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On May 04 2012 06:22 Sentenal wrote: I didn't bait anyone, I was just talking about it. He got real heated, and even claimed to not like it, so IDK what his problem was. Seems like I'm not allowed to discuss any anime here without someone getting really angry about it :/
I think your colorful language is really provocative.
Thats what I got warned for in the Code Geass discussion, but I felt I kept it alot more civil this time. Kinda depressing that its almost like I can't discuss something here unless I'm just passively acknowledging it.
It just shows how dedicated people are to their opinions, and when you challenge them they become all defensive.
Anyways I just watched the first couple episodes of Madoka (suggested by a friend, kept pushing until I agreed) and the first 2 and 3/4ths were really entertaining. However....+ Show Spoiler +
Was not expecting Mami to get fucking decapitated. The show instantly turned from cute to downright WTF, so much that I couldn't continue to watch. I was not expecting that shit.
On May 04 2012 07:11 Ataraxia wrote: Just watched the 4th episode of Sakamichi no Apollon. I didn't see if there were any mentions. Is anyone else loving this show as much as me?
There's a list above that gives specific genres. Death Note is in one of them so you might want to check out what appears most appealing from that list (see if the title/image suits you, then wiki/look it up)
Oh my bad, haha, there's a genre above each column...
As someone said FMA and FMA: Brotherhood are really good. Cowboy Bebop is an episodic(spelling?) series about some bounty hunters in space, sounds kinda lame imo but it was a really good series. (btw dubbed > subbed on this one). Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann is really enjoyable and a nice experience, it's mecha though. I don't like mecha myself but give TTGL a chance even if you don't because it was really something special.
High school of the dead and kore wa zombie desu ka are more comical/lighthearted animes with a good amount of fanservice. Clannad is a masterpiece in its genre of drama (again don't let that scare you away because it'd scare me away) and deadman wonderland is a pretty cool story but it's unfinished so kinda iffy if you should really watch that.
On May 04 2012 06:22 Sentenal wrote: I didn't bait anyone, I was just talking about it. He got real heated, and even claimed to not like it, so IDK what his problem was. Seems like I'm not allowed to discuss any anime here without someone getting really angry about it :/
I think your colorful language is really provocative.
Thats what I got warned for in the Code Geass discussion, but I felt I kept it alot more civil this time. Kinda depressing that its almost like I can't discuss something here unless I'm just passively acknowledging it.
It just shows how dedicated people are to their opinions, and when you challenge them they become all defensive.
Anyways I just watched the first couple episodes of Madoka (suggested by a friend, kept pushing until I agreed) and the first 2 and 3/4ths were really entertaining. However....+ Show Spoiler +
Was not expecting Mami to get fucking decapitated. The show instantly turned from cute to downright WTF, so much that I couldn't continue to watch. I was not expecting that shit.
That episode was what made the series so cool!
Lol, I know right? The twist made people watch the show since it wasn't the average moe/magical-girl anime that comes out. It has a (mostly) happy ending too btw.
And ultimately they realize the purpose that they have been fighting for,a better world for Lelouch and being the Emperor for Paul.
No, Paul never does achieve his final goal, at least not himself. Becoming emperor is only a step to set up the requirements. The first book of Dune is an introduction; all the sequels can be seen as consequences of his actions. The prequels are a whole other thing to deal with. Afaik, we never come to know what Paul's true goal was. We know he wanted to turn Dune into a planet of life. This does happen eventually, I think book 5. However, in regards to the Bene Gesserit, we do not know whether he wanted to destroy them completely for revenge (most likely wanted to but understood the insane consequences this would have on the political and religious world) or if halting their goals sufficed. Also, while he may have achieved his goals or not, they came with many underlying consequences that he may or may not have predicted, such as the gholas of Duncan Idaho and the roles he would play or the fact that the Bene Gesserit took advantage of the Atreides bloodline which had created powerful genes they did not originally expect.
From what i remember,Paul wanted to escape the curse of his foresight.Everytime he saw the future,the timelines were altered.It was something similar to Heisenberg's principle.Everytime he looked into the future, the future was already modified compared to the future in which he didn't used his power. That's why,after the failed Bene Tleilaxu coup d'etat which caused him to go blind and entrusting regency and his children to his sister,Alia,he dissapeared into the desert.
But enough about Dune .
I didn't mean to say that CG is comparable to Dune.It's like comparing one of those shitty 1 million $ budget fantasy movies to Lord of the Rings.But it has some similarities.That was just what i was trying to say.
Also , gz Mr KazeHydra for such a in-depth analysis of my post. I tip my hat to you .
