Yawn, played again after long hiatus from closed beta. Still boring as ever, the first 10 levels are most likely the best, and it's a very steep downhill after that with the repetitiveness of questing.
These short beta weekends are just major market stunts trying to capture people with the 'fun' first 10-15 levels most will play on few characters to try them out. Don't be decieved, monthly fee for a dated single player game with limited multiplayer features is just a ripoff, just play mass effect 1 or kotor instead, you'll enjoy it more.
Also to add, the whole cinematic dialogues in instances gets boring really fast. You'll be mashing that spacebar like no tomorrow in a group that has done an instance/quest before just to try to skip it as fast as possible, it kills the enjoyment.
Personal rating: 4/10, based on closed -> open beta progress sofar.
On November 27 2011 05:59 banana wrote: Yawn, played again after long hiatus from closed beta. Still boring as ever, the first 10 levels are most likely the best, and it's a very steep downhill after that with the repetitiveness of questing.
These short beta weekends are just major market stunts trying to capture people with the 'fun' first 10-15 levels most will play on few characters to try them out. Don't be decieved, monthly fee for a dated single player game with limited multiplayer features is just a ripoff, just play mass effect 1 or kotor instead, you'll enjoy it more.
Also to add, the whole cinematic dialogues in instances gets boring really fast. You'll be mashing that spacebar like no tomorrow in a group that has done an instance/quest before just to try to skip it as fast as possible, it kills the enjoyment.
Personal rating: 4/10, based on closed -> open beta progress sofar.
The thing is if people want to play MMOs, with what is out there right now, all you get is the "repetitiveness of questing". There is really no story in other MMOs, I mean who actually has ever read the quest boxes in WoW or knows wtf the point was of rift. The way I see it is that it may still have the "boring" parts of other MMOs but makes them much more intriguing with an actual story and the voice acting and stuff. All thats needed for me is some better PvP and a few more customization options and ill be playing this game 15 hours a day.
Also I don't know how you can say "just play mass effect 1 or kotor", and then complain about how you hate cinematic dialogue.
I agree more or less , its bad , every aspect of it.
It doesnt major sucks ass as i thought it would be , but its still boring , unfinished and repetitive
Classes have the exact problems they had in warhammer in pvp , aka way too strong dps classes , weak healers , boring pvp warzones not enough world pvp.
The pve is boring , once u get the companion you can be afk farming.
With one word this game feels childish way too noob friendly , the color selection , the dialogues etc.
Combat is better than expect surpisingly and is prolly the only plus i can see so far.
Thanks for this thread. I played and had the same reaction as many people here. I think I'm just not an MMO person. The intro was soooooo cool and the game was so not. I really enjoy tactical rpg or real roleplaying games/cinema games so much more.
Sad though. One day someone will create a real roleplaying mmo. When you do, hire me to write story. (No srsly.)
On November 27 2011 06:25 chocopan wrote: Thanks for this thread. I played and had the same reaction as many people here. I think I'm just not an MMO person. The intro was soooooo cool and the game was so not. I really enjoy tactical rpg or real roleplaying games/cinema games so much more.
Sad though. One day someone will create a real roleplaying mmo. When you do, hire me to write story. (No srsly.) i think ud do better than the average mmo story
I think MMO scene is slowly dying after all the WoW-clone MMOs thats been out there. The only MMO ive played that didnt feel the same as others was Darkfall but that game is just too hardcore for me. if you like pvp i think its one of the best out there. Anyhow too bad games nowadays look too cartoonish, I thought I will most likely be playing diablo3 but then I saw some of its gameplay and it also looks cartoonish. Im a guy that wants a bit of atmosphere in games, like skyrim had. Like BW vs SC2 had. sc2 is cartoonish. Anyways I played a bit of the BETA and i didnt like it at all.
So after 2 days of SW:TOR here is my take on the game. Prior to this the only game I have played only WoW and tried a few other mmos (aion,age of conan, gw).I didn't read up on sw and just jumped into the game and started playing. I leveled a Jedi consultant/shadow up to lvl15.
