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On November 26 2009 16:49 Chill wrote: I just want to say that in Korea you only hear the same six songs over and over and over and over and over and over.
I can't believe there are 120 pages for this thread because there shouhld be one post with 6 youtube videos and call it good.
Anyways, my sister's computer is about to die out so I helped her back up her videos and music. If you guys want, I could upload some videos depending on the filesize. They vary from music videos to concerts/live shows.
I also need recommendations. Songs that have only guitar in them, like this one:
08 _________ _________.mp3 - 5.3 Mb
51332 Posts
I wonder what Jaebeom put on his resume
Oh man I would so do IU and go to prison for it.
51332 Posts
i think i'd add jessica's sister to that list imo
Pitcairn19291 Posts
On November 28 2009 05:32 GTR wrote: OHI RYAN
i think i'd add jessica's sister to that list imo Seconded. As well as to the post above about IU.
hey roffles remember that snsd song gee that you have with that guy from TL singing to it with the yelling and stuff? can you link me to it?
Pitcairn19291 Posts
On November 28 2009 07:42 kOre wrote: hey roffles remember that snsd song gee that you have with that guy from TL singing to it with the yelling and stuff? can you link me to it? Of course, here's a link to boes' blog.
Good shit man, Good shit.
CA10824 Posts
51332 Posts
uee is like the most overrated idol in korea atm
On November 28 2009 10:14 LosingID8 wrote: after school is so bad
i like "ah"
이렇게 둘이 너와 단 둘이 언제나 우린 달콤한 이야길하고파
10183 Posts
On November 28 2009 10:28 GTR wrote: uee is like the most overrated idol in korea atm uee sucks ass
이주연 is where its at fuck yeah juyeon~~~~~~~~
I didn't really like After School at first, but they've grown on me.
and UEE is awesome, although she is overrated by most people.