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On July 02 2012 06:47 Ryndika wrote: Watching Ergo Proxy atm. The 3episode rule is strong in this one, remember that if you stumble across this anime.
Enjoy. Hope you do, cos it tends to be 2deep4u to most people. Shame they cannot appreciate the masterpiece it is. tt
I don't like describing Ergo Proxy as "deep" honestly. Its beauty comes heavily from how atmospheric it was.
It was certainly laden with references in naming, imagery, and in some of the episodes (Ophelia episode comes to mind), but it's not really "deep" by ways of a bigger allegory or anything of the sort.
On July 02 2012 08:51 tonight wrote: i'll watch muv luv having no prior knowledge while you guys fight and argue every episode from a VN stand point. I'll sit and enjoy the anime stricly as an anime.
There is no VN for this. It's set of short stories that ran in TechGian when they were exploring the world, which they later turned into a full-fledged light? novel series.
No Tiger dojo type stuff. Extra does have bad ends, but they are bad bad ends. Unlimited has one "bad" end that you might want to watch, but other than that IDK about any other bad ends in that game. Alternative only has 1 route, although it has some minor choices that effects dialogue.
I found a cool new chart on /m/ about the VN if you are curious about stuff: + Show Spoiler +
As for the TE anime, I'm not gonna fight and argue every episode from a VN stand point. I'm just gonna masturbate to the giant robots.
BTW, if any of you want to know the sense of "DOOM OMG ALIENS ARE GONNA FUCKING KILL US ALL" that the VN gives off, here is a cool youtube video:
So earlier today, I finished watching Bubblegum Crisis. This was an 8 episode OVA series from 1987. And it was pretty good! IDK how many of you have ever watched it/heard of it, so I'll talk a bit about it here.
What is it? Its set in the future, 2032, in a "Cyberpunk" urban world. The series was strongly influenced by Blade Runner, if you ever watched that movie. The show follows our heroes, a group of vigilantes/mercenaries known as the "Knight Sabers". The Knife Sabers is a group of young women in Powered Armor, who essentially work as mercenaries in Tokyo. There are only 8 episodes, but most of them are fairly lengthy episodes. They range in length from like 25 minutes to 50 minutes. But overall, its a pretty easy watch.
In Bubblegum Crisis, the world has developed a new race of Androids, referred to as "Boomers". These guys are like mass produced Terminators. They are used around the world for military purposes, or as bodyguards, etc. However, they are also prone to go berserk and on a rampage. When they do, lots of people die and things blow up. Thats where the Knight Sabers show up. I said they use Powered Armor earlier, so let me define what I mean. Have you ever seen Iron Man? The Iron Man suit is Powered Armor. The MCs in this show have what are essentially Iron Man suits. There are a total of 8 episodes, but each episode is mostly its own self-contained story. So essentially, all 8 episodes of this show is simply a collection of Short Stories telling about different events the Knight Sabers get involved in. There is a sequel to this, Bubblegum Crash, but I haven't watched it yet.
The main character of the story is a girl named Priss. Shes a reckless tomboy, likes driving around in motorcycles, and is a singer. Other characters include Sylia, who is the older, rich leader of the group, Linna, who... doesn't really stand out, and Nene, who is the pink haired moe character. The male lead is a AD Police Officer named Leon, who is voiced by the same dude who voiced Oliver Poplan in LoGH, and hes a cool guy. Some episodes focus on some characters more than others. Like for example, Priss is the main character, but that doesn't mean shes the only one with the spotlight. So they manage the character development okay IMO. In addition to these main characters, there are other characters who are central to a certain episode, due to the plot of said episode revolving around them.
Music. There is alot of 80s music in this, and they use insert songs to good effect.. The anime opens up with Priss doing a concert, with action scenes of a Boomer going berserk spliced in. They don't actually focus much at all on Priss' singing, but her songs are stuck in all over the place during the climax of certain episodes. If you hate 80s music because you are some young boy who was born in the late 90s, I feel sorry for you.
