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The pen is basically being used as a way for, when discovered, Undertaker to basically lose any/all trust in Shu at some critical moment later on in the story. Shu will probably try to say that he never planned to use it, that he won't betray them, Undertaker won't believe him etc etc.
I was kind of surprised when Inori said that everything she had done so far (ie: being together with Shu, Shu is her's or w/e) was all a lie and just a way by Gai to try and get Shu over to Undertaker. It annoyed me though that Shu acted as if he just wanted Inori to be his girlfriend (not that I blame him) and that was that. He didn't really care about w/e Undertaker was fighting for and was ready to basically try and run away with Inori.
He also seems to have a misunderstanding between Inori and Gai? but I wouldn't blame him, I would've thought the same thing too from just Shu's POV, but the scene with Inori and Gai in the bedroom didn't look like anything sexual or w/e. Unless it was all after. But Gai was on some IV drip which was interesting.
Inori is turning into a Ayanami Rei rather than a C.C, unfortunately.
Also, its been kinda clear that Shu doesn't care about Undertaker for quiet a few episodes now. He even has been lead to believe by that evil white person that Gai is the villain. It annoying you is one thing, but as far as Shu is concerned, Undertaker is a terrorist organization he doesn't really want to be involved with, but lol circumstance. Not surprising that after Rei manipulated him that he would just want to elope with her.
The title of this episode of GC was called "Ayase is the best girl: The Episode" lol
Ayase won this episode imo. Holy shit I never knew she was voiced by Hanazawa Kana until I read it mentioned somewhere. Did not recognize her voice at all! Made me love Ayase that much more.
The pen is basically being used as a way for, when discovered, Undertaker to basically lose any/all trust in Shu at some critical moment later on in the story. Shu will probably try to say that he never planned to use it, that he won't betray them, Undertaker won't believe him etc etc.
I was kind of surprised when Inori said that everything she had done so far (ie: being together with Shu, Shu is her's or w/e) was all a lie and just a way by Gai to try and get Shu over to Undertaker. It annoyed me though that Shu acted as if he just wanted Inori to be his girlfriend (not that I blame him) and that was that. He didn't really care about w/e Undertaker was fighting for and was ready to basically try and run away with Inori.
He also seems to have a misunderstanding between Inori and Gai? but I wouldn't blame him, I would've thought the same thing too from just Shu's POV, but the scene with Inori and Gai in the bedroom didn't look like anything sexual or w/e. Unless it was all after. But Gai was on some IV drip which was interesting.
Inori is turning into a Ayanami Rei rather than a C.C, unfortunately.
Also, its been kinda clear that Shu doesn't care about Undertaker for quiet a few episodes now. He even has been lead to believe by that evil white person that Gai is the villain. It annoying you is one thing, but as far as Shu is concerned, Undertaker is a terrorist organization he doesn't really want to be involved with, but lol circumstance. Not surprising that after Rei manipulated him that he would just want to elope with her.
The title of this episode of GC was called "Ayase is the best girl: The Episode" lol
Ayase won this episode imo. Holy shit I never knew she was voiced by Hanazawa Kana until I read it mentioned somewhere. Did not recognize her voice at all! Made me love Ayase that much more.
I have to say, I'm starting to become a Kana Hanazawa fan. I actually really like her voicing of Kobato. It's the same moe voice she's known for doing yet it has the necessary subtlety of a loli trying to act like a denizen of the eternal darkness. I also enjoyed Ayase's voice in GC5 so I looked up the seiyuu and wtf did not expect to see her of all people. Looking forward to her doing more diverse voices. Kind of like Rie not doing a tsundere....who am I kidding that will never happen.
The pen is basically being used as a way for, when discovered, Undertaker to basically lose any/all trust in Shu at some critical moment later on in the story. Shu will probably try to say that he never planned to use it, that he won't betray them, Undertaker won't believe him etc etc.
I was kind of surprised when Inori said that everything she had done so far (ie: being together with Shu, Shu is her's or w/e) was all a lie and just a way by Gai to try and get Shu over to Undertaker. It annoyed me though that Shu acted as if he just wanted Inori to be his girlfriend (not that I blame him) and that was that. He didn't really care about w/e Undertaker was fighting for and was ready to basically try and run away with Inori.
He also seems to have a misunderstanding between Inori and Gai? but I wouldn't blame him, I would've thought the same thing too from just Shu's POV, but the scene with Inori and Gai in the bedroom didn't look like anything sexual or w/e. Unless it was all after. But Gai was on some IV drip which was interesting.
