The one in the video doesn't fit that--it's a freaking teleport attack. What the hell is the point of Diablo teleporting to you if it doesn't guarantee a melee hit? It's pretty obvious that if he teleports, you have to blow a defensive cooldown to not get hit.
But if you already blowed 3 skills to not get hit, and he is still teleporting to you, you can be the best player in the world, it's pure luck.
In that particular fight, whether Diablo teleports is dependent on your positioning. It's not random.
He doesn't teleport if you stay away from the edges/the rocks in the middle.
On June 10 2012 21:28 HolydaKing wrote: easy to understand:
"Your Bid" is what you are willing to pay and the prize others have to pay to get the edge over your bid.
"Current Bid" is what others have paid for yet. It's also what you will have to pay when it's over, the difference of "Your Bid" and "Current Bid" is what you'll get back if you won.
It's (almost) like at eBay if i'm not wrong.
Yea it is like eBay. You put the most money you will want to pay (let's say 10 dollars). Every time someone else out bids you from 0.00-9.99$, you will insta-outbid that person. So on the AH, let's say you put a 1 mil bid on a ring. Even though your bid will read higher than the current bid, you still have the winning bid.
So if I bid 10mil and the last guy to bid bids 3.5mil, I get 6.5mil (or around that) back in return?
On June 11 2012 03:53 udgnim wrote: it's fucking stupid that an obviously flawed and bad game design decision regarding hit detection is justified by Blizzard to be "fun"
It’s intentional. We don’t want a game where the most effective way to play is to dodge in and out of enemy attacks. It’s not that difficult to do, and it’s just not a very fun way to play. “Most effective” and “not fun” just can’t be in the same sentence when describing part of the game. We want combat to be based on use of abilities, putting thought into builds, building up offensive and defensive stats, etc. Skill is absolutely a part of all of the systems you’ll use, and kiting can be too, but it’d be ridiculous if you could avoid all of the systems that make the game the game because you can time dodges of enemy attacks and negate every other factor.
Also think about just running past enemies to rush through an area and never being hit. Anyone looking to rush would love it! Which is why it’s not a good idea from a design perspective. It’s not something we’ll be changing.
Jay Wilson needs to be removed from D3 as game design lead and replaced with someone that actually understands how to have fun gameplay mechanics in a game.
On June 11 2012 05:27 UniversalSnip wrote: lol, good luck balancing diablo when you can just stutterstep out of every melee attack.
Exactly, class balance is already a travesty as is. Making attacks dodge-able like that would make it even worse, because being able to move out of the animation of a melee attack inherently benefits ranged more than melee, because melee has to move back INTO attack range in order to attack back.
I can see your point, but I just get so annoyed when I see a spear coming at me and I dodge it, my screen shows me dodging it, but I take damage from it anyway. Maybe they should change the animations instead so that the spears follow you or some shit, would make it a lot less annoying. :/
I really like demon hunter's mobility but is it me or is the vault ability just horrible in bossfights? Every time I try to use it I have to press it like 6 times before it registers and there's a second inherent delay anyways on TOP of the lag. Controls feel pretty unresponsive, combined with lag, makes me a sad demon hunter.
On June 11 2012 06:42 solidbebe wrote: I really like demon hunter's mobility but is it me or is the vault ability just horrible in bossfights? Every time I try to use it I have to press it like 6 times before it registers and there's a second inherent delay anyways on TOP of the lag. Controls feel pretty unresponsive, combined with lag, makes me a sad demon hunter.
It's great for all bossfights imo just got to get used to the initial delay. SS is superior in functionality but 2 vaults + 2 mini speed boosts (runes) only costs 12 (i'm pretty sure it's 8 disc for the first one can't quite recall right now) discipline which is awesome.
On June 11 2012 06:42 solidbebe wrote: I really like demon hunter's mobility but is it me or is the vault ability just horrible in bossfights? Every time I try to use it I have to press it like 6 times before it registers and there's a second inherent delay anyways on TOP of the lag. Controls feel pretty unresponsive, combined with lag, makes me a sad demon hunter.
