Metagaming in EVE - Page 36
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Canada9103 Posts
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Baltimore, USA22250 Posts
On May 26 2009 17:08 Bill307 wrote: Ohhhh, so that's how stuff gets "bumped" out of shields! lol, I wouldn't be surprised if the guy who recorded the vid was the spy himself. ![]() baal: I'll quickly summarize my understanding of each of those things: Stargates - paths between systems, not usable by capital ships Jump Bridges (sov 3 systems only) - like Nydus canals Cyno Field - what capital ships use to move from one system to another (in addition to Jump Bridges) Cyno Jammer (sov 3 systems only) - prevents capital ships from entering or leaving a system Bubbling a Gate - like Ensnare: catches ships that enter through the gate and stops them from leaving Towers / POSes - claim sov, allow you to mine from moons, and do other things In "POS warfare", large towers are used to claim sov and smaller towers are used to occupy moons to prevent large towers from being built there, like building a supply depot or a pylon at an expansion. Haha, the worst part is those SC analogies helped me understand it like 10x better. ![]() | ||
52 Posts
On May 26 2009 17:08 Bill307 wrote: Cyno Jammer (sov 3 systems only) - prevents capital ships from entering or leaving a system The jammer only prevents entering of the system, you can still leave via cynos. | ||
10523 Posts
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Canada9103 Posts
On May 28 2009 08:52 baal wrote: sov 3 only? then what was the so important thing about sov 3? i thought the thing was the cyno jammers because without capitals they couldnt invade. You do understand the meaning of the word "only", right? ![]() Edit: Mittani's 5/27 update: Yesterday was a fairly chill day. We had a minor capital welp which we should have avoided entirely, but salved our wounded pride with a host of tower killmails. Until US TZ, hostile resistance was nonexistent, their primary goal being simply to 'get out of I1Y'. In eurotime, the big event was RZR catching Skunk-Works taking towers down in A-5 And A3-L. Phreeze stole two. Meanwhile, we camped I1Y all day and blew up escaping stragglers. Our 0:00 US TZ formup saw us placing a fleet of 20-ish capitals at the 5V- RKZ R64 (which used to be ours). This is a hellstar designed to take out dreads; we engaged without support and without enough caps. Sensing blood in the water, hostiles mustered 50-ish support and jumped our capitals. Chaos and a total lack of coordination ensued, because our support and caps were in different fleets - the all-too-predictable 'who has a cyno' 'wrong fleet' dance featured prominently. After mashing broadcast a few times we had enough support and caps, stabilized the situation, reinforced the tower and limped back to 9CG. I see two dread losses on the RZR killboard and 1 dread/1 carrier on the GS board. I'm seriously considering writing a formulaic 'how to siege a tower' blurb for the Strategic Primer, since there are basic sieging rules which are periodically forgotten in the heat of the moment that everyone should know by heart. You generally have Phoenixes shoot the tower while everyone else chews on neuts then guns, etc. Part of our ****up in 5V was rules of basic siegework being forgotten amidst raw chaos. The 8:00 formup redeemed us. 6 towers in P4 destroyed; the system will flip to RZR in 7 days, though we have more cleanup there to do as RKZ has 34 larges left. I'm pretty sure they wanted to make an outpost here. After downtime, Imperian rallied the troops and took them to W6V where 3 S-W towers were destroyed, then to 4-2 (RKZ's would-be bridge system), whacked a RKZ tower and reinforced the only other one remaining unsieged. | ||
Canada9103 Posts
http://evemaps.dotlan.net/system/0-NTIS/kills (Period Basis) So remember how earlier I asked, what's stopping a subcap fleet from coming in from Paragon Soul to Period Basis and causing havoc? Well, apparenty nothing. Some alliance called Legiunea ROmana has been shooting down goon towers in this system. More recently, they also killed a ton of KIA ships, including 2 carriers. http://evemaps.dotlan.net/system/RK-Q51/kills (Etherium Reach) IRC/ED vs RA + The Initiative + Scorched Earth http://evemaps.dotlan.net/system/9-4RP2 (Cloud Ring) Mostly Harmless station system with a Promethium moon (probably owned by PL). Fighting between MH + Guardian Federation + IRON vs Triumvirate + Huzzah Federation + Red.Overlord. The former lost 28 dreads and 3 carriers recently. http://evemaps.dotlan.net/system/T8H-66/kills (Querious) Dotlan refuses to show me more than 32 kills, but apparently there were 153 in the last 24 hours. This is a goon sov 3 system. | ||
52 Posts
On May 28 2009 11:52 Bill307 wrote: http://evemaps.dotlan.net/system/T8H-66/kills (Querious) Dotlan refuses to show me more than 32 kills, but apparently there were 153 in the last 24 hours. This is a goon sov 3 system. Hot-drop doomsdays ![]() EDIT: KIA just got revenge on ROmana as well in a similar fashion. | ||
