On June 01 2011 18:27 Firebolt145 wrote: These graphics are bringing me back to the days of halo. And although back in those days Halo was AMAZING, I can't stand it anymore :/
Hopefully over time I'll get used to the UI, atm I'm feeling really iffy but I really want to enjoy the game.
BTW can someone outline what it is I'm supposed to expect from this game...I gather this game isn't for combat but is mainly for the story and choices etc. Is that true?
another edit: how do I get into windowed mode?
For windowed mode: Edit the swkotor.ini (or swkotor2.ini for TSL)
[Graphics Options] (for kotor 2 the same option also appears under [Display Options], need to change both) FullScreen=0
When set to 0, you run in windowed mode.
[Graphics Options] AllowWindowedMode=1
allows you to switch from fullscreen to window and vice versa by pressing ALT-Enter
There is some combat in this game, but you'll discover soon enough that the majority of the plot resides in the dialogue, getting sidequests is also dependant on your dialogue choices.
For the first playthrough, to discover the most options I'd suggest starting with Scoundrel class (the only class to get Persuade as class skill, and that's invaluable) and trying to play more on the light side.
Of course, you should always use the style of playing you prefer, the above option is the one that should show you the most of the game though. There are some dark side exclusives, but just 2 DS companions (and each companion offers a sidequest I believe, at least most of them do) and most of the time you'll be either force persuading people to do what you want them to or killing them for not complying. Hardly the way to discover the game but can be fun for a second playthrough (get rid of the dudes that were annoying you before).
P. S.
Download the K1 modpack I posted in the OP and use it. It's just a couple of slight cosmetic changes which will make the game more enjoyable while not changing any gameplay.
Lalalaland34486 Posts
I've already played as soldier and just saved Bastila, as light side. Would you say restarting as a scoundrel is worth it?
Although I'm enjoying the side quests and dialogue, I can't seem to get a hang of the combat so far. Right now I'm just spamming basic 'attack' skills at most enemies. Surely there is much more to it?
It's held back by the shallowest, whingiest cast of little babies I've seen in a game outside of Japan, but otherwise it's good.
On June 01 2011 20:59 Firebolt145 wrote: I've already played as soldier and just saved Bastila, as light side. Would you say restarting as a scoundrel is worth it?
Although I'm enjoying the side quests and dialogue, I can't seem to get a hang of the combat so far. Right now I'm just spamming basic 'attack' skills at most enemies. Surely there is much more to it?
When it comes down to attacks, the basic attack is what you want to use early on. Critical Strike has the same penalty on all the levels, the same goes for Power Attack, but they get better when you improve them (although I'd discourage going the PA route, it scales pretty bad and CS gives you a ton more damege overall). Flurry is just an extra attack, people love it but I'm not a big fan personally.
Combat overall is pretty simple, only later on, when there's actually some challenge (like the Mandalorian boss on Dantooine) you'll learn to utilize grenades, stimulants and shields. Also, Force powers add another level of depth.
The point where you save Bastila, and entire Taris in general is pretty short in itself. You can do it with all the sidequests and what not in ~3-4 hours without speed-running anything and paying attention to all the dialogue. You can judge for yourself if it's worth to restart.
Scoundrel is in my opinion the best starting class in K1, you get Persuasion and Security (never was a fan of bashing things open), +4 defence and sneak attack. Soldier gets a ton of feats, hitpoints and better attack bonus, but overall I don't find him all that great. You get 3 useless feats to begin with (power attack, medium and heavy armour profficiency).
Let's take a look at a simple breakdown of what you get with character without any bonuses (assume all stats at 10) at the point where you become a Jedi: Scoundrel: 13 feats (including class bonus feats and starting feats), 24 skills, base attack bonus of 6, 48hp. Soldier: 13 feats (no special ones though), 8 skills, base attack bonus of 8, 80hp.