Pro: Voiceacting: I like it. The voice acting is suprisingly good in my opinion and it makes the little stories even better, instead of just reading a "dramatic" passage. Dialogue choices: you can just mash buttons if you don't care, but having a choice in your answers and different responses adds some depth and possibly increases the enjoyment for multiple characters. Light/Dark: Just a small customization of your character wich is always good. Traveling: Traveling seems pretty good/easy with the recall orb that is not just bound to one position and the large amount of taxis. Nothing is more annoying than walking for 10mins+. Storyline: Even for a non SW-Fan like me the story was good enough to not skip the quests/mash the spacebar. Engine: The graphics are good and i had virtually no lag the entire playtime. Modding: another option to customize your character and even change the appearance
Mixed feelings about: Group quests/dialogues: Good idea overall, but the implementation is kinda bad. It takes a lot of time to sync everything up and interrupts the flow. Also I would like a combined answer like a majority vote from the group and not just picking one at a time. I also got trolled by a group member who didn't want the money reward for a quest :D. PvP modes: I have tried a few pvps in the warzones and i really hate the football thing because of the map layout/gimmicks. Objectis in PvP are good, but there are way too many gimmicks on the map.
Bad: Instancing: My major gripe about this game. The genre is called MMO for a reason. If you cut everything up into 100pieces and you see like 3 people running around it just doesn't feel massive. I want cities and areas to be full of people. Just make the leveling less centric and have multiple zones for the same levelrange. Controls: The way the attacks work feels really weird and sluggish. No real autoattack doesn't help there. I didn't have lag so that wasn't the problem. Crafting: Sorry the crafting concept is a joke. It requires litteraly no effort, you just need to leave the game on. It makes the items you create pretty much useless/ not worth making. The items you get through crafting should actually be good and you should have to make an effort to get them, so you can have dedicated crafters in the game. Companion: If you want a companion, play in a fucking party. I don't see a point in this in a MMO other than a dedicated class with a pet (eg.Hunter). The companion is also way too strong and is able to solo pretty much every mob and even group of mobs. Just attack something and afk again. Healing skill: I don't know if its just me, but i really dislike the concept of having a healing skill as a non healing class. You practically can run into every group of mobs and it doesn't matter and you heal up in 5 seconds after the fight. Questing/Minimap: I really hate games where you get the position for the quest objective shown on the map. They could just teleport us when you accept the quest. Part of the enjoyment of quests is actually looking for something and discovering the area.
All in all I don't think i will get this game as I'm not a real SW fan and the scifi setting as well as my other concerns about the game are too big.
I just unistalled , its more bad than i initially wrote about.
The lag in pvp is unbearable , you cant possible play. The warznes are rly bad , i mean rly rly bad.
Pvp is identicall to warhammer a mash button fest , such a let down
The dps is out of control , they havent learned anything.
An example @ 20 im healing for 1500 with sage per 1.5 second. Im getting hit for 1500 per hand per second from marauders , getting 2k from assassins , heals are laughably bad.
In general they advertise that pvp will have a depth and no 2 shots but from what i see so far , is just the same now add better dps gear and it will be a 1 shot fest.
Im done with this game , i cancel preorder waiting for gw2
game is awesome, no lag, no drop, no crash, much better beta than wow when wow just launched.
On November 27 2011 07:59 rei wrote: game is awesome, no lag, no drop, no crash, much better beta than wow when wow just launched. so game is awesome because it doesnt lag for you because u have good internet, it doesnt crash cause u got a good pc and because it was better than wow when it first launched its beta. hmmm ok.
On November 27 2011 09:17 ffswowsucks wrote:Show nested quote +On November 27 2011 07:59 rei wrote: game is awesome, no lag, no drop, no crash, much better beta than wow when wow just launched. so game is awesome because it doesnt lag for you because u have good internet, it doesnt crash cause u got a good pc and because it was better than wow when it first launched its beta. hmmm ok.
