On September 04 2014 05:31 Catch]22 wrote: Slowly getting excited about this. Gonna revive my old Vanilla-Naxx main... Holy/Ret time!
Yeeeeeah, you can't mix specs anymore. Welcome to the New World Order.
On September 04 2014 06:27 deth2munkies wrote:Show nested quote +On September 04 2014 05:31 Catch]22 wrote: Slowly getting excited about this. Gonna revive my old Vanilla-Naxx main... Holy/Ret time! Yeeeeeah, you can't mix specs anymore. Welcome to the New World Order. He can play Holy and he can play Ret. Hes not saying anything wrong. Its even easier then ever before with WoD gear switching between Str and Int with your spec.
On September 04 2014 06:31 Gorsameth wrote:Show nested quote +On September 04 2014 06:27 deth2munkies wrote:On September 04 2014 05:31 Catch]22 wrote: Slowly getting excited about this. Gonna revive my old Vanilla-Naxx main... Holy/Ret time! Yeeeeeah, you can't mix specs anymore. Welcome to the New World Order. He can play Holy and he can play Ret. Hes not saying anything wrong. Its even easier then ever before with WoD gear switching between Str and Int with your spec.
I'm just saying if he wanted to play ye olde shockadin spec, or even the offheal Ret spec that used to be a thing in 40 mans, you can't really do that. Dual spec lets you play one at a time, but there's no mix and match.
I miss UA/Shadowburn so much for PvP...
RIP in piece bearcat.
User was warned for this post
Apparently posting a picture of a dead bearcat while talking about how the Bearcat spec is no longer in the game is off-topic :o
OK, I know I'm not totally fucking stupid. Or maybe I am. I haven't played in 2 years and this timeless isle shit confuses me to no end. I've done some quests, and found a shitload of chests that have given me like 6-7 welfare epics.... Now what? The guides I've read are confusing. It tells me to go get the burning chest or whatever, but I can't get across the broken bridge to where its supposedly located (some guide mentioned a cloak you need?) And if you need a special item to upgrade gear (burden of whatever), how the hell do you accumulate the 50k to buy them? Also, why are people always shouting for frog groups? Also also, the mobs seem pretty difficult to take on more than one at a time. What do you do if you don't know anyone who plays wow anymore? Its hard to find people who aren't just spamming the rare mobs. I swear I stumbled across a guide on the bnet forums or maybe reddit (shudder) that gave a stupid person friendly breakdown of the most efficient way to get geared. I just can't seem to find it anymore =\
On September 04 2014 07:12 Ayaz2810 wrote: OK, I know I'm not totally fucking stupid. Or maybe I am. I haven't played in 2 years and this timeless isle shit confuses me to no end. I've done some quests, and found a shitload of chests that have given me like 6-7 welfare epics.... Now what? The guides I've read are confusing. It tells me to go get the burning chest or whatever, but I can't get across the broken bridge to where its supposedly located (some guide mentioned a cloak you need?) And if you need a special item to upgrade gear (burden of whatever), how the hell do you accumulate the 50k to buy them? Also, why are people always shouting for frog groups? Also also, the mobs seem pretty difficult to take on more than one at a time. What do you do if you don't know anyone who plays wow anymore? Its hard to find people who aren't just spamming the rare mobs. I swear I stumbled across a guide on the bnet forums or maybe reddit (shudder) that gave a stupid person friendly breakdown of the most efficient way to get geared. I just can't seem to find it anymore =\
Hokay, here goes:
1) The chest they're talking about is easy to get to if you have your legendary cloak*, if not, follow the steps in this video. You can use any slow fall effect, the engineering glider, or if you don't have any of that, there's a small kid vendor in the southeast corner of the square on timeless isle (opposite side from the celestial tournament guy) who sells gliders that you can buy for timeless coins. This chest has 100% Burden of Eternity in it, though they are rare random drops (Vazuvius and other group bosses tend to drop them more). Using a burden on an unused piece of Timeless gear gives you a 535 ilvl version instead of 496. I'd recommend saving them for trinkets and rings.
2) Frog groups are for people farming epoch stones quickly. They just kill the frog elites over and over because a lot of them spawn in the same area.
3) If you don't know anyone that plays wow anymore, you're in the same boat as me and you either join a guild and make friends or cry yourself to sleep at night.
4) Timeless Isle -> Valor Gear/daily Heroic Scenario -> ToT LFR/PvP -> SoO LFR -> SoO Flex -> SoO Normal -> SoO Heroic is the gear progression at this point in the expansion. Looking For Raid tab is in the group finder, do not bother with anything older than ToT as its gear will be lower than Timeless Isle. Daily Heroic Scenario chests (or daily challenge mode quests, which don't rely on ilvl) will give you a chance for a 518 (IIRC) piece of gear that includes weapons.
5) One way to dump excess coins is to gamble them in the monkey cave (it's near where all the tigers are). Just buy a bunch of keys and open chests, you'll either get an amount of coins, timeless gear, or a pet. I have gotten a burden out of the chest once, but I've opened hundreds and seen one.
*The legendary cloak quest boosts your ilvl immensely, but is literally practically impossible to complete before WoD comes out due to how they structured the quest.