Scoundrel's special feats give you +4 defence and +4-24 damage against stunned enemies (not too shabby seeing how you get the mass stun forces later on). It's also why I find Mission to be the best ranged support character in the game, give her 2 pistols and watch her rip everyone to shreds after you stun them (at the end of the game she gets +10-60 damage on each hit). For starting Scoundrel I'd also suggest the Empathy feat line and at least 14 starting Charisma, your main is the only character able to use Persuasion, you can as well maximise it's effects.
That is, of course, if you like minmaxing a bit
Flurry + Light Side speed = 4 attacks. You cannot go wrong with 4 attacks. (Assuming you're DWing sabers which you always should). It gets more OP in KotOR 2 when you can have super powerful lightsaber crystals in both swords.
Scoundrel -> Jedi Consular is the easiest way for Dark Side in both games because 2 Force Storms will kill everything in the room with you until the end of the game.
On June 02 2011 00:32 deth2munkies wrote: Flurry + Light Side speed = 4 attacks. You cannot go wrong with 4 attacks. (Assuming you're DWing sabers which you always should). It gets more OP in KotOR 2 when you can have super powerful lightsaber crystals in both swords.
Scoundrel -> Jedi Consular is the easiest way for Dark Side in both games because 2 Force Storms will kill everything in the room with you until the end of the game.
Actually, my Scoundrel/Consular (LS), with single saber and dueling feat line seems to have better survivability and damage than my Soldier/Guardian(DS) with double-bladed lightsaber...
3 attacks (2 provided by speed and one standard) of which 2 are criticals is equivalent to 5 attacks (and you get higher hit chance without dual-wielding). The result is the same as dw + speed + flurry, but on top of that you get stuns from critical strikes (and then you hit stunned enemies even harder with sneak attack) ^_^
On May 24 2011 09:26 jalstar wrote: I'm in the minority that likes the second one better. Much better in fact, I felt the first one was sort of a rehash of A New Hope with renamed characters, while the second one was a more personal journey that took an approach to morality that was completely unprecedented in Star Wars games.
Haha, glad I'm not the only one!
On June 02 2011 02:26 cozak wrote:Show nested quote +On May 24 2011 09:26 jalstar wrote: I'm in the minority that likes the second one better. Much better in fact, I felt the first one was sort of a rehash of A New Hope with renamed characters, while the second one was a more personal journey that took an approach to morality that was completely unprecedented in Star Wars games. Haha, glad I'm not the only one!
The problem with K2, despite having much better dialogues and mechanics (maybe except persuasion, which is too easy there while it was a big thing in K1), is that the story kinda unravels itself without your participation. You're just wandering aimlessly through the galaxy with random people who randomly join you (Mira/Hanharr anyone?). So, while the dialogues are next to none, the plot is rather uninspired, whereas in K1 it wasn't great, but much more entertaining.
Lalalaland34486 Posts
Well I'm currently planning to go Scoundrel/Guardian. Starting to get a little more hang of the combat, I'm spamming less random shit now.
Lalalaland34486 Posts
How does stealth work? I turn off solo mode but then I have to spam my stealth hotkey and it seems to work randomly, then I think I'm supposed to have some form of backstab (breaking stealth for extra damage) but can't quite figure out how yet... Hmm.
On May 30 2011 04:57 Jeremyy wrote:Show nested quote +On May 29 2011 16:57 Manit0u wrote: P. S.
Why the hell would you bold first letters of every sentence and each period? Please stop... Because he wants to be recognized for something, and he has no personality traits worth mentioning so he's adopted that.
Wow you're mad about something but you shouldn't direct it at me.
It's funny that in your OP, you talk about not discouraging people with Infinity Engine. I'm a huge BG1/2 and PS:T fan that has never played kotor mostly because of graphics. I would trade old and poorly made 3D for Infinity Engine every day!
Might give it a shot if I have nothing to play on a lonely weekend  What does the combat system looks like actually? I know it's not the most important but (quite) challenging fights is what keep me playing BG2 after all those years. Could not find videos on Youtube without spoiling myself too much...
Kotor was terrible, played it for 1 hour and uninstalled.
