On September 08 2014 01:26 Duka08 wrote:Show nested quote +On September 08 2014 00:13 Serejai wrote:http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/stormreaver/Serejai/advancedNote that this char is the same ilvl but has 10% more crit than you (which is where your DPS comes from). You should be gemmed, enchanted, and reforged like this (although you still need to adjust for your specific gear). If you are not a JC you can go straight crit and ignore int gems entirely unless the socket bonus is good. 1 crit > 2 int. Reforge everything into crit and out of hit, mastery, haste in that order unless you can hit the GCD cap. If you can go haste first, then crit after. I've been out of the loop for a while but is it common for classes to NOT prioritize the hit cap in the current version of the game? The hit cap was a crazy realization for me waaaayy back in the day and I've never looked back since, but I thought that had remained true. Is boomkin an exception or is there a lot of emphasis on one stat like crit (or whatever) above all, even when you aren't capped yet.
No, hit cap is still the best stat. I didn't mention that in my post because I figured he already knew that.
Also you don't generally need to gem or reforge for it because current gear has way too damn much on it. My SOO druid was at 22% hit rate AFTER reforging out of it. It's pretty ridiculous how much you get.
On September 08 2014 01:26 Duka08 wrote:Show nested quote +On September 08 2014 00:13 Serejai wrote:http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/stormreaver/Serejai/advancedNote that this char is the same ilvl but has 10% more crit than you (which is where your DPS comes from). You should be gemmed, enchanted, and reforged like this (although you still need to adjust for your specific gear). If you are not a JC you can go straight crit and ignore int gems entirely unless the socket bonus is good. 1 crit > 2 int. Reforge everything into crit and out of hit, mastery, haste in that order unless you can hit the GCD cap. If you can go haste first, then crit after. I've been out of the loop for a while but is it common for classes to NOT prioritize the hit cap in the current version of the game? The hit cap was a crazy realization for me waaaayy back in the day and I've never looked back since, but I thought that had remained true. Is boomkin an exception or is there a lot of emphasis on one stat like crit (or whatever) above all, even when you aren't capped yet. ? He is still hit capped (15%) so no, as far as I know every dps spec in the game has the hit cap as the #1 priority, (duel wield classes cap specials not whites normally). Druids just also gain hit from spirit so its very easy for them to reach the hit cap.
Hit and expertise are first prio always but they are so easy to hit with current gear, not to mention those are being removed in 6.0.
On September 08 2014 01:37 Serejai wrote: Also you don't generally need to gem or reforge for it because current gear has way too damn much on it. My SOO druid was at 22% hit rate AFTER reforging out of it. It's pretty ridiculous how much you get.
That makes sense, I didn't think of hit inflation as the gear gets better.
On September 08 2014 01:37 Serejai wrote: Also you don't generally need to gem or reforge for it because current gear has way too damn much on it. My SOO druid was at 22% hit rate AFTER reforging out of it. It's pretty ridiculous how much you get.
Were you in Timeless/Ordos gear? They're generally shit when it comes to stats (except Ordos necks) and come with a million hit, unless you got unlucky with drops in flex/norm. I noticed most high-end raiders to gem for exp/hit along with their main stat priority, because their gear doesn't come with exp/hit.
Well you get hit from Spirit as a Boomkin and most spell leather is geared for healers, so you will end up with more hit than you know what to do with.
On September 08 2014 03:38 Stancel wrote:Show nested quote +On September 08 2014 01:37 Serejai wrote: Also you don't generally need to gem or reforge for it because current gear has way too damn much on it. My SOO druid was at 22% hit rate AFTER reforging out of it. It's pretty ridiculous how much you get. Were you in Timeless/Ordos gear? They're generally shit when it comes to stats (except Ordos necks) and come with a million hit, unless you got unlucky with drops in flex/norm. I noticed most high-end raiders to gem for exp/hit along with their main stat priority, because their gear doesn't come with exp/hit. The belt is bis for locks pre heroic soo
On September 08 2014 07:27 deth2munkies wrote: Well you get hit from Spirit as a Boomkin and most spell leather is geared for healers, so you will end up with more hit than you know what to do with. Funny thing is healers don't need that much spirit either.
On September 08 2014 08:27 akatama wrote:Show nested quote +On September 08 2014 07:27 deth2munkies wrote: Well you get hit from Spirit as a Boomkin and most spell leather is geared for healers, so you will end up with more hit than you know what to do with. Funny thing is healers don't need that much spirit either.
Eh, you can maybe have 2-3 items with no spirit and not gem for it, but I wouldn't say you can avoid spirit on gear and be successful.
Caveat: unless you're a disc priest.
On September 08 2014 09:42 deth2munkies wrote:Show nested quote +On September 08 2014 08:27 akatama wrote:On September 08 2014 07:27 deth2munkies wrote: Well you get hit from Spirit as a Boomkin and most spell leather is geared for healers, so you will end up with more hit than you know what to do with. Funny thing is healers don't need that much spirit either. Eh, you can maybe have 2-3 items with no spirit and not gem for it, but I wouldn't say you can avoid spirit on gear and be successful. Caveat: unless you're a disc priest. Our disc has nothing but the heroic wf siegecrafter trinket as his mana regen. That's it. So dumb.
Ok... How the fuck do you solo Kaelthas in TK as a 90 prot paladin? You can't kite the fuckers cause the door locks, and in phase 3 you're permastunned so long that you could have a million health and still fucking die. What am I missing here? I can't burn the stupid bitch with the 10 second CC because well.... I'm CC'd. Halp!
