On June 23 2011 21:09 Onioncookie wrote: Guys when i logged in yesterday i somewhat had everything unlocked in the store o.O
Lucky bug ?! or did everyone get it? Everyone until 29th, part of their "making stuff up" to people for so much downtime. Also 2000 silver coins.
On June 23 2011 21:11 Nevuk wrote:Show nested quote +On June 23 2011 21:09 Onioncookie wrote: Guys when i logged in yesterday i somewhat had everything unlocked in the store o.O
Lucky bug ?! or did everyone get it? Everyone until 29th, part of their "making stuff up" to people for so much downtime. Also 2000 silver coins.
Oh okay thanks for the info :D
On June 23 2011 21:06 Judicator wrote:Show nested quote +On June 23 2011 19:01 Benjef wrote: SB and Husk need a nerf badly. Or at least something to make them less user friendly.
I'm bored of someone picking them every game.... The irony of that statement is lost on over half the current DotA player base. SB was only nerfed cause he was too dominating in pubs...and now after 4 years, we've come back full circle. Huskar is still pretty janky. SB is really fucking annoying to deal with in pubs (the status radius should be increased and the guys stats and aura should be tweaked imo), Huskar is not that bad the whole HP thing. Huskar was only made incredibly easier to play because now he has a initiation and chase option when before he needed certain items to do so. SB now has a close range stun when Charge is off cooldown and has the ability to run across the map in less than 10 seconds now, which is a pretty damn big deal compared to Huskar.
On June 23 2011 13:22 itachisan wrote:Show nested quote +On June 23 2011 11:03 don_kyuhote wrote:On June 23 2011 10:59 itachisan wrote: ugh, got banned from DotaCash again for 7 days... ever since dota 6.72c every game there is a Spiritbreaker, huskar, and terrorblade. zzzz -_- How did you get banned? Rage-quitting...guess because I'm a "leaver" But honestly though, when someone on my team leaves, or when my teammates feed, am I suppose to stay in the game, feeling unmotivated to play, and waste time?
Oh, I see....you're one of "Those people". The guys who quit 5 minutes into every game because your team didn't get first blood like they rightly deserved, since you were on the team. Or because a guy in the lane opposite from you died twice in 3 minutes. In no-stats games.
This is seriously the only major problem I have in HoN...and that is the mass rage-quitting 10 minutes into every game. Maybe it's just because I play a lot of no-stats games, but this has been my major beef with playing this game. I am never the first person to leave, and I'll play 3 v 5 until the game is completely over. Sure, I'll concede when it's really obvious we're losing, but I'm not talking about that. I'm talking about pure and simple rage-quitting because you won't be able to steamroll and pad your stats in this particular game. They should implement a system where you can't join a new game until the one you just left has ended or something, or allow a "complete" disconnect, where someone else could jump in and take control of that character. Or maybe it's just me playing no-stats too often. Does mass rage-quitting happen in normal MM games?
Lol ppl play no-stat games JUST to rage quit...
On June 23 2011 21:27 Sm3agol wrote:Show nested quote +On June 23 2011 13:22 itachisan wrote:On June 23 2011 11:03 don_kyuhote wrote:On June 23 2011 10:59 itachisan wrote: ugh, got banned from DotaCash again for 7 days... ever since dota 6.72c every game there is a Spiritbreaker, huskar, and terrorblade. zzzz -_- How did you get banned? Rage-quitting...guess because I'm a "leaver" But honestly though, when someone on my team leaves, or when my teammates feed, am I suppose to stay in the game, feeling unmotivated to play, and waste time? Oh, I see....you're one of "Those people". The guys who quit 5 minutes into every game because your team didn't get first blood like they rightly deserved, since you were on the team. Or because a guy in the lane opposite from you died twice in 3 minutes. In no-stats games. This is seriously the only major problem I have in HoN...and that is the mass rage-quitting 10 minutes into every game. Maybe it's just because I play a lot of no-stats games, but this has been my major beef with playing this game. I am never the first person to leave, and I'll play 3 v 5 until the game is completely over. Sure, I'll concede when it's really obvious we're losing, but I'm not talking about that. I'm talking about pure and simple rage-quitting because you won't be able to steamroll and pad your stats in this particular game. They should implement a system where you can't join a new game until the one you just left has ended or something, or allow a "complete" disconnect, where someone else could jump in and take control of that character. Or maybe it's just me playing no-stats too often. Does mass rage-quitting happen in normal MM games?
