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England780 Posts
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Poland5551 Posts
On October 11 2010 19:38 SCC-Faust wrote: Back in my day Zilean's bomb scaled 1.0 but he was too overpowered so they nerfed him. He was as "overpowered" as Manamune was. Got nerfed only because of pubs' QQing that he punishes idiocy. And wasn't it 1.1 scaling? As well as it didn't draw towers' aggro until bomb detonated (now it deals 1 dmg per sec from the moment you plant it to the moment it detonates) | ||
Noobville17920 Posts
On October 11 2010 19:00 Ordained wrote: Emo team? Emumu, Goth Annie, Noxus Poppy, Sanguine Garen, Pentakill Sona. Sanguine Garen is from Warhammer btw | ||
Finland570 Posts
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Norway3045 Posts
Also I wish Xin Zhao would stop reminding me of DW4's Lu Bu model. | ||
United States3736 Posts
On October 11 2010 19:41 Kaniol wrote: He was as "overpowered" as Manamune was. Got nerfed only because of pubs' QQing that he punishes idiocy. And wasn't it 1.1 scaling? As well as it didn't draw towers' aggro until bomb detonated (now it deals 1 dmg per sec from the moment you plant it to the moment it detonates) On the bright side his ultimate looks more shiny with the GA nerf! | ||
Malaysia1676 Posts
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Finland4559 Posts
On October 11 2010 21:04 Shizuru~ wrote: been dodging any games that has Evelyn in my team... should i stop doing that? I did same for teemo =/ | ||
Denmark9110 Posts
I feel insulted Atleast if you did it to me in normal games haha can ac tually carry often as ap teemo =) | ||
Noobville17920 Posts
i dodge for both of them, rather than take a defeat, teemo less often thatn eve, eve is almost a 100% dodge Also, is there any thing special you have to do to play Trist? im not sure what it is but im realllllly bad with her, compared to something like MF(who i play the same way) or most other ranged carries.. | ||
Poland5551 Posts
I had this teemo once who shouted "no kat u never mid u melee u cant mid i mid" | ||
United States1817 Posts
On October 11 2010 21:37 arb wrote: i dodge for both of them, rather than take a defeat, teemo less often thatn eve, eve is almost a 100% dodge Also, is there any thing special you have to do to play Trist? im not sure what it is but im realllllly bad with her, compared to something like MF(who i play the same way) or most other ranged carries.. I find her character quotes to describe how to play her perfectly, just right click someone and "look at the pretty explosions" Past the first few levels you basically outrange every champions auto attacks so if you level your E you can harass them just by killing their minions (and who doesn't like farming) while your W provides you with an escape mechanism on a decent cooldown. If anyone tries to gank them just flee to your tower then immediately rocket jump behind them and punt them into your tower's welcoming arms, then start spamming the acronym for the game in all chat over and over and over and over. She itemizes like just about any ranged carry but I typically like black cleaver + stark's since your Q + Starks gives you plenty of attack speed. Remember to use your W in fights, it resets on kills and assists to abuse that to position yourself correctly and even rocket jump directly onto them in order to secure kills (don't forget it does slow) though I don't recommend this as a form of initiating unless you are quite fed or out level them by a decent margin. | ||
Noobville17920 Posts
Edit : Its also strange most of my MF games go with me dying around lvl 7, then coming back for 1x-1 its quite strange.. | ||
United States6703 Posts
On October 11 2010 22:09 arb wrote: retard twitch feeds akali, then leaves, cho ashe and veigar also feed her 2-3 kills each, my only 2 deaths are to her(like 10-0) coming out and one shotting me. Edit : Its also strange most of my MF games go with me dying around lvl 7, then coming back for 1x-1 its quite strange.. Would it be something like that Smash and co were discussing a few dozen pages ago about what to do when winning a lane? You die, people laning against you don't go back, you come back with better items and own them, then you proceed to back intermittently when you can and keep up the advantage, you go 1x-1. | ||
United States4008 Posts
On October 11 2010 17:18 Southlight wrote: Veigar blows, Yiruru got 200+ CS with him in a game and half the damage he did was off of my AoE snare with Kassadin, and otherwise all he seemed to do in a teamfight was gib Ashe with me and then just kinda throw the stun out there. He's great at stealing baron though :x Then he got 200 CS off of dark matter and not baleful strike. It can be easy to fall into the trap of farming with his aoe and not just sticking it out q-ing everything to death. I had about 180cs in my last game and had 0 kills for most of the game but ended up with like 600 ap so my QWR did ~ 2500 damage =/ Also the reason why I think veigar is better than annie is because in smaller fights he can gib people a lot more often and a lot easier than she can. And with proper CDR he can stun more often and more reliably and use it to escape (where annie has to get pretty close most of the time to stun a lot of people she can often end up dead). In terms of AOE, Veigar cant touch annie, but overall effectiveness I FEEL like veigar has more potential if played well. | ||
Denmark9110 Posts
On October 11 2010 21:50 Kaniol wrote: I only encounter them on smurfs and then i don't care really. Eves sometimes are good at ganking stupids but teemos mostly shout "ME MID ME MID", buy vamp scepter and feed I had this teemo once who shouted "no kat u never mid u melee u cant mid i mid" thats when I become an ignoratn bastard and go mid anyways and brag about how high elo i am. It sounds like you act liek a jackass but it actually works haha. | ||
