TSL3 Pre-Round of 32 Interviews
Part 3 of 8
Part 3 of 8
TSL timer is counting down, time for another installment of the Pre-Round of 32 Interview series. Today we bring the first half of Day 2: oGs.MC, ieS-Ciara, mouz.HasuObs, and Liquid`Huk.
Korean Version: + Show Spoiler [Korean Version - 한국어 원문] +
안녕하세요? TeamLiquid Starleague 3에 환영합니다. 어떤 이유로 TSL3 초대를 승락하게 되었습니까? 월드스타가 되기위해
대회 초대 받기 전에 TeamLiquid.net에 대해 들어본적이 있었습니까? 네
이번 대회의 목표는 무엇입니까? 우승
GSL을 시청하고 스타2에 관심을 갖고있는 해외팬들을 어떻게 생각합니까?
아주 좋게 생각하고 그분들이 팬클럽만들어주신거에 감사히생각합니다
해외 팬들에게 전할 말 있다면?
일단 많은 관심가져주셔서 감사하고 이번시즌에 세계최고의 프로토스임을 보여드리겠습니다
한국 프로게이머들은 외국 대회를 많이 인지하고 있습니까? 네
예를 들어 미국, 유럽 지역에 IEM이나 MLG처럼 큰 규모의 대회가 많은데, 미래에 참여하고 싶습니까?
시간적 여유가 된다면 모두 참여하고싶습니다
비한국인 선수중에서 잘하는 선수가 누구 있습니까? 조나단. 크리스, 이드라
이중에서 경기를 해보고 싶은 선수가 있다면? 이드라
대회 첫 상대가 ieS-Ciara, 덴마크의 저그 선수입니다. 상대에 대해 어떤 정보를 가지고 있습니까?
뛰어나지 않은 선수라는것만 인지하고있습니다
경기를 위해 어떤 준비를 할 것이며, 이길 자신이 있습니까?
그동안 연습한 토대로 경기할생각이고 이길자신있습니다
한국 선수와 외국 선수의 경기 스타일이 많이 다릅니까?
최상위 랭커는 비슷한거같습니다
다르다면 어떤 면에서 다릅니까?
도박적인수를 많이 가지고있지 않은것같습니다
블리자드에서 고위 기사의 마나 업그레이드를 없에려고 하고있습니다. 프로토스가 새로운 맵에서 타 종족 상대로 유리하다고 생각하기 때문일까요? 노코멘트
이 변화를 어떻게 생각합니까? 달갑진 않게생각합니다
GSL 오픈 시즌3를 우승한 경력도 있고, 많은 팬들이 장민철 선수를 프로토스 최강자로 여기고 있습니다. 현재 Code S에 강력한 상대가 많다고 생각합니까, 아니면 여전히 우승 할 수 있다는 자신감이 많습니까?
우승할수있다는 자신감이있습니다
해외에서 인기가 많은 팀리퀴드 선수들과 (Jinro, Huk, Haypro 등) 같이 생활하고 있습니다. 이 선수들에 대한 인상을 말하자면?
조나단 - 착합니다
크리스 - 싸이코같다
헤이더 - 샤이보이같다
장민철 선수의 경기를 처음 보는 스타2 팬에게 자신을 소개한다면?
난 당당하고 도발적인 선수이다
자신의 선수로서의 장점과 단점이 무엇이라고 생각합니까?
장점 - 자신감
단점 - 자만감
이번 대회 우승 후보로는 누가 있습니까? 정종현 , 그리고 저
그리고 한국인 선수들의 외국 최상급 선수 상대로의 성적을 예상해본다면?
다 한국선수가 이길것같다
대회 초대 받기 전에 TeamLiquid.net에 대해 들어본적이 있었습니까? 네
이번 대회의 목표는 무엇입니까? 우승
GSL을 시청하고 스타2에 관심을 갖고있는 해외팬들을 어떻게 생각합니까?
아주 좋게 생각하고 그분들이 팬클럽만들어주신거에 감사히생각합니다
해외 팬들에게 전할 말 있다면?
