The Destiny Fan Club - Page 52
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Australia6 Posts
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United States17 Posts
Like the page! We're a pretty cool community and would love to get more people to hang out with us on the FaceBook and in Ventrilo! The 4 Brofestor Hit Squad is something that Destiny does on his stream a lot and it kinda made itself a meme or something along those lines. We are all Destiny fans but we talk about the SC:BW and SC2 scene in general. Come join in on the fun! | ||
United States139 Posts
On August 08 2011 05:12 EscPlan9 wrote: Are you serious? Learn how to adjust your play? I also addressed this - Terran/Protoss players need to figure out what to do when they see heavy infestor play. You're just whining about imbalance. And how to deal with it may not be a matter of "mass produce ghosts and vikings" or something similar that is strictly about unit compositiion. There aren't any hidden terran units that are yet to be discovered. I addressed every possible unit that Terran has to counter it and none of them are effective. And I'm whining about imbalance? I'm not the only one. | ||
Canada1902 Posts
On August 08 2011 13:21 Divination wrote: There aren't any hidden terran units that are yet to be discovered. I addressed every possible unit that Terran has to counter it and none of them are effective. And I'm whining about imbalance? I'm not the only one. Most pro zergs still do not use infestors that often. Even at the very top (Nestea and Losira) they rarely get used. Not to mention that Idra still likes Muta over infestor in ZvT. I'm gonna have to trust the top zergs over random opinions from sub grandmaster players. | ||
Afghanistan15 Posts
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Greece41 Posts
On August 08 2011 14:36 sdonizam wrote: Kids trash, I`m honestly surprised hes been able to get to Masters league, learn to use Banelings and Mutas and maybe you`ll win something, guess this just goes to show you, if you play videogames 15 hours a day, you`re bound to get the edge. "The Destiny Fanclub" is kinda different from "Your opinions on Destiny" I'm sure you can see in what way. | ||
912 Posts
On August 07 2011 06:59 Divination wrote: So hypothetically if we know their whole strategy before the game even begins, and we prepare for the heavy ling/infestor into brood lord play, it will still be hard to beat it? What happens when zerg tech switches (because they only need to build ONE building to mass a completely different composition) while terrans are stuck on Ghosts and Vikings and then a mutalisk (or ultralisk) tech switch comes? Oh my God. This is ridiculous. I can't believe this thread has become a place for Infestor qq. You know, Infestors are not OP - period. Just because Destiny makes them look strong against people who have squat experience with them doesn't make them OP, especially considering: (tournament results - don't read if you haven't seen some recent ones): + Show Spoiler + He hasn't won any tournament and he got his ass handed to him in the IPL, and those who were aware of his style at MLG utterly crushed it: This is part of the problem with the casual SC2 community. They see a strat that seems too strong and everyone has a knee-jerk reaction to it before they put in the effort to find a solution. We've already seen nerfs that we can look back on and say "Oh, that might not have been a good change" Hell, even the devs have expressed such sentiments in recent interviews. No top Zerg is using infestors like Destiny is. They get shut down hard when you prepare for them, and the more people use them, the more adept people will get at stopping them. Be patient. The last thing this game needs is changes made by the urging of frustrated players dealing with a strat that's hardly a few months old (if that). And with regard to your post above - yes, you can absolutely know exactly what strat is coming and still lose to it. This happens all the time. Zergs see marine tank, know exactly what they should do and still lose. This is something every race faces. As for the Zerg tech switches, each race has their advantages - use yours. For what it's worth - I'm a master's level player who plays Terran and Zerg in equal amounts. I am not a fan of Destiny at all, I think his infestor play is weak as a strat overall (because there are lots of examples where it gets destroyed). I'm not biased by any stretch but my God, I'm so sick of people whining about strats that are not OP at all. Ghosts, spread units, pick off infestors, tanks (oh my God do tanks ever ruin infestors), blink into infestors NPing, feedback, flanks, etc. etc. Lots of solutions available, take your pick. On August 07 2011 07:39 Divination wrote: Destiny says infestors are OP in there ^^ The way I heard it, he was hardly serious - and he was screwing around with an opponent he had already beaten. Those drops were totally preventable after the first one. | ||
United States2 Posts
On August 07 2011 06:34 Divination wrote: He had to EMP the same place multiple times because if he EMP'ed once, the infestors would still have 100 energy left. He spread them out as well as he could (2 in each spot) and it still wasn't enough. The fact that Destiny didn't have an overseer to detect them and STILL demolished his army is ridiculous (my favorite word to describe infestors). I don't know about ZvP, but in TvP, terran has a sufficient answer to a 200/200 Protoss army, but no one has an army to deal with Brood Lord/Infestor. That's basically asking terrans not to play a macro game with Zerg, which is what most (smart) terrans are doing with the SlayerS blue flame marine drop. "The terran player didn't let it happen" - That's not my argument. My argument isn't that TvZ is impossible, which it certainly isn't. My argument is that, once achieved, the Broodlord/Infestor composition is unstoppable, and there is no other race that has an unbeatable army composition like that. Just wonder if after reading this, anyone else who plays Zerg stood up and shouted, "That costs a ridiculous amount of gas though!!!" or was that just me? In order to get to the point of massing Broodlords/Infestors you are going to have to spend SOME gas on the way there, no? IF you are able to get there, you have already depleted a solid amount of gas from your potential resources. As I seem to recall, gas is finite in SC2 and can be a huge "stumbling block" for Zerg. Watch JulyZerg or NesTea. I believe both favor "saving gas" to later stages of the game and not blowing it early. With both players being at the top of their game for the Zerg race, does that not ring bells as well? Broodlord/Infestor is obviously a winning combination IF you can get there, and once you are at a safe-enough point to do so, IF you have enough gas to make it happen. TL;DR gas is a precious resource, no? I'd like to know if anyone else feels the same? | ||
United States216 Posts
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Sweden313 Posts
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United States62 Posts
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38 Posts
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United States2298 Posts
On August 08 2011 13:21 Divination wrote: There aren't any hidden terran units that are yet to be discovered. I addressed every possible unit that Terran has to counter it and none of them are effective. And I'm whining about imbalance? I'm not the only one. This is what we said when terrans were kickin our asses and imma tell you what you guys told us when we were whining. Dont be greedy. Scout better. Stop using cookie cutter builds. Adapt more. Learn to play (oh and linking the Bnet forums is almost never helpful to your argument) | ||
United States99 Posts
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United States807 Posts
Hope Destiny gets into GM! EDIT: He's in at rank ~160 | ||
United States6429 Posts
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United States408 Posts
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United States54 Posts
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Canada1353 Posts
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Sweden82 Posts
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