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Yeah ep3 was quite disappointing. The first two episodes were pretty awesome, Koko was epic. This episode feels so weird. The plot doesn't make much logical sense. I hope they improve. Up till ep2, this was my favorite new anime of the season, I hope it remains that way and not become a trainwreck like GC.
On April 26 2012 12:52 Maxtor wrote: I've watched several episodes of "Papa no lu Koto o Kikinasai!" and i'd love for someone to explain some of these things cause im pretty confused about it, im only up to episode 10 but its just bugging me so much: + Show Spoiler +
1, Why do they have no money, i mean his sister and their (the girls) father must have had savings or insurance, they even left the house, i mean they could sell or rent that, its clearly an asset that would transfer to the next of kin, or be held on trust until they are of age to sell it.2,Why did the relatives not chip in to help him take care of the girls, if they wished to stop him from taking them or teach him a lesson about the difficulty of taking care of them they could have just not allowed him to be a guardian in the first place? The other thing is, does it get a bit cheerier, cause my god its depressing, i would have never guessed by the intro.
He probably has no money because he snuck all 3 girls out of the house after the family discussion part and just ditched the rest of the family. The other relatives might not even have his contact information save for the Aunt. And she does come around to help him out around episodes 8-10ish, or maybe earlier. She probably gave them his contact info later on though.
IIRC, the house went to the father's next of kin, one of the Uncles I believe, which Yuuta has no blood relation to. In fact, save for the Hina, his sister, and maybe the Aunt, Yuuta has no blood relation with any of them. Since you're near the end, I don't think it'll be getting any more cheerful, since it's reaching the climax/final problem etc etc.
1 even in the case where the ownership of the house is put in a trust, the trio would still not be allowed to live on their own. As the objective is for the 3 to stay together and the closest paternal relatives are unwilling to take the girls into their own house, they would be put in an institution and possibly separated w/ whatever assets and insurance money given to them afterwards. All this is resolved by end of series/vol 1 though. Also, he was already in trust of the life insurance money for the 3, he simply resolved to use as little of those as possible for normal expenses because they are to go toward schooling and the girls themselves in the future.
2 MC went against wish of the family in taking them in rather than sending them to institution, amounting to kidnapping really. You think he can just walk up to them and say that he wants $ when he has little ground legally to do so? It isn't so much teaching him a lesson or anything, it is that other than institution, he is the only adult there for them to turn to given no one else would take them into their house, but he did so against the will of the majority. Kinda hard to ask for help like that. The other relatives didn't take actions against him more actively because it is a good temporary solution to transition into whatever more permanent answers to the issue that there are. + Show Spoiler [end of series] +
House is to go to MC, I forgot whether it was a part of the sister's will or some other random plot device, but iirc he was always the one that the estate was to go to
I think at the end of the series, the Uncle signs the deed over to Yuuta in the credits. I believe it was stated in the middle of the series when they went back to visit once, that it was the Uncle who owns the house now.
House goes to the uncle doesn't make any sense, it would go to the children and be held on trust by either a guardian or a lawyer, only if he didn't have surviving children would it go to a brother. He really didn't kidnap them either, as the 10 and 14 year old don't have a legal guardian after the death of their parents, So custody would probably be determined by a court if there was a dispute as to who would look after them, as MC has as much right to keep them as an institution, as if they were put there he could just legally adopt them. Am I just over thinking a bad plot device?
You are overthinking on something that shouldn't be thought about so hard. But you have annoyed me enough that I am going to check the LNs, good job
Custody in Japan and what you are used can probably work very differently, but that said, MC can probably adopt them when it comes to it. But what will that do for the MC? He is the one with the money from the life insurance policy of the sister. So he goes against the wish of the majority of the family, takes the insurance money, and still ask the remaining relatives for money? I don't know about you, but if I were the paternal relatives I'd beat the shit out of him, whatever his reasons. The issue on adoption isn't exactly a good case for the MC either way should he go to court, as 2/3 of the girls aren't blood related to his sister, on top of that, he is still a college student. Without the consent of the paternal side of the family, the fight for their guardianship wouldn't be exactly easy.