United States1293 Posts
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10523 Posts
On May 28 2009 10:23 Bill307 wrote: You do understand the meaning of the word "only", right? ![]() Edit: Mittani's 5/27 update: errr i miss typed, i meant then why there was this race to get Sov4? afaik the important one that stops invasions are cyno jammers and apprently u can get those under Sov3 | ||
Baltimore, USA22250 Posts
http://www.eve-guides.com/sovereignty/sov_levels.php Sovereignty 3 This level is reached when Sovereignty 2 has been held for 14 days in the system. Sovereignty 3 allows for: * Anchoring of Twinned Jump Bridge * Anchoring of Cynosural Field Jammer * Upgrading the Outpost to Tier 2 * Ability to set the Outpost as Capital for Constellation Sovereignty Sovereignty 3 in a system is also one of the requirements for Constellation Sovereignty, which will be explained right after Sovereignty 4 is detailed. Sovereignty 4 This level is reached when: * A system with Sovereignty 3 has its Outpost set as Capital for 30 days * Constellation Sovereignty is in effect Sovereignty 4 allows for invulnerability of the Capital system; * Upgrading the Outpost in the Capital to Tier 3 * Starbase control towers, conquerable stations and outposts belonging to the sovereign alliance may not be attacked * Sovereignty in the Capital system cannot be lost (or contested) while Sovereignty 4 is in effect | ||
Canada9103 Posts
The only way to attack one is to break the sov of the other systems in the same constellation. E.g. Red Alliance recently attacked Ethereal Dawn's invulnerable sov 4 system in Etherium Reach by capturing 2 of the 4 outposts in the constellation. With only 2 outposts left, ED lost constellation sov, and as a result, lost sov 4. This is a map showing the ED system that used to be sov 4: http://evemaps.dotlan.net/map/Etherium_Reach/3H58-R | ||
52 Posts
On May 28 2009 13:33 Try wrote: How can battles be so one-sided? Like how can two groups who bring 100 capitals each end up with one losing 60 and another only losing like 5? And how can the reverse happen only a few days later? Is it pilot skill? Wing commander skill? I'm confuzzled. A lot of factors can play into this. If one side has lots of logistics, they will have plenty of repairs to go around and not lose many ships. If one side has lots of hictors/dictors, the other side won't be able to cyno out, showing more losses. The amount of battleships/anti-support your cap fleet has.. Once any side has a slight advantage, like getting the jump on the opponent, it tends to snowball from there. Lag also has a huge influence on the outcome of a fight. If your fleet isn't used to fighting in high lag environments (cycling your guns properly, taking advantage of "unlimited" capacitor, knowing when to warp out, etc), more often than not it will do significantly less damage than a fleet that is used to it. | ||
Germany128 Posts
The old stuff: On April 21 2009 21:42 Gretchen wrote: Sins of a Solar Spymaster #1: The Mittani's Guide on How Not to Kill a Titan (About the Goons saving a newly built Titan from deep into hostile space) Sins of a Solar Spymaster #2: Wars Are Lost By the Loser (About the mistakes KenZoku made in Delve) Sins of a Solar Spymaster #3: Bad Crazy in Internet Space (About the difference of EVE and the EVE-Player to other MMOs) Sins of a Solar Spymaster #4: The Necessity of Espionage (About why Meta-Gaming matters and Space-Bushido sucks) Sins of a Solar Spymaster #5: How to Infiltrate a Hostile Alliance (About how the Goons stole a lot of shit, back in the day) Sins of a Solar Spymaster #6: The Propaganda War (About the KenZoku-Capital-Massacre on 4/4 and Propaganda in general) Sins of a Solar Spymaster #7: Creating a Spaceholding Alliance (About what an Alliance has to do to survive in 0.0-Space, Bonus: Mittani sending them to fight Pandemic Legion in Outer Ring) Sins of a Solar Spymaster #8: Newbies in Space (About the birth of Goonswarm and EVE's hostility against new players) The new stuff: Sins of a Solar Spymaster #9: Sci-Fi Sharecroppers (About "Pets", vassal alliances of the great powers) Sins of a Solar Spymaster #10: Bastard's Bluff (About the IRC/ED vs. RA war and Mittanis big bluff to end it) Sins of a Solar Spymaster #11: EVE and Loathing in Las Vegas (About the EVE Vegas Convention and some ideas for future expansions) Sins of a Solar Spymaster #12: Proxy Wars: The Fall of ISS (About the rise and fall of ISS as collateral damage in the Great War) Sins of a Solar Spymaster #13: The Participation Game (About how to get people to show up for Fleet Ops and the latest goon offensive) | ||
Canada5652 Posts
What's the sov status on w-4, and who's winning in i1y? Also who's in period basis now? Oh and how's AAA doing on the east side? Thanks a lot! | ||
