On November 08 2015 04:07 RusselPCMR wrote: Battlefield 4 was great! They released like 2 free new maps in the last few Month. And the Servers are running with up to 120Hz Tickrate, which is crazy!
On November 08 2015 03:38 KT_Elwood wrote: I am sad that Battlefront was handed to EA. It will now effectively be a 100€ + Game that is played until March and then will lose players because they turn to other stuff.
- they wiped the Lan mode to make pirating harder - they wiped third party content to sell you the right to access the content already on your HDD for 15€ a Map and 10€ a set of skins - they wiped the possibility to run your very own server, all you can do is rent one for stupidly high prices - they force you to use Battlelog ( Battlelog actually logs your Webbrowsing while active and sends it to EA for....."research" and better user experience)
And sadly people still buy this shit. Next thing is that they will charge you a monthly fee of 7.5€ to play the expansion for the next Movie, which at 29.99€ comes extra cheap and contains 2 new maps (1map reused from BF enabling Ewokhunt on tatooine)
So while you are right on some of those, battlelog is not needed for battlefront. Also you only have to pay 60$ to play the game. You don't have to buy the season pass.
Tell me do you feel this way towards Fallout 4 which also has a season pass?
I dont think i get FO 4 Right now, definitively NOT the season pass. Either i get the game now, and the (expected) DLCs one at a time for 15€ or I wait and get the game all patched and finished as GOTY because right now my time to play is limited anyways.
Comparing seasonpasses and DLC between a singleplayer RPG and a Multiplayer OnlineOnly shooter is a bit cheesy. With Bethesda each 15$-DLC so far gave you a new questline and area that EASILY could match a whole "Calladuddy" campaign contentwise. For Battlefield Starwars you get what? A map ? A set of meaningless skins? The right to play a gamemode on an old map because DICE was friendly enough to remap the Spawnlocations ? PFF. All that stuff was fucking taken away from us gamers, and now it's sold back piece by piece. Custom skins, custom maps and custom gamemodes made DOTA, made Counterstrike. Even Broodwar was a lot "Fastestgame" and not hardcore 1v1 all the time. Even private servers were very common. But EA thinks you should not have fun with the game, unless you pay over and over. And so the base game gets stale after time, then you buy the DLC and after a shorter period it gets stale again....and since nobody can mod it...it dies.
I don't want to support that kind of developement in industry. Basicly it's WOW for shooters. You pay 100$+ Every year for playing a battlefield. The old games get abandoned after the new release, even with DLC. You buy it or you are left out, won't find games and play sad and alone because you didnt save up for "Zombie-Ewok Hunt DLC" and thats the only gamemode with players on it.
The base game, is 60€. With all content you pay 110€ . Starcraft WoL+HotS+LOTV DVD-Retailversions are 120 € (!).
Even if the Battlefront now would score a 100/100 in games I'd still rate it sub 6. Why? Because DLCs add nothing new, but rather allow you to use some features. The game is complete if you unlock every DLC. Those integral parts are missing in the release version, but will be required.
Enlightenment is man's emergence from his self-imposed nonage. Nonage is the inability to use one's own understanding without another's guidance. This nonage is self-imposed if its cause lies not in lack of understanding but in indecision and lack of courage to use one's own mind without another's guidance. Dare to know! (Sapere aude.) "Have the courage to use your own understanding," is therefore the motto of the enlightenment.
Laziness and cowardice are the reasons why such a large part of mankind gladly remain minors all their lives, long after nature has freed them from external guidance. They are the reasons why it is so easy for others to set themselves up as guardians. It is so comfortable to be a minor. If I have a book that thinks for me, a pastor who acts as my conscience, a physician who prescribes my diet, and so on--then I have no need to exert myself. I have no need to think, if only I can pay; others will take care of that disagreeable business for me..
im debating buying a ps4 and battlefront 3 on the 17th, it looks incredibly fun, i also had alot of fun with battlefront 2, but i still dont know if its worth the $450ish
It's pitiful, splitting your playerbase between those with/without money to waste. The gameplay looks quite fun but I won't pay for such an anti-consumer game.
So, what's the verdict on this game? Seems like mixed reviews from those who've played the beta. Will this be worth a solid few months of fun shooter gameplay or has EA crafted another turd sandwhich?
I'm so on the fence for this. It looks pretty amazing from a first look POV. I'm ok with it costing a bunch of money, WoW was worth the subscription, and my only hope is that SW:B can also be worth it.
I found that it was ok but monotonous in the beta. I have a feeling the entire game is probably similar. It's hard to pass up on a game that makes such a pretty Star Wars world but it's probably not worth the money.
i was gonna buy it until i read this season pass bullshit... its bascially pay to win if a season pass means you'll have access to better weapons/advantages ect.