Cynosural Fields are what Capital ships must use to move from system to system, they are too large to use star gates placed around the universe that Battleships and below. In order to jump to a "cyno" the ship must be within a certain distance, measured in lightyears, to target the cyno and activate its jump drives.
While sub capitals must follow a route essentially designed by star gates to get from A to B, if you're in a capital ship you design your own routes by placing the location you want to jump to (via a second ship) that is in range of your current location.
The influence map can give you perspective on how solar systems are spaced apart. If you take a look at the west side of AAA's territory (above the Stain region) you'll see one solar system that links all the way to Querious. If you want to go from that location to Goonswarm territory in say a Battleship, all you have to do is go through that gate and you're there. If you want to go from that location to Goonswarm territory in a Carrier, you cannot do that. The distance is hundreds of lightyears and there's no way for a capital ship to jump anywhere near that far. Try and plan a pseudo route in your head and you can imagine what a nightmare moving capital ships from region to region can be.
Now, you ask what makes a key system just that, and the answer to that is the system's location in the universe relative to empire and wherever you're trying to go. There is no possible way for a 0.0 alliance to be self sufficient, especially in regards to fuel and minerals. Alliances must do daily importation from key empire trade hubs to their capital ships and towers fueled and major producers must do daily importation to keep themselves supplied with minerals. The general process is to haul the stuff from empire into lowsec via freighter, and jump the rest of the way via jump freighters or carriers.
Alliances must export things as well. You've heard all the hoorah about R64 moons and the fortunes they provide, but in order to turn that stuff into isk you need to actually sell it to someone. That means moving it to Jita or another trade hub.
I1Y is just positioned in such a manner that makes it ideal for logistics purposes of all kinds.
This item requires Sovereignty 3 over a system, to be installed. Only two may be placed in any one system. They have to be in matched pairs, to operate.
So if I understand correctly, the lines on Dotlan and on the influence map show which systems are connected by normal stargates, and in addition to those, an alliance can "connect" two (sufficiently-close, sov 3) systems with a jump bridge. Furthermore, neither of these can be used by capital ships.
Question about that last part: does it mean a system can have jump bridges to at most 2 other systems? And that you cannot simply change the destination of a jump bridge to connect to a different system?
Therefore, jump bridge "networks" have to be "lines", right? And to transfer from one "line" to another, you have to use normal stargates?
Lastly, stargates and jump bridges are what people are referring to when they say something is "x jumps away", right?
It's a shame Dotlan doesn't seem to give any indication of how close different systems are to each other. =/
The fortunes of war shine on GoonSwarm again it seems, in the form of a Gate bug.
Yeah obviously goons are completely immune to this gate bug of doom that only affects Kenny and their allies.
Not saying that at all, but if say 30% of the fleet hangs when jumping etc. As well as the bug being completely random. I have done a full 18 jumps and not suffered but done three and hanged on each one. Thus whether GoonSwarm suffered or not it was RKZ that suffered most thus their misfortune.
While we're on the topic, I should point out for people who don't know: on Dotlan's maps, purple lines are stargates between two different regions, and red lines are stargates between two different constellations within the same region.
The influence map appears to use a similar colouring convention.
Actually, I thought of another question: noticing the long stargate from Period Basis to Paragon Soul, is there anything stopping one side from sending a fleet through it to harass the other side?
With regards to the gate jump bug, it seems to depend on the number of people in the systems you are jumping from / into. I recently when 30+ jumps each way through basically empty space and had no problems. The bug will be fixed very soon, (14 hours) and then it shouldn't play a role, of course, there is sure to be a new bug that comes along.
This item requires Sovereignty 3 over a system, to be installed. Only two may be placed in any one system. They have to be in matched pairs, to operate.
So if I understand correctly, the lines on Dotlan and on the influence map show which systems are connected by normal stargates, and in addition to those, an alliance can "connect" two (sufficiently-close, sov 3) systems with a jump bridge. Furthermore, neither of these can be used by capital ships.
