Red Bull Battlegrounds: Austin Champion!
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Jang Min Chul "SK.MC" Nerdgasm Thread
Kratoss, God of War, Boss Toss. He is SK.MC.
President of Protoss. Obama Toss. Murloc.
He is the BossToss and Iron Man, the champion of GSL Season 3 AND 5, hero of Aiur and oGs, best damn English interviewin' AND commentatin', finger waggin', void ray rushin', Huk lovin', badass.
Congrats on winning HSC IV~
NASL Interview; MC shows us how much of a boss he is
GSL 2010 Sony Ericsson Starcraft II Open Season 3 Champion
Danawa Ygosu Invitational Champion
2011 Global Starcraft II League March Champion
2011 DreamHack Stockholm Invitational Champion
Copenhagen Games Spring 2011 Champion
StarsWar Killer 6 Champion
HomeStory Cup IV Champion
IEM World Championship Champion
Red Bull Battlegrounds: Austin Champion
Best commentating duo at HSC (with MKP + Reis) [unofficial]
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With MKP
MC: MarineKing SOOOOO troll.
MKP: Troll? You ogre.
MKP: Troll? You ogre.
MC and MKP commentating HSCIV [+Reis]
Quotes from his interviews:
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Me all in, he drone drone drone, me win.
2-0 is your dream. 4-0, you sad!
Marauder damage
Zealot defense
Stalker attack
but Sentry Forcefield Forcefield
Marauder... cage
Marauder die die
Zealot defense
Stalker attack
but Sentry Forcefield Forcefield
Marauder... cage
Marauder die die
On TheStC
He very practicegosu
Him very thank you
Him very thank you
"1경기를 딱 할때 내가 생각한대로 똑같이 하더라고요 그래서 역시 테란들은 아직 내 밑에 있구나. 제가 GSL을 모두 하면서 모든 테란들이 제가 생각한 대로 다 해줬거든요".
The first round went exactly as I thought it would. So I knew then for sure that the terrans are still beneath me. All the terrans in this GSL did exactly what I expected.
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TL on MC
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On October 18 2010 07:01 Rekrul wrote:
MinChul told me "Dan Hyung u were snoring like crazy last night I couldn't sleep!!!" I apologized.
OGSTL-MC (Min Chul) was on the TV doing this pregame ceremony acting like a rockstar/wrestler basically telling the other guy he's going to fking rape him.
anypro/check/steveyea were all saying 'what the fuck how can he do that before his match? if he loses he'll look like a fucking idiot!'
I guess they didn't know that that MinChul's nickname in the korean community for SC1 was "suicide toss." In sc1 before one of his matches he went up to the camera and took his index finger and did the neck slice motion. Then he lost looking like a complete fool. Hence the term suicide toss was coined.
I knew this, but at the same time, TLO/Jinro had been telling me how good he is, plus in all my time spent at the OGS house I only saw him lose once. I told steve yea: "Okay let's bet. I'll give you 6-1 odds on 10$ I got MinChul. So if Minchul wins I get 10$ and if the werra guy wins u get 60."
He snap called. Thank you easy 10$ as Minchul steamrolled his opponent.
Game 2: "Okay I'll give you 7-1 this time." "Call"
Game 2 if you saw it MinChul opted not to get collusus range and all the prime guys were saying 'GG'
I almost got scared for a second then all the sudden MinChul just walked over the guy (apparently the units group better together and walk together over force fields (one group for collosus/unit and one group for immortal to target their collusus) + the money advantage from not having to invest 200/200 into it so it was good in that situation). Thank you.
I told steve not to fuck with a professional as he paid me 10$ more. Then I offered him 10-1 on the last game. He declined and everyone laughed.
As the suicide toss completed the triple kill I walked out to the main stage area and I could see the glee on every single OGS members' faces in person.
I saw MinChul and jokingly told him I was the reason he won: "If it weren't for me snoring you wouldn't have been able to wake up early and think about all your strategies today!!!!! BTW Thx for the 20$ u won me LOL"
MinChul told me "Dan Hyung u were snoring like crazy last night I couldn't sleep!!!" I apologized.
OGSTL-MC (Min Chul) was on the TV doing this pregame ceremony acting like a rockstar/wrestler basically telling the other guy he's going to fking rape him.
anypro/check/steveyea were all saying 'what the fuck how can he do that before his match? if he loses he'll look like a fucking idiot!'
I guess they didn't know that that MinChul's nickname in the korean community for SC1 was "suicide toss." In sc1 before one of his matches he went up to the camera and took his index finger and did the neck slice motion. Then he lost looking like a complete fool. Hence the term suicide toss was coined.
