Anime Discussion Thread - Page 2910
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If you come in here looking for "anime recommendations" then please refer to this chart before posting: Anime Recommendations (as of may 2014). We also have an IRC channel called #tladt where we all hang out. The channel is on Rizon, not QuakeNet! Feel free to check it out. TLADT discord is For currently airing anime, please see | ||
Czech Republic5053 Posts
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Canada1941 Posts
+ Show Spoiler + Sorry, aers not trying to be a dick I just had to say that and I had to apologize cause I'm Canadian. | ||
United States6703 Posts
Also Hyouka is trash and isn't even LN quality. | ||
United States10671 Posts
You don't talk about new shows though, at most someone goes "Episode x of y was good" but that's not really discussion, it's just stating your opinion. Considering it's Anime "Discussion" Thread the discussion isn't exactly deep. lol, wtf? Name a single show this season that really warrants any indepth discussion and I'll concede, but as far as I know the shows with more plot or even just fanservice character stuff, Gargantia, SnK, Oreimo, get a fair amount of "discussion." Look, I'd like "intellectual" discussion where we discuss interesting things like theories about what happens next like any other person, or talking about certain important parts of a story, but you don't get that with most anime anyway. When seasons of anime are just composed over various slice of life anime, mindless action entertainment, and then straight up harem fanservice stuff, what more do you expect other than: "Hey. That episode was pretty good. Anybody else see it?" "Yeah I liked X, but that bitch Y didn't do anything. I hate her." OR "Man that was intense!" "THE MUSIC MAN" "I hope someone DIES the next episode." Also, you weren't here when Madoka aired but there was definitely a lot of discussion that went beyond this. So don't just come in here and start making accusations at people. Every once in a while, we do talk about something worthwhile, and its silly for someone who has sub-200 posts to come in and generalize thousands of pages of content. That's why you get called out as a newbie. ZNF completely missed the point of my post too. I didn't say nobody here likes Madoka or Bake, but that when someone brings it up people like Aers will come out and yell "IT WAS TERRIBLE". There's not really any reason to make a post like that but they do. It's like a strange attention whoring contest. .....THAT was the point of your post? If you're using Aers as an example I honestly don't know what to say. | ||
Hey Sean.
United Kingdom196 Posts
On June 10 2013 23:11 Kipsate wrote: You can just leave this thread/community if you want, from what I have read you don't seem to like it here, nobody is forcing you to stay. And I may be relatively new to anime but I am pretty sure Hyouka was not a harem + Show Spoiler + Boy didn't even get a single girl nor was more then 1 girl interested in him, she was just curious all the time. I didn't call it Harem, I suggested romance. Although do you think Kokoro Connect is a harem? Also you missed the point entirely. Someone said this thread was elitist, I said why. You don't have to like the reasons just accept them. You can choose to either have your little secret club or have an interesting thread. Small cliques like the ones here are pretty much what ruins threads. When someone's opinion is jumped on by the IRC crew and the next few pages turn to shit it speaks a lot about the people starting the arguments. Aers you've been wrong plenty of times. Not counting right now, the last time was someone saying about Japans new Anti-Loli act or whatever it's called, thinking it wasn't going to affect Sailor Moon. It's clear you don't actually read what you should be reading but instead form an opinion right away with no information and then stick to it. Also if you're going to try pretend you were trolling, you need to be trolling right from the start and not reply to the first few posts. Like above, Ecael posts "Hyouka is trash and not even LN quality". This thread is called the Anime "Discussion" Thread. Not "I hate it" the thread. Sure you can dislike something, but why not say why and start a discussion? ZNF, I don't need to list any shows that warrant discussion because you did it for me. Although you should probably add Henneko to that list as well. You can call me a newbie I guess, although I've been coming to TL for years, this account itself should be a year-2 years old, I only got it for liquibet really though. I can safetly say though that in the last 10 years or so this is probably one of the most toxic of cliques. The thread itself isn't bad when people actually want to talk about things, but people not having any real input apart from "I hate it" sums it up now. You might have had indepth discussions at one point, but now it's just awful. At least in other forums people used to at least pretend to be nice or resist their urges to shitpost because they wanted to become a mod or well-known or whatever. Here it's more like people can't stop themselves from posting trash and prefer getting known that way. All in all, it's just a bad attention whoring contest. I don't get your last line though, are you insulting Aers? I would name other people but I don't want to be rude considering they haven't posted yet. | ||
