sorry i see stun+slow+stealth friendly units and i don't read "carry" i read "support"
although to be fair she DOES have 3 nukes as well so i'm sure people will try to build her as a nuker
actually to be completely honest, lux feels like crystal maiden from DotA but with invis instead of mana regen
slow+nuke, check snare + nuke, check good support passive (invis/global mana regen), check aoe huge damage nuke, check
hopefully she is given the crystal maiden treatment in DotA, which is to say she's got terrible last hitting capabilities and very low stats to compensate for how strong her skills are
and when her passive says "illuminate" do you guys think it'll give vision of that champ?
Sona needs the passive (although it might be worth toning down a bit, not sure) because she's entirely reliant on a strong early-game. Otherwise all of her spells scale so badly late-game that she becomes pretty invisible.
yeah that's true but to be fair sona also picks up some of the easiest mejai stacks in the game which helps her scaling and any aoe stun is going to be good lategame if you can get it set up properly
also i know this is the wrong place to ask but i don't know what the RIGHT place to ask is but i just noticed i'm not an scv any more (yay)... but i wanna be protoss icons. how can i change that?
Profile, top left corner of site.
No matter how much AP she gets it doesn't change that her AP scaling is terrible. You can have 300 AP (which is a LOT) and you'd still heal for less than Taric + like a NLR. And her Q isn't strong enough to make much of an impact past mid-game. That leaves her entirely a cute top-up hero and a single aoe (and a weak one) disable... which basically means she's one of the worst heroes to have on your team end-game.
and you know very well then (as a sona player) that you want the game to end earlier than late-game. that's what early game heroes do... end the game before your opponents late game champs can kick in
Anivia ks's so hard D:<
I always get scores like 11/x/1 or something, a lot of kills, pretty much no assists.
On October 11 2010 10:56 gtrsrs wrote: sorry i see stun+slow+stealth friendly units and i don't read "carry" i read "support"
I read those notes and thought more along the lines of "killing machine". She looks scary o.o
On October 11 2010 11:12 gtrsrs wrote: boss.
and you know very well then (as a sona player) that you want the game to end earlier than late-game. that's what early game heroes do... end the game before your opponents late game champs can kick in
That's fine, but my point is that, everything about her scales so badly late game (that passive isn't that good mid-late, for instance) that I feel like she needs it. And you can counter her early-game with proper hero choices, especially when they don't run a troll rune page like me.
On October 11 2010 11:15 Southlight wrote:Show nested quote +On October 11 2010 11:12 gtrsrs wrote: boss.
and you know very well then (as a sona player) that you want the game to end earlier than late-game. that's what early game heroes do... end the game before your opponents late game champs can kick in That's fine, but my point is that, everything about her scales so badly late game (that passive isn't that good mid-late, for instance) that I feel like she needs it. And you can counter her early-game with proper hero choices, especially when they don't run a troll rune page like me.
got it
still... her passive IS one of the best for early game harass... and lux's looks like it might match it or nearly match is... so that brings me back around to my first question, what's up with all these early-game harass passives
I dunno about "all these early-game harass passives" I was just saying Sona needs it and it turns out to be quite an interesting balance they struck there
On October 11 2010 11:18 Southlight wrote:I dunno about "all these early-game harass passives" I was just saying Sona needs it and it turns out to be quite an interesting balance they struck there  Nidalee op brush passive.
i'm raging right now. 900 elo level is STILL terribad, people are still clueless
guitarasaurus: oh man guitarasaurus: just had guitarasaurus: the two best players guitarasaurus: a boots first + no pots CLARITY kat guitarasaurus: and a boots first + no items mf, who literally sat in the same bush and ate mundo cleavers guitarasaurus: until 200 hp before first creep wave guitarasaurus: laning together, they give up double first blood to solo mundo guitarasaurus: continue on to 0-10 combined before 10 minutes guitarasaurus: 20 minutes in their combined cs was 47 guitarasaurus: all they had at that point were zerkers and sorc boots
neither of them spoke a single word in chat the entire game, continuously wandered about at 30% health even with a fed warwick on the other team, never tried to push a tower, and mf's highest point in the game was a push she could have stopped with her ult... which she let tick once before cancelling
It would be interesting if Sona's auras scaled with her AP so that she would perform more decently in the late game, perhaps her passive (likely one of the two not both). That being said I think she has a strong enough early and mid game to justify her late-game drop off.
