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I think eca once gave me a link to a Date A Live game just because he knew that I liked her. Nether actually bothered downloading it... the show is just so shitty if you ignore her. Maybe ask him if he still remembers what it was if you're into dating sims
Also, since I posted the first and second boats PV might as well link the add I posted in irc a couple minutes ago. Has some more boats in it (Hiei, melon-chan, mogami) and most importantly 15 seconds of Kongou voice:
AoTY, Favorites: In no order Barakamon Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun No Game No Life
Honorable mention for Ryuugajou Nanana no Maizoukin and Bahamut
Best OP: The only one that really stood out for me, that i loved the song so much to dl and listen on repeat, and that i never skipped the OP while watching was No Game No Life
Worst Anime you finished: Hmm Blade and Soul I'm not sure anything i watched compares to that shitfest.
Biggest Surprise: Sidonia no Kishi Cross Ange
Honestly never expected to like any mech shows, and these two proved my feelings way wrong. They even got me wanting to look for more mech to see if i really do hate mech, or if i secretly enjoy it.
Honorable mention for Sabagebu Yuki Yuna wa Yuusha de Aru
Guilty Pleasure: SAO II That probably stands out the most, but also Soul Eater Not! Fate/Kaleid
Best Male Character: Sora - NGNL
Best Female Character: Chiyo-chan - Nozaki-kun Jibril - NGNL
Honorable mention to: Tensai -Ryuugajou Nanana Momoka - Sabagebu
Best Seiyuu: I have a really hard time pick one here, as i don't really know any seiyuu's by name or their characters. but.. Jibril - NGNL - Tamua Yukari Kushikawa Hatoko - Inou Battle - Hayamin (hayamin mainly for that one scene, you all know which one, where she goes off. I heard she did that in one take and it blew me away)
On December 23 2014 04:27 Slaughter wrote: NGNL was this year? Man I can't remember what came out the 1st half of this year lol. Jibril best bro and girl.
Shigatsu's OP by Goosehouse is def the OP of the year though.
AoTY, Favorites: In no order Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki Kun Gundam Build Fighters, both seasons Yuuki Yunna wa Yuusha De Aru Kiseijuu Aldnoah Zero FSN UBW (Don't care that it bores me, #Production_Value must be acknowledged)
Glasslip Psycho Pass 2 Mushishi Zoku Shou Zankyou No Terror Break Blade Akuma No riddle Tokyo Esp M3: Sono Kuroki Hagane Selector Spread Wixoss Akame Ga Kill Gokukoku no Byrnhildr
Biggest Surprise: Yuuki Yunna Yuusha De Aru Selector Infected Wixoss Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki Kun
i forgot about based #1 counting in this season. Still that show was such shit it barely had her, and it barely had my other favorite Sachi :/ . If i can use the VN as background they both top my best girls list. But i thought it was just anime and that anime was bad
On December 23 2014 06:05 Kipsate wrote: IDk why NGNL is so popular, its a generic harem, it was somewhat enjoyable but not AOTY material.
trinity seven is a generic, shitty harem.
NGNL was hilarious. Add to it that it has Jibril and you're good. Heck it doesn't even stop at Jibril. You got Noto as Elf, Yoko Hikasa as Steph, Miyuki Sawashiro as Izuna, Ai Kayano as Shiro (honestly I did like her early on but it got a bit annoying later on) and Chlammy Zell as best-tsundere. That's some quality harem right there.
Surely there's SOMETHING you're going to fawn over in that list, if not multiple ones.
On December 23 2014 05:58 IceHism wrote: Worst Anime you finished: + Show Spoiler +
Glasslip Psycho Pass 2 Mushishi Zoku Shou Zankyou No Terror Break Blade Akuma No riddle Tokyo Esp M3: Sono Kuroki Hagane Selector Spread Wixoss Akame Ga Kill Gokukoku no Byrnhildr
On December 23 2014 06:22 Slaughter wrote: Sir, Toad you do not fully grasp the glory that is Trinity Seven.
I'm pretty sure I'd enjoy it had they done it in 2 cour and basicly slowed it down a little. But the way it's done it just feels like nonstop boobs with super rushed plot (the actual plot) inbetween. Rushed to the point that I'm asking myself why they're even bothering instead of makeing it porn... or idk make it like in IS where season 1 is basicly just introducing the girls without any actual plot and leave that for a potential season 2.
Might be worth checking out the source idk, but imo the anime is pretty fail that way
On December 23 2014 05:58 IceHism wrote: Worst Anime you finished: + Show Spoiler +
Glasslip Psycho Pass 2 Mushishi Zoku Shou Zankyou No Terror Break Blade Akuma No riddle Tokyo Esp M3: Sono Kuroki Hagane Selector Spread Wixoss Akame Ga Kill Gokukoku no Byrnhildr
zankyou no terror wasn't that bad neither was pp2
PP2 could not exist and the PP movie's story still wouldn't be affected. That's how bad it was. People only watched that show for Tsunemori and none of the new characters introduced were memorable. The plot didn't explore anything new either and they took 11 episodes just to make Sybil a collective. Also, lack of literary references and Philosophical banter.
Tokyo Teenage Terrorist had a promising first episode but devolved into just bad where it basically lost focus on what it wanted to be. Five is the worst character introduced. it seems Watanabe wanted to make this like death note for some reason which i don't like... Lisa was useless and incompetent. Apparently the teenagers didn't want to cause any death but they detonated an atomic bomb in the sky over the city and EMP'd the electricity anyways.