On April 07 2013 08:42 PhoenixVoid wrote: I mean, Mewthree doesn't exactly look terrible, but just uninspired. Resembles another DBZ character, and the name is a bit ridiculous.
As much as I'll always love the Pokemon series, I'd say every generation after 2 kind of looked uninspired to me for the most part.
On March 31 2013 17:41 Seiniyta wrote: Although perhaps entirely not on topic, for whoever that read Pokemon Adventures. Wouldn't it be cool if the ingame story of a pokemon game could be that entertaining?
This would be the most awesome Pokemon game ever. Imagine, an actually threatening Team Rocket. Imagine, Pokemon with tactics using the stage, and even using Pokemons' abilities in unique ways. Imagine, having all regions and all pokemon able to be traveled to and caught. One can always dream.
On April 07 2013 08:42 PhoenixVoid wrote: I mean, Mewthree doesn't exactly look terrible, but just uninspired. Resembles another DBZ character, and the name is a bit ridiculous.
Doubt that's gonna be the name but still, this thing looks just ugly.
Looks possibly like a pre-evolution or transitional form of Mewtwo. The issue I have with the picture on the poster is that it looks like Buutwo (that's what I call it) has a buck tooth which I think makes it look really stupid. If the headtail was a bit narrower I would like it more, but overall I think it's pretty neat.
On April 07 2013 15:45 Requizen wrote: Design of Mewthree or whatever aside, the animations shown in that trailer are really sick.
Yup, it looks really impressive. I hope they do polish the overworld up though. That didn't look so good in the launch trailer. But the battles themselves look gorgeous.
anyone wish they would just continue to add content instead of constantly just trying new gimmicks?
Im really enjoying black and white 2 and the new stuff added, but im sad that they got rid of some old favorites like the pokemon appeal battles.
I always thought those were really fun in sapphire and ruby, along with a lot of other gimmick games they have made in the past. wish they wouldnt just delete it completely as sapphire and ruby is one of the worst versions of the game otherwise.
ingame, one thing I notice now is they added some detail to the background compared to the previous trailer. Also the animation is really smooth.
Yeah wow, those battle scenes look really amazing. I was happy for this game, but not exactly worrying about how soon it was coming out. After seeing that, I really can't wait!
Hi France! Still, I'm pumped for this game, pokemon starters were pretty nice and the urban environment feels vastly superior than the usual small towns we visit.
Here's some rumors from the guy who correctly leaked the English names of 4 new Pokemon. That gives him some credibility, but as with all unofficial info, take this with a little skepticism:
Fairy will be a new type. It is weak to Poison and Steel, immune to Dragon, super effective against Dragon, Dark, and Fighting, and Fire and Psychic-type Pokemon take half damage from it. Sylveon is Fairy-type. Some older Pokemon will be reclassified to Fairy, such as Mawile (Steel/Fairy). Mewtwo has two new formes, not just one. Both are activated via items. The professor's English name is Patrice. The Starter final evolutions are Fire/Psychic, Grass/Fighting, and Water/Dark. The first Gym is Bug, the second is Fairy, and the fourth is Fighting. A few attacks will be dual-typed. There will be a new type of battling style that Flying-type Pokemon and Pokemon with Levitate can participate in. You will be able to see a Pokemon's EVs at a certain in-game facility. You will be able to boost the EVs through mini-games. It will take about two hours to get one stat to max EVs.
That Fairy type actually seems plausible. The weaknesses and resistances it holds basically scream "We're adding this to address the overabundance of Dragon- and Steel-type Pokemon, and to make Poison and Steel viable attacking types," which pretty much adds up to the current Gen V competitive battling scene. Dragons and Steels are everywhere, and Fighters are incredibly powerful; if this Fairy thing is actually legit, it could do a hell of a lot to break up that over-centralized metagame.
Still, there haven't been any new types since the release of Gold and Silver almost thirteen years ago, so I'm not convinced just yet. I'm excited, though. Can't wait for October.