United States1180 Posts
Sorry, I couldn't resist. Personally I notice a lot of discussion in spoilers for shows I don't watch. With the shows I am watching, you either get manga spoilers or "I don't know what the fuck is going on but shit is so fabulous." Or I rage at JC Staff for filling an episode up with Saten/Uiharu/Haruue. + Show Spoiler [Railgun episodes] + I heard the episode after next is going to be filler, bah. | ||
Czech Republic5053 Posts
On June 11 2013 00:20 Dismay wrote: Do you mean like that time you said fujoshi were literally killing anime by supporting shows they like when Free came up, Sean? Sorry, I couldn't resist. Personally I notice a lot of discussion in spoilers for shows I don't watch. With the shows I am watching, you either get manga spoilers or "I don't know what the fuck is going on but shit is so fabulous." Or I rage at JC Staff for filling an episode up with Saten/Uiharu/Haruue. + Show Spoiler [Railgun episodes] + I heard the episode after next is going to be filler, bah. + Show Spoiler + It's called Vending Machine. Get ready for TouMAN. | ||
Sweden2653 Posts
On June 11 2013 00:20 Dismay wrote: Do you mean like that time you said fujoshi were literally killing anime by supporting shows they like when Free came up, Sean? Sorry, I couldn't resist. Personally I notice a lot of discussion in spoilers for shows I don't watch. With the shows I am watching, you either get manga spoilers or "I don't know what the fuck is going on but shit is so fabulous." Or I rage at JC Staff for filling an episode up with Saten/Uiharu/Haruue. + Show Spoiler [Railgun episodes] + I heard the episode after next is going to be filler, bah. + Show Spoiler + But at least the next episode will be full of Mugino! I tend to comment about currently airing shows or shows I've watched, sometimes it creates some larger discussion, sometimes it doesn't. That doesn't mean that we don't have any discussions in this thread. I honestly don't understand why you suddenly lashed out so harshly at aers, Sean. | ||
Germany2099 Posts
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United States1180 Posts
On June 11 2013 00:22 OutlaW- wrote: + Show Spoiler + It's called Vending Machine. Get ready for TouMAN. + Show Spoiler + Really? I heard there would be an episode between ITEM and a certain money-eating vending machine. And yes, Mugino. So much crazy, so many lasers. | ||
Czech Republic5053 Posts
On June 11 2013 00:28 Naphal wrote: so much not talking about anime in the last few pages... does someone else get reminded of hunter x hunter at certain points in space brothers? i swear these tests... Hunter x Hunter is so good, I can't believe how good Madhouse and Togashi are. This fucking arc is so ingenious. | ||
Sweden4717 Posts
Small cliques like the ones here are pretty much what ruins threads. When someone's opinion is jumped on by the IRC crew and the next few pages turn to shit it speaks a lot about the people starting the arguments. Wtf IRC clique? 90% of the people on irc can't be arsed to post because of people like you. You say it as if everyone who goes on IRC is a dickhead with exactly the same taste as the other. That is wrong. This isn't /a/. Aers you've been wrong plenty of times. Not counting right now, the last time was someone saying about Japans new Anti-Loli act or whatever it's called, thinking it wasn't going to affect Sailor Moon. It's clear you don't actually read what you should be reading but instead form an opinion right away with no information and then stick to it. Again, wtf? Why do you make random bullshit assumptions? What is your problem? Did aers piss in your cereal? You're ridiculously aggressive here, man. Like above, Ecael posts "Hyouka is trash and not even LN quality". This thread is called the Anime "Discussion" Thread. Not "I hate it" the thread. Sure you can dislike something, but why not say why and start a discussion? Ecael (and many others) have already discussed why we believe Hyouka sucks many times. You shouldn't expect us to repeat it to every moron who begs us to. This thread has ~58000 posts, but maybe you should check at least some of them? I mean, you did imply that you've followed this thread for quite a while, with your ~expert opinion~. Yet you talk like a clueless tool. At least in other forums people used to at least pretend to be nice or resist their urges to shitpost because they wanted to become a mod or well-known or whatever. Here it's more like people can't stop themselves from posting trash and prefer getting known that way. All in all, it's just a bad attention whoring contest. You should not expect people to behave nicely when you have an attitude like yours. | ||
Hey Sean.