United States377 Posts
![]() We had a pretty decent turn out in i1y and we stomped kenzoku out of there. There were lot of complaints on both sides due to the jump bug. That thing is a PITA....made me cringe when I roamed, lost quite few ships to it. Basically when you jump in your camera works and all but you can't do anything, don't see your ship, nothing....So everyone was dealing with that crap....Kenzoku complained if they jumped in they'd lose half their fleet to the bug, but either way we had crap load of stuff in i1y doubt it would of made difference if the bug was there or not ![]() Short, we won the i1y battle. Period Basis was basically given to KIA by the Goons and hence they are abandoning Geminate (fucking shit hole for space) and moved to Period Basis. WI (Wildly Inappropriate is gonna take Geminate) Zenith Affinity is also in Period Basis, long time Goon Pets....So going with this it can be said that KIA are Goon Pet's as well.. As for the East side, it can be said that -A-/Atlas put TCF/XIX offensive to a halt i.e. they slaughtered them. United Legion, who held Immensea are getting kicked out of their space by Aggression and Atlas. If you may recall Aggression made a run for Wicked Creek but they got curved stomped..... I think that covers it. There has just been a bit too much blue balling lately and too much fleet fights for me lately so am taking a small break....and besides my damn wallet is kind of running short on isk ![]() -BeJ | ||
Canada4732 Posts
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United States620 Posts
On May 30 2009 00:51 L wrote: Why is it that 90% of fights in EVE seem to have some gamebreaking exploit or bug, or crushing lag attached? Game breaking? Almost all these bugs i think you belive you are seeing are actually intended gameplay features. a few things like gridfu are sorta bugs, but def not game breaking. also like that titan flying into the tower and bumbing people out, that's not a bug at all. Everything you saw there was working as intended. there are many unusual tactics you can employ in eve and they all have their place. Really the eve mindset is that it's a sandbox, and you play any way in that sandbox that you want. Just about everything is allowed and nothing is really taboo, want to scam people, go ahead. want to rob and kill people, go ahead. want to hunt down the people who rob and kill, go ahead. want to suicide gank people in jita, sure thing. alot of it might not be profitable, but eve is not a happy go lucky place, it's a place that always has an element of danger anywhere and losses WILL affect you, people will try to scam you, but hell if you wanted a nice carebear mmo then there are plenty of others. As for game breaking exploits, really there are very few if any that come up and they are usually patched quickly. | ||
United States377 Posts
When you have a bug where your forced to relog every time you jump a damn system, I consider that game breaking. GridFU I think is kind of like a bug, but i doubt CCP will touch it just because of the sheer amount of work/crap they would have to do to fix it. I'd also consider lag a bug. I mean when one blob is jumping into another. The blob that's already in the system has the advantage since everyone else has to load grid and some people get frozen and etc. Which leads to fleets being slaughtered. But according to CCP there is no LAG ![]() As for other stuff, sure there are sometimes some exploits and all, but once they are known they are patched....The only one that ever really pissed me off was the whole Fergal issue, god I mean FFS......but yeah.... am kind of off topic now ![]() -BeJ | ||
52 Posts
On May 30 2009 01:50 BeJe77 wrote: I think by game breaking he was referring to the Jump Bug. Which is by all means quite game breaking when you have to log out and back into EvE every time you get it. I got that thing so many times that i just stopped logging in. GridFU I think is kind of like a bug, but i doubt CCP will touch it just because of the sheer amount of work/crap they would have to do to fix it. I'd also consider lag a bug. I mean when one blob is jumping into another. The blob that's already in the system has the advantage since everyone else has to load grid and some people get frozen and etc. Which leads to fleets being slaughtered. But according to CCP there is no LAG ![]() -BeJ I agree that GridFu will never be touched, as they would need to make very significant changes which would probably make things worse than they are currently. The jump bug was fixed relatively quickly though, thankfully. As for lag, CCP has made a lot of progress towards making it a lot more bearable than it was before. Reinforcing nodes before big fleet fights has helped a lot. Though there's still plenty of "welp, my wallet is blinking, guess I just lost my BS." | ||
United States1293 Posts
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