Ok, so I checked through the LN. The MC didn't really think about the legal side of things. The house is assumed to be under the children's name but being taken care of by the paternal side of the family (this is around the time when the 3 first moved in), in the end we find out that the house is indeed under Sora's name, what the family and the aunt did was to do the paperwork and stuff for them. The anime scene at the end is just the papers and such being given to them formally. The money that he got from the aunt during the middle of the series is the portion of his sister's life insurance that is to go to him, the rest for the 3 sisters were being handled in trust by the paternal family. Though those too, along w/ state aids and such all end up going to the MC by the work of the aunt at the end, since he is accepted as the legal guardian.
In the end I think that it is part plot device, part you overthinking and taking the law too easily when it comes to family court. At the very least, in the case of the States, these kinds of cases, should both party wish to pursue them, can go on for years. The MC has a pretty decent claim to things, just not good enough to end it as decisively as you are imagining.
On April 26 2012 12:52 Maxtor wrote: I've watched several episodes of "Papa no lu Koto o Kikinasai!" and i'd love for someone to explain some of these things cause im pretty confused about it, im only up to episode 10 but its just bugging me so much: + Show Spoiler +
1, Why do they have no money, i mean his sister and their (the girls) father must have had savings or insurance, they even left the house, i mean they could sell or rent that, its clearly an asset that would transfer to the next of kin, or be held on trust until they are of age to sell it.2,Why did the relatives not chip in to help him take care of the girls, if they wished to stop him from taking them or teach him a lesson about the difficulty of taking care of them they could have just not allowed him to be a guardian in the first place? The other thing is, does it get a bit cheerier, cause my god its depressing, i would have never guessed by the intro.
He probably has no money because he snuck all 3 girls out of the house after the family discussion part and just ditched the rest of the family. The other relatives might not even have his contact information save for the Aunt. And she does come around to help him out around episodes 8-10ish, or maybe earlier. She probably gave them his contact info later on though.
IIRC, the house went to the father's next of kin, one of the Uncles I believe, which Yuuta has no blood relation to. In fact, save for the Hina, his sister, and maybe the Aunt, Yuuta has no blood relation with any of them. Since you're near the end, I don't think it'll be getting any more cheerful, since it's reaching the climax/final problem etc etc.
1 even in the case where the ownership of the house is put in a trust, the trio would still not be allowed to live on their own. As the objective is for the 3 to stay together and the closest paternal relatives are unwilling to take the girls into their own house, they would be put in an institution and possibly separated w/ whatever assets and insurance money given to them afterwards. All this is resolved by end of series/vol 1 though. Also, he was already in trust of the life insurance money for the 3, he simply resolved to use as little of those as possible for normal expenses because they are to go toward schooling and the girls themselves in the future.
2 MC went against wish of the family in taking them in rather than sending them to institution, amounting to kidnapping really. You think he can just walk up to them and say that he wants $ when he has little ground legally to do so? It isn't so much teaching him a lesson or anything, it is that other than institution, he is the only adult there for them to turn to given no one else would take them into their house, but he did so against the will of the majority. Kinda hard to ask for help like that. The other relatives didn't take actions against him more actively because it is a good temporary solution to transition into whatever more permanent answers to the issue that there are. + Show Spoiler [end of series] +
House is to go to MC, I forgot whether it was a part of the sister's will or some other random plot device, but iirc he was always the one that the estate was to go to
I think at the end of the series, the Uncle signs the deed over to Yuuta in the credits. I believe it was stated in the middle of the series when they went back to visit once, that it was the Uncle who owns the house now.
House goes to the uncle doesn't make any sense, it would go to the children and be held on trust by either a guardian or a lawyer, only if he didn't have surviving children would it go to a brother. He really didn't kidnap them either, as the 10 and 14 year old don't have a legal guardian after the death of their parents, So custody would probably be determined by a court if there was a dispute as to who would look after them, as MC has as much right to keep them as an institution, as if they were put there he could just legally adopt them. Am I just over thinking a bad plot device?