I play both and jeah just stop with the no stats exept if you want to play all midXD people leave waaaaaaaaaay faster because the leaver rating isn't recorded
On June 23 2011 21:27 Sm3agol wrote:Show nested quote +On June 23 2011 13:22 itachisan wrote:On June 23 2011 11:03 don_kyuhote wrote:On June 23 2011 10:59 itachisan wrote: ugh, got banned from DotaCash again for 7 days... ever since dota 6.72c every game there is a Spiritbreaker, huskar, and terrorblade. zzzz -_- How did you get banned? Rage-quitting...guess because I'm a "leaver" But honestly though, when someone on my team leaves, or when my teammates feed, am I suppose to stay in the game, feeling unmotivated to play, and waste time? Oh, I see....you're one of "Those people". The guys who quit 5 minutes into every game because your team didn't get first blood like they rightly deserved, since you were on the team. Or because a guy in the lane opposite from you died twice in 3 minutes. In no-stats games. This is seriously the only major problem I have in HoN...and that is the mass rage-quitting 10 minutes into every game. Maybe it's just because I play a lot of no-stats games, but this has been my major beef with playing this game. I am never the first person to leave, and I'll play 3 v 5 until the game is completely over. Sure, I'll concede when it's really obvious we're losing, but I'm not talking about that. I'm talking about pure and simple rage-quitting because you won't be able to steamroll and pad your stats in this particular game. They should implement a system where you can't join a new game until the one you just left has ended or something, or allow a "complete" disconnect, where someone else could jump in and take control of that character. Or maybe it's just me playing no-stats too often. Does mass rage-quitting happen in normal MM games?
I don't want to be an ass but srsly. Why do you think the "leaver" stat is there in the first place, and what significance does said stat have in "no-stat" games.
On June 23 2011 21:18 rabidch wrote:Show nested quote +On June 23 2011 21:06 Judicator wrote:On June 23 2011 19:01 Benjef wrote: SB and Husk need a nerf badly. Or at least something to make them less user friendly.
I'm bored of someone picking them every game.... The irony of that statement is lost on over half the current DotA player base. SB was only nerfed cause he was too dominating in pubs...and now after 4 years, we've come back full circle. Huskar is still pretty janky. SB is really fucking annoying to deal with in pubs (the status radius should be increased and the guys stats and aura should be tweaked imo), Huskar is not that bad the whole HP thing. Huskar was only made incredibly easier to play because now he has a initiation and chase option when before he needed certain items to do so. SB now has a close range stun when Charge is off cooldown and has the ability to run across the map in less than 10 seconds now, which is a pretty damn big deal compared to Huskar.
Just saying pubs forgot their anti-SB technology.
Can anyone explain Fayde? I played with her yesterday and there is nothing I like about her and I feel she's useless. All her moves are great, awesome, but after you use them, you're kinda doing nothing. I feel so confused using her and I didn't terrible with her a game or two ago.
On June 24 2011 01:39 Torte de Lini wrote:
Can anyone explain Fayde? I played with her yesterday and there is nothing I like about her and I feel she's useless. All her moves are great, awesome, but after you use them, you're kinda doing nothing. I feel so confused using her and I didn't terrible with her a game or two ago.
she is a mid ganking hero
that's pretty much evrything there is to her. You go mid get some levels and when you got your ultimate you go rape the side lanes. The more the game progresses the weaker she gets
shes actually a lot more than that, because more ppl in pubs dont get an eye, late game she gives your team insane map control and always keeps the other team hesitating since she can stay invis pretty all the time and pick off any stray hero. But i suppose moveset wise. R>click>W>Q>Codex and ur done.
