Im gangplank 4-5 atm, our team si down in turrets and kills, they have lost their mid turret and top/bot and we've lost both mid top and bot
im super farmed, but i cant carry the game alone with feeding udyr and trist next team fight breaks out, i instagib veigar and swain(talking both of of them full to dead in like 4 seconds), sot he fight quickly turns into a 5v3 i get focused and die and the rest of the team pulls it together and wins
Never have i been so proud
omg I was so proud of my team. Malphite and me essentially farm for 30 mins in bot lane (they had a solo bot for some reason, and my lane partner left to gank all game). Neither Malphite or I were ever ganked so we just farmed. Since I zoned him out he couldn't last hit much, so i ended up with like 100+ more creep kills during the autofarm. And wow. My entire team absolutely dominated them. When gangplank came to gank me TF teleports in and MF runs down to score a double kill. I head back home with 5500 gold after only having a doran's ring all game as kayle rofl Flat out bought rageblade, Nashors, and boots. We won so easily. Loving this weekend so far <3
On October 11 2010 15:33 randomKo_Orean wrote: anyone who builds triforce is a fucking badass. it kicks fucking ass
So stupid, I'm tired of losing to super carries because people are too retarded to know WHY they ban things. It's the super carry format right now. Break it by banning the super carries and then you only need more skill and a better comp. I love the twitch who just presses R and then kills 3 carries and takes the tanks to half. Twitch is the worst of them all, at least kog can only kill one person at a time.
On October 11 2010 16:41 SnK-Arcbound wrote: So stupid, I'm tired of losing to super carries because people are too retarded to know WHY they ban things. It's the super carry format right now. Break it by banning the super carries and then you only need more skill and a better comp. I love the twitch who just presses R and then kills 3 carries and takes the tanks to half. Twitch is the worst of them all, at least kog can only kill one person at a time.
it's decently hard to play a good twitch, you have to be quite aware and a mistake can cost you a team fight. it's really easy to make mistakes on twitch, and like most other carries you can't give him to a 1200 rated scrub and expect him to carry
but then again i guess what i said applies to 90% of the heroes out there
On October 11 2010 15:13 Phrost wrote: Having just played veigar he seems much much much stronger than I had any respect for.
He's actually a little beast of a dps that has one of the biggest and most reliable stuns in the game.
The game I played I had a kind of rediculous early game (i went back to base the first time with about 75 ap from Q last hits and like 4k gold) but even when your opponents have no casters (they had a ryze but he had build a rod of ages and banshees veil so he had very very little ap and was actually pretty hard to kill) Veigar can just blow a hole in a glass cannon carry dps like yi, tristana, ashe, MF, etc.
And the odd thing is he feels really really safe with his huge stun radius. Even with a tryndamere and shen (who can dash through it and not get stunned currently) I had a very easy time escaping most ganks.
I feel Veigar, like Zilean, is horribly underrated and would even argue that he is a better overall mage than Annie (but maybe not morgana, her ult and black shield are kinda op) Zilean isn't underrated, he's one of the worst champions in the game.
On October 11 2010 15:13 Phrost wrote: Having just played veigar he seems much much much stronger than I had any respect for.
He's actually a little beast of a dps that has one of the biggest and most reliable stuns in the game.
The game I played I had a kind of rediculous early game (i went back to base the first time with about 75 ap from Q last hits and like 4k gold) but even when your opponents have no casters (they had a ryze but he had build a rod of ages and banshees veil so he had very very little ap and was actually pretty hard to kill) Veigar can just blow a hole in a glass cannon carry dps like yi, tristana, ashe, MF, etc.
And the odd thing is he feels really really safe with his huge stun radius. Even with a tryndamere and shen (who can dash through it and not get stunned currently) I had a very easy time escaping most ganks.
I feel Veigar, like Zilean, is horribly underrated and would even argue that he is a better overall mage than Annie (but maybe not morgana, her ult and black shield are kinda op) similar to how kog is anti-tank, viegar is the anti-mage champ. very different role from annie and zilean, whos more support than a mage even
i still think the problem with veigar is that he needs the stun to kill people. he's a fine hero otherwise but he just doesn't have the raw reliable nuking power annie has, he seems too gimmicky
zilean on the other hand is a weird pick, he's got amazing mobility, great damage early-mid game and even late game if you build him ap. he feels alot like sion without a stun more utility. he does his thing that has a great ap ratio then doesn't really do much damage afterwards. his ulty and e make him more useful though.
i still think that his ulty is overrated, most fights are determined very quickly and decisively. even if you get a second life it's not going to matter when the most important part is over. only time his ulty is useful is when you're winning, but he doesn't have crazy cc or a retarded ulty so it's weird.