EDIT: I realized it's November, not October when WoD comes out. Still: 2-3 weeks for sigils, 3 weeks for Valor, 2-3 weeks for Secrets, 3-4 weeks for Runestones comes out to 10 weeks if you're lucky, and that's rubbing up against the release date.
Thank you so much for the detailed answer! I wonder about the part where you mentioned gambling. Its hard for me to imagine having EXCESS coins. With all the burdens I need to upgrade gear, I doubt I'll have any extra. Does this mean that heroic dungeons aren't worth my time? Also, you mentioned saving burdens for trinkets and rings. These can drop in timeless isle? I figured it would exclude those for some reason. One last question: what is the best way to accumulate the coins short of killing mobs for a few at a time? The frog groups remind me of leveling in ffxi lol
Deth2munkies already answered your stuff so ill just say dont worry to much about gear. Do the Celestials every week if you can depending on your server there might always be people around doing them else you will get the most luck on the day your weekly stuff resets (tuesday US/Wed EU) Timeless Isle stuff + a few Items from somewhere else gets you enough for LFR SoO which is honestly all you need.
6.0 patch comes ~1 month before release so midway October probably. That patch will increase the heirloom chance of the last boss of SoO (the heirlooms will scale to 100 for WoD) which sets you up nicely for leveling in WoD which is a gear reset anyway.
Oh and as for hard to take on multiple mobs. Yes that's normal for your gear level. Timeless isle mobs are much harder then anything else outside of group content. Again nothing to really worry about since you don't really need to kill much solo there.
Timeless Isle is a giant grind zone for people to catch up. Dont do more then you feel comfortable doing, it will only burn you out if you do.
United States24579 Posts
I don't believe you can do Ordos until you have the cloak. Celestials you can do though.
On September 04 2014 08:19 micronesia wrote: I don't believe you can do Ordos until you have the cloak. Celestials you can do though. Ah y the door is locked. my bad
On September 04 2014 08:28 Ayaz2810 wrote: What is a celestial?
The bigass glowy animals in the middle of the square. You can get loot once per week from them and it will give you normal level raid gear or current PvP gear randomly.
You can also go to your capital city, lower floor, and get a weekly quest for "Warforged Seals". They cost 50 Lesser Charms of Good Fortune, which you should have if you spent more than 20 minutes on the Timeless Isle. They let you "reroll" your loot, so you have 2 chances at loot instead of one.
Requires a raid group, but if you open up your raid tab, go to the top corner "Other Raids" you can check "Celestials" and "List My Name" and you'll usually get a group in a couple minutes.
Also: Best way to get coins is the weekly quests, apart from that, it's just grinding. I wouldn't bother using them to buy Burdens of Eternity though. If you have 100% every slot timeless gear, you can queue for SoO LFR, which gives you 528 gear. The whole point of the Timeless Isle is to hit 496 ilvl, so saving up to buy burdens when you'll usually get at least 2 (1 drop 1 from chest) which should get you to damn close to that ilvl isn't as valuable as merely gambling them to finish out the slots still occupied by heroic/questing gear.
Just another minor note to the Celestials. Since they are a world boss tags don't work the same as for normal mobs. So long as you hit a World Boss before it dies you will get the loot so if a bunch of people are fighting a Celestial in the big square on the Timeless Isle you can walk up and hit it with anything and you will get loot.
Also note that while there are 4 Celestial Bosses they count as one. Killing any of the 4 will do and further kills that week have no effect.
If you don't have the cloak to get across to those dudes, the glider mentioned a few posts ago works well correct? And when you mention 100% timeless gear, does that mean you can get weps/shields/etc?
On September 04 2014 08:51 Ayaz2810 wrote: If you don't have the cloak to get across to those dudes, the glider mentioned a few posts ago works well correct? And when you mention 100% timeless gear, does that mean you can get weps/shields/etc? a vendor next to the image of the Emperor at the big square on Timeless Isle sells weapons/offhands for coins.
I love you TL/LD. You guys are so much more helpful than literally any other forum. Bunch of snarky fuckers too. Such a great combo <3
On September 04 2014 06:31 Gorsameth wrote:Show nested quote +On September 04 2014 06:27 deth2munkies wrote:On September 04 2014 05:31 Catch]22 wrote: Slowly getting excited about this. Gonna revive my old Vanilla-Naxx main... Holy/Ret time! Yeeeeeah, you can't mix specs anymore. Welcome to the New World Order. He can play Holy and he can play Ret. Hes not saying anything wrong. Its even easier then ever before with WoD gear switching between Str and Int with your spec.
Yeah, I have played all the expansions. Meant the two specs separately Stat-switching armor will be super sweet for filthy casuals like myself.
iirc burdens don't work on timeless curios?
The 528 trinkets from SoO are far superior due to their bonuses anyway, so don't bother. Save them for non-tier pieces like rings, belt, neck etc.
On September 05 2014 02:48 Stancel wrote: iirc burdens don't work on timeless curios?
The 528 trinkets from SoO are far superior due to their bonuses anyway, so don't bother. Save them for non-tier pieces like rings, belt, neck etc.
See, they used to, but I don't think they do anymore. I had the 535 trinket on my Druid, but when I leveled my warrior, I couldn't burden that trinket.
If your items switch primary stat based on your spec, why not just remove the primary stat distinction entirely and call it "PRIMARY STAT" or, in keeping with the theme of this sort of change, "AWESOME."