WoW was NEVER good. I hate those rose tinted goggles so much. People liked WoW because it was new for them. Those who played extensive Everquest / Everquest II were not so drawn into it, but nonetheless -- it was amazing because you were just starting playing it. Even I fell into that category. Vanilla WoW was horrendous. BC was the best expansion, and then they just wet the bed after that.
On November 27 2011 09:33 Fruscainte wrote:Show nested quote +On November 27 2011 09:17 ffswowsucks wrote:On November 27 2011 07:59 rei wrote: game is awesome, no lag, no drop, no crash, much better beta than wow when wow just launched. so game is awesome because it doesnt lag for you because u have good internet, it doesnt crash cause u got a good pc and because it was better than wow when it first launched its beta. hmmm ok. WoW was NEVER good. I hate those rose tinted goggles so much. People liked WoW because it was new for them. Those who played extensive Everquest / Everquest II were not so drawn into it, but nonetheless -- it was amazing because you were just starting playing it. Even I fell into that category. Vanilla WoW was horrendous. BC was the best expansion, and then they just wet the bed after that.
I disagree.
I started playing WoW in January 2004 and have got ever expansion on release day since, i also raided a ton during TBC and WoTLK, and I still find it fun, ilog on every now and then to level up some characters or play with some old friends.
I don't jump on the same TBC was amazing boat as some people do, at launch there was very few raid content, and doing Kara over and over again felt like a chore.
Some of my best gaming moments are from WoW, i've had a ton of fun with it along he years.
On November 27 2011 09:17 ffswowsucks wrote:Show nested quote +On November 27 2011 07:59 rei wrote: game is awesome, no lag, no drop, no crash, much better beta than wow when wow just launched. so game is awesome because it doesnt lag for you because u have good internet, it doesnt crash cause u got a good pc and because it was better than wow when it first launched its beta. hmmm ok.
You have offended me, i challenge you to a duel to the death, name your place and time I will dig your grave.
so much hate.. its just beta u guys, they launch that for a reason.
On November 27 2011 07:48 topoulo wrote: I just unistalled , its more bad than i initially wrote about.
The lag in pvp is unbearable , you cant possible play. The warznes are rly bad , i mean rly rly bad.
Pvp is identicall to warhammer a mash button fest , such a let down
The dps is out of control , they havent learned anything.
An example @ 20 im healing for 1500 with sage per 1.5 second. Im getting hit for 1500 per hand per second from marauders , getting 2k from assassins , heals are laughably bad.
In general they advertise that pvp will have a depth and no 2 shots but from what i see so far , is just the same now add better dps gear and it will be a 1 shot fest.
Im done with this game , i cancel preorder waiting for gw2
That disheartens me. Warhammers lag and damage spikes were beyond stupid. I cant believe they let it get to that
This game so far through level 6 is well put together...very much enjoying thus far
Game is good to me. I know its no revolution but was not expecting that.
I'm trying to login for the first time, looks like the servers are very full all the time.
In a 20 minute queue right now. t.t
It's really fun and runs great, if you are lagging then your hardware probably isn't up to snuff. They can't design games like wow where they will run on a calculator... complaining about the games lag and crashes because your hardware sucks is just a terrible complaint.
On November 27 2011 11:00 Pufftrees wrote: It's really fun and runs great, if you are lagging then your hardware probably isn't up to snuff. They can't design games like wow where they will run on a calculator... complaining about the games lag and crashes because your hardware sucks is just a terrible complaint.
My friend runs an i7 at 3.6GHz, Crossfired 6850's, has (for some reason) 6GB of DDR3 RAM and plays at 1600x900 resolution. His framerate was dropping, just like mine, whenever I was in PvP or in an area with plenty of people -- or sometimes just at random. If my shit tier computer is doing just as good as his fucking awesome computer, it's not our computers -- it's the game.
P.S. - We both run on maxed settings.
P.S. 2.0 - There are hundreds of complaints on other forums and official reviewers and shit complaining about the same framerate and performance issues.