On March 19 2012 06:40 Aunvilgod wrote: To be honest, I think blink stalker will get nerfed in the next few months.
I can't imagine how, their dps is sooooo bad. Not only do they start with shitty dps, but they scale some of the worst with upgrades of any unit in the game. they gain about .7 dps per +1 attack. Roaches gain exactly 1 dps per upgrade. Marines gain 1.2 dps per upgrade (1.7 when stimming). Also, Armor upgrades only affect half of a Stalker's total HP. Everytime I compare a stalker to a roach I just get so sad at how cost ineffective they are. They're literally a hair under being twice as expensive as a roach and are just soooo inefficient.
The thing that is problematic, however, is that since they have utility in the form of blink and an A-A attack (once again, a shitty one, however), it's hard to buff them without making certain timings like blink all-ins too strong. However, they're already so blatantly expensive that any nerf to a stalker and Protoss will fall apart hard in almost any area of the game that doesn't revolve around some silly timing attack, making the race 1-dimensional.
Sorry for the rant, but FUCK do I hate stalkers. I'd love to see blizzard make them cheaper, and squishier, into more of a harass unit, then introduce something like the Dragoon, a unit between stalkers and Immortals, that would be slower and have less utility. It'd require more intelligent decision making for army composition I hope.
Nice play in the Iron Squid. Not sure if MVP was playing decently in those games or MC was kind of floundering, I feel like MC got pretty big advantages in the openings in both games but it still ended up looking a lot closer than it should be. You almost never see MC go colossi first, I feel like he would've closed those games out more dominantly with his usual somewhat-upgrade-centric mass gateway style. Maybe MC was metagaming MVP? I dont know.
Maybe it just looked closer than it was because MC was delaying his upgrades in favor of powering economy and preventing MVP from making medivacs so it ended up being a win in the end when it came down to mass mass upgraded chargelots versus marauders with like three medivacs.
On March 27 2012 04:46 Olinim wrote: MC 2-0 symbol now he secured advancement in Ironsquid. Still has to play MVP though.
EZPZ. Did you forget which one of his victories prompted the murloc dance? Shame, Olinim. Shame.
Later than tournament MVP 4-0'd him. MVP also beat him in a previous gsl group. But all in all, MVP is slumping hard and TvP is his worst match up I think MC should be able to take it.
You are saying tvp is hard for terran and easier for toss which is not true. If you look at the tvp record in gsl, you will find terran still have a over 50% winrate against toss ezpz. The matchup just looks more balanced than before and Mc showed he can beat mvp once the mu look balanced.
A lot of games he lost to mvp was at the time Korean terran dominated tvp.
MC is in a great spot in ironsquid. It's incredibly unlikely any more protoss will advance which is good for him, I think it will be MKP vs MC finals if they don't meet earlier.
The reason he lost to MVP in MLG had nothing to do with the race balance, it was:
a) maps - seriously, Dual Sight? Metalopolis close by air?
b) mindfucking MC - eg going for what looked like a 1-1-1 on Dual Sight, making MC go blind Phoenix, but instead going for pure Marine/Tank (BO win), etc.
c) game hadn't developed enough yet - people hadn't discovered how to deal with Marine/Tank/bunker contains with early expands after you break the initial push, because even breaking the initial push was so rare. MC beat the first contain on Metal but then lost to the follow up.
Btw, I remember those games so well. They made me sooooo sad, convincing me that TvP was really imbalanced in Terran's favour. But in 20/20 hindsight, I see that it really was the maps that were so hideous.
On March 29 2012 22:31 TheWildShooter wrote: oGsTheSTC defeat DRG today. How do you think, who was his practise partner for TvZ? The answer here:+ Show Spoiler +
MC said on twitter that you practised against his Zerg
It's true. MC's Zerg is very strong. Other Terran players lose to MC's Zerg frequently. We practised a lot and my win rate was about half. He told me to beat DRG no matter what.
On March 27 2012 04:46 Olinim wrote: MC 2-0 symbol now he secured advancement in Ironsquid. Still has to play MVP though.
EZPZ. Did you forget which one of his victories prompted the murloc dance? Shame, Olinim. Shame.
Later than tournament MVP 4-0'd him. MVP also beat him in a previous gsl group. But all in all, MVP is slumping hard and TvP is his worst match up I think MC should be able to take it.
You are saying tvp is hard for terran and easier for toss which is not true. If you look at the tvp record in gsl, you will find terran still have a over 50% winrate against toss ezpz. The matchup just looks more balanced than before and Mc showed he can beat mvp once the mu look balanced.
A lot of games he lost to mvp was at the time Korean terran dominated tvp.
Where exactly did I say Tvp is hard for terran and easier for toss? I just said 4 facts and an opinion. 1. MVP 4-0d MC at Providence 2. MVP beat MC in a gsl group stage 3. TvP is MVP's worst MU 4. MVP is slumping Opinion: I think MC will win I don't quite see where you got your conclusion from.