Star Wars Battlefront III - Page 10
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United States10656 Posts
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Canada10681 Posts
Pods: Objectives spawn all over the map and so do you. Between objectives, the spawn points move around and you find yourself wedged between packs of people who want to kill you. The opposite is also true. As a result, you're constantly flanking people and shooting them in the back and they're completely defenseless so you'll win 100% of the time - unless you're also getting flanked at the same time (which happens often), in which case you'll lose 100% of the time - unless that other person is also getting flanked, in which case that person will die, overruling the previous things... and so on. Over half my deaths are flanks despite being very aware of it and actively trying to avoid it. Grenades will also sometimes randomly kill you because players toss them over cliffs for no reason since they replenish (and so they're not valuables, just toss them and get free kills). Positioning is key to avoid being flanked, but positional play takes time and is inefficient since you respawn pretty much in 3 seconds, so instead you're encourage to die and respawn preferably on your partner and split up in order to be able to respawn where you need to be as often as possible. When that can be done, you lose very little by dying. In fact, it sometimes helps. Walkers map thing: The empire wins something like 90% of the time right now, because people don't know how to play the map (yet?). Nor do I. I'm told that the map becomes imbalanced in favor of the rebels when people actually know what they're doing. Using the planes is apparently very important, which is unfortunate because it's a very barebones flight experience in comparison to basically everything that's on the market right now. The same can be said of every vehicle. It's exceptionally frustrating as a rebel, once the empire has momentum there's very little one player with NO real means of communication with the team can do by themselves, since one gun won't do much against vehicles. There's also part of the map where you're inside and you can't see outside (where your enemies are) because the glare from the sun or whatever, but they can see inside. And they have access to a turret. This often makes a lost cause, as rebel, even more frustrating. General The random grenade deaths are annoying. The shield is annoying and leads to ridiculous situations. Darth Vader and Luke getting "killed" but not being actually dead is just cheesy and weird. So what's good? Like I said, the shooting is good. The graphics are good, and the battles look cool. The Star Wars vibe is definitely present. If you're good at FPS, just like in BF, you can get the satisfaction of slamming people because you have an edge, but it feels very hectic and random. I'll wait to see the other modes, I think this might be decent but seeing they want $92 from me for AAA titles now I'm probably just not buying games anymore ![]() | ||
United States2309 Posts
The empire wins something like 90% of the time right now Due to the majority of the player base being bad I find myself winning nearly all of my games regardless of which side I'm on. While I think Empire has an easier side to learn, I really don't agree that one side is better. I'll list below the most optimal way I've found to win as rebels. 1. LMG/Snipe/jetpack up to the hill that's between the downed atat and the small empire spawn path. Shoot at whichever side needs help or is safer to shoot. Cap the close point if its not flipped. I typically go 25-2 or something just by going up this hill in 5 minutes. 2. As the Y wings approach sit on the circle turret(?) next to the outdoor capture point and shoot the far atat and then immediately flip the point as soon as you can. Afterwords I jet to the A wing spawn. 3. Once I get to the A-wing I shoot any tie fighters(which is a very A-wing favored matchup) and then you can clean up any AT-ST's from behind with incredible ease. Afterwords you can just shoot infantry and farm which ever side needs help until the at-at becomes vulnerable. Game is pretty much over after this point in favor of the rebels. Honestly I think following these steps I've gotten above a 90% win rate as rebels. | ||
United States953 Posts
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Germany796 Posts
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Charlie Sheens House51449 Posts
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Germany2861 Posts
On October 12 2015 18:11 Yrr wrote: I played 5 hours of beta (mostly walker assault) and I'm already tired of it. Maybe its the limited game modes, maybe the limited maps or the limited weapons. Maybe its the game itself after hundreds of hours of Bf4. It just isnt as fun as a new game should be. lol i dont even know how you managed hundreds of hours bf4. bf3 was a step in the wrong direction but it was still fun. bf 4 then became a ridiculous fast arcade shooter for ultra casual gaming and thats the way battlefront went. ea ruined the franchise and light sabres wont rescue it. this reminds me that i wanted to remake the "project reality" thread in this section since its outdated. everyone who is here for the battlefield experience and not just for star wars should check out . it a battlefield 2 mod which doesnt require battlefield 2 anymore so its basically free to play. its the best battlefield experience outthere. with an incredible community with thousands of players all taking the game seriously (communication with voice chat and stuff) | ||