Zilean is an earlygame dominator, later on he becomes a R-bot. He gets greatly outshined by many supports but his lane dominance is some of the best in the game. He has his good points but overall there's a lot of better choices.
Veigar is kind of bad in a vacuum but you have to realize he has some of the best farming in the entire game and he has a really long-range "poke"-ish AoE that deals half your opponent's HP, and a 4 second cooldown nuke with insane damage. Veigar needs more precision than some casters but imho he potentially is stronger if you play him properly.
On October 11 2010 17:11 Shikyo wrote: Zilean is an earlygame dominator, later on he becomes a R-bot. He gets greatly outshined by many supports but his lane dominance is some of the best in the game. He has his good points but overall there's a lot of better choices. (...) That's why i love comparing (partially) Zil to Sona :x
Veigar blows, Yiruru got 200+ CS with him in a game and half the damage he did was off of my AoE snare with Kassadin, and otherwise all he seemed to do in a teamfight was gib Ashe with me and then just kinda throw the stun out there.
He's great at stealing baron though :x
On October 11 2010 17:18 Southlight wrote: Veigar blows, Yiruru got 200+ CS with him in a game and half the damage he did was off of my AoE snare with Kassadin, and otherwise all he seemed to do in a teamfight was gib Ashe with me and then just kinda throw the stun out there.
He's great at stealing baron though :x yea that baron steal was pro lol, probably won us the game
Ugh I rage so hard when we throw won games because my teammates are too afraid to die in a fight even if it will win us the game =/.
In related news morgana is the best caster, thoughts?
On October 11 2010 18:35 ZERG_RUSSIAN wrote: In related news morgana is the best caster, thoughts?
morgana is definately up there, with her black shield she also fulfills a good anti-caster role, however comparing morg to annie, annie's ability to instantly aoe stun and continue to stun during the course of a team fight makes her fit the role of a burst caster more than morgana does, since her only crowd control is a skillshot snare and a delayed stun ult, compared to annie's tibber's stun, I think annie has the better burst. No reason to not have annie and morg on the same team though... that would be pretty fun.
Alot of people overlook Ryze aswell, though the fact of the matter is he dishes out more spells per battle than probably any other caster, as long as you stay alive. I think if they gave Ryze's spells more range he would be the best caster in the game.
On October 11 2010 07:17 Niton wrote: Team Yordle might be alright - Amumu / Corki / Tristana / Kennen / (Heimer / Veigar / Poppy)
As far as city-state champions go, maybe Zaun? Janna, Twitch, Warwick, Singed, (Blitzcrank / TF / MUNDO)
Zaun definitely wins 3s, at least.
edit: this is going by birthplace if current affiliation isn't different
Ionia isn't bad either: Shen, Sona, Kennen, (Akali / Yi / Udyr) Emo team? Emumu, Goth Annie, Noxus Poppy, Sanguine Garen, Pentakill Sona.
On October 11 2010 16:54 ZERG_RUSSIAN wrote:Show nested quote +On October 11 2010 15:13 Phrost wrote: Having just played veigar he seems much much much stronger than I had any respect for.
He's actually a little beast of a dps that has one of the biggest and most reliable stuns in the game.
The game I played I had a kind of rediculous early game (i went back to base the first time with about 75 ap from Q last hits and like 4k gold) but even when your opponents have no casters (they had a ryze but he had build a rod of ages and banshees veil so he had very very little ap and was actually pretty hard to kill) Veigar can just blow a hole in a glass cannon carry dps like yi, tristana, ashe, MF, etc.
And the odd thing is he feels really really safe with his huge stun radius. Even with a tryndamere and shen (who can dash through it and not get stunned currently) I had a very easy time escaping most ganks.
I feel Veigar, like Zilean, is horribly underrated and would even argue that he is a better overall mage than Annie (but maybe not morgana, her ult and black shield are kinda op) Zilean isn't underrated, he's one of the worst champions in the game.
Zilean is a champ that i do not like to play against, not because he's strong... but because he's so god damn annoying to play against, annoying but nothing more...
Back in my day Zilean's bomb scaled 1.0 but he was too overpowered so they nerfed him.