While it may not have been exactly kidnapping, it was pretty close to it. He left with the 3 girls without any notice to the family members. If Yuuta tried to fight for custody in court, there was no way he would've won mainly due to financial reasons. I don't recall any specific details regarding ownership of the house in the anime except that it's the uncle taking care of it. It could be that the house went to the uncle because it couldn't be given to the girls (for 1. Their age, 2. Again, they left without notice) so they couldn't exactly stick around and do w/e administrative stuff is required to get the house.
Also, I don't think the girls were necessarily going to end up in an orphanage or institution. They were just going to be adopted by the relatives, but separated, since no single relative could take them all in together. It does feel like you're over thinking it a bit much haha. I was more surprised at how he was even able to survive/support 3 girls + himself off a few part time jobs while studying university full time.
They could fight for the house, it just won't necessarily go to the MC. The house is under Sora's name after the death of the parents, but being underage she can't do anything with it. So it then becomes a battle of words between the MC, children and the paternal side of the family if they want to stick around in that house. Not only does it make an already tense situation worse, it also gives the paternal family excuses to pursue further action given how MC isn't their guardian and can't possibly be named their guardian in anything left by the parents (should there have been any)
Original scenario was separate adoption, aunt offered for one institution to take all 3 and keep them together at the middle of the series.
Thanks very much! I just have that over thinking problem in anime thats set in real life (ish), with anything else i throw my logic out of the window, but here + Show Spoiler +
most of it is centred around MC having no money and being over worked while being totally selfless to the notion of family.
On April 27 2012 02:04 Sentenal wrote: I made a compilation hype video of the main players of Team Courageous Nuclear Space Destroyer Class Beings of the Extra Terrestrial origin which is Adversary of human race. It is superior to echo's and gaoxi's!!!!
My old man really liked TTGL, but he wants to watch a less silly robot show, so I immediately thought of Gundam. Which do you think is best to show him first? I like the first few series, but the art is a bit dated, so I want something a bit more modern. Wing was my first, and is still pretty good, but maybe one of the newer ones? I wasn't a huge Seed fan, but at least it was pretty.
On April 28 2012 00:47 Requizen wrote: Speaking of Gundam...
My old man really liked TTGL, but he wants to watch a less silly robot show, so I immediately thought of Gundam. Which do you think is best to show him first? I like the first few series, but the art is a bit dated, so I want something a bit more modern. Wing was my first, and is still pretty good, but maybe one of the newer ones? I wasn't a huge Seed fan, but at least it was pretty.
On April 28 2012 00:47 Requizen wrote: Speaking of Gundam...
My old man really liked TTGL, but he wants to watch a less silly robot show, so I immediately thought of Gundam. Which do you think is best to show him first? I like the first few series, but the art is a bit dated, so I want something a bit more modern. Wing was my first, and is still pretty good, but maybe one of the newer ones? I wasn't a huge Seed fan, but at least it was pretty.
Yeah, I saw it. I'm not sure, I kind of still want to start with Wing. I know it's not the best, maybe a B- as far as Gundam goes, but I think if we do MSG or Zeta, the dated visuals will be a turn off for someone newer who's not really a "connoisseur" of anime. I still think Seed is way too melodramatic, but that's probably just my opinion.
On April 28 2012 00:47 Requizen wrote: Speaking of Gundam...
My old man really liked TTGL, but he wants to watch a less silly robot show, so I immediately thought of Gundam. Which do you think is best to show him first? I like the first few series, but the art is a bit dated, so I want something a bit more modern. Wing was my first, and is still pretty good, but maybe one of the newer ones? I wasn't a huge Seed fan, but at least it was pretty.
Yeah, I saw it. I'm not sure, I kind of still want to start with Wing. I know it's not the best, maybe a B- as far as Gundam goes, but I think if we do MSG or Zeta, the dated visuals will be a turn off for someone newer who's not really a "connoisseur" of anime. I still think Seed is way too melodramatic, but that's probably just my opinion.
If his first exposures to animation were anytime before 2000 I doubt Zeta's animation will bother him.
I feel like many Gundam shows (and anime in general) have a touch of the melodramatic and that's not necessarily bad.