Finland8662 Posts
On Empire side, if you know where the grand total of 2 rebel spawn points are, there's no stopping to the amount of farming you'll do with the AT-AT and can single handedly keep half the rebel team from getting out of their spawn area. That glare in the tunnel section in intended and it blinds both sides, dudes outside can't see inside either until they come close enough to the treshhold, at which point they can be seen from inside. Don't think people in the turret can actually see inside, they most like just keep shooting in anyway, coz why the hell not. There's probably people running in the way anyway. Maybe on the lowest gfx settings the glare is much less and you have easier time seeing in, I dunno, only tried medium settings. | ||
Chairman Ray
United States11903 Posts
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Germany796 Posts
On October 12 2015 18:31 MotherOfRunes wrote: lol i dont even know how you managed hundreds of hours bf4. bf3 was a step in the wrong direction but it was still fun. bf 4 then became a ridiculous fast arcade shooter for ultra casual gaming and thats the way battlefront went. ea ruined the franchise and light sabres wont rescue it. this reminds me that i wanted to remake the "project reality" thread in this section since its outdated. everyone who is here for the battlefield experience and not just for star wars should check out . it a battlefield 2 mod which doesnt require battlefield 2 anymore so its basically free to play. its the best battlefield experience outthere. with an incredible community with thousands of players all taking the game seriously (communication with voice chat and stuff) Bf4 gives you so much freedom to do silly stuff that is fun as hell. C4 onto everything, roadkilling peope with jets, rpg-ing everything that moves, managing an army of claymores, ... I didnt play Bf3 except for 10h when it was for free a year ago. I might give realitymod a try thanks for the tip. | ||
Finland4400 Posts
Haven't really been enjoying beta so far and I'm worried that in the full game it's like one map per game mode which would be pretty sad. If I can play something like large conquest on multiple maps I might consider the purchase but still quite uncertain. On Hoth it feels like more than half of my deaths come from awful automatic spawns. Like I die then I instantly respawn on a open area and get shot from every direction within 5 seconds. Nor am I in love with the power pick up system. Production value is definitely there though, game looks and mostly sounds good too. | ||
Germany2861 Posts
On October 12 2015 19:05 Yrr wrote: Bf4 gives you so much freedom to do silly stuff that is fun as hell. C4 onto everything, roadkilling peope with jets, rpg-ing everything that moves, managing an army of claymores, ... I didnt play Bf3 except for 10h when it was for free a year ago. I might give realitymod a try thanks for the tip. "silly stuff" thats exactly the point for me which makes it a pointless arcade shooter in my eyes. things became so unrealistic and ridiculous. sure there is "freedom" but its a freedom i dont want when it just contains ridicouls unrealistic moves and a 100 sights to glue on your rifle.that was not what battlefield was all about. but ea made it that way so they can attract players from call of duty etc. basically saying "hey look we are call of duty aswell nowbut with vehicles as well!" so if you really want that shit, beware, project reality isnt at like have freedom yeah and you can do incredible things but all on a realistic level. and you have to learn alot! i highly recommend reading the manual before you try that game and maybe do some rounds on a coop server. you woint have unlocks or custom rifle option. every faction has its standard service rifles with only 2 scope options some times its only 1 scope and the option for iron sights. the variety comes from the classes and the factions itself and there are A LOT (us,canada,brits,france,germany,netherlands,chinese, MEC,russians,militia,insurgents,taliban,syrian rebels) and another thing that bothers me are the small maps. it all became just 1 cluster fuck, even if the community of bf4 and battlefront would work together as a team, which they dont, there wouldnt even be room for strategic maneuvers on a large scale. in battlefield 2 you had that, not on every map but on many. with bf 3 it started to become smaller, but there were still okish maps.and in bf4 maps are a joke. when i tried bf4 i felt like playing some team death match. PR offers 2kmX2km and up to 4kmX4km maps which are insanly huge and give your team real strategic freedom.ok to be fair PR features 100 player server so these maps are made for 50vs50 battles. but 2kmX2km maps would be perfect for battlefield 3 and 4. but it doesnt fit into the new casual arcade concept of EA. where everything has to be meaningless instant action with everything blowing up for no reason. :/ | ||
3358 Posts