일단 많은 관심가져주셔서 감사하고 이번시즌에 세계최고의 프로토스임을 보여드리겠습니다
한국 프로게이머들은 외국 대회를 많이 인지하고 있습니까? 네
예를 들어 미국, 유럽 지역에 IEM이나 MLG처럼 큰 규모의 대회가 많은데, 미래에 참여하고 싶습니까?
시간적 여유가 된다면 모두 참여하고싶습니다
비한국인 선수중에서 잘하는 선수가 누구 있습니까? 조나단. 크리스, 이드라
이중에서 경기를 해보고 싶은 선수가 있다면? 이드라
대회 첫 상대가 ieS-Ciara, 덴마크의 저그 선수입니다. 상대에 대해 어떤 정보를 가지고 있습니까?
뛰어나지 않은 선수라는것만 인지하고있습니다
경기를 위해 어떤 준비를 할 것이며, 이길 자신이 있습니까?
그동안 연습한 토대로 경기할생각이고 이길자신있습니다
한국 선수와 외국 선수의 경기 스타일이 많이 다릅니까?
최상위 랭커는 비슷한거같습니다
다르다면 어떤 면에서 다릅니까?
도박적인수를 많이 가지고있지 않은것같습니다
블리자드에서 고위 기사의 마나 업그레이드를 없에려고 하고있습니다. 프로토스가 새로운 맵에서 타 종족 상대로 유리하다고 생각하기 때문일까요? 노코멘트
이 변화를 어떻게 생각합니까? 달갑진 않게생각합니다
GSL 오픈 시즌3를 우승한 경력도 있고, 많은 팬들이 장민철 선수를 프로토스 최강자로 여기고 있습니다. 현재 Code S에 강력한 상대가 많다고 생각합니까, 아니면 여전히 우승 할 수 있다는 자신감이 많습니까?
우승할수있다는 자신감이있습니다
해외에서 인기가 많은 팀리퀴드 선수들과 (Jinro, Huk, Haypro 등) 같이 생활하고 있습니다. 이 선수들에 대한 인상을 말하자면?
조나단 - 착합니다
크리스 - 싸이코같다
헤이더 - 샤이보이같다
장민철 선수의 경기를 처음 보는 스타2 팬에게 자신을 소개한다면?
난 당당하고 도발적인 선수이다
자신의 선수로서의 장점과 단점이 무엇이라고 생각합니까?
장점 - 자신감
단점 - 자만감
이번 대회 우승 후보로는 누가 있습니까? 정종현 , 그리고 저
그리고 한국인 선수들의 외국 최상급 선수 상대로의 성적을 예상해본다면?
다 한국선수가 이길것같다
Q: Hello and welcome to the TSL3 tournament. What made you decide to accept your invite?
To become a world star.
Q: Have you heard of TL before?
Q: What are goals for this tournament?
A championship.
Q: What do you think of the international fans who watch GSL and follow Starcraft?
I think very highly of them, and I’m very thankful they made me a fanclub.
Q: Do you have anything to say to them?
Thank you for taking interest in me, and this season I’ll prove that I’m the best Protoss player in the world.
Q: Do you think Korean Pro-gamers are more aware of international events?
Q: There are many big events like IEM and MLG with big prizes in America and Europe. Would you like to go to any of them in the future?
If I have the time, I would like to participate in all of them.
Q: Who do you feel are the best non-Korean players?
Jonathan, Chris, Idra.
Q: Who have you heard of and who do you wish to play against?
Q: Your opponent is ieS-Ciara, a Zerg from Denmark. Do you know anything about him?
All I know is that he’s not that great a player.
Q: How will you prepare for him? Are you confident you will win?
I plan to play like I usually practice, and I am confident.
Q: Do you think international players and Korean players play differently? How so?
I think the most highly ranked players are similar. But I don’t think they have as many risky plays.
Q: Blizzard is considering removing the amulet upgrade. Do you feel that it was because Protoss got better against Terran and Zerg on the new maps?
No Comment.
Q: What do you think of this change?
I’m not happy.
Q: You won the GSL3. Many fans consider you the best Protoss in the world. What do you think about the current state of Code S? Do you feel you have many competitors or are you confident you will be able to win future GSLs?