Question about that last part: does it mean a system can have jump bridges to at most 2 other systems? And that you cannot simply change the destination of a jump bridge to connect to a different system?
Therefore, jump bridge "networks" have to be "lines", right? And to transfer from one "line" to another, you have to use normal stargates?
Lastly, stargates and jump bridges are what people are referring to when they say something is "x jumps away", right?
It's a shame Dotlan doesn't seem to give any indication of how close different systems are to each other. =/
Correct on everything.
Generally when someone says "x jumps away" they're referring to regular stargates. When you use the galaxy map to set a destination the map lays the path out for you and tells you the number of "jumps". This function doesn't take into account player built jump bridges though.
For an example, Goonswarm's current staging system is 9CG. While 9CG is something around 7 stargates or "jumps" away from I1Y, it is close enough physically that we were able to set up a jump bridge connecting both systems. Anyone with access to our jump bridges can bypass the entire stargate route and just go from our home to the front lines.
This item requires Sovereignty 3 over a system, to be installed. Only two may be placed in any one system. They have to be in matched pairs, to operate.
So if I understand correctly, the lines on Dotlan and on the influence map show which systems are connected by normal stargates, and in addition to those, an alliance can "connect" two (sufficiently-close, sov 3) systems with a jump bridge. Furthermore, neither of these can be used by capital ships.
Question about that last part: does it mean a system can have jump bridges to at most 2 other systems? And that you cannot simply change the destination of a jump bridge to connect to a different system?
Therefore, jump bridge "networks" have to be "lines", right? And to transfer from one "line" to another, you have to use normal stargates?
Lastly, stargates and jump bridges are what people are referring to when they say something is "x jumps away", right?
It's a shame Dotlan doesn't seem to give any indication of how close different systems are to each other. =/
Correct on everything.
Generally when someone says "x jumps away" they're referring to regular stargates. When you use the galaxy map to set a destination the map lays the path out for you and tells you the number of "jumps". This function doesn't take into account player built jump bridges though.
For an example, Goonswarm's current staging system is 9CG. While 9CG is something around 7 stargates or "jumps" away from I1Y, it is close enough physically that we were able to set up a jump bridge connecting both systems. Anyone with access to our jump bridges can bypass the entire stargate route and just go from our home to the front lines.
Also all of those 14 titans are part of the GS alliance? Wow, I wonder how many RKZ alliance has on their side. Mot said this war is all about dreads but what would the cost be if a Titan is lost?
On May 26 2009 07:49 {CC}StealthBlue wrote: Also all of those 14 titans are part of the GS alliance? Wow, I wonder how many RKZ alliance has on their side. Mot said this war is all about dreads but what would the cost be if a Titan is lost?
A quick little update before I go to work. The focus of the Memorial weekend push has been I1Y-IU. We've been dominating the system since about 3 am Eastern US, we called an alarm clock op in order to preempt a AAA formup to try and take the system. Tower counts were even at 25 to 25 when we started this morning. I know that we killed about 5, but I'm pretty sure my numbers are off, I do know there's something absurd like 17 total coming out today. I've spent the last few hours sleeping, so I figure the number of kills have gone up. As I type this, I'm reading reports on our forums that we have 12 coalition titans in I1Y, 4 of which are goon owned. Essentially what we have done is reversed pretty much all progress they've made in I1Y in the past week. And we haven't even gotten to the big surprise that I've been excited about. You'll have to wait to see what that is.
If you look in the background, you can see our battleship fleet, that tower was one of the few staging towers left in I1Y, owned by Systematic Chaos. It was also where kenny planned on launching their counter offensive from. They ragequit after we made a titan conga line outside of the tower.
On May 26 2009 07:49 {CC}StealthBlue wrote: Also all of those 14 titans are part of the GS alliance? Wow, I wonder how many RKZ alliance has on their side. Mot said this war is all about dreads but what would the cost be if a Titan is lost?
