On August 01 2011 11:16 Stormraught wrote: Destiny Fighting! ^^, Always watching the stream! Repost of fan art I did a while back! for the fan club! <3
On July 31 2011 14:49 Machinez wrote: Losira said it best at the awards ceremony last night after losing to nestea. He learned alot from nestea and it was mainly that pure skill will only take you so far. I believe Destiny is way more skilled than many of the players he ends up losing to but he needs to be able to vary his strats to account for derp and timings or I hate to say it.....he'll never get over this hump. I watch his stream probably more than most and have constructively criticized him all the time <3 you Destiny.....fighting!
I am always not sure if he is leaning towards more skilled than players like bomber. I honestly think that he isn't as good as he could be yet, this can be seen from his zvz. I think that zvz is the ultimate test on how skilled one is at zerg.
No. Just no.
You can't underplay Destiny beating Bomber, but you have to remember that no koreans use Destiny's strat. In fact I think nobody does. Destiny was better than Bomber on that night, but Bomber is better against most opponents most days of the week. Destiny still loses to all sorts of silly stuff Bomber never will.
Destiny's micro and macro are both superb, but I think his timings are off. He often seems to get surprised, and his scouting is questionable at times.
sign me up!! love Destiny's rants and such and also his incredible infestor micro is definitely something to look up to... also met him at MLG Anaheim... great guy... same as he is on stream just a little less.... *loud*
micro is really good but his macro i think is where he suffers the most. every game he floats like crazy
Look ok, you noob, Destiny is one of the greatest players on the fucking planet. You know how good he is? He's even fucking better than fucking Spanishiwa. That's how fucking good he is. You know how good he is? He could take a game off Day 9 in a best of 7. THAT'S how fucking good he is. Don't you dare question him you fucking cunt. He's our glorious homophobic, sexist, racist overlord and, like the lovely little 4chan sluts we are we love that shit. Don't even attempt to critique an aspect of his flawless play you fucking dumb shit. God.
This is so stupid. Anyone who thinks infestors (or Infestor/BL for that matter) are balanced after seeing Destiny's last game is so extremely close-minded and naive. The Korean terran he was playing against literally threw at least 10 EMP's while cloaked and destiny still had enough fungals to kill all the vikings. If the Ghosts don't cloak, then the infestors have an easy fungal on at least four of them at a time (even if spread out). For those people who tell terrans to make units besides Marines, we have no other units to kill brood lords (OR a muta tech switch).
Thors are HORRIBLE against brood lords, and even worse against Lings. Trying to Snipe brood lords is almost like suicide, because the terran has to run his ghosts up to a close proximity to the brood lords without getting killed by all the broodlings, getting fungaled by the infestors, or getting splashed by his own tanks. Vikings are just as useless against the Brood Lord/Infestor composition because in small numbers, their are easy neural parasited sent to kill each other, or are fungalled if gotten in higher numbers.
TL;DR, Ghosts are not an effective counter to Brood Lord/Infestor because of the fact that the LARGE size of the infestor is so large that it makes it difficult to EMP all the infestors, and the SMALL size of the ghosts make many of them vunerable to one fungal growth at one time.
On August 06 2011 19:34 Divination wrote: This is so stupid. Anyone who thinks infestors (or Infestor/BL for that matter) are balanced after seeing Destiny's last game is so extremely close-minded and naive. The Korean terran he was playing against literally threw at least 10 EMP's while cloaked and destiny still had enough fungals to kill all the vikings. If the Ghosts don't cloak, then the infestors have an easy fungal on at least four of them at a time (even if spread out). For those people who tell terrans to make units besides Marines, we have no other units to kill brood lords (OR a muta tech switch).
Thors are HORRIBLE against brood lords, and even worse against Lings. Trying to Snipe brood lords is almost like suicide, because the terran has to run his ghosts up to a close proximity to the brood lords without getting killed by all the broodlings, getting fungaled by the infestors, or getting splashed by his own tanks. Vikings are just as useless against the Brood Lord/Infestor composition because in small numbers, their are easy neural parasited sent to kill each other, or are fungalled if gotten in higher numbers.
TL;DR, Ghosts are not an effective counter to Brood Lord/Infestor because of the fact that the LARGE size of the infestor is so large that it makes it difficult to EMP all the infestors, and the SMALL size of the ghosts make many of them vunerable to one fungal growth at one time.
~1700 Masters terran last season.
It's true, infestors are really imbalanced right now, I'm saying that even though I play Zerg, they are ridiculously powerful and both protoss and terran lack a counter to them in the very late game.
of course this balance issue rarely effects pro games because the pros have learned to end the game before this point against Zerg, still P/T should ideally be able to have a fighting chance at any part of the game against Zerg, but such isn't the case right now.
Hope blizzard nerfs them soon, it's odd saying that when I play Zerg but a unit like the infestor that is so easy to use and is so strong irks me and reminds me of the colossus, so I really would enjoy to see it nerfed ^^ ~vileHawk
I believe it was yesterday, when Destiny was torn a part by a heavy late-game Ghost build and his opponent wasn't well known at all. Not even being fancy (np Ghosts and the like) was enough for Steven to win.
On August 06 2011 19:34 Divination wrote: This is so stupid. Anyone who thinks infestors (or Infestor/BL for that matter) are balanced after seeing Destiny's last game is so extremely close-minded and naive. The Korean terran he was playing against literally threw at least 10 EMP's while cloaked and destiny still had enough fungals to kill all the vikings. If the Ghosts don't cloak, then the infestors have an easy fungal on at least four of them at a time (even if spread out). For those people who tell terrans to make units besides Marines, we have no other units to kill brood lords (OR a muta tech switch).