So any items will actually suffice?
did you watch replays and looked for fayde guides before you came here and asked?
On June 23 2011 22:07 Judicator wrote:Show nested quote +On June 23 2011 21:18 rabidch wrote:On June 23 2011 21:06 Judicator wrote:On June 23 2011 19:01 Benjef wrote: SB and Husk need a nerf badly. Or at least something to make them less user friendly.
I'm bored of someone picking them every game.... The irony of that statement is lost on over half the current DotA player base. SB was only nerfed cause he was too dominating in pubs...and now after 4 years, we've come back full circle. Huskar is still pretty janky. SB is really fucking annoying to deal with in pubs (the status radius should be increased and the guys stats and aura should be tweaked imo), Huskar is not that bad the whole HP thing. Huskar was only made incredibly easier to play because now he has a initiation and chase option when before he needed certain items to do so. SB now has a close range stun when Charge is off cooldown and has the ability to run across the map in less than 10 seconds now, which is a pretty damn big deal compared to Huskar. Just saying pubs forgot their anti-SB technology. status bar is actually even more needed than before because if you miss one second of it you'll get hit that much sooner, pretty annoying. the other annoying thing is that it goes through terrain so its not very predictable to know where hes gonna appear + blind spots
On June 24 2011 01:46 Torte de Lini wrote: So any items will actually suffice?
bottle, Phase Boots, Codex and the rest after that is up to you
On June 24 2011 02:08 Glull wrote: did you watch replays and looked for fayde guides before you came here and asked?
Others were more than willing to answer. I could, but it was more a spur of curiosity. This isn't SC2Strat. Now that I see her use, I'll go check out some replays (I don't know where to look for guides).
Fayde isn't just a mid ganking hero. Her key selling point for team fights is a pretty huge cone aoe stun. Use stealth to get close, open on one hero and stun 3. There, you've accomplished the same thing as magmus with a pk and have higher burst dps vs single targets. You will probably die, but meh. This stops working vs more coordinated teams, but you can always be a secondary initiator and follow up the magmus/behe/whoever.
Also the first skill is pretty nice for farming now, warlocks refund a fair amount of mana if you're farming lane ck. (and jungle creeps give more, i think antlore healers may make it free to cast entirely at level 4).
She is primarily a slightly weaker version of DW/Pebbles, but there are positives to her. She really only requires levels rather than farm to fulfill similar roles and the clearvision is ridiculously strong - go sit in the opposing teams jungle or just near a tower really and you'll see what I mean. I still think she's a bit too weak for high level play numbers wise, but it's more an issue of metagame than stats- she's ok in a dual lane, good at mid, shitty in a trilane, not a particularly good 1v3 or solo lane. There are always going to be better mids in a trilane situation, though, even if they waste all 6 bans on just mid heroes.
A little story about SB: When I started playing dota a bunch of my real life friends started playing with me. We played vs ai mostly, but occasionally played online or against each other. One of them decided he was pro at SB after raping one or two games, then refused to ever play any other hero ever. (This was on 6.51 I think). He played on iccup ladder for a bit, won 2 games and then lost the next 15. He now plays league of legends and is mocked mercilessly by those of us that went with hon/dota.
the fact that she can treewalk with her ult is an insane +
like someone mentioned, you get an eye and you can go around the map with your ult (something like 800 radius clear vision or something) and kill all their wards - just make sure you have someone ranged following you to kill the wards
really depends on the other team though, if they're good, bye wards dusts and play coordinated, fayde loses her effectiveness
I play no stats to get 15 minute doombringers ;p
I play nostats so I can do 5v5 pebbles all mid games that last 2 hours