Well, it just depends on which alliance lost the Titan. For some it can be a drop in a bucket for others a massive loss. Currently a Titan costs between 89-100billion isk mark. Depending on which one it is.
You can prob have like 40-50 dreads fully fitted for a cost of a titan :D....
I think Kenzoku still has the most followed by -A- and so on. I believe there is a thread somewhere on CAOD which has the list of all known titans owned by different alliances...Of course it does not include the ones which are unknown..
Dreads are like the bread and butter of EvE, makes everything a lot easier, melt's POS's rather quickly, a titan, officer fitted or not will melt pretty quickly when you drop 50-60 Dreads on it. The only limiting factor here is the number of pilots capable of flying dreads, but this keeps going up more and more since we have a lot of older pilots these days or people who have ALTS just for their capitals.
Still having a lot of dreads is limiting as well from alliance to alliance, some can have them replaced/made a lot easier then others. Same factor goes as towards a titan, some feel the loss more then others.
But Titans are very nice to have, makes things a lot easier for alliances .
They have lost sov in 47 systems in the past 3 weeks, largely in Immensea but also in Detroid, where they hold an even smaller # of systems.
UNL seems to be giving up without a fight, since these sov losses are never accompanied by a noticeable # of kills (at least not as far as I've seen). This also explains why they are being purged at an extraordinary rate. Yet, surprisingly, their membership and corps are still at about the same #s they were at 1 month ago.
Apparently UNL has been putting up (a small amount of) resistance after all, but not nearly enough to stop Aggro (nor Atlas). In fact, their resistance has been so small that Aggro got careless and lost 3-4 motherships to X13 + Minor Threat + CoW who were interested solely in the epic kills, not in defending UNL.
Meanwhile, in Etherium Reach, a few days ago sov 4 dropped in ED's capital, 3H5. Evidently owning less than 3 stations in a sov 4 constellation is enough to cause sov 4 to drop. Since then, there has been fighting between IRC/ED and RA + pets.
Strategic Whiplash: Spending weeks steadily pushing against goons who are riding bikes, then losing everything you had worked for - and more - in two days of fire and loathing.
Looks like you magnificent neckbeards pulled it off. I1Y is secure. Xttz may yet be happy, and we may yet manage to turn ED and I1Y into a Sov4 fortress against the KenZoku incursion.
This update is succinct regarding I1Y. What remained of hostile towers there have been destroyed - save for the last one, which will produce a delicious killmail for us in twelve minutes from the moment I write this. RKZ resistance today was a regroup to flee the system. We mocked them as we destroyed their stragglers, so desperate to escape the system which was once supposed to be the site of Molle's grand resurgence. I1Y is ours, and it is good.
But we are not done, nor ready to rest on our laurels. Now we find ourselves in exactly the same spot we did some four weeks ago, after the hellpurge of H74 - RKZ running before us, their participation shot, our spirits high. Then, we surged into 49 and exhausted ourselves in a night of nonstop sieging of a single system, then were too tired to close the deal. Now, we have learned from our errors. This time, we will twist the knife slowly, rather than slamming headfirst into a brick wall.
KenZoku has one R64 in 5V. We will take it. KenZoku has sov3 systems, such as 1-SMEB in Delve and several in Querious. We will seize them for ourselves. KenZoku's pets have littered this critical region with hundreds of towers with which they had hoped to snap our bridges. We will burn them down. By the time we are ready to assault 49, Querious will be a field of smoldering ashes, the shattered remains of Molle's dreams.
Already, you have begun to make the Great Querious Purge a reality. Not content to simply wait in I1Y, our capitals have begun roaming in great hordes, just as in the Great Delve Purge. Frontal Impact's towers in ZXJ were hit. KenZoku's towers in 4-2 were hit. The -A- staging tower in LS- was hit. The Skunk-Works spam of W6V, sieged. Finfleet's incessant spam of P4, as well.
