Team Yordle might be alright - Amumu / Corki / Tristana / Kennen / (Heimer / Veigar / Poppy)
As far as city-state champions go, maybe Zaun? Janna, Twitch, Warwick, Singed, (Blitzcrank / TF / MUNDO)
Zaun definitely wins 3s, at least.
edit: this is going by birthplace if current affiliation isn't different
Ionia isn't bad either: Shen, Sona, Kennen, (Akali / Yi / Udyr)
On October 11 2010 06:48 mikku wrote:Show nested quote +On October 11 2010 03:41 Haemonculus wrote:On October 11 2010 03:38 Repok wrote: I've never seen a morde even get a double kill... o.0 Woah really? Morde's the only champ I've ever gotten a penta-kill with o.o; I was just about to try Morde. What do you build with him? Alright well I'll tell you upfront that I have a really screwy Morde style, but my stats with him don't lie.
My runes are magic pen reds, dodge yellows, magicres/lvl blues, (though cooldown glyphs are great too), 2 movement quints, and 1 flat HP quint. Masteries I go 9/21/0.
Summoner spells are cleanse/ignite. Ghost is another useful one, but honestly with my build you're stupidly fast already, and nothing is worse for Morde than being silenced/stunned. If you aren't spamming your spells like a retard, you're gonna die.
Prioritize your E spell. This is like 75% of your damage, 90% of your farming, and like 100% of what keeps your shield charged. After that, prioritize your ult, then W, and get 1 point in Q at lvl4, then ignore it until your other skills are maxed.
I start off with the smaller regen bead, and tons of HP pots. First trip back I pick up warden's mail, and merc treads. I try to finish Omen asap, as health, regen, armor, cooldowns, and an awesome active are all perfect stats for Morde. If the enemy team is like entirely magic damage and no physical, (or if you're laning vs like 2 crazy DPS mages), then you can pick up visage instead. Health regen is really important for Morde, and so after the change to spirit visage i don't get it as often. But your cooldowns are so damned important.
Once I have warden/merc, I build a sunfire cape, then force of nature. It sounds kind of absurd that you can afford all of this, but Morde is possibly the best farmer in the game, and you will have a downright silly number of creep kills. Omen/merc/sunfire/FoN is what the game usually ends with. Beyond this, you can build whatever you want. Lots of enemy casters? Grab abyssal. Enemy team too fast? Grab rylais. (your ult and rylia's = doom for any champ)
Morde excels in a solo lane, and honestly is even better in a 1v2 lane. You'll start out-leveling your opponents really quickly, and you are insanely hard to finish off if there are creeps around. I can't count the number of times I've gotten dived on by my 2 enemies, only to walk away with first blood and a double kill.
Farming/laning is easy. Pretend the enemy champion isn't there. Just focus on farming up. Whenever the enemy champ is dumb enough to get within range of your E, hit him with it. The damage builds up quickly. It can be a little tricky from levels 1-4, but by lvl 5 you are an unstoppable laning force of awesome. Waltz into the creep wave, pop W on yourself, hit as many as you can with E, tap Q and smack something, and then just start last-hitting. Waves will melt before you.
Just like Kassadin, you have a unique opportunity to go for a kill the very millisecond you hit 6. When you're about to level, start getting closer to your enemy, and always hit him with E whenever you can. The absolute instant you hit 6, learn your ult, and drop it and ignite on your opponent. (obviously don't do this if they're at full hp or whatnot). Hit them with a quick E, and you'll get the kill most of the time. You've got to be quick though, as many champs will back off the instant you hit 6. (just like kass who can surprise people with a super-quick riftwalk after hitting 6)
Anyway the fun of playing Morde is just cavorting into the entire enemy team, and shrugging off their damage. W yourself, ult the squishy ranged carry, (OR the highest HP champ on the enemy team if you cannot guarantee a kill), and just spam your spells like mad. You'll do loads of damage, but more importantly you're downright unkillable.
Your ult leeches health from the afflicted target, and it's percentage based. So you either want to target someone like Ashe, who will become a downright terrifying ghost, or someone with 5k HP like garen who will subsequently heal you for much more, helping you stay alive.
Finally, always fight near creeps if you can. Enemy creeps are your friends! They help you stay alive! Embrace them! (by murdering them all horridly to keep your shield charged) Enjoy!
On October 10 2010 20:41 vizniz wrote: I'm sick of it. FUCKING sick of it.
Me and my buddy pull from a well known chat channel (not LiquidParty), and what do we get? Jungle soraka, or something equally dumb like AP TF, or AP yi.
We duo que, and we get shit like a lane Udyr, or any instance of Trynd/Sivir/Teemo.