Don't be fooled: the game is nothing like the Elder Scrolls or Fallout games.
On June 02 2011 06:19 Ravencruiser wrote: Kotor was terrible, played it for 1 hour and uninstalled.
Don't be fooled: the game is nothing like the Elder Scrolls or Fallout games.
You're right, it's much better...haha
yep it revolutionize rpg.
Kotor is an amazing game whenever im sick i just play the whole thing.. beat it many, many times lol.
On June 02 2011 06:01 Firebolt145 wrote: How does stealth work? I turn off solo mode but then I have to spam my stealth hotkey and it seems to work randomly, then I think I'm supposed to have some form of backstab (breaking stealth for extra damage) but can't quite figure out how yet... Hmm.
There's a button for it somewhere around your portrait (solo mode and stealth buttons), if you have stealth generator equipped you can enter stealth. Then, to get sneak attacks in (they work with blasters too) you just need to attack something (note, it only works with regular attack from stealth, not any of the special ones). Basically, you get your bonus damage from sneak attacks every time you hit something that: a) can't see you b) is stunned c) is paralyzed d) in any other way incapable of defending itself
Just don't invest much in stealth, it's only really useful if you wish to do solo runs (ie: no companions, people do that) or like to play with setting up mines -> going out of stealth -> laughing at enemies blowing themselves up as they're trying to reach you.
Edit: To see if you managed a backstab you can always check up your combat message log (it's there somewhere in the quick menu, pretty obscurely placed but it's there, it shows you the hit/damage rolls and damge in combat, with all the modifiers and what not).
Edit: Found it! To the left of Journal, switch to 'feedback' at the bottom.
On June 02 2011 02:26 cozak wrote:Show nested quote +On May 24 2011 09:26 jalstar wrote: I'm in the minority that likes the second one better. Much better in fact, I felt the first one was sort of a rehash of A New Hope with renamed characters, while the second one was a more personal journey that took an approach to morality that was completely unprecedented in Star Wars games. Haha, glad I'm not the only one!
same here, kotor1 was kind of generic good vs evil stuff but 2 did a good job of questioning what it meant to be light/dark
I must post again:
4 days later, I have beaten both KOTOR and KOTOR:TSL.
You could say I had a huge nostalgia for Star Wars... or something like that. ;D
Played through the light side and did practically every quest. I can't believe the amount of content I missed playing through only once or twice and consider the fact that I have never been a light side character before. I much prefer it now that I have played it. Now I am depressed... for there are only 2 games.
As mentioned I think the only thing that KotOR has over KotOR2 is + Show Spoiler [Only if you finished both] +relationship with Bastila. To me, K2's characters are so vastly superior in almost every regard excepting HK-47 and Canderous who are present in both obviously. Yes, K1 was a very quintessential Star Wars story, but that's both a strength and a weakness. I think K2 took it and made it so much more. Even the way the story progresses seems more realistic. There is some meandering but to me that really mimics how life is in a lot of ways. HK-47's rendition of Carth in K2 is amazingly awesome and sadly brief.
I obviously don't need to say anything about Kreia, she speaks for herself as a character. Sadly in K1 you basically had a group of light siders and that was immensely disappointing. Jolee even was a light sider acting like he was neutral. My final point before it sounds like I think K1 is a bad game which is completely not what I feel about it: the darkside decisions in K2 are so much more thoughtful than K1 lol. In K1 it's all about killing someone before they talk and in K2 you can be intelligently evil and manipulate people rather than just violent. Anyway, HK-47 and Kreia are the stars of the games. Sooooooo much fun.
Oh, one last thing. K1 definitely has more challenging combat. The only fight that was remotely difficult for me in K2 was the end as a pure lightsider consular I think and that was because Traya's blades seemed to eat me alive for some reason. Even then, my first run through of K1 I was a light sider consular too and good god do you know how much of a bitch that was against Malak with no ability to drain the tanks LOL. I kited him around FOREVER. Poor character creation on my part that first time.