Thors are HORRIBLE against brood lords, and even worse against Lings. Trying to Snipe brood lords is almost like suicide, because the terran has to run his ghosts up to a close proximity to the brood lords without getting killed by all the broodlings, getting fungaled by the infestors, or getting splashed by his own tanks. Vikings are just as useless against the Brood Lord/Infestor composition because in small numbers, their are easy neural parasited sent to kill each other, or are fungalled if gotten in higher numbers.
TL;DR, Ghosts are not an effective counter to Brood Lord/Infestor because of the fact that the LARGE size of the infestor is so large that it makes it difficult to EMP all the infestors, and the SMALL size of the ghosts make many of them vunerable to one fungal growth at one time.
~1700 Masters terran last season.
It's true, infestors are really imbalanced right now, I'm saying that even though I play Zerg, they are ridiculously powerful and both protoss and terran lack a counter to them in the very late game.
of course this balance issue rarely effects pro games because the pros have learned to end the game before this point against Zerg, still P/T should ideally be able to have a fighting chance at any part of the game against Zerg, but such isn't the case right now.
Hope blizzard nerfs them soon, it's odd saying that when I play Zerg but a unit like the infestor that is so easy to use and is so strong irks me and reminds me of the colossus, so I really would enjoy to see it nerfed ^^ ~vileHawk
I seem to remember pretty much everyone thinking they were completely inferior to HT and ghosts for a very long time. How many changes have infestors gotten since the release of SC2? Correct me if Im wrong, but I can only remember the FG change and the speed reduction. Unless the FG change was actually significant enough to make Infestors go from gimmicky to OP, the only thing we can attribute their overpoweredness to is a change in zerg metagame. Why, then, cant we give the other races time to adapt to frequent Infestor use instead of bringing down the nerf stick so quickly?
Edit: And I just watched a game earlier today where Destiny was in the lead and then got his ass kicked because ghosts drained all of his infestors energy
On August 06 2011 19:34 Divination wrote: This is so stupid. Anyone who thinks infestors (or Infestor/BL for that matter) are balanced after seeing Destiny's last game is so extremely close-minded and naive. The Korean terran he was playing against literally threw at least 10 EMP's while cloaked and destiny still had enough fungals to kill all the vikings. If the Ghosts don't cloak, then the infestors have an easy fungal on at least four of them at a time (even if spread out). For those people who tell terrans to make units besides Marines, we have no other units to kill brood lords (OR a muta tech switch).
Thors are HORRIBLE against brood lords, and even worse against Lings. Trying to Snipe brood lords is almost like suicide, because the terran has to run his ghosts up to a close proximity to the brood lords without getting killed by all the broodlings, getting fungaled by the infestors, or getting splashed by his own tanks. Vikings are just as useless against the Brood Lord/Infestor composition because in small numbers, their are easy neural parasited sent to kill each other, or are fungalled if gotten in higher numbers.
TL;DR, Ghosts are not an effective counter to Brood Lord/Infestor because of the fact that the LARGE size of the infestor is so large that it makes it difficult to EMP all the infestors, and the SMALL size of the ghosts make many of them vunerable to one fungal growth at one time.
~1700 Masters terran last season.
If you actually watched the game you would have saw that all of Terran's ghosts pretty much EMP'd the exact same place like 7 times, Destiny didn't have a single Overseer on the map to detect cloaked ghosts....if the Terran was just a little bit more patient and actually controlled his EMP's more efficiently he would have got most of the Infestors, if not all of them, and the Terran army would have been able to roll Destiny's ling force. I am not saying everything is balanced, but the Terran player definitely had the composition to deal with Infestors effectively, he just didn't use it. Mass Infestors are just like a 200/200 Protoss army...you cannot let it happen. The Terran player didnt let it happen in the two games that followed and won the set convincingly.
On August 06 2011 19:34 Divination wrote: This is so stupid. Anyone who thinks infestors (or Infestor/BL for that matter) are balanced after seeing Destiny's last game is so extremely close-minded and naive. The Korean terran he was playing against literally threw at least 10 EMP's while cloaked and destiny still had enough fungals to kill all the vikings. If the Ghosts don't cloak, then the infestors have an easy fungal on at least four of them at a time (even if spread out). For those people who tell terrans to make units besides Marines, we have no other units to kill brood lords (OR a muta tech switch).
Thors are HORRIBLE against brood lords, and even worse against Lings. Trying to Snipe brood lords is almost like suicide, because the terran has to run his ghosts up to a close proximity to the brood lords without getting killed by all the broodlings, getting fungaled by the infestors, or getting splashed by his own tanks. Vikings are just as useless against the Brood Lord/Infestor composition because in small numbers, their are easy neural parasited sent to kill each other, or are fungalled if gotten in higher numbers.
TL;DR, Ghosts are not an effective counter to Brood Lord/Infestor because of the fact that the LARGE size of the infestor is so large that it makes it difficult to EMP all the infestors, and the SMALL size of the ghosts make many of them vunerable to one fungal growth at one time.
~1700 Masters terran last season.
well, there are lots of games where a scan killed off like 8 infestors with full energy and terran just rolled over Destiny's army.
Ghost is effective against broodlords, almost everyone is saying how it counters all zerg's tier 3 units