Inori is turning into a Ayanami Rei rather than a C.C, unfortunately.
Also, its been kinda clear that Shu doesn't care about Undertaker for quiet a few episodes now. He even has been lead to believe by that evil white person that Gai is the villain. It annoying you is one thing, but as far as Shu is concerned, Undertaker is a terrorist organization he doesn't really want to be involved with, but lol circumstance. Not surprising that after Rei manipulated him that he would just want to elope with her.
The title of this episode of GC was called "Ayase is the best girl: The Episode" lol
Ayase won this episode imo. Holy shit I never knew she was voiced by Hanazawa Kana until I read it mentioned somewhere. Did not recognize her voice at all! Made me love Ayase that much more.
I have to say, I'm starting to become a Kana Hanazawa fan. I actually really like her voicing of Kobato. It's the same moe voice she's known for doing yet it has the necessary subtlety of a loli trying to act like a denizen of the eternal darkness. I also enjoyed Ayase's voice in GC5 so I looked up the seiyuu and wtf did not expect to see her of all people. Looking forward to her doing more diverse voices. Kind of like Rie not doing a tsundere....who am I kidding that will never happen.
Kaze, ty for the nana Pic it's perfect for my Phone!
The pen is basically being used as a way for, when discovered, Undertaker to basically lose any/all trust in Shu at some critical moment later on in the story. Shu will probably try to say that he never planned to use it, that he won't betray them, Undertaker won't believe him etc etc.
I was kind of surprised when Inori said that everything she had done so far (ie: being together with Shu, Shu is her's or w/e) was all a lie and just a way by Gai to try and get Shu over to Undertaker. It annoyed me though that Shu acted as if he just wanted Inori to be his girlfriend (not that I blame him) and that was that. He didn't really care about w/e Undertaker was fighting for and was ready to basically try and run away with Inori.
He also seems to have a misunderstanding between Inori and Gai? but I wouldn't blame him, I would've thought the same thing too from just Shu's POV, but the scene with Inori and Gai in the bedroom didn't look like anything sexual or w/e. Unless it was all after. But Gai was on some IV drip which was interesting.
Inori is turning into a Ayanami Rei rather than a C.C, unfortunately.
Also, its been kinda clear that Shu doesn't care about Undertaker for quiet a few episodes now. He even has been lead to believe by that evil white person that Gai is the villain. It annoying you is one thing, but as far as Shu is concerned, Undertaker is a terrorist organization he doesn't really want to be involved with, but lol circumstance. Not surprising that after Rei manipulated him that he would just want to elope with her.
The title of this episode of GC was called "Ayase is the best girl: The Episode" lol
Ayase won this episode imo. Holy shit I never knew she was voiced by Hanazawa Kana until I read it mentioned somewhere. Did not recognize her voice at all! Made me love Ayase that much more.
I have to say, I'm starting to become a Kana Hanazawa fan. I actually really like her voicing of Kobato. It's the same moe voice she's known for doing yet it has the necessary subtlety of a loli trying to act like a denizen of the eternal darkness. I also enjoyed Ayase's voice in GC5 so I looked up the seiyuu and wtf did not expect to see her of all people. Looking forward to her doing more diverse voices. Kind of like Rie not doing a tsundere....who am I kidding that will never happen.
yea if your as prolific as she has been the last year or 2 its because youve got "the voice" everyone wants for "that" role.
The problem with GC, is that most of us were disappointed at the weak personality of Shu, when we were expecting more of a "magnificent bastard (insert tvtrope link here)" like Lelouch. I hope that at least Gai will be more like Lelouch, even though we have no idea what he's doing.
lol Lelouch. I won't go into that, but who the fuck was expecting to get a Lelouch out of Shu?? The whole point that keeps me hopefully about GC is that its similar to Code Geass without that POS character.
I don't know how people were expecting a Lelouch out of Shu. Even the PV that he narrates shows that he is a victim of circumstance. Unless of course... you were only looking at the pretty pictures during the PV?