She is one of my favorite champions to play.
On October 11 2010 12:36 STS17 wrote: It would be interesting if Sona's auras scaled with her AP so that she would perform more decently in the late game, perhaps her passive (likely one of the two not both). That being said I think she has a strong enough early and mid game to justify her late-game drop off.
She is one of my favorite champions to play.
her scaling is based off of cd reduction more than her ap, when as you get more cd reduction, you begin to be able to stack 2 or 3 auras at the same time using her passive and continually stance dancing, when you hit 40% cd reduction and proper mana manipulation, you can constantly switch between all 3 auras, compared to early game where you can only keep 1 or 2 auras up at the same time.
Just had the most retarded game ever. I won, but it was so stupid lol
My team: Mordekaiser, Janna, Karthus, WW, and Kayle (me). Other team: jungling Jax (bad pick for our team comp........), Corki solo top, vlad solo mid, garen and lane olaf bot.
For our team, Karthus solo top, Janna decides to go mid, so morde and me are bot. Janna dies within the first 2 minutes vs vlad. Then morde goes mid as he wanted it from the start. Janna revives and goes mid, and so we have 2 mid for a few minutes until garen goes mid and vlad and garen together kill morde while janna just stands there and watches. So we figured we're going to lose since our mid is so far behind. Well, 5 minutes later, Morde and me together zones garen and olaf so hard, and had the tower down by 10 minutes. Within a minute of us taking our tower down, both top and mid got kills as well as push the other teams first towers.
The next 12 minutes revolved around pushing mid and acing them, twice. Funniest was Janna and me together slowed them enough to be able to put out enough damage for Karthus to ult and score a quadra kill (i killed jax before he could run) while they were fleeing. Won in 22 minutes. Hell yeah.
Having just played veigar he seems much much much stronger than I had any respect for.
He's actually a little beast of a dps that has one of the biggest and most reliable stuns in the game.
The game I played I had a kind of rediculous early game (i went back to base the first time with about 75 ap from Q last hits and like 4k gold) but even when your opponents have no casters (they had a ryze but he had build a rod of ages and banshees veil so he had very very little ap and was actually pretty hard to kill) Veigar can just blow a hole in a glass cannon carry dps like yi, tristana, ashe, MF, etc.
And the odd thing is he feels really really safe with his huge stun radius. Even with a tryndamere and shen (who can dash through it and not get stunned currently) I had a very easy time escaping most ganks.
I feel Veigar, like Zilean, is horribly underrated and would even argue that he is a better overall mage than Annie (but maybe not morgana, her ult and black shield are kinda op)
On October 11 2010 15:12 stormtemplar wrote: Just quit from a game where lag was spike ever minute or two, and I would often helplessly watch my heath tic to zero, despite the apparent lack of any foes nearby. Then the lag would end, and as it turned out, I was half a screen away getting owned by xin. Why Riot? Why?
I'd take note of that Xin players name, I've had a few games recently with the same Xin, I always "mysteriously" get a huge lag spike 3-4 second delay worth and then all of a sudden hes on top of me/my team and hes pulled off a perfect skill combo then complained about lag in all.
Probably just thoughtless rambling but still.
On October 11 2010 15:13 Phrost wrote: I feel Veigar, like Zilean, is horribly underrated and would even argue that he is a better overall mage than Annie (but maybe not morgana, her ult and black shield are kinda op)
I would love to hear the argument that Veigar is better than Annie.
Against a well-coordinated team you're going to have a really tough time.