Its an old anime from 1987, but the animation was still pretty good! I downloaded the 720p DVD version, and the picture was nice and clear. The style of animation reminds me of Gunbuster, but that's pretty much because they are from the same time period. The fight scenes are well done. I really like their Power Armor. I also really like the even bigger Power Armor that they get into with their Power Armor.
IMO you guys should check it out. I really enjoyed it. The only "problem" I had with it, was that there wasn't really an over-arching story tying it all together. There was potential for their to be, but apparently the anime was canned early due to production disputes by the people making it. Oh well. 8/10 imo.
Recommended for: -People who like good things
Not Recommended for: -People who don't like good things
On July 02 2012 09:40 Jumbled wrote: I assume that means you haven't watched the remake series of Bubblegum Crisis? Might be worth checking it out to compare the two.
Have not watched the newer Bubblegum Crisis. I haven't heard good things about that one. Will get to that one eventually.
So yesterday I realized Anime Expo was taking place this weekend and I happened to be nearby (relatively) so made some last minute change of plans and i'm now currently sitting in line for the premier of Total Eclipse with the producer and Minami Kuribayashi (who sang the main theme for ML). Awesome. Question is when is it going to start since it was scheduled to begin 15 minutes ago and there's still a few hundred of us sitting in line in front of the hall where it's going to be...
I don't know how anyone could hate Ergo Proxy. It has it moments of deepness, but I have to agree with the idea of mood. The mood and tension that underlines every frame of this anime just makes it so great.
Well, kind of hard to say, but since the point of Achiga was originally for whats-her-name-mc-who-is-less-of-a-mc-than-Toki to meet Nodoka in the finals they'll probably plot hax through. I mean, their entire point is to make Teru less invincible for Kiyosumi in the finals.
(11:00:35 PM) Ecael: who was the MC in Achiga supposed to be again at that (11:00:44 PM) Ecael: I was trying to type a name (11:00:50 PM) Southlight: kuro...? (11:00:50 PM) Ecael: and my hands automatically went Toki (11:01:02 PM) Ecael: was that it? (11:01:07 PM) Ecael: wasn't it the (11:01:11 PM) Ecael: jersey girl (11:01:15 PM) Ecael: who wants to meet Nodoka (11:01:20 PM) Southlight: wasn't that kuro? (11:01:27 PM) Ecael: no (11:01:33 PM) Southlight: jaa shirane (11:01:33 PM) Southlight: w (11:01:40 PM) Ecael: my face lol
Side A would've been so much better if it was used to highlight exactly how powerful the monsters are, and the futility of making it to the finals if you lack talent.
My gaming computer crashed so I've found some extra free time lately and was wondering if there are any gems out there that you gentlemen may know of that would be worth checking out. Most recent series I've watched being Fate/Zero.
And before you suggest I click the link at the top, I cant read any titles in the picture so it's rather pointless.
On July 02 2012 12:05 Spazer wrote: Side A would've been so much better if it was used to highlight exactly how powerful the monsters are, and the futility of making it to the finals if you lack talent.
Well honestly Achiga already scraped by once, to use the same thing for Senriyama to get forced out is going to be really boring. It'd really be best if they get killed here while exposing things about Teru but that isn't happening...so yeah, they'll probably plot hax through again. Real boring.
On July 02 2012 12:05 Zergneedsfood wrote: I've had enough of downloading every anime that airs. I think I'll just rely on people I trust saying "this is pretty good".
That or I'll just read.
Yeah...reading sounds good. >.>
How about catching up first in classics in the language you actually know~
On July 02 2012 12:08 Dosey wrote: My gaming computer crashed so I've found some extra free time lately and was wondering if there are any gems out there that you gentlemen may know of that would be worth checking out. Most recent series I've watched being Fate/Zero.
And before you suggest I click the link at the top, I cant read any titles in the picture so it's rather pointless.
Are you looking at the pic in its actual size or in the browser resized version? Even if it is too small in the former zooming in a little is enough for you to read.