Last game, we had Trynd, Xin, Kog, my friend on Galio, and me on Kennen.
Kog went AP. Trynd and xin were both 0-8 by 15 minutes, where I was 4-2. Galio would get ults off, but xin and trynd wouldn't help kog and i do any fucking damage during it. Then to top it all off, when the game is certainly lost, they wont surrender, just to spite me. I made the mistake of telling them i needed to go to bed. So I started feeding hard, trying to let them push in and win, but the other team was fucking stupid too. Ugh. After 4 failed surrender votes, I just left. Fuck it. I'll take the leave. I then came on TL to whine about it. I needed to vent.
Every pub on LoL is either an asshole, or they just suck. Seriously considering never playing again.
AP TF and AP Yi aren't bad if you know what you're doing. Lane Udyr ain't that bad either.
AP Kog can carry. That, and you have 2 heavy dps already.
![[image loading]](http://imgur.com/dAFyA.png)
Craazy Morde game I had earlier today. I didn't do particularily well though, and was 0/3/1 for a while (one death due to game crashing though) but besides that it was absolutely nutty. Trist is just such a dick when you know her ins and outs and limits. Shen solo pushed bot or top almost entire game and teleported when needed, he really won it for us. We were down an inhibitor and baron after a couple of insanely tight battles where Galio nunu morgana kennen gayness really owned us when we just started getting the slight advantages.
Ulting Tristana was just not possible because she was ALWAYS behind a wall or ready to jump over one so I had to settle for Kennen most of the time. Reallllly good game. Had my heart pumping for like mad for the last 10 minutes.
Also, the format of the pic seems to be fucked up. Nvm, maybe not.
What's this, Skilly not trolling?
On October 10 2010 21:39 Shizuru~ wrote:Show nested quote +On October 10 2010 21:20 SCC-Faust wrote: I rage when people say AP TF is bad or scoff at me for using him.
I own shit with him kids. FUCKING OWN SHIT! However he does fuck up team compositions if you pick him blindly. how does AP TF works exactly?
Nashor, sorc boots, lich bane, zhonyas.
Your lich bane's proc and your stack deck hits massively hard.
United States47024 Posts
On October 11 2010 07:28 O-ops wrote:Show nested quote +On October 10 2010 21:39 Shizuru~ wrote:On October 10 2010 21:20 SCC-Faust wrote: I rage when people say AP TF is bad or scoff at me for using him.
I own shit with him kids. FUCKING OWN SHIT! However he does fuck up team compositions if you pick him blindly. how does AP TF works exactly? Nashor, sorc boots, lich bane, zhonyas. Your lich bane's proc and your stack deck hits massively hard. I don't really like Nashor's Tooth on AP TF. You get 15% CDR from Stacked Deck, plus 9% from Masteries, so 9% CDR from Nashor's is wasted--even more if you ever end up with blue buff, blue elixir, or rune for CDR. Not to mention that he probably doesn't need the 10 mp5 to keep his mana up.
On October 11 2010 07:32 TheYango wrote:Show nested quote +On October 11 2010 07:28 O-ops wrote:On October 10 2010 21:39 Shizuru~ wrote:On October 10 2010 21:20 SCC-Faust wrote: I rage when people say AP TF is bad or scoff at me for using him.
I own shit with him kids. FUCKING OWN SHIT! However he does fuck up team compositions if you pick him blindly. how does AP TF works exactly? Nashor, sorc boots, lich bane, zhonyas. Your lich bane's proc and your stack deck hits massively hard. I don't really like Nashor's Tooth on AP TF. You get 15% CDR from Stacked Deck, plus 9% from Masteries, so 9% CDR from Nashor's is wasted--even more if you ever end up with blue buff, blue elixir, or rune for CDR. Not to mention that he probably doesn't need the 10 mp5 to keep his mana up.
You know what that means, right? NEW MALADY AP TF ITEM
On October 11 2010 07:32 TheYango wrote:Show nested quote +On October 11 2010 07:28 O-ops wrote:On October 10 2010 21:39 Shizuru~ wrote:On October 10 2010 21:20 SCC-Faust wrote: I rage when people say AP TF is bad or scoff at me for using him.
I own shit with him kids. FUCKING OWN SHIT! However he does fuck up team compositions if you pick him blindly. how does AP TF works exactly? Nashor, sorc boots, lich bane, zhonyas. Your lich bane's proc and your stack deck hits massively hard. I don't really like Nashor's Tooth on AP TF. You get 15% CDR from Stacked Deck, plus 9% from Masteries, so 9% CDR from Nashor's is wasted--even more if you ever end up with blue buff, blue elixir, or rune for CDR. Not to mention that he probably doesn't need the 10 mp5 to keep his mana up.
