea what to write my column on this week, someone give me ideas plx  (
Canada9103 Posts
Massive capfight went down in Detroid recently. Here's the account of an Atlas pilot:
Battle report from AtlasAAAAggro perspective: 3 XIX towers came out of reinforced tonight in HZF with about 10min interval each. They were timed short (6 hour stront timers) by UaxDeath today during our after-DT sieging OPS. Seeing this as a pretty obvious move as to there were gonna be a lot of XIX's friends showing up tonight to defend, we asked AAA and aggro if they wanted to come over. AAA had no issues sending their Tenerifis cap fleet on standby for a little bit seeing if action was gonna be had, and Aggro came over with some HAC support. HAVOC (AAA trial corp) Also showed up with about 20 dudes in support ships. At OPS start Atlas fleet was numbering about 250, approximately 90 capitals, quite dread heavy. We had 40 AAA dreads in a system close by us also in a separate fleet, and Aggro were running separately as well. 77s local was now almost 300, with RA and all XIX's friends starting to show up in numbers. At this time, numbers were pretty even, but heavily in capital favor to us. As first tower came out though, we got reports that PL had just jump cloned to g-g to pick up their Curse dread fleet. They quickly jumped their first midpoint. OK, we felt confident at this point. They wanted to kill our 4 titans in system. We decided not to DD with our own capitals sieging the first POS. On the second POS, shit hit the fan. XIX capitals came in close range on us. PL came in at long range. Dread numbers were even at this point. We sprung our trap, and cynoed in the AAA dreads close range on the PL caps. Primaries were called, fun was had during all this. At some point, all hostile capitals were killed. AAA capitals were almostt 200km off the Atlas cap blob, and they didn't have many carriers to rep the enemy support DPS like we had. We had already sent 2 of our DD's off during all this. We had 2 left, but most of Atlas/Aggro support was either dead or severely reduced at this point due to 3:1 odds support wise on the field. Call was made for capitals to jump out when they could on both AAA and Atlas side, and for those perma stuck in bubbles or desynced unable to jump, log off. Both sides did so. Because AAA were the main focus of enemy fire, I think they lost 5 or so Dreads to this. Still, hindsight we lost a lot less capitals than we would have had we stayed on field without support and letting hostile support pick our capitals off. End of the day stats: Atlas lost: 8 dreads & 2 carriers (Atlas KB link not showing all PL kills http://atlas-alliance.com/killboard/?a=kill_related&kll_id=78038) AAA lost: 15 dreads XIX lost: 20~ Dreads & 2 towers PL lost: 25~ Dreads This was epic and massive fun for all of us. I'm sure this will not be the last huge fight we'll have over this region, and it will surely be interesting to see if the entire EvE coalition will drop by every so often to help kill us off.
I feel bad for Atlas and AAA, it seems its like them vs. All of Eve. Gogo Against All Authorities and Atlas Alliance!!! AAAAA!!!!
Soon it seems like it will be MM+RZR+KIA+RED+GOONS+PL+SoT+XXDEATHXX+MH vs AAA and Atlas. 300 time baby.
Not sure about that as someone said on the forums GS is slowly becoming like BoB and is starting to rub Eve space the wrong way.
On May 31 2009 11:57 {CC}StealthBlue wrote: Not sure about that as someone said on the forums GS is slowly becoming like BoB and is starting to rub Eve space the wrong way. Won't matter because Goons have such a massive recruiting base (SomethingAwful), that they'll just take on everyone with their 1230981203 members someday.
Apparently Aggression is an alliance started by two old corps that left Executive outcomes after they were blown out of Period Basis. Agression ballooned in size over the past couple weeks to 19 corporations and over 1500 players. It's insane how fast the alliance has grown, and that is the reason UNL got destroyed (they couldn't stand the extra pressure). Now they are going for Detorid, the holy ground of the goons (i think). They've recently been in some huge battles against xxdeathxx and PL, and have inflicted pretty heavy casualties on PL dread numbers.