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On April 12 2013 06:55 Blargh wrote: The original Sailor Moon anime was quite well-known in USA. It was aired dubbed on Cartoon Network if I recall. That was quite long ago, so I doubt many (young) people know much about it.
Are you telling me I'm getting old at 20? Please be more gentle ;;
I thought it was dubbed, so guess I was right with that one. I think the spinoffs not being as well known is a given though really, that's just how things are. You could say the Gundam/Sailor Moon franchises are mainstream, but the spinoffs less so. I don't think it really matters in the end though, mainstream doesn't automatically mean bad anyway, it's just a lot of people happen to dislike Bleach/Naruto etc and like to rile themselves up on the internet.
I'm alright with it until someone shows up to school/uni in an orange jumpsuit with a headband on anyway.
One Piece is one the THE most mainstream show in Japan (with Shin-chan, Maruko and Conan). And I think quite a few us here will fight you to the death if you bad mouth OP.
I wouldn't go bad mouthing One Piece because I've actually never seen a single episode of it. I've seen at least a bit of the others but I've never thought of picking it up. It's my dark secret. It's not really to my tastes though so I'd likely only be doing a discourtesy to watch it and give my opinion.
How do you feel about the Dragonball/One Piece crossover? I've only seen dragonball but I'm still pretty confused about it really. Are they just doing it because both shows are popular?
On April 12 2013 07:14 ZenithM wrote: OP is like the one piece of the Big 3 that's actually worth reading. Huehuehue.
The big 3 now is Toriko, One Piece, Naruto. A lot of people haven't caught on to that yet. Bleach popularity took a nosedive a couple years ago.
Well I think people have caught on to how everything in Bleach took a nosedive... it isn't even adapted in anime anymore. I call them the Big 3 because it was the Big 3 back then. I haven't tried Toriko though, is it good?
On April 12 2013 07:14 ZenithM wrote: OP is like the one piece of the Big 3 that's actually worth reading. Huehuehue.
The big 3 now is Toriko, One Piece, Naruto. A lot of people haven't caught on to that yet. Bleach popularity took a nosedive a couple years ago.
I absolutely hate Toriko... much more than Bleach (which is more of a love-hate). I love food anime, but only realistic or over the top but still somewhat realistic ones. Toriko is an abomination.
Oishinbo on the other hand <3 It is decently popular in Japan, but virtually unheard of outside.
On April 12 2013 07:14 ZenithM wrote: OP is like the one piece of the Big 3 that's actually worth reading. Huehuehue.
The big 3 now is Toriko, One Piece, Naruto. A lot of people haven't caught on to that yet. Bleach popularity took a nosedive a couple years ago.
Well I think people have caught on to how everything in Bleach took a nosedive... it isn't even adapted in anime anymore. I call them the Big 3 because it was the Big 3 back then. I haven't tried Toriko though, is it good?
No idea. I only read bleach because I just want to know how the damn thing ends but KUBOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. I stopped reading naruto years ago. I read OP cuz I like it. Toriko I haven't touched. Fairy Tail was ok, but I felt that the art was lacking in the combat, it just didn't give the feel that DBZ or OP did for me.
On April 12 2013 07:14 ZenithM wrote: OP is like the one piece of the Big 3 that's actually worth reading. Huehuehue.
The big 3 now is Toriko, One Piece, Naruto. A lot of people haven't caught on to that yet. Bleach popularity took a nosedive a couple years ago.
I absolutely hate Toriko... much more than Bleach (which is more of a love-hate). I love food anime, but only realistic or over the top but still somewhat realistic ones. Toriko is an abomination.
Oishinbo on the other hand <3 It is decently popular in Japan, but virtually unheard of outside.
Toriko really was really hard to get into and I read a fair bit of shounen. Then again food anime always seemed really stupid to me.
And really why does anyone really read any long running shounen not called OP for anything but closure at this point.
On April 12 2013 07:14 ZenithM wrote: OP is like the one piece of the Big 3 that's actually worth reading. Huehuehue.
The big 3 now is Toriko, One Piece, Naruto. A lot of people haven't caught on to that yet. Bleach popularity took a nosedive a couple years ago.
I absolutely hate Toriko... much more than Bleach (which is more of a love-hate). I love food anime, but only realistic or over the top but still somewhat realistic ones. Toriko is an abomination.
Oishinbo on the other hand <3 It is decently popular in Japan, but virtually unheard of outside.
I hated toriko since it came out until 1 month ago......i read alot of cooking/food manga (many of them dont have eng sub) but i thought toriko is pointless because the food inside is fictional, but now i quite enjoy it, not chasing it every week but still read it from time to time.
Sailor Moon was pretty mainstream in Japan. It aired in the same timeslot (7 PM saturday nights, tv asahi) for its entire run, 5 seasons back to back, which is a killer timeslot for anime. The most popular season was the third.
Globally it is the most well-known/best-selling/whatever magical girl series ever. I dunno what more you want.
Im sure Kaze doesnt mind if I watch any Nana Mizuki films. Speaking of which, I just skimmed through Valvrave, pretty cool. Got a Guilty Crown vibe from it, but not in a bad way. Maybe this one will satisfy--since its Sunrise.
On April 12 2013 13:02 sung_moon wrote: I gotta say "The Devil is a Part-Timer" already has me more interested than any other anime in looooooong time.
The "SuperSize Me" had me dying.
Lol yeah, I like Hataraku Maou :D But god this season is shitty
On April 12 2013 13:02 sung_moon wrote: I gotta say "The Devil is a Part-Timer" already has me more interested than any other anime in looooooong time.
The "SuperSize Me" had me dying.
Lol yeah, I like Hataraku Maou :D But god this season is shitty
Quite disappointed with Hataraku Maou-sama =(. I liked the first episode alright, but the second only leads to disaster. I definitely think it still has potential, though, so long as they do not turn it into generic bad guy romance silly situation etc.
Gargantia is currently the most promising this season, in my opinion. I assumed it was just going to be generic bad sci-fi, but it turns out it's a LITTLE BIT more than that! I'm staying optimistic, but barely.
I just can't wait for Yoshiura's Patema to come out. I believe it is a movie, so I am not sure how that will work. Hopefully I won't have to wait forever for it !!!
suisei no gargantia atm the show i have the highest hopes for, and with chihayafuru carrying over plus railgun and titan as guaranteed good shows i already have a good amount, so no "worst season ever" from me this time