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On December 21 2012 18:35 daebak9 wrote: I love how everyone is hating on SNSD's new song after having heard a 20 second trailer. It makes taking you seriously very, very hard. You know, you only had to wait like 10 days...
Your name makes it very, very hard to take you seriously.
SM should be thankful for copyright laws. Apparently Gee replaced that terrible cover because of copyright issues. SNSD would have been nothing without Gee.
On December 21 2012 18:35 daebak9 wrote: I love how everyone is hating on SNSD's new song after having heard a 20 second trailer. It makes taking you seriously very, very hard. You know, you only had to wait like 10 days...
Your name makes it very, very hard to take you seriously.
Touché. I made this account quite some time ago and it's obviously not my main nickname. Such is the life of a closet K-pop fan, I guess. My point still stands though.
On December 21 2012 19:09 Tobberoth wrote: Really don't get why SNSD feel they have to make cover songs. They did a decent job with Run Devil Run, but really, it's enough that KPop is generally built around pure copies of other songs (except for a few exceptions like YG Entertainment where the artist usually write their own songs), but making direct covers? It's shitty.
I mean, if you don't know the original, then there's no difference... is it really that shitty?
I think the original is shitty, they haven't improved it. It's more a matter of principle though, a huge band like SNSD shouldn't be doing covers. I want to hear their sound, not western sound in korean voices. I mean, if all you care about are teh pritti kpop gurlz, you could just make lip sync videos of the bands to western music. (Not saying that SNSD etc don't use western music anyway, they do constantly, even a lot their original songs are written by westerners).
You're upset that a band does a cover every once in a while? Oh boy, you better stop listening to music then.
Rofl? "every once in a while". Compared to how many covers other big KPop bands have done, one should be surprised that SNSD even have any original songs.
Get on this level Haterz. Keep liking inferior groups that ACTUALLY have to use silly things like public transportation or tin foil curtains. It's sad that everyone can't be successful but I guess that's how life is. #WERESTILLONTOP
On December 21 2012 17:49 Purpl3 wrote: And yet you go and post a troll. Good job mejt
The hashtag may be sarcastic but no, what I say is for real.
How is this not trolling?
Was a lot better with Seo In Guk. Eunji still really good though!
Get on this level Haterz. Keep liking inferior groups that ACTUALLY have to use silly things like public transportation or tin foil curtains. It's sad that everyone can't be successful but I guess that's how life is. #WERESTILLONTOP
On December 21 2012 17:49 Purpl3 wrote: And yet you go and post a troll. Good job mejt
The hashtag may be sarcastic but no, what I say is for real.
How is this not trolling?
Was a lot better with Seo In Guk. Eunji still really good though! + Show Spoiler +
Somewhat bored so decided to finally listen through some Baby V.O.X stuff that I've had for months mostly due to me slowly becoming more and more obsessed with Kan Mi Youn + Show Spoiler +
DL'd some Special Album that have like 48 songs on 4 discs or something. Listened to the first disc and thought I'd share the best tracks I found. If there is any interest I guess I could do a part2 or something... + Show Spoiler +
Bonus reunion interview, damn onions.
The album contained preview/short versions of the songs so if you want any of them I'd recommend just DL'ing the song and not the special album.
Damn that "Nickai" -__-. Anyways, there's gonna be another google+ hangout this sunday 9pm kst. Someone here should represent. Just make sure you're already within their "circle" to be able to join the hangout. I already am and all I did was to add them to mine and they did the same thing back I think... not really sure how google+ works. I really want to try joining, but I don't have a webcam. I can join in with just my mic but I don't think they'll like audio only. I hope someone will at least try to get in.
On December 21 2012 19:09 Tobberoth wrote: Really don't get why SNSD feel they have to make cover songs. They did a decent job with Run Devil Run, but really, it's enough that KPop is generally built around pure copies of other songs (except for a few exceptions like YG Entertainment where the artist usually write their own songs), but making direct covers? It's shitty.
How is RDR a cover song? They're the only ones with the rights for the song.
There's no secret that SM buys pretty much all of their music, and since this was recorded back in 2008 they most likely didn't release it back then either because they didn't get the rights to do so in the end or they thought that Mercy got too big. Releasing this song now is more fan service than anything else as long as it's not a title track. It just seems like people are overly butthurt and trying to find any reason at all to hate on SM.
You're swedish, if you're interested you can see how these song camps are where they produce new tracks for SM here.