On May 16 2011 01:06 Chuiu wrote: Ok I think I figured out the other unknown class! There will be Mesmer, of course, and Engineer. It makes sense if you think about it. Three of the races could use a class like this: Charr (in the picture), Asuran, and Humans. Charr are becoming more industrialized now, which is why they are using them to display the class. And its a new and unique class and it would make perfect sense if it was the 2nd class to use rifles, since we only have one right now.
I wonder how Anet is gonna rework the mesmer without target casting and I'm guessing that there won't be hexes either. Engineer makes a lot of sense though. I'll just sit in anticipation along with everyone else.
I can totally see wee versions of diversion and shame being turned into mouse-targeted aoe spells with 1 second duration. The same can be said about cry of frustration (interrupts one and the interrupt bounces around like a hiccup) and visions of regret. An aoe mana drain canceled by casting spells seems fitting for the current gw2 spell design mindset too, they can work around that.
On May 17 2011 07:30 r33k wrote: An aoe mana drain canceled by casting spells seems fitting for the current gw2 spell design mindset too, they can work around that.
I don't think there would be much powerful mana drain abilities since mana is used for everything in GW2, dodging, normal attack, and spells. There might be some week ones but don't see anything too powerful coming out
I don't see it mentioned here... but beta has been confirmed to start later this year and the release is set for 2012 via the ArenaNet conference call today.
On May 19 2011 09:29 Minecraft wrote: I don't see it mentioned here... but beta has been confirmed to start later this year and the release is set for 2012 via the ArenaNet conference call today.
Amazing.. I really hope this game lives up to the hype.. im so sick of half-assed pve centric mmos at this point.
I just want a good and dynamic pvp system like DAoC had, that game kept me interested for over 7 years..
quick question. will guild wars 2 be graphic intensive? if I can run crysis 2 on max will I be okay to run guild wars 2 on max? i mean i know I can run it but i am just hoping i can play gw2 maxed out as well. thanks
On May 19 2011 10:16 Golgotha wrote: quick question. will guild wars 2 be graphic intensive? if I can run crysis 2 on max will I be okay to run guild wars 2 on max? i mean i know I can run it but i am just hoping i can play gw2 maxed out as well. thanks
I assume so, Guild Wars was very well optimized and requires almost nothing to run.
On May 19 2011 10:16 Golgotha wrote: quick question. will guild wars 2 be graphic intensive? if I can run crysis 2 on max will I be okay to run guild wars 2 on max? i mean i know I can run it but i am just hoping i can play gw2 maxed out as well. thanks
I assume so, Guild Wars was very well optimized and requires almost nothing to run.
thanks! yeah i remember guild wars 1 was extremely optimized.
On May 19 2011 13:11 Disregard wrote: What made GW1 or majority of these MMOs look good was the extensive use of bloom and bright chrome textures... D:
On May 19 2011 13:11 Disregard wrote: What made GW1 or majority of these MMOs look good was the extensive use of bloom and bright chrome textures... D:
And here I always thought it was simple graphics that were put together so nicely that it made it look better than many games claiming to have uber 3D and what not.
Simplicity was the best thing in GW, no 214124 levels with 4353465 feats/special attributes and 25253523 gear sets to grind and mind-boggle you.
20 levels, 8 skills and the same AC for everyone within class, regardless of how cool you look. That's what got me into it. And it translated into fast-paced action, which was another huge bonus.
I'd explain it all to you, but a demonstration would be more useful. Masters of mechanical mayhem, engineers tinker with explosives, gadgets, elixirs, and all manner of deployable devices. They can take control of an area by placing turrets, support their allies with alchemic weaponry, or lay waste to foes with a wide array of mines, bombs, and grenades.
Like elementalists, engineers use a single weapon set at a time, but they complement this weapon set by equipping special utility and healing kits. These kits provide the engineer with special weapons and backpacks loaded with a full set of skills to replace their current weapon skills.
Weapon Kits—These are utility skills that equip a new weapon in the engineer's hands when activated. For example, the flamethrower kit creates a short-range AOE weapon the engineer can use to overwhelm foes. The flamethrower has skills like Immolate to damage nearby enemies, Air Blast to defend from ranged attacks, and Backdraft to suck enemies into range of the weapon's powerful attacks
Backpack Kits—When activated, these special utility kits equip a backpack that replaces the engineer's current weapon skills with a set of more specialized skills. For example, a bomb kit puts a backpack on engineers that allows them to deploy bombs with a variety of effects including smoke, concussion, and fire.
Turrets—An engineer can deploy turrets: immobile allied devices that help defend and control an area. When a turret is deployed, the skill in that slot is replaced with its overcharged version. For example, an engineer can deploy a Thumper Turret to cause AOE damage, and then activate the overcharge version of that skill for a big thump attack that knocks down nearby enemies. An engineer can interact with deployed turrets, packing them up and moving them around. This removes the turret—and the option to overcharge it—triggering a short recharge before that turret can be deployed again. Only one of each type of turret can exist at a time.
Tool Belt—An engineer tool belt is a set of special skills above the weapon skill bar. It enhances the effectiveness and functionality of the engineer's utility and heal skills. The tool belt can add a self-destruct skill to turrets or a detonation option to all mines. When paired with the grenade kit, the tool belt allows a grenade barrage; with the med kit, it adds a self-healing skill.
Skills video:
Weapons: Main Hand: Pistol Off Hand: Pistol, Shield Two-Handed: Rifle
wow that raid video with everyone fighting against that big deathwing looking like guy was awesome.. makes me very excited for the next generation of MMO's... WoW is great but I do get sick of looking at the same outdated graphics all the time..
of course the graphics mean nothing if the game itself isn't good so we'll have to see..