Also i'll go watch Gundam next,as previous people strongly recommended.
hehe yeah I overreacted but it sounded like you thought they were more similar than just a couple comparisons.
Anyway, if you want to watch Gundam, you should read this if you haven't already. Probably would want to start with either 0079 (you may not like it due to old animation) or SEED, but as Sent mentions, you can choose any AU gundam as a first and you won't be lost as far as story goes.
The million dollar question. Does it have any romance in any of them ? Doesn't matter if it's the original Gundam or Alternate Universe.
First of all, I'm kind of like you in liking romance in my anime regardless of genre; I don't need it but it will always be a plus to me. so yes, actually most (from what I've seen) have some amount of romance though it varies from just "being there" to actually being developed. For example, I got completely baited into thinking AGE had romance when really the girls are just there to make babies. Not joking at all. Series is still really good though. SEED, however, is my favorite (again, from what I've seen) as far as romance in Gundam series. Actually, it's my favorite Gundam series period and the romance is just another plus. Sent can give a better answer though; I know he has a favorite couple but I forget which series it's from.
Well, the first arc of AGE had some romantic elements in it + Show Spoiler +
Speaking of romance, ecael recently recommended I watch Bungaku Shoujo. So I did, eventually, and it's SOOOOOOOOOOOO GOOOOOOOOOOD!!! Parts of it gives me that same warm, fuzzy and sad feeling I got after watching 5cm/s.
It could also be that I'm horribly biased because HanaKana voices the main girl (Amano Touko, or Tooko/Tohko, however you want to spell it). But, the rest of the voice actor cast is pretty all star too! Notable names include Nana Mizuki, Daisuke Ono, Aki Toyosaki, and Aya Hirano (say what you want about her, but I consider her "notable" anyways since she voices Haruhi). Chiwa Saito is also credited to voicing Inoue Konoha, but I didn't recognize her voice in either the flashbacks or present time.
The premise is about Inoue Konoha, our MC, meeting this girl, Amano Touko, who eats paper as if it was food. There's more to it obviously, but the rest can be wiki'd.
According to ecael, the movie was based on the 5th novel and since I didn't watch any of the OVA prequels to the movie, or read the novels, there were some parts that were initially confusing. The main one that stood out for me was when Nanase (Nana Mizuki) was confronting Miu (Aya Hirano) in the hospital. Prior to that, I didn't even know Nanase knew Miu.
After the MC says he lovesd Miu, he leaves the planetarium and chases after Touko, meets up with her, and kisses her before her train leaves. KYAAAA! (I loved that scene, I just ignored that fact that the MC confessed his love to Miu just minutes before).
But I believe that was movie original, and didn't actually happen in the novels.
Miu had some pretty sick plot armor to be able to survive jumping off the school roof and jumping in front of a truck with little to no visible damage.
As some on IRC can vouch for me, I got pretty into the movie as I was watching, and was really sad the MC would, even for a second, pick Miu over Touko. But, I'll just blindly believe he confessed to Miu just so that she won't go suicidal on him, and really loves Touko instead.
Sadly, Nanase's character felt almost negligible and could've been ignored for most of the movie save one scene (that scene was pretty sick too). She's was a pretty cute tsundere for some of the screen time she did get though.
All in all, I loved it, and now just waiting for the novels to be delivered to me :D.
On October 12 2011 00:37 KazeHydra wrote: Touko-senpai was amazing. I usually don't care much for Kana Hanazawa's voice, but damn, it fit so perfectly with her personality. She definitely is one of my favorite main heroines.
I thought I praised her more than that...anyway, this was when I actually started to appreciate HanaKana as a seiyuu when previously I was giving her a lot of flak for all the copy paste moe voices. Even now, I wish she did more diversity, but what can I say? Touko was too good and is by far my favorite character that she's done. Don't know why I never mentioned this to you before, despite knowing how big of a HanaKana fan you are.
Yes, I've read all the English translated novels and they're great. It really helps to know about the work of literature being referenced beforehand in terms of enjoyment and interest but not needed. ZNF has also read 3 of the 4 unless he recently got his hands on the newest one. They also make you see the movie in a different light because you see the true relationships between all the characters. It's a lot more interesting than the movie lets on. Nanase is amazing tsundere and I read all her lines in Nana's voice. Eagerly awaiting book 5 in July :D Also, you should watch the OVA's featuring each different heroine if you haven't already. Nanase is sooooo cute in hers but Touko was great as always too. Miu was...well, Miu.
