[wow] Warlords of Draenor - Page 152
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Australia12814 Posts
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Sweden2683 Posts
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United States4051 Posts
On September 06 2014 20:36 Catch]22 wrote: Alright, so normal raids can still be done X-realm? Flex as well then I take it, and queue for LFR/dungeons together? Thanks mate Everything except heroic raids can be done xrealm. | ||
Norway3381 Posts
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United States4051 Posts
On September 07 2014 07:41 Arnstein wrote: Fuck, can anyone please help me become better at balance druid? I follow icy-veins and noxxic guides, and have watched youtube-vids. I try to follow that, but I still get 50k dps. I'm ilvl 535. Get SoO trinkets and a legendary cloak and watch your DPS almost double. Beyond that I can't help you because you're not telling me what you're doing. | ||
6007 Posts
If you're doing 50k with 535 your entire rotation is wrong. I pull that much in Challenge mode gear | ||
United States24579 Posts
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United States7684 Posts
On September 07 2014 10:41 micronesia wrote: Serejai you didn't offer any suggestions for what to do... just what not to do. How is that helpful lol You only sound smart when you do that in dota. :p | ||
Australia12814 Posts
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Norway3381 Posts
On September 07 2014 09:54 Serejai wrote: Step 1: stop using noxxic and icy veins. Those are for people doing LFR and you shouldn't expect above average results if those are your go to resources. If you're doing 50k with 535 your entire rotation is wrong. I pull that much in Challenge mode gear I start with doing celestial communion till I'm one from lunar eclipse. Then I do a starfall on the target, then wrath to get in lunar eclipse, then starsurge. Then I do moonfire and sunfire, and starsurge when the cooldown is done(when criting). When I get to the middle I do celestial communication and do starfall again, then moonfire and sunfire(still starsurge when criting), and when I get to solar eclipse, I continue. After this, since celestial communication is on cooldown, I cast wrath a lot to hurry to the other side(depending on the situation, I stay in solar if there's a lot of aoe, hurry to lunar if single target). And then I continue like this. What should I do? | ||
United States11285 Posts
On September 07 2014 15:24 Arnstein wrote: I start with doing celestial communion till I'm one from lunar eclipse. Then I do a starfall on the target, then wrath to get in lunar eclipse, then starsurge. Then I do moonfire and sunfire, and starsurge when the cooldown is done(when criting). When I get to the middle I do celestial communication and do starfall again, then moonfire and sunfire(still starsurge when criting), and when I get to solar eclipse, I continue. After this, since celestial communication is on cooldown, I cast wrath a lot to hurry to the other side(depending on the situation, I stay in solar if there's a lot of aoe, hurry to lunar if single target). And then I continue like this. What should I do? It might be better if you link your armory. You have a general idea from what I gather, perhaps it's somewhere at a core level (like glyphs/talents/gems and enchants). | ||
United States4051 Posts
And most important: Cancel your spellcasts to use Starsurge procs. | ||
6007 Posts
On September 07 2014 10:41 micronesia wrote: Serejai you didn't offer any suggestions for what to do... just what not to do. How is that helpful lol Too hard to be helpful on my phone! Maybe when I get home later :o | ||
6007 Posts
Anyway, here's a parse from literally the day I hit level 90 so my damage and rotation should be almost the same as yours. http://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/Py7N6ZDW3Ct8RvXT#type=damage-done&source=16&fight=4 So basically you should be able to pull 100k minimum on Norushen in your gear. Starsurge and Starfire should always be your top damage abilities by a very noticeable amount. Can't really say anything else until you have some parses, though. More than likely you should be stacking nothing but crit on your gems/enchants/reforges. At your ilvl you should have the first haste breakpoint but probably would have trouble hitting the GCD breakpoint, so it's better to just go straight crit. Those guides you read aren't going to tell you this because they are based off default simulation stats and crit doesn't do well on paper, but in a real fight it's far better than haste is at your ilvl. Again, need a parse (and armory link) to be certain though. Also don't bother with AOE. Just don't. Moonkin AOE is terrible and more than likely you have other specs in your raid that can handle the AOE far more efficiently than you can. Just stick to the boss and dotting up adds and let the other specs handle any AOE situations. Thus, you shouldn't worry about trying to stay in Solar for any reason, either. Again, this is something guides will tell you to do but in real raids there hasn't been a single fight this expansion where my AOE was necessary other than that boss with all the adds in Heart of Fear. | ||
United States4051 Posts
Oh, and just FYI, you're going to be way the fuck behind on Garrosh (P1) and Sha of Pride simply because everyone else gets to AoE pad their numbers. Don't let them bitch you out too hard. | ||
Norway3381 Posts
http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/auchindoun/Soronondo/simple I'll check out warcraftlogs later(don't have time right now) | ||
United States11285 Posts
On September 07 2014 23:27 Arnstein wrote: Here's my armory: http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/auchindoun/Soronondo/simple I'll check out warcraftlogs later(don't have time right now) 8 unenchanted items 1 empty socket in 1 item Missing Living Steel Belt Buckle Fix this. You also have a mix between int/crit and int/haste gems. Unless you're trying to hit a break point you should probably just go full int in your red slots (not really a reason to be orange otherwise.) But most importantly, fix those things up there. | ||
6007 Posts
Note that this char is the same ilvl but has 10% more crit than you (which is where your DPS comes from). You should be gemmed, enchanted, and reforged like this (although you still need to adjust for your specific gear). If you are not a JC you can go straight crit and ignore int gems entirely unless the socket bonus is good. 1 crit > 2 int. Reforge everything into crit and out of hit, mastery, haste in that order unless you can hit the GCD cap. If you can go haste first, then crit after. | ||
3391 Posts
On September 08 2014 00:13 Serejai wrote: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/stormreaver/Serejai/advanced Note that this char is the same ilvl but has 10% more crit than you (which is where your DPS comes from). You should be gemmed, enchanted, and reforged like this (although you still need to adjust for your specific gear). If you are not a JC you can go straight crit and ignore int gems entirely unless the socket bonus is good. 1 crit > 2 int. Reforge everything into crit and out of hit, mastery, haste in that order unless you can hit the GCD cap. If you can go haste first, then crit after. I've been out of the loop for a while but is it common for classes to NOT prioritize the hit cap in the current version of the game? The hit cap was a crazy realization for me waaaayy back in the day and I've never looked back since, but I thought that had remained true. Is boomkin an exception or is there a lot of emphasis on one stat like crit (or whatever) above all, even when you aren't capped yet. | ||
United States7684 Posts
On September 07 2014 13:48 bo1b wrote: If you're a warlock you can go to icy veins forums and feel confident about results, since thats probably the warlock community hub right there. That's what I thought too. There used to be a really smart guy on MMO Champ named Gherkin but he's long gone. | ||
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