United Kingdom196 Posts
And I target Aers since he's one of the people that cause the terrible posting. Heck, we were having some Oreimo discussion when he decided he wanted to be in the spotlight. If you want to be known, you can be, but why would you want to be known as the guy who posts "X is shit". Or a long paragraph saying "X is shit and the fanbase is shit". Even his first post of this little debate was a passive aggressive jab. It's difficult to like someone like that in any way. Another part of the problem is that people don't watch the shows at the same time, but that can't really be helped, this forums too slow for that really. Or they do what most have done with SnK, watched the show a bit and then read the manga. That too makes it difficult to discuss without spoiling those people who are anime-only. And for those talking about Railgun, you shouldn't be too surprised, this is JC Staff after all. Even if they did make the best anime in the last few years. + Show Spoiler + Milky Holmes Edit: @Above You're right this place isn't /a/. It's anonymous for a start so avoids a lot of the problems this thread has, it just has other problems. Also, if 90% of IRC are staying away, then clearly they just want a chatroom rather than a thread. That's fine, so long as they don't just come to post nonsense. But people like aers can't help but come and join in the fun. If you want to attention whore go ahead, but why should I listen to you if that's all you're here for? | ||
Sweden2653 Posts
What, people who like anime? How shocking and revolting. | ||
Sweden4717 Posts
Also, stop talking as if your oreimo discussion is holy or some shit. Jeez. | ||
Canada6688 Posts
i dont know why i read it, its do damn depressing maybe im just waiting for mc to grow a pair (which i hope he has finally done) still feels bad man | ||
United States6703 Posts
Hyouka is trash because the source is trash and Kyoani added nothing of value. It is prettily animated trash though. Let's be honest, it fails as a mystery and it doesn't try to do anything to make up for the fact that it is a bad mystery. At least be like Zaregoto and have characters and dialogue worth paying attention to. The later vols (4 and 5) show slight promise because the author stumbled upon a pretty decent character and proceeds to put time into her, but it doesn't really go anywhere. It tries to explore alternative methods of telling a mystery there too, but it again doesn't really go anywhere. If you actually want to read mystery novels, read mystery novels. Japan isn't so lacking on that front that you'd need to bother with Hyouka. So I mean exactly what I said. It is below LN quality for something that is supposed to be a novel. | ||
Hey Sean.
United Kingdom196 Posts
Who else in the last 10 pages or so has made a post comprising of only a youtube video and a jab? Who then pretended they were aiming for something different after replying to me for a few posts? He's pretty much a joke. I'm not sure whether he's trolling or not, but pretending to be stupid isn't trolling, that's just being stupid. Edit: That's just your opinion on Hyouka though. I thought all the mysteries were pretty good except for the film and the pool episode. Also you're completely about everyone not in IRC being aggressive. Nobody except me has been, I just prefer to do it this way because it's more fun on my end. Not in a trolling way. For some reason though you've become prejudice against everyone not in IRC. Why? You can't really use me as an excuse here. I don't post much and I've only posted in this thread for a few months. Obviously you've been here a while so there must be an earlier reason. | ||
United States33802 Posts
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Sweden2653 Posts
On June 11 2013 00:54 a176 wrote: i caught up with aku no hana manga i dont know why i read it, its do damn depressing maybe im just waiting for mc to grow a pair (which i hope he has finally done) still feels bad man + Show Spoiler + Oh you just know that shit is about to hit the fan again soon. We aren't gonna see a happy ending, that's for sure. | ||
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