Code Geass was fun in its own right, but I really enjoy Guilty Crown. Glad the people who like it are posting though!
just finished it, it was okay. light moments here and there, nice comic reliefs etc. one thing thats bugging me was when Shu was all butthurt about Inori and Gai. I mean i get hes a teen and hes horny and stuff, but jumping to conclusions about teen romances while ur in the middle of a terrorist headquarters fighting with mechas? nah man nah, totally not buying it... >_>
on another note: Inori mentioned that she didnt mean all the stuff she said about being together forever with Shu etc. anyone remember what ep she said it? and how far into the episode it was. ive been trying to track it down and its driving me crazy.... t.t
edit: okay i found it, it was at the end of ep 3. so heres my judgment after seeing that. I think Inori was just lying to Shu about Gai telling her to say all that stuff etc etc. She looked too genuine from there on after, with her reaction to him being pushed out the train, to her being all "cold" and stuff when she was alone in the computer room when Shu was captive, also i think someone earlier in the thread mentioned that when Ayase was scolding Shu during the Gravity Gun operation that Inori never disobeys Gai's orders or something like that. So i really think that Inori doesnt wanna get close to Shu for some reason, but she does indeed like him. I wonder for what reason though? well see...
i could be wrong, someone here just put me back on track.
edit: also with Kana Hanazawa being the Ayase VA. truth be told, one of the first things that caught out to me about GC in the Fall preview was when I saw Ayana Taketatsu and Kana Hanazawa tagged in there. I was immediately hyped. then when i finally heard her character's voice i was a bit suprised: it didnt have the "Kana" moe-ness that i was expecting but it was still very nice. also i bet it was a nice treat for everyone who is a Kana fan and didnt kno that she was Ayase the entire time.
Hanazawa Kana usually voices all the super super cute characters. Nadeko, Tenshi, Kuroneko, Char, etc. It was a nice treat hearing her voice such a badass and cute character like Ayase.
On November 12 2011 11:09 NationInArms wrote: Whatever guys, I think I'm just gonna go hide in a corner and listen to k pop for the rest of the day. (>.>)
On November 12 2011 13:36 Nagisama wrote: Hanazawa Kana usually voices all the super super cute characters. Nadeko, Tenshi, Kuroneko, Char, etc. It was a nice treat hearing her voice such a badass and cute character like Ayase.
On November 12 2011 13:36 Nagisama wrote: Hanazawa Kana usually voices all the super super cute characters. Nadeko, Tenshi, Kuroneko, Char, etc. It was a nice treat hearing her voice such a badass and cute character like Ayase.
On November 12 2011 13:36 Nagisama wrote: Hanazawa Kana usually voices all the super super cute characters. Nadeko, Tenshi, Kuroneko, Char, etc. It was a nice treat hearing her voice such a badass and cute character like Ayase.
So she voices alot of cute characters in bad anime. No wonder I Break Blade is the only other role she had that sticks out to me lol
Hey she got dat mayushi in S;G l0l. But yeah, that's exactly what comes to mind. Shows like Kamisama dolls, ao no exorcist and IS. Hell the only thing that kept me from dropping Kamisamer dolls was Kana stealing the show as Mahiru
On November 12 2011 13:36 Nagisama wrote: Hanazawa Kana usually voices all the super super cute characters. Nadeko, Tenshi, Kuroneko, Char, etc. It was a nice treat hearing her voice such a badass and cute character like Ayase.
On November 12 2011 15:47 Ecael wrote: Of all things you can post for Bake, you post the moe character with no depth in the anime version and try to convince sent, lololol.
On November 12 2011 15:47 Ecael wrote: Of all things you can post for Bake, you post the moe character with no depth in the anime version and try to convince sent, lololol.
I became a Kana fan when I first heard Renai Circulation in Osu!
Back then I had no idea what Bakemonogatari was, and my knowledge of anime was extremly nill. But what I knew then was that dat voice.... sooo <3333
On November 12 2011 15:47 Ecael wrote: Of all things you can post for Bake, you post the moe character with no depth in the anime version and try to convince sent, lololol.
I became a Kana fan when I first heard Renai Circulation in Osu!
Back then I had no idea what Bakemonogatari was, and my knowledge of anime was extremly nill. But what I knew then was that dat voice.... sooo <3333
Well, to get off the subject of Bakamonogatari, I'm rewatching Gundam Unicorn right now, so I can be ready for it tomorrow when GUNDAM UNICORN EPISODE 4 PSN RIP COMES OUT AND I ORGASM TO THE GODLY PRODUCTION VALUE AND MECHA PORN. Since its been a while since episode 3 and I've forgotten alot of stuff. So, rewatching this stuff you pick up on alot of things you never noticed the first time. Episode 2, how many of you guys can pick out stuff in this picture that make you go "cool cameo, sunrise":