On May 04 2012 07:11 Ataraxia wrote: Just watched the 4th episode of Sakamichi no Apollon. I didn't see if there were any mentions. Is anyone else loving this show as much as me?
Yea its really good. top 3 of the season definately. One of the more artful coming of ages in recent seasons by a margin.
And ultimately they realize the purpose that they have been fighting for,a better world for Lelouch and being the Emperor for Paul.
No, Paul never does achieve his final goal, at least not himself. Becoming emperor is only a step to set up the requirements. The first book of Dune is an introduction; all the sequels can be seen as consequences of his actions. The prequels are a whole other thing to deal with. Afaik, we never come to know what Paul's true goal was. We know he wanted to turn Dune into a planet of life. This does happen eventually, I think book 5. However, in regards to the Bene Gesserit, we do not know whether he wanted to destroy them completely for revenge (most likely wanted to but understood the insane consequences this would have on the political and religious world) or if halting their goals sufficed. Also, while he may have achieved his goals or not, they came with many underlying consequences that he may or may not have predicted, such as the gholas of Duncan Idaho and the roles he would play or the fact that the Bene Gesserit took advantage of the Atreides bloodline which had created powerful genes they did not originally expect.
From what i remember,Paul wanted to escape the curse of his foresight.Everytime he saw the future,the timelines were altered.It was something similar to Heisenberg's principle.Everytime he looked into the future, the future was already modified compared to the future in which he didn't used his power. That's why,after the failed Bene Tleilaxu coup d'etat which caused him to go blind and entrusting regency and his children to his sister,Alia,he dissapeared into the desert.
But enough about Dune .
I didn't mean to say that CG is comparable to Dune.It's like comparing one of those shitty 1 million $ budget fantasy movies to Lord of the Rings.But it has some similarities.That was just what i was trying to say.
Also , gz Mr KazeHydra for such a in-depth analysis of my post. I tip my hat to you .
Also i'll go watch Gundam next,as previous people strongly recommended.
hehe yeah I overreacted but it sounded like you thought they were more similar than just a couple comparisons.
Anyway, if you want to watch Gundam, you should read this if you haven't already. Probably would want to start with either 0079 (you may not like it due to old animation) or SEED, but as Sent mentions, you can choose any AU gundam as a first and you won't be lost as far as story goes.
The million dollar question. Does it have any romance in any of them ? Doesn't matter if it's the original Gundam or Alternate Universe.
First of all, I'm kind of like you in liking romance in my anime regardless of genre; I don't need it but it will always be a plus to me. so yes, actually most (from what I've seen) have some amount of romance though it varies from just "being there" to actually being developed. For example, I got completely baited into thinking AGE had romance when really the girls are just there to make babies. Not joking at all. Series is still really good though. SEED, however, is my favorite (again, from what I've seen) as far as romance in Gundam series. Actually, it's my favorite Gundam series period and the romance is just another plus. Sent can give a better answer though; I know he has a favorite couple but I forget which series it's from.
Well, the first arc of AGE had some romantic elements in it + Show Spoiler +
Speaking of romance, ecael recently recommended I watch Bungaku Shoujo. So I did, eventually, and it's SOOOOOOOOOOOO GOOOOOOOOOOD!!! Parts of it gives me that same warm, fuzzy and sad feeling I got after watching 5cm/s.
It could also be that I'm horribly biased because HanaKana voices the main girl (Amano Touko, or Tooko/Tohko, however you want to spell it). But, the rest of the voice actor cast is pretty all star too! Notable names include Nana Mizuki, Daisuke Ono, Aki Toyosaki, and Aya Hirano (say what you want about her, but I consider her "notable" anyways since she voices Haruhi). Chiwa Saito is also credited to voicing Inoue Konoha, but I didn't recognize her voice in either the flashbacks or present time.
The premise is about Inoue Konoha, our MC, meeting this girl, Amano Touko, who eats paper as if it was food. There's more to it obviously, but the rest can be wiki'd.
According to ecael, the movie was based on the 5th novel and since I didn't watch any of the OVA prequels to the movie, or read the novels, there were some parts that were initially confusing. The main one that stood out for me was when Nanase (Nana Mizuki) was confronting Miu (Aya Hirano) in the hospital. Prior to that, I didn't even know Nanase knew Miu.
After the MC says he lovesd Miu, he leaves the planetarium and chases after Touko, meets up with her, and kisses her before her train leaves. KYAAAA! (I loved that scene, I just ignored that fact that the MC confessed his love to Miu just minutes before).
But I believe that was movie original, and didn't actually happen in the novels.
