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Girl groups coming back is a good change of phase from all these male groups. And the newer songs from After School and T-ara are not terribad. I am looking forward to seeing T-ara's performances... the dances from the MV teasers looked pretty hot...
just started listening to k-pop after my friend showed me her snsd/kara videos/songs and after watching family outing episodes in which ever music reference i googled/youtubed lol
im in <3 with taeyeon/hara
plus big bang and kim jong kook (would u call him kpop?) is good
On November 28 2009 22:06 uSiN wrote: Girl groups coming back is a good change of phase from all these male groups. And the newer songs from After School and T-ara are not terribad. I am looking forward to seeing T-ara's performances... the dances from the MV teasers looked pretty hot...