I am confident that I can win it all.
Q: You live in the same house as many popular Liquid players like Jinro, Huk, Haypro, etc. What are your impressions of them?
Jonathan: Nice
Chris: Psycho
Hayder: Shy boy
Q: If you had to introduce yourself to our fans who never met you, how would you describe yourself? Write a few sentences about your personality.
I am a proud and provocative player.
Q: What do you think are your greatest strengths and weaknesses as a player?
Strengths: Confidence
Weaknesses: Over-confidence
Q: Who do you think have the best chances at winning TSL3?
MVP, and me.
Q: How do you feel the Koreans will do against the best international players?
I think the Korean players will win every match.
Q: You qualified via points. How did you feel during the qualifier process? When did you know you were qualified? Have you been practicing hard since then?
Getting 100 points in the first TSLopen, and scoring points in the next 2 qualifiers I played, so felt fairly confident of making it in. I'm horrible at pracitcing, I need something specific to prepare for to get my self motivatied. But really looking forward to my game vs MC, hopefully that get my blood boiling ^^.
Q: You are playing against GSL3 champion oGsMC. Many fans believe he is the best Protoss in the world. How do you feel about him? What do you predict he will do against you?
Of course there are other players I would rather have faced, but don't feel like MC is the worst for me. Really not that familiar with his style, some games he seem super cheesy, but no doubt he can macro as well. Think its pretty much impossible to prepare for a guy like him, just really hope I don't lose to some 4gate.
Q: What would you say your chances are against him? Are you confident? Will you have something special planned?
No idea how my chances are. The fact its all GSL maps certianly doesn't help me, maps I havent even played on yet. But I'm playing to win, and I'm always super confident ^^.
Q: Many fans are not giving you much of a chance. Do you have anything to say to them?
Think I'm better at creating haters, than fans. Obviously everyone who doesn't like me will give me little to no chance, but can't really blame them playing against MC, winner of GSL and in the finals of this GSL. Hopefully I can prove them wrong xD.
Q: Tell us about your team ieS and your history as a player. What do you do outside of Starcraft?
I started playing Warcraft 3 when The Frozen Throne came out, a few months after I played my first Danish qualifiers and got an invite to join MYM. I played for MYM for a very long time, 3-4 years at least. Then I joined EG with Grubby and Happy, played there for 1-2 years, and my first team in SC2 is ieS, really nice management, and a bunch of good guys. Outside SC2 there is school which is taking a beating cause of my playing!
Q: If you had to introduce yourself to our fans who never met you, how would you describe yourself? Write a few sentences about your personality.
Sup, my name is René Krag, also known as Ciara. Played Warcraft 3 competively on and off for years and changed to SC2 with the beta. As for the kind of person I am, I might come off as really arrogant, and thats probably because I am ^^. I tend not to care to much of what people online think of me. I'm extremely honest to the point were it pisses people off, truth hurts. Other then that I'm not really that bad a guy! I got serious motivation problems, I play way to little and watch way to many streams xD. Hopefully in the future I can restrain myself from wasting my time, and using it for playing!
Q: What do you think are your greatest strengths and weaknesses as a player?
I play Zerg, I only got weaknesses! Jokes aside, I feel really comfortable in longer games, I like it when I get to macro up and kinda overwhelm my opponent, which brings me to my weakness which would probably be over droning, really love my drones... often to the point were it kills me ^^.
Q: Which other matches are you interested in? Why? Who do you believe will win?
Every match that has a Zerg I'm probably going to watch, and I'm cheering for all other Zergs!! Hopefully one will make it into the Round of 16. Really hope Nestea or Idra will make it far, probably the players I enjoy watching the most.
Q: Do you have anything to say to your fans and supporters before the Round of 32?
Shoutout to my team ieS, check us out at http://www.myies.ch/iescms and of course a shoutout to the love of my life Pzys, I love you man!
And don't forget to tune in to watch me spank MC!
Q: You qualified on the last TSL3 qualifier. Give us your thoughts about the TSL qualifiers and your goals for the TSL3.
I'm really happy that I qualified myself for the TSL3. I made it possible in the last qualifier and now I'm looking forward to my first match in the TSL3. Actually I don't have any particular goals, I just want to do my best and show some nice games.
