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Holy shit! Ozaki must have been really desperate to take his own wife/ex-wife as an experimental subject. He really looked like an insane guy, but in the end it's funny how he just wanted to learn about the Shikis to find a weakness. I really wonder how the priest is gonna react next week. Gonna require to show him the whole video to convince him. I hope Ozaki won't lose his mind or something after this... I thought this was a very good episode.
This shit was intense. I thought they were going to drag this out, and allow him to perform various tests, but I didn't think he'd perform every single one in a single episode, and actually impale her. o_o
On November 06 2010 12:19 Southlight wrote: They really went all out with the puppy-dog look for Lato in SRW >_>
Also the way Arad speaks annoys me (the voicing).
Voice wise, I can only imagine Excellen getting on people's nerves. Arado doesn't really bother me voice wise. I'm also glad he doesn't have pink hair (iirc it was pink in OG2).
On November 06 2010 12:19 Southlight wrote: They really went all out with the puppy-dog look for Lato in SRW >_>
Also the way Arad speaks annoys me (the voicing).
Voice wise, I can only imagine Excellen getting on people's nerves. Arado doesn't really bother me voice wise. I'm also glad he doesn't have pink hair (iirc it was pink in OG2).
It was I thought It always been purple like his Main mech
On November 06 2010 12:19 Southlight wrote: They really went all out with the puppy-dog look for Lato in SRW >_>
Also the way Arad speaks annoys me (the voicing).
Voice wise, I can only imagine Excellen getting on people's nerves. Arado doesn't really bother me voice wise. I'm also glad he doesn't have pink hair (iirc it was pink in OG2).
It was I thought It always been purple like his Main mech
Here is the color difference between OG2 and the Inspectors:
Its not a big difference, but I find his Inspectors hair color much more pleasing on the eye. I'm not really a fan of guys with pink hair lol
I'm a sukka http://www.hulu.com/nana Hulu now has nana on it ionno for how long but as soon as i saw that i decided to re-watch the whole series again.
On November 07 2010 04:47 orgolove wrote: Maybe it's the weaboo in me, but I <3 The World God Only Knows. Elsee's so cute!+ Show Spoiler +
Because of you....I'm giving this Anime a try.
Trust me when I say, "You'll love it."
Considering that we actually seem to like similar Animes based on what we've both seen/discussed over the last few pages....I trust thee!
I'm glad.
It's funny, because I look at the TL posters' lists on MAL, and everyone has like 300 animes. And mine has like 30. I'm an anime newb compared to everyone here ._.
On November 07 2010 04:47 orgolove wrote: Maybe it's the weaboo in me, but I <3 The World God Only Knows. Elsee's so cute!+ Show Spoiler +
Because of you....I'm giving this Anime a try.
Trust me when I say, "You'll love it."
Considering that we actually seem to like similar Animes based on what we've both seen/discussed over the last few pages....I trust thee!
I'm glad.
It's funny, because I look at the TL posters' lists on MAL, and everyone has like 300 animes. And mine has like 30. I'm an anime newb compared to everyone here ._.
I didn't even know MAL existed.....I'll have to look that up.
On November 07 2010 04:47 orgolove wrote: Maybe it's the weaboo in me, but I <3 The World God Only Knows. Elsee's so cute!+ Show Spoiler +
Because of you....I'm giving this Anime a try.
Trust me when I say, "You'll love it."
Considering that we actually seem to like similar Animes based on what we've both seen/discussed over the last few pages....I trust thee!
I'm glad.
It's funny, because I look at the TL posters' lists on MAL, and everyone has like 300 animes. And mine has like 30. I'm an anime newb compared to everyone here ._.
I didn't even know MAL existed.....I'll have to look that up.
That's my list. I've really only watched mainstream stuff so far (it's not complete because I can't remember everything I watched before I made my account). But now that I have my own computer I can torrent shit and I'm actually going to keep up with the new shows.
DenYuuDen was pretty great this week (animation aside <_<). My only complaint is that there was no Kiefer. I find her way more interesting that Ferris. Sion is kind of an ass. Like they said in the episode, it's understandable because he's king, but still, that still doesn't change the fact that he's an ass.
Looks like Panty and Stocking is actually gonna start having a plot. I guess I'll see if it was worth the wait. -_- They're supposed to eventually finish collecting heavens near the middle of the series, so I guess that'll happen in the next few episodes.
On November 07 2010 04:47 orgolove wrote: Maybe it's the weaboo in me, but I <3 The World God Only Knows. Elsee's so cute!+ Show Spoiler +
Because of you....I'm giving this Anime a try.
Trust me when I say, "You'll love it."
Considering that we actually seem to like similar Animes based on what we've both seen/discussed over the last few pages....I trust thee!
I'm glad.
It's funny, because I look at the TL posters' lists on MAL, and everyone has like 300 animes. And mine has like 30. I'm an anime newb compared to everyone here ._.
I didn't even know MAL existed.....I'll have to look that up.
That's my list. I've really only watched mainstream stuff so far (it's not complete because I can't remember everything I watched before I made my account). But now that I have my own computer I can torrent shit and I'm actually going to keep up with the new shows.
lol our compatibility looks pretty bad just from a ratings standpoint. You've got so many 10's...
On November 07 2010 14:15 Ferrose wrote: I'm starting Index because a few friends keep telling me to. :D
Hope you like preachy speeches.
And that video of Shinryaku Ike Musume is not indicative of the series at all. Dream sequence, etc. The show's a comedy.