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Please read this and stop being terrible about Free!
You post a youtube link and use the comments as evidence that the fujoshi fanbase is terrible. I could link any anime forum and use it as evidence that the rest of anime fandom is terrible. I find it pretty amusing that you're sitting there judging fujoshi for going crazy over hot guys in anime when this entire thread is full of guys posting things like "best girl" and "waifu" and talking about nothing but anime girls.
By amusing I mean terrible.
People aren't serious about waifus though
Are they? I still stand by the fact the fujoshi fanbase is one of the worst around. Although this is an opinion formed mostly on what I see of English speakers, they're just delusional. They're those people who remind you to check your privilege unironically. The difference between something like K-On, which someone used as an example on the other page, and this, is that compared to K-On this is shaping up to be some strange soft-core porn. K-On isn't really sexualized at all, I'm sure there are parts in it that could be, but for the most it isn't. This is looking like it's main selling point will be lads getting their kit off.
I could be wrong sure, but until the anime is actually released we don't know. As far as anime trying to sell copies simply because of fanservice, gay or straight, I'm against it. Of course everything has fanservice, that's just how things are. But usually things don't simply sell because the main character/love interest is sexualized. Like K-On, thinking back the closest thing to real hardcore fanservice is a beach episode. But the fact that this trailer shows so much of it in such a short amount of time really worries me on how it's going to come out.
Someone's going to make a comment about how K-On is sexualized, I'd just like to point out it's not my fault if you find the Keions sexy. I would encourage you to buy a daki and get it over with.
Besides, I don't dislike KyoAni, I dislike what this anime looks to be about. I'm now fully done replying to anything about free or fujoshi, I just thought I'd give you a reply since I think this is your first post about it. Other people can continue le epik ironic shitposting if they want to, but I can't give them the attention they desperately crave. Sorry if my post started wandering too, I did read the link though and understand that tumblr didn't cause this to happen. But I do stand by the fact that their tastes are influencing anime because of the high sales.
Also GuP would easily be AOTY if we're talking 2013. What else could even be called aoty so far? I mean there's lots of good anime that's come out but I don't think any of them built up a fanbase like GuP did. Stuff like Oreimo already has a big fanbase (and honestly S2 so far has been pretty meh), and the rest of the shows in these two seasons are good, but just haven't caught on like GuP did.
The highest selling anime are all otaku-bait pseudo-intellectual pretentious things like Madoka and Bakemonogatari, not fujoshi shows.
On April 28 2013 23:40 Kipsate wrote: What the hell happened to this thread
Also how can you judge AOTY by fanbase, doesn't SAO have a pretty big fanbase(and haters too), doesn't mean we call that AOTY 2012. Isn't AOTY different for a lot of people and open to their own interpretation?
I'm not judging it solely on fanbase, but it is a good indicator.
I don't think you have to put it down to your own opinion either. Much like any award in real life, someone is going to win and that person winning might not be your first choice, but you can still respect the decision because you can see that the anime is well made or whatever.
That said, if you can gather up a decent amount of people who hate the thing with positives at all, then it shouldn't be AOTY. But in general I figure AOTY is decided by who shouts the loudest and for what. Sure you can have your own opinion on what wins but it's likely your opinion is much lower valued than that of many more people, and I mean that with no disrespect.
If I was to expand on why I think that would be AOTY, it's mostly because it was something fairly different (there's going to be some similarities) that worked well. I don't think it's the best looking anime, and many other things, but it was fairly refreshing compared to most other things.
I\m not bashing anyone's opinion, but if it was to be voted for by some sort of judging panel I would come up pretty high.
I mean if that's the case for how to determine an AOTY, then Sword Art Online should have been AOTY in 2012, and Shingeki no Kyojin in 2013 since they're the highest rated thus far in their respective years (at least on MAL, but I'm going to assume it's not going to be too far off in other places)
SAO is not the highest rated show of 2012 on MAL, not even close actually.
GuP was a cute little show, but I was quite baffled by people considering it as AOTY or even AOTS for that matter. Also, talking about AOTY when the year just started is even more pointless than talking about AOTY in general.
Please read this and stop being terrible about Free!
You post a youtube link and use the comments as evidence that the fujoshi fanbase is terrible. I could link any anime forum and use it as evidence that the rest of anime fandom is terrible. I find it pretty amusing that you're sitting there judging fujoshi for going crazy over hot guys in anime when this entire thread is full of guys posting things like "best girl" and "waifu" and talking about nothing but anime girls.
By amusing I mean terrible.
People aren't serious about waifus though
Are they? I still stand by the fact the fujoshi fanbase is one of the worst around. Although this is an opinion formed mostly on what I see of English speakers, they're just delusional. They're those people who remind you to check your privilege unironically. The difference between something like K-On, which someone used as an example on the other page, and this, is that compared to K-On this is shaping up to be some strange soft-core porn. K-On isn't really sexualized at all, I'm sure there are parts in it that could be, but for the most it isn't. This is looking like it's main selling point will be lads getting their kit off.
