On January 19 2013 00:16 Mongolbonjwa wrote: The combat and general interacting with the character is dissapointing, it lacks responsiveness and you always have to click on enemies to hit unlike with diablo 3 where everything is smooth. Also the design of environment and enemies is just boring.
This has more to do with the scaling of the game more than anything. Things become much more smooth and responsive once you get attack speed and the correct gem setup. You're suppose to be almost useless at the beginning; you're an exile for crying out loud.
hey guys, i know open beta starts next week but i really want to try this game out this weekend. It's the first weekend i have off work in almost 6 months, so anyone who can help me out would be making a very happy stranger :-)
I know it's not much but i have some DOTA 2 invites on my steam to give out, maybe if you want to trade.
On January 19 2013 00:16 Mongolbonjwa wrote: The combat and general interacting with the character is dissapointing, it lacks responsiveness and you always have to click on enemies to hit unlike with diablo 3 where everything is smooth.
You have to click on enemies to hit? OH THE HORROR!!!!!!
On January 19 2013 00:16 Mongolbonjwa wrote: The combat and general interacting with the character is dissapointing, it lacks responsiveness and you always have to click on enemies to hit unlike with diablo 3 where everything is smooth.
You have to click on enemies to hit? OH THE HORROR!!!!!!
I was thinking the same thing. I wonder if he meant to say something else because that statement makes no sense.
I mean the shift-attack, where you dont have to click on enemies. This game has that feature just like in diablo, but the problem is that it does not work really well. It just keeps missing everything 95% of the time. Diablo 3 does not have that issue.
On January 19 2013 06:30 Mongolbonjwa wrote: I mean the shift-attack, where you dont have to click on enemies. This game has that feature just like in diablo, but the problem is that it does not work really well. It just keeps missing everything 95% of the time. Diablo 3 does not have that issue.
That's just a synchronization issue which has been discussed to death. Assuming the company wants their game to live they'll find a way to fix it.
The trick is to use the /oos command pretty liberally in any area prone to desyncs (pyramid, prison, etc.). After a few uses, you get familiar with what really causes desyncs and how to mostly avoid them. But I have to agree that shift-clicking in melee is simply not viable, unless you use a pretty big skill (GS, Sweep, etc.)
is there a set amount of auras you can have on at once? I dont see why everyone would not have all of them no? also which skills give charges? is there a lot or a few?
On January 19 2013 13:19 Obstikal wrote: is there a set amount of auras you can have on at once? I dont see why everyone would not have all of them no? also which skills give charges? is there a lot or a few?
Bloodrage (on killed enemy) and frenzy (on hit) give frenzy charges. Enduring Cry (the more charges the more enemys are around you with a minimum of 1 charge) and Warlords Mark (chance to gain a charge for a killed enemy under the curse) give endurance charges. Power Siphon gives power charges if you kill enemies with this skill or shortly after a enemy got hit by it.
Edit: There is also a unique armor that gives power charges on crit.
On January 19 2013 13:19 Obstikal wrote: is there a set amount of auras you can have on at once? I dont see why everyone would not have all of them no? also which skills give charges? is there a lot or a few?
because of the mana cost, there are a few auras they cost like 30-40% of your total mana, so you are gonna end up using 100%+ of your mana.
On January 19 2013 01:24 heishe wrote: Is that stuff with the fork/chain/totem gems already in game or is that alpha stuff? Also, are the four or so they showed the only ones which really change a skill dramatically? I know there are more, but afaik most of them are passives like "more crit damage" or something like that.
There are few more that changes them dramatically like Lesser and Greater Multiple Projectiles, trap and Remote Mine and all are in the beta.
There are 49 support gems total put yes most are passives.
On January 19 2013 00:16 Mongolbonjwa wrote: The combat and general interacting with the character is dissapointing, it lacks responsiveness and you always have to click on enemies to hit unlike with diablo 3 where everything is smooth. Also the design of environment and enemies is just boring.
This has more to do with the scaling of the game more than anything. Things become much more smooth and responsive once you get attack speed and the correct gem setup. You're suppose to be almost useless at the beginning; you're an exile for crying out loud.
This is said often, but it simply isn't true. Sure, the combat won't feel quite as bad once you get more movement and attack speed, but there's still an incredibly large noticeable difference in fluidity of PoEs combat system and D3s system (which is the main competitor). Even Torchlight 2, which wasn't mega fluid on its own, feels better than PoE to me.
I think there are two reasons why it feels bad: First, the attack animations are simply too long, no matter how much attack speed you have. Second: Almost all skills that you're going to use are "stop and go". You will be locked in place while using them. If you take D3, for example, a large portion of the skills that you're going to be using with any class will have you stay either completely mobile or relatively mobile.
Also there's something off about the hit detection (whether or not your mouse click has hit the hit box off an enemy or not) in this game. It just feels odd.
On January 19 2013 00:16 Mongolbonjwa wrote: The combat and general interacting with the character is dissapointing, it lacks responsiveness and you always have to click on enemies to hit unlike with diablo 3 where everything is smooth. Also the design of environment and enemies is just boring.
This has more to do with the scaling of the game more than anything. Things become much more smooth and responsive once you get attack speed and the correct gem setup. You're suppose to be almost useless at the beginning; you're an exile for crying out loud.
This is said often, but it simply isn't true. Sure, the combat won't feel quite as bad once you get more movement and attack speed, but there's still an incredibly large noticeable difference in fluidity of PoEs combat system and D3s system (which is the main competitor). Even Torchlight 2, which wasn't mega fluid on its own, feels better than PoE to me.
I think there are two reasons why it feels bad: First, the attack animations are simply too long, no matter how much attack speed you have. Second: Almost all skills that you're going to use are "stop and go". You will be locked in place while using them. If you take D3, for example, a large portion of the skills that you're going to be using with any class will have you stay either completely mobile or relatively mobile.
Also there's something off about the hit detection (whether or not your mouse click has hit the hit box off an enemy or not) in this game. It just feels odd.
Certain skills need to be locked on how fast they can attack otherwise it would be stupid to watch. Leap Attack is one of them.
I'm not sure, right now the guy is at 14 something, he's going to make another video at 15. People have been donating stuff to him on legacy so he can see how high he can go. He's doing it for fun but I think he plans on trying to make high attack speed (more likely 7 or 8 aps) viable.