On June 11 2012 06:42 solidbebe wrote: I really like demon hunter's mobility but is it me or is the vault ability just horrible in bossfights? Every time I try to use it I have to press it like 6 times before it registers and there's a second inherent delay anyways on TOP of the lag. Controls feel pretty unresponsive, combined with lag, makes me a sad demon hunter.
Yeah hard life as a DH ammirte.
If you can't dodge what you want to dodge due to latency or w/e yes. Yes it is.
ie if i can't SS a teleporter monster's near instant attack because of latency i will die 1 mirrion times
On June 11 2012 06:34 Firebolt145 wrote: I can see your point, but I just get so annoyed when I see a spear coming at me and I dodge it, my screen shows me dodging it, but I take damage from it anyway. Maybe they should change the animations instead so that the spears follow you or some shit, would make it a lot less annoying. :/
Uh...I'm pretty sure that's just lag or it has a very generous hit radius. As far as I know, every projectile can be dodged. Maybe you should tell us what mob it is. For instance, you can dodge the shit out of the goatmen spear chuckers.
On June 11 2012 06:42 solidbebe wrote: I really like demon hunter's mobility but is it me or is the vault ability just horrible in bossfights? Every time I try to use it I have to press it like 6 times before it registers and there's a second inherent delay anyways on TOP of the lag. Controls feel pretty unresponsive, combined with lag, makes me a sad demon hunter.
Yeah hard life as a DH ammirte.
If you can't dodge what you want to dodge due to latency or w/e yes. Yes it is.
ie if i can't SS a teleporter monster's near instant attack because of latency i will die 1 mirrion times
Or maybe you aren't meant to be able to just auto reduce big damage from a teleporting monster instead you're suppose to actually stack armor and resistance. You play like a glass cannon you die like a glass cannon. I have a Monk DH and WD all in inferno, i'll say to you that some things like oppressors and burrowers aren't meant to be dodge able unless your psychic. So why don't you stack some armor and resist and not die in one hit, and just invl and heal up to take another hit later on. It be pretty op if wiz and dh would be able to just teleport/vault out of any attack. It make every other class just irrelevant.
On June 11 2012 06:42 solidbebe wrote: I really like demon hunter's mobility but is it me or is the vault ability just horrible in bossfights? Every time I try to use it I have to press it like 6 times before it registers and there's a second inherent delay anyways on TOP of the lag. Controls feel pretty unresponsive, combined with lag, makes me a sad demon hunter.
Yeah hard life as a DH ammirte.
If you can't dodge what you want to dodge due to latency or w/e yes. Yes it is.
ie if i can't SS a teleporter monster's near instant attack because of latency i will die 1 mirrion times
Or maybe you aren't meant to be able to just auto reduce big damage from a teleporting monster instead you're suppose to actually stack armor and resistance. You play like a glass cannon you die like a glass cannon. I have a Monk DH and WD all in inferno, i'll say to you that some things like oppressors and burrowers aren't meant to be dodge able unless your psychic. So why don't you stack some armor and resist and not die in one hit, and just invl and heal up to take another hit later on. It be pretty op if wiz and dh would be able to just teleport/vault out of any attack. It make every other class just irrelevant.
I was originally talking about boss fights, most attacks from bosses have been made especially to be dodgeable, but I was saying that vault feels terrible unresponsive to me.
On June 11 2012 06:34 Firebolt145 wrote: I can see your point, but I just get so annoyed when I see a spear coming at me and I dodge it, my screen shows me dodging it, but I take damage from it anyway. Maybe they should change the animations instead so that the spears follow you or some shit, would make it a lot less annoying. :/
Uh...I'm pretty sure that's just lag or it has a very generous hit radius. As far as I know, every projectile can be dodged. Maybe you should tell us what mob it is. For instance, you can dodge the shit out of the goatmen spear chuckers.
It could very well be lag, which also pisses me off when I'm playing single player but whatever, that's a different argument. :D
In this case it's the spears from all those mobs in the Siegebreaker farm run. When I try to dodge them it's a 50 50 toss up whether I get hit, which is really annoying.