Hmmm, good point.
SoTD then? About the same AS, magic dmg (complimented more by sorc), undodgable, and armor pen.
Is there a recent nerf on nashor's tooth that i didn't know about? The LoL wikia says that nashor gives 25% cdr
whoever said poppy is demacian is wrong, afaik, she's the ambassador TO demacia, and lives there, but she's originally from bandle city in the yordle lands
Smurf accounts. SO STUPID.
On October 11 2010 07:10 TheYango wrote:Show nested quote +On October 11 2010 06:41 Aukai wrote: When Garen's sister comes out there will be a full 5-man Demacian team. I don't remember correctly, but if what Phrost said above is correct, and TF is aligned with Demacia, then the 5-man Demacian team is already Garen/Xin/Galio/Poppy/TF. Actually, Sona is Demacian too, so even without TF you have a full team. Are any of the other themed teams actually stronger than this?
Ionia is extremely strong (as well as populous) and Bandle City has a large roster just based on race.
The Ionian lineup includes Master Yi, Soraka, The ninjas, udyr, and soon irelia. Technically Sona has no true political alignment and could fight for either Ionia or Demacia.
The least populous City-States are Bilgewater (with only 2 representatives in the League) and Piltover (with 3, ezreal, corki, and heimerdinger)
It is difficult to tell most champions alignment because not all of them reside in the states that they were born in
Psyonic sure likes autoattacking creeps in front of their t2 tower with no enemies on the minimap as lvl 9 Sona.
Guys is anyone else having this problem? I recently got a new comp and went to install LoL on it. But during the patching, it says that there's an error and it tells me to restart the thing. I do it but the error always pops up at the same spot. I'm not sure if this is something on my end or if it's Riot's thing that's messing up.
On October 11 2010 08:02 barbsq wrote: whoever said poppy is demacian is wrong, afaik, she's the ambassador TO demacia, and lives there, but she's originally from bandle city in the yordle lands
She is not born in Demcia (as none of the yordles are) but she is aligned with the Demacian king to beat Noxus. Thus she will fight for Demacia and is the ambassador that fosters a positive relationship between Demacia and Bandle City.
Most of the champions have alignments that do not necessarily coincide with their birthplace.
United States47024 Posts
On October 11 2010 07:59 O-ops wrote:Show nested quote +On October 11 2010 07:32 TheYango wrote:On October 11 2010 07:28 O-ops wrote:On October 10 2010 21:39 Shizuru~ wrote:On October 10 2010 21:20 SCC-Faust wrote: I rage when people say AP TF is bad or scoff at me for using him.
I own shit with him kids. FUCKING OWN SHIT! However he does fuck up team compositions if you pick him blindly. how does AP TF works exactly? Nashor, sorc boots, lich bane, zhonyas. Your lich bane's proc and your stack deck hits massively hard. I don't really like Nashor's Tooth on AP TF. You get 15% CDR from Stacked Deck, plus 9% from Masteries, so 9% CDR from Nashor's is wasted--even more if you ever end up with blue buff, blue elixir, or rune for CDR. Not to mention that he probably doesn't need the 10 mp5 to keep his mana up. Hmmm, good point. SoTD then? About the same AS, magic dmg (complimented more by sorc), undodgable, and armor pen. Is there a recent nerf on nashor's tooth that i didn't know about? The LoL wikia says that nashor gives 25% cdr CDR caps at 40%. 15% from Stacked Deck + 25% from Nashors means all other sources gets wasted.
IMO after Lich Bane + Zhonya, you should just finish Banshee's Veil. At that point, you're probably transitioning into the stage of the game where you're just an annoying **** with your backdooring ability, and Banshee's Veil lets you eat a stun and still be able to gate out. If the game goes longer than that, I'm not sure--I'd probably get an NLR or just keep red/blue elixir, but I can't say I know very well what to do at that stage of the game.
On October 11 2010 08:02 barbsq wrote: whoever said poppy is demacian is wrong, afaik, she's the ambassador TO demacia, and lives there, but she's originally from bandle city in the yordle lands This is true, but she's also officially a city-state champion for Demacia.
Gragas and Jax are total bros. And neither of them is aligned with anyone iirc
Jungle akali guide anyone?
Or just regular akali guide?
She really interests me, but I'm so bad.
Ima streemin mah gaemz
On October 11 2010 08:15 ghen wrote: Jungle akali guide anyone?
Or just regular akali guide?
She really interests me, but I'm so bad.
girlstar alaki guide on leaguecraft