I could be wrong sure, but until the anime is actually released we don't know. As far as anime trying to sell copies simply because of fanservice, gay or straight, I'm against it. Of course everything has fanservice, that's just how things are. But usually things don't simply sell because the main character/love interest is sexualized. Like K-On, thinking back the closest thing to real hardcore fanservice is a beach episode. But the fact that this trailer shows so much of it in such a short amount of time really worries me on how it's going to come out.
Someone's going to make a comment about how K-On is sexualized, I'd just like to point out it's not my fault if you find the Keions sexy. I would encourage you to buy a daki and get it over with.
Besides, I don't dislike KyoAni, I dislike what this anime looks to be about. I'm now fully done replying to anything about free or fujoshi, I just thought I'd give you a reply since I think this is your first post about it. Other people can continue le epik ironic shitposting if they want to, but I can't give them the attention they desperately crave. Sorry if my post started wandering too, I did read the link though and understand that tumblr didn't cause this to happen. But I do stand by the fact that their tastes are influencing anime because of the high sales.
Also GuP would easily be AOTY if we're talking 2013. What else could even be called aoty so far? I mean there's lots of good anime that's come out but I don't think any of them built up a fanbase like GuP did. Stuff like Oreimo already has a big fanbase (and honestly S2 so far has been pretty meh), and the rest of the shows in these two seasons are good, but just haven't caught on like GuP did.
The highest selling anime are all otaku-bait pseudo-intellectual pretentious things like Madoka and Bakemonogatari, not fujoshi shows.
On April 28 2013 23:40 Kipsate wrote: What the hell happened to this thread
Also how can you judge AOTY by fanbase, doesn't SAO have a pretty big fanbase(and haters too), doesn't mean we call that AOTY 2012. Isn't AOTY different for a lot of people and open to their own interpretation?
I'm not judging it solely on fanbase, but it is a good indicator.
I don't think you have to put it down to your own opinion either. Much like any award in real life, someone is going to win and that person winning might not be your first choice, but you can still respect the decision because you can see that the anime is well made or whatever.
That said, if you can gather up a decent amount of people who hate the thing with positives at all, then it shouldn't be AOTY. But in general I figure AOTY is decided by who shouts the loudest and for what. Sure you can have your own opinion on what wins but it's likely your opinion is much lower valued than that of many more people, and I mean that with no disrespect.
If I was to expand on why I think that would be AOTY, it's mostly because it was something fairly different (there's going to be some similarities) that worked well. I don't think it's the best looking anime, and many other things, but it was fairly refreshing compared to most other things.
I\m not bashing anyone's opinion, but if it was to be voted for by some sort of judging panel I would come up pretty high.
I mean if that's the case for how to determine an AOTY, then Sword Art Online should have been AOTY in 2012, and Shingeki no Kyojin in 2013 since they're the highest rated thus far in their respective years (at least on MAL, but I'm going to assume it's not going to be too far off in other places)
SAO is not the highest rated show of 2012 on MAL, not even close actually.
GuP was a cute little show, but I was quite baffled by people considering it as AOTY or even AOTS for that matter. Also, talking about AOTY when the year just started is even more pointless than talking about AOTY in general.
Ooh oops. Looks like it fell like over 100 last time I checked.
I've still not watched SAO, but I don't think I will. Still caught the SAO reference in Oreimo though.
I'm only really considering GuP as aoty because nothing else has really been that well praised and generally well done (although a recap episode every 5 episodes I think it was wasn't really needed). The fact it is getting all these ovas/films from it's popularity is just a good indication of how well liked it was by a lot of people.
It's nowhere near my favourite anime, but it's worth at least an 8.
On April 29 2013 01:33 ragz_gt wrote: AOTY 12 is Horizon S2. I will beat whoever disagree with Vol2B (whole 1000 page of it) until otherwise.
That anime made me so sad because Uta and Eca hype up the novels so much and then... wat? I didn't understand like anything at all because they give you like 3% of the information.
On April 29 2013 01:33 ragz_gt wrote: AOTY 12 is Horizon S2. I will beat whoever disagree with Vol2B (whole 1000 page of it) until otherwise.
That anime made me so sad because Uta and Eca hype up the novels so much and then... wat? I didn't understand like anything at all because they give you like 3% of the information.
The pacing is fucked up like hell with its x00% speed, but what was there was fairly understandeable, I think.
During the whole ep, I was like "man, things slowed down a lot, this is getting boring". Then towards the end, when the MC was like "were finally getting our dignity back". I jokingly said to myself, "then watch the colossal titan appear again"--THEN BAM. Lol...
Anyways, I guess how they "spawn" is through lightning or something. Or was that the same titan from 5 years ago, safe to assume since he said "good to see you again". Also makes me wonder how those unique titans move around, like teleportation? Why not just teleport yourself in the walls if thats the case.
Edit: OMFG, Im so sorry solid, LOL!!!
I cant help but laugh dude.. soooo sorry though >_<
Gone for an entire weekend, and ADT proves its perfectly capable of creating shitstorms without me in the center. I'm happy. Also Girls und Panzer was great.