The bigger point is that you are not supposed to manually avoid everything. In theory every single attack can be avoided outside of boss phaseswitches. But defensive gear isn´t supposed to be obsolete for DHs and Wizards. If your character instantly dies to attacks during lag (and not because you aren´t worldclass at manually dodging, of course you are) then you should look up more defense. Thanks to the AH you can´t say the RNG doesn´t drop it for you.
On June 11 2012 06:42 solidbebe wrote: I really like demon hunter's mobility but is it me or is the vault ability just horrible in bossfights? Every time I try to use it I have to press it like 6 times before it registers and there's a second inherent delay anyways on TOP of the lag. Controls feel pretty unresponsive, combined with lag, makes me a sad demon hunter.
Yeah hard life as a DH ammirte.
If you can't dodge what you want to dodge due to latency or w/e yes. Yes it is.
ie if i can't SS a teleporter monster's near instant attack because of latency i will die 1 mirrion times
Or maybe you aren't meant to be able to just auto reduce big damage from a teleporting monster instead you're suppose to actually stack armor and resistance. You play like a glass cannon you die like a glass cannon. I have a Monk DH and WD all in inferno, i'll say to you that some things like oppressors and burrowers aren't meant to be dodge able unless your psychic. So why don't you stack some armor and resist and not die in one hit, and just invl and heal up to take another hit later on. It be pretty op if wiz and dh would be able to just teleport/vault out of any attack. It make every other class just irrelevant.
Hahah wow. Let me sum this up for you.
First Post: Talking about vault unresponsiveness in boss fights that might be due to lag Me: Talking about vault in boss fights. You: trash post Me: Slightly less trash post (complaining about latency) You: Irrelevant things
Oppressors are the red demon lords with wings + charge attack like fallen angels? Don't really remember monster names (besides soul lashers and phase beasts, dem guys so aggressive and up in my face) but w/e.
Anyways on topic. When D3 was launched I would routinely get mauled by things I know i could dodge if i didn't have 400ms ping; the first person in this post chain was asking about vault in boss fights. Some people still have 300+ ping.and if you're one of them dodging things with SS/Vault can be frustrating at times so it might be that. Otherwise I love vault for the mobility in boss fights (Butcher: Fire, Belial: Everything, Azmodanretty much everything, Diablo: Kiting and avoiding edges so TP doesn't happen) and just in general speeding through zones.
Back to the man that sounds angry. I personally don't build glass cannon i have about 50k hp and can take a few shots from most attacks but SS (vault has an initial delay so it can't dodge an attack without foresight) is obviously an escape skill that I should be rewarded with if I have the reaction time to dodge something. Oppressors (correct me if i got the mob wrong) can be dodged as long as they're coming from the top of my screen (lotsa view) and I purposely clear zones in a bottom to top fashion to avoid things coming through my skill bar.
I'll try and point form my response to your post since this is getting a wee bit long. - Talked about being rewarded for reaction time already - No one said anything about building glass cannon in this entire thing - Clear from bottom up and you can dodge most things with decent latency (SS not vault obv) - Again no one was talking about glass cannon builds (and it's your own opinion on what is dodgeable) - DH kit seems to be around not getting hit so that's how i play it for the most part - Wiz's can TP out of almost anything as far as I know - No one said vault to dodge attacks (it seems to have a guaranteed delay at the start) it was more of talking about using vault to dodge obvious things that should 1shot a person if they get hit by it (Azmodans giant slow as balls fireball for example)
Morale of the story. Blizz has a history of making melee classes/units suck donkey balls in most of their games and then patching in fixes. If you rolled melee with the prior knowledge please complain in a logical manner.
On June 11 2012 06:42 solidbebe wrote: I really like demon hunter's mobility but is it me or is the vault ability just horrible in bossfights? Every time I try to use it I have to press it like 6 times before it registers and there's a second inherent delay anyways on TOP of the lag. Controls feel pretty unresponsive, combined with lag, makes me a sad demon hunter.
Maybe it's just my latency (300+) but I also find vault way too unreliable, smokescreen is a bit more expensive but I can absolutely depend on it triggering instantly whenever I need it.