I swear to god this guy was easier when he was current content =(
On September 08 2014 11:42 Ayaz2810 wrote: Ok... How the fuck do you solo Kaelthas in TK as a 90 prot paladin? You can't kite the fuckers cause the door locks, and in phase 3 you're permastunned so long that you could have a million health and still fucking die. What am I missing here? I can't burn the stupid bitch with the 10 second CC because well.... I'm CC'd. Halp!
The shield makes you immune to the fear. Theoretically you're supposed to use the Staff for the stun, but Ret should probably be able to burst down the engineer that's permastunning you and be fine.
On September 08 2014 11:42 Ayaz2810 wrote: Ok... How the fuck do you solo Kaelthas in TK as a 90 prot paladin? You can't kite the fuckers cause the door locks, and in phase 3 you're permastunned so long that you could have a million health and still fucking die. What am I missing here? I can't burn the stupid bitch with the 10 second CC because well.... I'm CC'd. Halp!
I swear to god this guy was easier when he was current content =(
You really need to be a class that has some kind of bubble or pet. You kill Capernian (the Mage) with your pet, DoT's, or purging out of the stun + burn her quick before the next one. Then you kill the Engineer and (if you can) purge his periodic stun off of you as well. After that it's simple.
I do it on my Rogue by SS + Mutilate to get to her quick and drop her before I get stunned. If I get stunned while trying, she usually dies from my poison DoT's. Then, after the Engineer, I CoS to remove the debuffs. My Warlock just lets my pet do the killing + throws a DoT and instant casts at her. My Mage is the hardest, but having a Water Elemental and Ice Block lets me kill her, the Engineer, and then purge the debuffs off. I've never even attempted it on my Druid, and I don't think that it would go well.
It's very difficult but do-able if you have the PvP trinket and nothing else (all of my characters have it and use it). Trinket out of the first stun, burn her down before you get stunned again, and then you can get the Engineer and bubble out of the debuffs so you can finish the other two.
I'm pretty sure hand of freedom works, and the shield works, but these are a few seconds at a time and have a high cooldown. The thing is, I'm prot and only have prot gear. I haven't had a chance to accumulate ret gear (nor do I want to unless absolutely necessary. I quest as prot and my characters name is actually retsucks =3 )
But if the only way to farm him is to go ret even though I haven't played as ret since BC.... guess I have to suck it up. Urghhhh
On September 08 2014 11:46 deth2munkies wrote:Show nested quote +On September 08 2014 11:42 Ayaz2810 wrote: Ok... How the fuck do you solo Kaelthas in TK as a 90 prot paladin? You can't kite the fuckers cause the door locks, and in phase 3 you're permastunned so long that you could have a million health and still fucking die. What am I missing here? I can't burn the stupid bitch with the 10 second CC because well.... I'm CC'd. Halp! The shield makes you immune to the fear. Theoretically you're supposed to use the Staff for the stun, but Ret should probably be able to burst down the engineer that's permastunning you and be fine.
It's actually not the engineer. It's the blood elf hoe with the 10 second disorient
On September 08 2014 11:53 Ayaz2810 wrote: I'm pretty sure hand of freedom works, and the shield works, but these are a few seconds at a time and have a high cooldown. The thing is, I'm prot and only have prot gear. I haven't had a chance to accumulate ret gear (nor do I want to unless absolutely necessary. I quest as prot and my characters name is actually retsucks =3 )
But if the only way to farm him is to go ret even though I haven't played as ret since BC.... guess I have to suck it up. Urghhhh
You need to be able to output enough dps in those few seconds in between the CCs to be able to kill them off. If you can't do that with your prot gear then I don't know what to tell you.
United States24579 Posts
Yea it wasn't so bad on my hunter but I think it took a second try as I didn't research it ahead of time.
On September 08 2014 11:42 Ayaz2810 wrote: Ok... How the fuck do you solo Kaelthas in TK as a 90 prot paladin? You can't kite the fuckers cause the door locks, and in phase 3 you're permastunned so long that you could have a million health and still fucking die. What am I missing here? I can't burn the stupid bitch with the 10 second CC because well.... I'm CC'd. Halp!
I swear to god this guy was easier when he was current content =(
I soloed Kael on my Lock back at level 85 (Start of Cata), was a fun fight.
Basically, the strat I used was kiting them all across the instance - you can pull them out of the room if you pull with a pet. Kill the first guy by the instance start, then just move toward the boss room one at a time in order to have them be nice and spread when they all rez at once. This allows you to deal with at most 2 at a time.
I think I had to use the staff, or else I got perma cc'd.
All in all, one of the more fun bosses I've ever solo'd ^.^. Actually took quite a few attempts to get it down, as stuff like burning the shield to interrupt/getting the right aoe down on weapons was actually pretty hard and unforgiving.
Most bosses were basically if you could out heal the damage they did, this one actually took thought and execution.
On September 08 2014 10:36 bo1b wrote:Show nested quote +On September 08 2014 09:42 deth2munkies wrote:On September 08 2014 08:27 akatama wrote:On September 08 2014 07:27 deth2munkies wrote: Well you get hit from Spirit as a Boomkin and most spell leather is geared for healers, so you will end up with more hit than you know what to do with. Funny thing is healers don't need that much spirit either. Eh, you can maybe have 2-3 items with no spirit and not gem for it, but I wouldn't say you can avoid spirit on gear and be successful. Caveat: unless you're a disc priest. Our disc has nothing but the heroic wf siegecrafter trinket as his mana regen. That's it. So dumb.
People still use that thing? BBoY or get out, also optionally go for multistrike as well.