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yo man how come yoona gets uglier with every new mv? i swear she must have refused to sleep with a higher up or something, not only do they give her the worst concepts, but they don't let her sing as much either (she didn't even have a singing line in star star star)
On March 16 2010 10:26 kakaman wrote: yo man how come yoona gets uglier with every new mv? i swear she must have refused to sleep with a higher up or something, not only do they give her the worst concepts, but they don't let her sing as much either (she didn't even have a singing line in star star star)
or shes rly bad at singing im an snsd fan and even ill admit shes garbage vocals. they kinda smartened up by giving hyoyeon no lines in some of their songs (with the cost of giving her a dance solo). but then they fucked up when they started giving solo parts back to her
i mean in starx3she only counts to 3 twice throughout the whole song
I don't want to troll this thread but I have a nagging question.
There is "pop music" like this everywhere. However, from my very limited exposure, it appears there's no real alternative in Korea. All the music is like this. Every Korean I've met who even mentions Korean music mentions the same pop bands. The only exception I've ever seen to this is some R&B type of music. Do all Koreans, if they like music, basically like the same music?
In the US, there's pop crap like Miley Cyrus. However, even within the mainstream, there are a lot of bands/groups/singers within very different genres. And of course, there is a large underground music scene. I just don't get the same sense from the Korean music scene/fanbase. Maybe it's because since my exposure to Korean music is very limited, only the most popular stuff gets through. Someone let me know.
Well duh theres other genres, you just have to look for them. What kind of question is that?? Once in a while there will even be a K Rock or some K indie band on one of the 3 major music shows.
Also, damn 4 guys fighting over a single girl hahahaha
I don't think that that's too bad of a question, I mean if you look at the music charts, most of it is pop music, and pop music is what is far and away the most popular.
On March 16 2010 10:46 ahole-surprise wrote: I don't want to troll this thread but I have a nagging question.
There is "pop music" like this everywhere. However, from my very limited exposure, it appears there's no real alternative in Korea. All the music is like this. Every Korean I've met who even mentions Korean music mentions the same pop bands. The only exception I've ever seen to this is some R&B type of music. Do all Koreans, if they like music, basically like the same music?
In the US, there's pop crap like Miley Cyrus. However, even within the mainstream, there are a lot of bands/groups/singers within very different genres. And of course, there is a large underground music scene. I just don't get the same sense from the Korean music scene/fanbase. Maybe it's because since my exposure to Korean music is very limited, only the most popular stuff gets through. Someone let me know.
If you want legit vocal skills as a whole group, listen to ballad singers. Most of mainstream Kpop is all about who is prettier and has better style. Before flaming hence the MOST and WHOLE.