This time, we will not expend ourselves in a single night of extreme effort. We will be taking this region apart through sustained work, without burning out. We will keep our eyes on the prize: KenZoku's failure cascade, and the tears and suffering this will inspire from the nineteen alliances of failures carrying their banner. Pace yourselves, goons. You have done a great thing, an amazing thing - if you need to take a breather, do so. But each day there is carnage to be had and work to be done. Victory is at hand within two months at the earliest - no sooner. Keep that in mind.
Normally I'd post about what happened from a grunt's viewpoint, but I wasn't able to play today so v0v.
I will say that spirits are pretty high right now due to crushing Kenny's offensive in just a weekend. The tears caused by the Titan related events are really fueling people's desire to log in and do boring POS work. This is magnified by the fact that the last time we were assaulting Delve we were facing the exact same scenario with stacks of virtually unkillable Titans behind Cyno Jammers preventing us from doing anything of strategic importance outside of suiciding fleets over and over again with no other options. We were told that the game was fine and our play just had to evolve or whatever. Now the shoe is on the other foot and it is glorious
I can never understand what's going on in EVE videos. (Apocswarm aside, since that just looked cool.) All I see are a bunch of ships sitting around not really doing anything. T_T
On May 26 2009 12:49 Bill307 wrote: I can never understand what's going on in EVE videos. (Apocswarm aside, since that just looked cool.) All I see are a bunch of ships sitting around not really doing anything. T_T
Normally when a POS is set up only members of that alliance can enter the forcefield (that bubble you see). If you want people outside your alliance to enter your POS, you need to set a password on the POS and give it to whoever you want to enter, who then enters the password into their ship. If they match they'll be able to enter.
The Goonswarm & Co Titans obtained the password to one of Kenny's POSes (hurf blurf spies) and entered Kenny's POS forcefield. They can't attack the Kenny ships that are inside, so what they do is they get as close to the center of the shield as possible, and then remove the password from their ship. This causes the POS to expel the Titan from shields automatically at a rather high rate of speed. Due to the size of the Titan it inevitably bumps into other ships in the forcefield, pushing them out of the POS and into the waiting arms of 200+ hostile battleships.
On May 26 2009 12:56 Aurra wrote: I guess I'll put that video in perspective.
Normally, when a POS is set up only members of that alliance can enter the forcefield (that bubble you see). If you want people outside your alliance to enter your POS, you need to set a password on the POS and give it to whoever you want to enter, who then enters the password into their ship. If they match they'll be able to enter.
The Goonswarm & Co Titans obtained the password to one of Kenny's POSes (hurf blurf spies) and entered Kenny's POS forcefield. They can't attack the Kenny ships that are inside, so what they do is they get as close to the center of the shield as possible, and then remove the password from their ship. This causes the POS to expel the Titan from shields automatically at a rather high rate of speed. Due to the size of the Titan it inevitably bumps into other ships in the forcefield, pushing them out of the POS and into the waiting arms of 200+ hostile battleships.
lol now that is worth posting. Although I would never guess it from the video itself.
On May 26 2009 12:56 Aurra wrote: I guess I'll put that video in perspective.
Normally, when a POS is set up only members of that alliance can enter the forcefield (that bubble you see). If you want people outside your alliance to enter your POS, you need to set a password on the POS and give it to whoever you want to enter, who then enters the password into their ship. If they match they'll be able to enter.
The Goonswarm & Co Titans obtained the password to one of Kenny's POSes (hurf blurf spies) and entered Kenny's POS forcefield. They can't attack the Kenny ships that are inside, so what they do is they get as close to the center of the shield as possible, and then remove the password from their ship. This causes the POS to expel the Titan from shields automatically at a rather high rate of speed. Due to the size of the Titan it inevitably bumps into other ships in the forcefield, pushing them out of the POS and into the waiting arms of 200+ hostile battleships.