United States1320 Posts
Heimer: General: Heimer is a good pusher, good AoE damage dealer, good farmer, and very hard to gank/chase. You are not going to win teamfights on your own, but you can contribute. Pre-game: Summoner spells are ghost/flash. Runes are MPen red, MP5PL yellow/blue, and whatever quints (I run flat health, but mpen would be fine too). Masteries are 9 in offense (15% pen), 7 in defense (SoS), 14 in utility (regen, buff duration, and ghost/flash). You could run 0/7/21, putting the final two points wherever, as well. Opening: Open Q + Doran's ring + mana pot against a hard lane (usually Miss Fortune), and Q + meki + mana pot + health pot against a soft lane (most opponents). The former option's additional life can be a big deal in tough matchups. Prefer middle lane, then solo top, then 1v2 top, then 2v2 bottom. Drop a turret about where your mage creeps will end up for the first wave ASAP. This is why you open turret: your mana will be regenerated by wave 1. Early game: Focus on last hitting. Poking enemies with your wrench is great -- it has good range/damage for a caster attack. Skill order after Q at level 1 is WWEWR. Any time there are less than 3 opposing minions around, get in rocket range of the enemy champion(s) and use it -- it's great harass. Don't forget that someone low backing near their turret can be flashed onto, rocketed/grenaded to death, and then ghosted away from. On your first back, buy tear and boots. If you have spare money, buy wards. If the game is still stable, go grab golem before returning to lane. Golem buff is hugely powerful on Heimer. Item order: Tear, sorc boots, archangel, zhonya's. After this, play it by ear. More AP is the generic choice (void staff, RoA), but Rylai's, Abyssal, Guardian Angel, and Veil are other options. Skill order post-6: W > R > Q > E. If you're getting fed, switch to W > E > R > Q. Chasing: Your summoner spells are all you've got. If someone is low, you may be able to ghost up to them, flash to them as they flee, and rocket them to death. It's very hard to land E on a running opponent from anything but point blank. If they don't see you coming, drop a turret on them and use your ultimate. Being chased: Drop a turret, use your ultimate. As they go by it and are slowed, E them (easier to aim when they're slow and chasing you). Use your W, and KEEP RUNNING. They may be low, but there's nothing you can do now. Stay and they'll likely kill you. If they keep chasing, repeat this combo (though without your ult, it's harder to land E's stun) -- you'll usually get a kill. If there are multiple chasers, or they've evaded your E/R, use your summoner spells. Once in a blue moon, someone will survive the first combo, but be very low, and not run away. If you have your zhonya's up, you can sometimes lure them to your turret, then zhonya's, and let it finish them. Team fighting: You have to make your skills count. Try to drop a turret where it can beat on someone. If they come after you, treat it as being chased (ult, E, W). If your opponents have a stationary power ult (Galio, Nunu, Kat), save your E -- you probably only get one per battle, so it has to count. Use rockets if there's a chance of hitting a squishy -- even hitting tanks with it will take a chunk off them, which isn't worthless, and this is the skill you're most likely to get to use twice. If there's no reason to save E, try to land it on a DPS carry -- even if you miss the stun, the blind on a DPS is a big deal. Finally, note that saving an ally leaving the fight and being chased is just like being chased yourself, and E is a great tool there. Typically, your ultimate is not worth using in team fights outside of the mid-fight and post-fight chasing scenarios. The exception is if you have a well placed turret beating on the other team, especially their squishies, but taking AoE and getting low -- using your ult to revitalize it can keep it outputting DPS. | ||
10417 Posts
Teemo is good right now and if all of those Eve patches go through I think she'll skyrocket in tiers. Turn ravage into Akali ult? Sure thing! | ||
10417 Posts
On October 11 2010 21:37 arb wrote: i dodge for both of them, rather than take a defeat, teemo less often thatn eve, eve is almost a 100% dodge Also, is there any thing special you have to do to play Trist? im not sure what it is but im realllllly bad with her, compared to something like MF(who i play the same way) or most other ranged carries.. She's hard to play if you're not good at targeting the right person with a-move and knowing when you're going to have to jump in or out ahead of time. I think my Tristana is pretty frickin good just because she's so mindless and harasses so hard. It's about small pokes with auto attack and using e to gimp healing. Save ult for a get out of jail and use W and auto attack for most of your damage. I take flash/ghost usually, if they have a LOT of stuns cleanse instead of ghost. Stay out of danger and use your retarded auto attack range to harass. People don't realize how low they are until you commit a lot of the time and you'll dish out retarded amounts of damage from a huge distance in teamfights if you have good positioning and don't have to constantly retarget. It also helps to know where your ult will shoot them. If they're against the wall they go through it sometimes and there's a distance where it will knock them into the wall and pathing will stun them and that is HUGE if you can hit it on a large group. | ||
United States4130 Posts
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