I never believed in hacking of games just thought it was an urban legend for people who had a virus or were taken by a fake email.
That changed today, logged into D3 to find all my items and gold gone. I have never shared my ID or password, never entered it anywhere. Scanned system 10 different ways no virus or malware. Password was a crazy long mix of upper/lower case letters and numbers...
Blizzard has some serious security flaw which makes my decision on using real money auctions an easy one. I can't believe they have such a huge flaw in their security.
Edit: Also the PW was unique to my blizzard account
On June 02 2012 12:26 mechavoc wrote: I never believed in hacking of games just thought it was an urban legend for people who had a virus or were taken by a fake email.
That changed today, logged into D3 to find all my items and gold gone. I have never shared my ID or password, never entered it anywhere. Scanned system 10 different ways no virus or malware. Password was a crazy long mix of upper/lower case letters and numbers...
Blizzard has some serious security flaw which makes my decision on using real money auctions an easy one. I can't believe they have such a huge flaw in their security.
Edit: Also the PW was unique to my blizzard account
Battle.net login isn't case sensitive just so you know : (
My brother was complaining about the amount of people getting hacked in Diablo 3 the other day. I told him people were blowing it out of proportion and it really wasn't a problem at all.
Just logged in to find all of my items and gold removed from my inventory. lol.
On June 02 2012 12:13 Dead9 wrote: ^by using a macro i think the most common is autohotkey, you have to code it yourself but it's pretty easy there's plenty out there tho
So... how long until farming bots make gold worthless?
On June 02 2012 08:49 Unentschieden wrote: Death comes for hardcore players not in difficulty but carelessness.
I still like the game. When I try other games in this category I always see details that just seem wrong because D3 makes it seem so natural, like, why were things ever done differently?
If I had to pick a least favourite part it´d be the end section of act3. The crater scenario is samey red-black despite technically switching between hellscape and tower. Even worse there are no standout landmarks/doodads.
You mean the towers with huge ass demons chained and tortured echoing screams of agony as the demon spider lady tells you "oh yeah just to let you know, we make the buildings from the flesh of those things, just skin them off and yeah you are walking on that.." If that is not an awesome standouty thing I don't know what is. I dunno every backdrop in Act 3 that is given a chance is just amazing and disturbing at the same time. I really enjoyed it.
Some funny post on the general forums. Good summary of the story, so don't go ahead unless you want to be spoiled, assuming there's anyone out there who has not completed one play through yet.
Bashiok responded to a lot of small questions/suggestions about improvements to the game. Looks like private chat channels are on the horizon, finally.
1) As a player, I want to have some sort of warning and/or confirmation box when I’m about to do something that will cause me to lose Nephalem Valor stacks so that I don’t accidentally move or change an ability and lose my stacks.
Sounds reasonable. We’re adding in an action bar lock which should help with that, but a confirmation sounds like a possible addition to that. I think we’d like to try to see if the action bar lock works well enough first.
2) As an Auction House user, I want a checkbox for “buyout only” so that I don’t have to use a janky work-around.
Us too! This change should already be in for the 1.0.3 patch.
3) As an advanced player, I want the option to show numerical cooldowns on my abilities so that I can better time them.
We’re really trying hard to avoid quickly bloating the game options, and since this would be an option, we’re cautiously approaching it and a few other toggle/option requests. Short answer, probably not right now.
4) As a player, I want to be able to move and resize the chat window so that I can put it where I want it.
We would love if this was possible too, and we’re right now looking into making it happen. The issue is that our UI system was designed in a way that makes this a pretty steep technical challenge. The question right now is just when we’d be able to pull it off. Unlikely for any nearby patches.
5) As a player, I want to be able to increase or decrease the font size in the chat window so that I can make it better for my monitor/resolution.
This change is in for patch 1.0.3! Yay.
6) As a player, I want to see absorption effects on my health bar so that I can easily see and act on my remaining absorption shield.
We really want to avoid showing health numbers or effects on the health resource spheres, it’s just a UI clutter issue we’re really trying to fight right now. A lot of easy solutions are to pile more UI on top of things, and it tends to really snowball once it begins. We could look at other tells or effects for this, though.
7) As a Wizard, I want to see a buff icon for “Magic Weapon” and “Familiar” so that I can know its current status.
We’re adding a buff icon for Magic Weapon in 1.0.3. We don’t intend to add one for Familiar as it’s a physically visible object on your screen. Magic Weapon was actually impossible to tell if it was up in quite a few cases. We’ll be continuing to watch skills and buff icons, though, as there could be some situations where we need to expose more.
8) As a player, I want some way to retain my stacks of Nephalem Valor when I accidentally disconnect so that I don’t feel terrible if I disconnect with a 5-stack before a boss.
We would love that too. Seriously. We’re already in the process of determining how much work it would be, and as always it’s a balance of priorities. I think this is a matter of not if, but when, and right now we’re not sure when we could get it in.