I knew this, but at the same time, TLO/Jinro had been telling me how good he is, plus in all my time spent at the OGS house I only saw him lose once. I told steve yea: "Okay let's bet. I'll give you 6-1 odds on 10$ I got MinChul. So if Minchul wins I get 10$ and if the werra guy wins u get 60."
He snap called. Thank you easy 10$ as Minchul steamrolled his opponent.
Game 2: "Okay I'll give you 7-1 this time." "Call"
Game 2 if you saw it MinChul opted not to get collusus range and all the prime guys were saying 'GG'
I almost got scared for a second then all the sudden MinChul just walked over the guy (apparently the units group better together and walk together over force fields (one group for collosus/unit and one group for immortal to target their collusus) + the money advantage from not having to invest 200/200 into it so it was good in that situation). Thank you.
I told steve not to fuck with a professional as he paid me 10$ more. Then I offered him 10-1 on the last game. He declined and everyone laughed.
As the suicide toss completed the triple kill I walked out to the main stage area and I could see the glee on every single OGS members' faces in person.
I saw MinChul and jokingly told him I was the reason he won: "If it weren't for me snoring you wouldn't have been able to wake up early and think about all your strategies today!!!!! BTW Thx for the 20$ u won me LOL"
On December 08 2010 06:01 dukethegold wrote:
Tester who?
Tester who?
Tributes/Fan Art
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Help me make this better by posting quotes from his interviews, pictures, and fan art!
Congrats on winning the HSCIV and we wish you luck next year!
UPDATE:Shout out from MC
Q: What do you think of the international fans who watch GSL and follow Starcraft?
I think very highly of them, and I’m very thankful they made me a fanclub..
I think very highly of them, and I’m very thankful they made me a fanclub..
Shoutout from MC @ MLG Colombus, thanks Milkis!
On June 06 2011 15:22 Milkis wrote:
Message from MC to his fans at the fanclub:
안녕하세요 팬 여러분들 장민철입니다
이번에 미국와서 MLG대회 하게 되었는데 재밌는 경기도 많이하고
많은 팬분들과 이렇게 즐거운 추억만들어서 좋구요
기회가 된다면 다음에도 미국에와서 재밌는 경기 하고싶네요
또 이드라선수랑 재밌는 스토리도 만들어가는거 같아서 재밌고
실제로는 서로 이야기도 자주하고 그렇게 사이가 나쁘지않아서
이렇게 더 도발할수 있는거 같아요
이제 곧 한국갔다가 중국 가는데 기가바이트에서는 꼭 우승할수있도록 하겠습니다
To all my fans, Hello! I'm MC.
I was able to come to America and participate in the MLG and got to play many entertaining games.
And it's also great that I was able to make such fond memories with many fans.
If the opportunity arises again I hope to come to america next time too to play more entertaining games.
And it was also really fun because it looks like I'm creating a fun storyline with Idra,
In reality we talk to each other often and our relationship isn't that bad, so that's why I'm able make provoking statements like that.
And now I'll go to Korea soon, and then to China, and I'll do my best to win at Gigabyte.
Message from MC to his fans at the fanclub:
안녕하세요 팬 여러분들 장민철입니다
이번에 미국와서 MLG대회 하게 되었는데 재밌는 경기도 많이하고
많은 팬분들과 이렇게 즐거운 추억만들어서 좋구요
기회가 된다면 다음에도 미국에와서 재밌는 경기 하고싶네요
또 이드라선수랑 재밌는 스토리도 만들어가는거 같아서 재밌고
실제로는 서로 이야기도 자주하고 그렇게 사이가 나쁘지않아서
이렇게 더 도발할수 있는거 같아요
이제 곧 한국갔다가 중국 가는데 기가바이트에서는 꼭 우승할수있도록 하겠습니다
To all my fans, Hello! I'm MC.
I was able to come to America and participate in the MLG and got to play many entertaining games.
And it's also great that I was able to make such fond memories with many fans.
If the opportunity arises again I hope to come to america next time too to play more entertaining games.
And it was also really fun because it looks like I'm creating a fun storyline with Idra,
In reality we talk to each other often and our relationship isn't that bad, so that's why I'm able make provoking statements like that.
And now I'll go to Korea soon, and then to China, and I'll do my best to win at Gigabyte.
MC BOSS: (Code S GF mos def)
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More from MC: [He likes the fanclub!

Please say something to your many fans in TeamLiquid
I visit the fanclub there often. They post a lot of funny pictures. And I'm thankful because their reactions are always so positive. I actually made a TeamLiquid account recently, so I'll make sure to visit often so I can communicate with my fans.
I visit the fanclub there often. They post a lot of funny pictures. And I'm thankful because their reactions are always so positive. I actually made a TeamLiquid account recently, so I'll make sure to visit often so I can communicate with my fans.
MC's Twitter:
Recent twitter pics:
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