Q: Your Ro32 opponent is Liquid`Huk. How do you feel about him? Are you confident you can beat him?
HuK is in Korea for a while and practices alot, nevertheless its Protoss mirror. In the Protoss mirror matchup pretty much everything is possible, but I have to admit that HuK is the favourite of the match. But I prepared myself and hope the games will be entertaining!
Q: How is your PvP? Do you feel that PvP favors risky builds or is it possible to consistently win in it?
My PvP is decent. Its not my best matchup and also not my worst. I'm pretty sure that PvP favors risky builds, sometimes you get an advantage just because you choose the "right" build order. But overall I believe that it's still possible to play consistently good Protoss mirror matches. Sometimes you get blind-countered, but that happens in every matchup. No risk, no fun!
Q: Do you feel that practicing in Korea gives players a big advantage? Do you feel the NA/EU players will do well against the Koreans?
I think it helps a lot to practice in Korea. HuK concentrates all his energy on SC2, I think he's in great shape right now. I really hope that the non-Korean players can pull off a good fight against the almighty Koreans =).
Q: If you had to introduce yourself to our fans who never met you, how would you describe yourself? Write a few sentences about your personality.
What can I tell you about myself? Im not sure, but I think I'm a nice guy <3.
Q: What do you think are your greatest strengths and weaknesses as a player?
My strengths are the microfights and my decision making. Sometimes I still struggle with my macro, but I'm working on it. I think it already improved.
Q: Which matches (other than your own) are you interested in? Why? Who do you believe will win?
I will follow the matches of my teammates Morrow and Strelok. They both will have a tough time to win Jinro/Tyler, but i believe they can advance to the Round of 16!
Q: Do you have anything to say to your fans and supporters before the Round of 32?
Thanks to everyone who is cheering for me! Thanks to my team Mousesports, Thanks to all Sponsors and Partners.
Follow me on: http://www.facebook.com/HasuObs
And don't forget to tune in all the great TSL3 matches!
I know about him, German Protoss player. I'm not really that confident.
Q: PvP is a very volatile matchup. Do you feel your PvP is strong? Do you like the matchup? Why or why not?
I feel PvP is my weakest matchup, just because its so chancy you have the biggest chance to lose to a worse opponent.
Q: What are your goals for the TSL3? Who would you like to face?
To win obviously, I would like to play Koreans as much as possible.
Q: You recently qualified for Code S. How is your time in Korea thus far? Do you feel it's been worth it?
Good, I love Korea, I'm very happy with my choice to come here and compete and don't plan to leave anytime soon.
Q: What do you think are the biggest differences between Korea and international practice and play styles?
Practice wise Koreans are better at practicing in every way, practice harder, and know how to practice more efficiently. Play style wise I think Koreans are more aggressive and faster.
Q: Do you feel the Koreans will dominate this tournament? Or do you think the NA/EU players have a good chance to upset them?
I don't know about dominate but I think Koreans will do really well. I think there can be some upsets especially in the first few rounds just because its Starcraft 2 and anything can happen.
Q: If you had to introduce yourself to our fans who never met you, how would you describe yourself? Write a few sentences about your personality.
Honorable, honest, and generally like to have fun and make sure people around me are as well ^.^;;. Well its hard to try to write about yourself but most people think I'm really fun in real life and online, I like to joke around a lot and make people laugh, Koreans think I'm crazy.
Q: What do you think are your greatest strengths and weaknesses as a player?
Greatest strength I would say is my control and speed, greatest weakness is being too cocky and playing too fast.
Q: Which other matches are you interested in? Who do you believe will win?
Most interested in Dario (TLO) vs NaDa because it will be very exciting and I think TLO will win.
Q: Do you have anything to say to your fans and supporters before the Round of 32?
Thanks, I love you and I'll do my best!
Only 4 interviews left before the weekend, be sure to check back soon to get ready for the games!
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By signing up, you can also enter the TSL3 Raffle, where you can win a 5-night trip to South Korea for 2 people to watch StarCraft live in person and tour the oGs-Liquid house.
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