Miu had some pretty sick plot armor to be able to survive jumping off the school roof and jumping in front of a truck with little to no visible damage.
As some on IRC can vouch for me, I got pretty into the movie as I was watching, and was really sad the MC would, even for a second, pick Miu over Touko. But, I'll just blindly believe he confessed to Miu just so that she won't go suicidal on him, and really loves Touko instead.
Sadly, Nanase's character felt almost negligible and could've been ignored for most of the movie save one scene (that scene was pretty sick too). She's was a pretty cute tsundere for some of the screen time she did get though.
All in all, I loved it, and now just waiting for the novels to be delivered to me :D.
On October 12 2011 00:37 KazeHydra wrote: Touko-senpai was amazing. I usually don't care much for Kana Hanazawa's voice, but damn, it fit so perfectly with her personality. She definitely is one of my favorite main heroines.
I thought I praised her more than that...anyway, this was when I actually started to appreciate HanaKana as a seiyuu when previously I was giving her a lot of flak for all the copy paste moe voices. Even now, I wish she did more diversity, but what can I say? Touko was too good and is by far my favorite character that she's done. Don't know why I never mentioned this to you before, despite knowing how big of a HanaKana fan you are.
Yes, I've read all the English translated novels and they're great. It really helps to know about the work of literature being referenced beforehand in terms of enjoyment and interest but not needed. ZNF has also read 3 of the 4 unless he recently got his hands on the newest one. They also make you see the movie in a different light because you see the true relationships between all the characters. It's a lot more interesting than the movie lets on. Nanase is amazing tsundere and I read all her lines in Nana's voice. Eagerly awaiting book 5 in July :D Also, you should watch the OVA's featuring each different heroine if you haven't already. Nanase is sooooo cute in hers but Touko was great as always too. Miu was...well, Miu.
She's so cute to watch when describing her "food".
haha yeah she's soooo adorable. just wait til you read the novels. even if it's just words, still so cute. My favorites are when her braids are always described as bouncing cat tails <3 and her catchphrase "As you can see, I'm a book girl!" it makes no sense but she says it with such confidence as she puffs out her flat chest haha. Yeah, I love her.
On May 04 2012 10:50 Zergneedsfood wrote: KazeHydra, so much love for getting me first three volumes. Like, OMG, I was like. <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
I'm going to get the 4th book soon. Maybe when I get back to CA.
th-that doesn't make happy at all! D-d-don't misunderstand! I didn't buy them for you or anything. I just wanted more people to enjoy Touko-senpai's awesomeness. That's all. znf no baka!
Also, you should watch the OVA's featuring each different heroine if you haven't already. Nanase is sooooo cute in hers but Touko was great as always too. Miu was...well, Miu.
The torrents for the OVAs were so bad that not even Swedish Internet could conquer it. It's been over a day and still snail-pace downloading t_t
On May 04 2012 04:31 KazeHydra wrote: Also, you should watch the OVA's featuring each different heroine if you haven't already. Nanase is sooooo cute in hers but Touko was great as always too. Miu was...well, Miu.
The torrents for the OVAs were so bad that not even Swedish Internet could conquer it. It's been over a day and still snail-pace downloading t_t
Slow and steady wins the race!!! haha, I was able to finish dl'ing and watched it all yesterday. Including the 15 min Touko OVA too, which, after rewatching the movie for maybe the 4th time, was referenced in the movie too!
I've tried to seed, but I didn't connect to anything, so I deleted the torrent lol.
Really we see a lot of hints to the first series in this episode, still very vague though how it is going to connect with the first though if it ever does.
Wonder why they changed the intro to show eureka's face, maybe to keep the fans guessing as to if this was AU or not for the first couple of episodes. Also gecko state is still alive, or at least there logo.
Also a lot of people where saying it might be time travel but the rest of the world outside of Ao's town look to be fairly advanced so that might throw a wrench in that idea. I swear bones is killing me with all this suspense, i want to know how this is connected to the first xp.
On May 04 2012 18:03 Southlight wrote: Eca, since you actually read this thread and I have trouble reaching you with IMs left overnight: should I fraps Alice' fight from the Archive?
Nagisama, where are you!?!?! I bet you're the loser who didn't learn jump timing like I told you to.
On December 04 2011 04:58 KazeHydra wrote: At least learn when to shout "Eternal Blaze" and the 2 jumps that occur after; it feels like one of the most epic coordination every time I watch it.
Yeah quality sucks but it should hold me over until King's Night dl is finished :D which will in turn hold me over until I get rest of concerts in mail.