9) As a player, I want a way to disable lore/story text from showing up in the chat frame so that I don’t have to always scroll after an in-game conversation.
This is actually already an option in-game! Sound -> Show Quest Dialog In-Chat (is what I believe it’s called)
10) As a player, I want to have my previous follower always automatically follow me whenever I start a new single-player session so that I don’t forget and have to go back.
Good idea. We’ll look into it.
11) As an Auction House user, I would like to be able to repair my items from the auction house so that I can sell them without going in the game.
We’re just changing it so you can sell damaged items in the next patch.
12) As a Blacksmith, I want to see what tier an item is before I salvage it so I can know what materials to expect.
It’s something we’ve talked about, but no concrete plans at this time. There are potentially better issues to focus on first for crafting in general.
13) As a player, I want my pets/minions to not attack invulnerable targets and instead focus on vulnerable targets so that I can kill things faster.
Yes! We’re looking into how to pull this off. It’s a bit tricky just due to how monster states work, but it shouldn’t be too difficult.
14) As a player, I want the experience bar to hide once I hit the maximum level so that it doesn’t take up unnecessary screen space.
Our UI really isn’t modular, so it’d be a lot of work just to save those few pixels. There’s probably more important fish to fry at the moment.
15) As a player, I want to see what difficulty my friends are playing so that I can know if I’ll be interested in joining them.
We have some great social window and quick join improvements coming in 1.0.3, including showing the game difficulty they’re in, who else is in the game with them, a bunch of just nice usability and UI changes, as well as making the quick join window smarter by limiting who is shown to you by level and difficulty.
16) As a new player, I want to be made aware of “elective mode” once I’ve become familiar with the game so that I can learn about and try more advanced builds.
It’s already shown through the loading tips, but we’re looking to also add it as a tutorial tip that will show up whenever you begin a new difficulty from Nightmare-on.
17) As a player, I want it so that only my accepted friends can autojoin my game so that I don’t get surprised by “recent players” that aren’t my friends while playing.
Huh, well, yeah that sounds like a reasonable request. We’ll look into it.
18) As an advanced player, I want the option to show numerical values around my health and power orbs so that I can make better decisions.
(see answer for number 6) I understand there’s a desire to see more numbers exposed, but again we’re really fighting UI and option bloat from all angles. I think a lot of additions are inevitable, but the game just came out 3 weeks ago and we’re looking at a product where we’ll be adding and tweaking for years and years.
19) As an Auction House user, I want to see a detailed view about all steps in the buying/selling process so that I can know exactly what the status on my purchase is (ex: “XXX Gold paid for YYY item, (newline)YYY item received, (newline), YYY item sent to stash”)
I’ll pass that along.
20) As a player, I want the game to automatically hit my next-best-potion type when I’m out of my current potion type so that I don’t have to reassign it during a long fight.
Yeah, we think there could be some ‘smarts’ added to the potion button too. It’s on a wish list, we don’t know when it’s something we could prioritize into an update.
21) As an Auction House user, I would like tooltips for damaged items to still show the item stats when looking at them from the sell menu so that I don’t have to log into the game to see them (maybe just put “damaged” somewhere on the tooltip?).
I believe this is resolved with the ability to sell damaged items in the next patch.
22) As an Auction House user, I want to be able to have ascending/descending orders by stat in the Auction House UI so that I can better find an item I want.
We’re looking at a number of AH UI improvements; there’s still a ways to go. The biggest issue is really adding more options when we’re already running into space constraints, but that’s our problem, and we’re working on it.
23) As a player, I want a “build saver” so that I can easily change between builds rather than trying to remember them.
We think that’d be cool too, it’s something we’ve been considering for a while. We don’t have it nailed down to begin working on it yet, though.
24) As a player, I want integration between the website’s “build saver” and an in-game build saver so that I can screw around with builds while not logged in.
Hah! That’d be cool. Probably on an extended wish list.
25) As an advanced player, I want to be able to move, scale, or hide any UI element so that I can make the UI convey me information in a more customized fashion.
Our UI isn’t modular, so this would be very difficult. We also don’t intend for the UI to be customizable to the degree of… well certainly not World of Warcraft, but any options we add for UI customization would be along the lines of minor tweaks. I realize a lot of MMO’s have very customizable UI’s these days, and people really like that, but it’s just not a focus of functionality for the game. We’d rather understand what improvements people would like, why, and try to tackle those specific issues.
26) As a player, I would like some way to get Tomes of Jewelcrafting in Inferno that’s not cumbersome so that I can combine my square gems without going back to Hell difficulty.
Ideally it’s something you can help address through just throwing some gold at the auction house if you don’t want to go back to Hell, but with commodities being down I realize that’s not an option. Our preference would be to see if use of the AH helps you meet those needs by just buying what other players don’t need. If not, we can look at some potential solutions.
