On October 11 2010 17:11 Shikyo wrote: Veigar is kind of bad in a vacuum but you have to realize he has some of the best farming in the entire game and he has a really long-range "poke"-ish AoE that deals half your opponent's HP, and a 4 second cooldown nuke with insane damage. Veigar needs more precision than some casters but imho he potentially is stronger if you play him properly.
A good veigar can be absolutely devastating. The problem is that he is difficult to play, especially because his success is largely dependent upon how well he does in the early game. If he's able to farm relatively unmolested and score a couple hero kills or get some some assists, he can be dominant during the mid and late game (especially with Meiji stacks). His huge magic damage forces the enemy team to devote resources and inventory slots to magic resistance. His stun, if used properly, can make a big difference in team battles. However, Veigar is very easy to kill, and if he gets killed a few times early on and is unable to farm, he becomes fairly useless.
So using a friend of mines pirate build which is Meki->chalice Boots of mobility 4x avarice inf edge 2xphantom dancer inf edge
ghost flash/ignite
I came to the conclusion he is a very powerful carry, however, most games dont reach the point for me to sell my 4th avarice, so would it be smarter to instead of inf edge, just grab a frozen mallet and double elixir instead? he's so squishy and dies quite easily..even though he can gimp carries down very fast
any suggestions?
Grab Atma's while it's still great for Pirate. Phantom Dancer is meh for someone who doesn't autoattack all that much. You're kinda forced into it because it gives so much crit.
Turning one Avarice into a Ghostblade makes sense to me.
Dunno really, but Triforce doesn't seem too bad on Pirate either. I mean it's not optimal, but Phantom Dancer isn't either.
when i play pirate i go dorans ring -> boots -> inf edge -> phantom dancer -> whatever
early game i try to use parrley more for last hitting instead of harrasing to get more gold, so i dont need ugly avarice blades^^
edit: i like phantom also for the movespeed, makes gp even faster
The main stat on pirate is crit. Parrrley's base damage is quite good -- more damage isn't as important as doubling what's already there. Because Phantom Dancer gives such a lot of crit, I like using dodge as a secondary stat on pirate. Tabi -> PD -> IE is my current build. I recently talked to one of TL's stronger players (can't remember who...Chrispy?) about pirate, and he was advocating ghostblade. I like avarice on pirate, and bruta isn't bad, and ghostblade's active rocks, but I've had trouble justifying it before PD/IE, and if you've got enough for all three plus boots, you're pretty fed anyway. So something like Avarice -> Merc's -> GB -> IE is probably the alternative to PD.
Ghostblade gives damage, crit, arpen, CDR, and an awesome active. It builds from Avarice Blade. I don't play pirate but building a GB seems like a given to me.
On October 12 2010 00:31 byFd wrote:when i play pirate i go dorans ring -> boots -> inf edge -> phantom dancer -> whatever early game i try to use parrley more for last hitting instead of harrasing to get more gold, so i dont need ugly avarice blades^^ edit: i like phantom also for the movespeed, makes gp even faster  the only time outside farming i use it for is when someones about dead so it can do some damage, i still like avarice though
ill turn one into a ghostblade from now on
i have never built it on him, should try it, but what i meant was stacking avarice^^ dont like that style really...
i missed to try urgot on free champ we, i'm such a derp .(
Marshall Islands3404 Posts
most powerful build if you can farm it is tankplank, makes you pretty ridiculous but most games end before that so its not very viable but its way better then lolcrit plank unless both teams are just poking
0-x-x masteries take teleport, other can be ghost or flash
doran ring, deny whatever lane your in dont use parley until you are just free-farming lanes
farm a warmog's asap banshee veil ghostblade merc treads atma's Infinity edge
sounds ridiculous to farm up but with parley spam and ONE, I repeat ONE avarice (stop wasting money) you can the core pretty quickly. infinity edge should be used as a luxury item because with this build you do a lot more auto-attacking and a lot of people forget that he has healing reduction on his auto that can really be a nightmare for a lot of champs. your parley will still hit pretty hard, but shouldnt be relying on it since your crit chance wont be absurdly high but should be 50-60ish with green pot
Warmog's? Really? How does Pirate benefit from it more so than say Randuins?
well I guess if you're getting atma's...
Marshall Islands3404 Posts
you could get a frozen mallet instead, frozen mallet + red is like an 80% slow on parley
On October 11 2010 23:58 ZERG_RUSSIAN wrote:Show nested quote +On October 11 2010 21:37 arb wrote:On October 11 2010 21:09 emucxg wrote:On October 11 2010 21:04 Shizuru~ wrote: been dodging any games that has Evelyn in my team... should i stop doing that? I did same for teemo =/ i dodge for both of them, rather than take a defeat, teemo less often thatn eve, eve is almost a 100% dodge Also, is there any thing special you have to do to play Trist? im not sure what it is but im realllllly bad with her, compared to something like MF(who i play the same way) or most other ranged carries.. She's hard to play if you're not good at targeting the right person with a-move and knowing when you're going to have to jump in or out ahead of time. I think my Tristana is pretty frickin good just because she's so mindless and harasses so hard. It's about small pokes with auto attack and using e to gimp healing. Save ult for a get out of jail and use W and auto attack for most of your damage. I take flash/ghost usually, if they have a LOT of stuns cleanse instead of ghost. Stay out of danger and use your retarded auto attack range to harass. People don't realize how low they are until you commit a lot of the time and you'll dish out retarded amounts of damage from a huge distance in teamfights if you have good positioning and don't have to constantly retarget. It also helps to know where your ult will shoot them. If they're against the wall they go through it sometimes and there's a distance where it will knock them into the wall and pathing will stun them and that is HUGE if you can hit it on a large group.
The #1 thing I hate is seeing high Elo ranked games where Trists STILL buster shot enemies with no health towards safety. I'm at bloody idiot Elo in comparison and even I know not to do that!
The one that took the cake for me was when one Trist buster shotted MF through the dragon cave wall when the burst was completely unnecessary and they were going to win the team fight anyways. I mean, seriously!
I learned with Trist is that unless it is 1v1 or really early game teamfights, I only use Q and autoattack.
getting the kill with buster shot resets your rocket jump cooldown, which can be pretty clutch if you need it 2 seconds faster... just don't miscalculate it
Um, are there some kinds of restrictions on levels n stuff?
Me n some friends were playing a Practice game and I got no IP or EXP. Im currently levle 11.
If you play too many practice games a day it stops giving IP or XP, I guess to prevent farming.
6 practice game limit per day before you start getting no exp/ip
Ooookay. And when does the time stop?
Cuase I know the first couple of days I practice'd non-stop, but today I only did two games.
![[image loading]](http://imgur.com/WjF0c.jpg) They see me trolling They raging
BTW we just beat str3lok lolol