consider it a limited resource that pops up every once in a while and having players who don't exploit the vehicles can be equally as bad as it was good. if you know your spawn points, how to spend your time, general loadout of the other team and what their habits might be, it's easy to skirt around the sides as rebels to avoid the ATAT and the orbital strikes. basically you get 2 or 3 orbital strikes each time you take control of the guns and there are very limited angles. I also dislike that there are random powerups that are actually engagement changers if you happen to get lucky. as of what I've experienced so far, I don't think there's a pattern so much since I've received same powerups twice in a row and such. I don't like the forced spawns, and I don't like the partner slingshotting. it's very dicey to balance around and there are a lot of applications to abuse it while there's not much counterplay. you can lose positioning really fast where your average player is stuck inside after a spawn while ATAT's are vulnerable. that's not really immersive gameplay nor is it gameplay that creates a very good storyline imo. I'd much prefer that players were limited to 1 or 2 spawns with squad variety and with procedurally generated objective locations that aren't wholly predictable. at the very least, the build up to the action is what I'm not impressed with so far in this game (hoth). so if you're into spawning fast, whenever you want, basically, and being able to get your favourite pickups to do the same stuff as always... you're gonna love this game. using sniper-rifle in this game was not a joy for me, nor was the melee or lightsaber battling. you literally get more done by playing a good ATST, ATAT, or by camping uplinks than you do as darth vader. | ||
Germany796 Posts
Watched a few minutes of project reality on youtube. I wonder if it still works when you dont have a premade squad. | ||
Germany2861 Posts
On October 12 2015 20:33 Yrr wrote: When I do that silly stuff I just dont ptfo. I rarely do that in conquest anyway. Bf4 isnt a tactical tactical shooter, its a place to have fun like gta for example. Battlefront is even less tactical than Bf4 but the beta didnt give me something substitutional except for the starwars setting which fades out of attention after 15 minutes. Watched a few minutes of project reality on youtube. I wonder if it still works when you dont have a premade squad. thats the magic. those were no premade squads ![]() like i said the community is pretty serious about the game. you join a squad you do what the squadleader tells you to, its pretty simple :D but you are not the first who has mistaken 8 random guys for a premade squad :D i know for a normal BF player thats hard to believe/understand :D btw that voice tool is an integrated mumble which features, squad talk and 3d-local talk like in arma or day-z. also squadleaders are able to communicate among each other and the commander. and its fully integrated in the game so you dont need to install or set something up EDIT: look what I found here since you are german aswell i found this german beginners tutorial for PR which gives you a good overview about the concept of the game and the basics | ||
United States32028 Posts
Def agree, rebel air superiority is a MAJOR help. Honestly at least on console, once you get used to the controls it's easier enough. The killer move there, esp in the a wing, is when you are getting tailed, go up full speed like you're looping, slam brakes, go other way, smoke your tail. Rebel air also beats the shit out of those ATs when they're vulnerable. The game is also massively different once you start to learn where the power up spawns are. Well timed hero power ups and jumping in the AT at thright time is vital to both sides. I've had games as high as like 30 something kills and 5 deaths just using that, knowing where power ups are, and being much smarter about the choke points. Like that part about the inside, you unfortunately have to take the long way around. That's also where your partner comes into play. That's huge when you start to use that correctly. I had a bunch of pubs who were smart about that, and then I really killed it when I paired with friends. I think a week or two after the release would be a better time to evaluate the balance of the map. With zero exp it def favors the empire, but remotely competent Rebel team that gets the uplinks up asap and sits on chokes does very well. Even with just that and an even air game, I won a ton of games down in the trenches at the last uplink when it looked lost. You can get really quick swings if you have concentrated fire power. | ||
Canada11279 Posts
Also, not too sure the game modes are a great upgrade from the original Star Wars Battlefront. The radar is completely useless as far as telling you map features compared to the original. Furthermore, I really liked the old spawn points, take and hold because while one battle could be focused on one part of the map, you could take a commando squad in and end run for sneaky tactics. The pod version is just everyone converging on one point on the map. Not much in the way of sneaky tactics. and are the only planning on 7 maps for multiplayer? They've got to be really confident that those maps will be good/ fun. Because there were 16 in the original, and a handful that really sucked. But with 16, you had enough to choose from that were actually good. | ||
United States3737 Posts
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United States953 Posts
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United States3737 Posts
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