im not calm im upset after a shitty fri night at 3am where instead of where i should be, im on TL. and for FUCK'S SAKE NOBODY KNOWS ME AS JEEJEE ANYWHERE ELSE OTHER THAN TL AND PEOPLE THAT KNOW ME ON TL KNOW ME AS SHINBI TOO LIKE WOW HELLO GRADE ONE LOGIC WOOOOOOOOOOW /rant
On November 21 2009 18:59 xDark.Carnivalx wrote: jeejee we don't know what you're talking about, no one calls you this shinbi name. jeejee y so rage, y so jeeragejee
On November 21 2009 21:32 Avius wrote: i hate the new boots
i personally think the new boots are still better than any other boots, except maybe post haste now.
Treads wont be used on as many heroes now due to it only giving 1 stat, and phase lost its attack speed as well as you lose your phase when you cast anything.
Nah I think treads are still great. Phase boots blow ass now though. Any carries pretty much want treads, and support pretty much want ghost or travels. (Played a game as puppet, went phase, said 'f my attack speed sucks i'm going treads next game). Phase don't really have a place on many heros.
On November 22 2009 05:26 MYM.Testie wrote: Nah I think treads are still great. Phase boots blow ass now though. Any carries pretty much want treads, and support pretty much want ghost or travels. (Played a game as puppet, went phase, said 'f my attack speed sucks i'm going treads next game). Phase don't really have a place on many heros.
Phase being on less heros will make phase for gank initiation that much stronger, specially if lots of people are going with steamboots, given then have 10 less ms.
Still, I can't think of many heros that will need the speed to get in range for a disable AND the +24 damage. Maybe as an escape, or someone like madman who already has plenty of attack speed? Armadon? Pyromancer? I don't know :/.
I dunno, seems pretty gimp compared to the old sets of boots. Shield boots seem pretty cool for tempest, ophelia or nymphora, for some baller pushing action, though.
Phase are still good on carries that need to chase, imo. I got Phase on magebane (with geometer's bane) and it seemed to be a decent item for him since he has no disable/slow and needs to be in melee range to do damage. Having people outrun you is a bad thing. I got treads on Madman in an earlier game and while stalk/barrelroll were on cooldown, everyone was outrunning me.
The new boots might be better for Madman since I don't think phase meshes well with stalk.
new boots = baller +2 armor (which is about 15% more damage resistance [percent increase of percent dmg res]) and -10 dmg to all attacks received 25s CD for 30s duration, all for the cost of 25 mana
we got some imba pushes going with accursed and ophelia
They need to make it penalty free for me to leave the game before the clock even starts when my pub team picks night hound and scout. It should only be an available option when scout and nighthound are on my team.
On November 22 2009 10:11 SingletonWilliam wrote: They need to make it penalty free for me to leave the game before the clock even starts when my pub team picks night hound and scout. It should only be an available option when scout and nighthound are on my team.
today, in the last game of the day, testie called us cigarettes of the highest order i dont really know what he meant by that, but ill take it as a complement