27) As a player, I want a “Detailed Breakdown” option that allows me to compare stats such as resistances, magic finding, etc. so that I can better analyze item choices.
We’re planning to roll resistances into the defense comparison, and we’ll be evaluating other comparisons case by case. We know people really like the convenience of quick +/- red/green comparisons, but they’re not always as informative as they’re taken to be. In any case we’re approaching additions cautiously.
28) As a player, I want a private chat UI element so that it will be easier for me to hold multiple private conversations at once.
Similar to question number 4 it’s not something we’re opposed to, but isn’t easily pulled off due to how our UI works. We do want to improve the chat UI though, absolutely.
29) As a player, I want to be able to have a private chat room so that me and my friends can chat even if we’re in different Diablo sessions.
Customizable/private chat channels, yes, it’s something that’s been on our list.
30) As an advanced Auction House user, I want a more complex query interface with “OR”/”AND” for stats so that I can better find an item I want to buy.
These are called boolean search terms, right? It’s an interesting proposition. To parrot my previous AH-related responses, there’s a lot of search improvements to be made.
31) As an Auction House user, I want to be able to see the stats of items that I’ve sold so that I can refer to previous sales when determining prices for new sales.
I can see how that could be useful.
32) As a ranged player, I want invulnerable minions to not block projectiles so that I can actually kill an invulnerable minion pack. (More of an opinionated one :-P)
Yeah, I mean, that’s kind of just an issue of placement and projectile aim. We think Invulnerable enemies are a bit ridiculous right now anyway, but I wouldn’t say this suggestion is probably needed if we just make some overall changes to them.
33) As a player, I want to be able to disable companion conversations so that I’m not annoyed hearing them all the time.
We’re well aware.
34) As a max level player, I want an option to skip all cutscenes/dialogue so that I don’t have to constantly press the spacebar to advance in the current game flow.
If you hit Esc during any ‘forced’ conversations, cutscenes, etc. you can skip right through them. We think it works pretty well. I’d be open to hearing any specific issues it’s causing, though.
35) As a player, I do not want my followers to initiate combat with elite, rare, or treasure goblins so that I can have more time to prepare to fight them.
We have some AI tweaks to do with followers, we know this can get pretty annoying (or deadly).
PHEW! Well, again, thanks for compiling that, thanks to everyone for your continued feedback. There’s a lot here we’re already aware of, working on, or have already implemented in a patch, and I realize there are a fair amount of other concerns not covered here that are also being addressed. We’ll have some additional information on upcoming patches and improvements in the weeks ahead. Keep cool.
So the gist of the whole Q&A session was that "Our UI sucks. As a newly developed game, our UI is non-modular and crappier than Wow, an already old-ass game. As time progresses, we strive to take steps backwards and to make things worse than they were 10 years ago."
Also, does anyone feel that the timing of all these people getting hacked & the emergence of bots advertising gold for sale to be more than coincidental? It's like they're hacking people and selling back their gold for $$.
On June 02 2012 18:56 Lenwe wrote: Bashiok responded to a lot of small questions/suggestions about improvements to the game. Looks like private chat channels are on the horizon, finally. /snip
This is what they should've done after an extensive beta, and not after the actual release of the game...
I'm baffeld how they can sit on this game for 12 years, and not understand the basic need for various elements. I could've made 'em a list of tons of glaring issue or things I'm sure 90% of the playerbase would approve given a week with the game. I think pretty much anyone who's into D3 could've done so. I just don't get how you can sit there and overlook shit like this..It's not polished at all. I mean..the chat is fucking retarded and soooo limited..Why do they sit around and come up with this shit that's worse than what we had 15 years ago? Not to compare with WoW too much, as I dislike d3 being put in the same boat, but the chat system there is just perfect, configurable windows, channels, color, font size, window size and whatever else..
Just the lack of any kind of proper lobby system or any kind is something that just seems odd to me. And all new games these days seems to suffer from the same crap, it's all plug'n play herp derp and nothing more...
Overall I enjoy the game, but it has an immense irritation factor. I can do champs on act3 fine, unless x/z/y mob type/affix type and that's what really annoys me. One can be nigh impossible, there's just no way at all, and the next I do without taking a single hit. Mind you that latter is not exactly fun or rewarding either,..
From Bashioks responses the BIGGEST thing i got out of all those answers was that the UI programmers were lazy fucks.
ITS YEAR 20 FUCKING 12. who in their right mind DOES NOT MAKE A GAME UI MODULAR???
A game such as diablo is something that due to its nature often finds itself changing ALOT over its lifetime. any bloody programmer worth their weight would make the UI able to adjust with changes from the bloody beginning so it doesn't become a bloody issue in the future.
I am glad however they are aware of the AH issues, which makes me happy and eager for the next patch