If you come in here looking for "anime recommendations" then please refer to this chart before posting: Anime Recommendations (as of may 2014). We also have an IRC channel called #tladt where we all hang out. The channel is on Rizon, not QuakeNet! Feel free to check it out. TLADT discord is Discord.gg
For currently airing anime, please see Anichart.net
On November 11 2011 09:41 emc wrote: any suggestions on a good anime? It can be any anime, I have netflix and have been eating up the funimation stuff. Soul Eater, Eden of the East, Darker than Black just to name a few. I have on my list to watch: Aquarion, Elfieen Leed (or something like that), STRAIN, Black Butler, Something Blacksmith.
Yea just looking for types of animes like the ones I listed, they gotta be good ones. And if the ones I listed suck, feel free to tell me so I can skip them.
This is why we have a recommendation chart at the topic of the page.
Okay, fine, I'll watch it. I won't promise that I'll like it, though.
Wtf is that Sent. Go watch Black Lagoon. Also is Kurogane no Linebarrel any good? It features in SRW L and the mech designs are reasonably cool. Verdant, for example, is eerily similar to P3's Thanatos. Not going to put more anime on queue just yet, just curious.
Its an anime thats going to be airing next season, lol.
What did I just watch? I expected some mecha anime from the youtube preview, read the title and expected a romance, saw all of this random fanservice and an enemy mech that reminded me of Freezing, watched the good guy mech which looked like it came from Guilty Crown, and then random talking at the end with the absence of male characters...
IDK what we just watched, other than mecha+girls=okay fine I'll watch it, god damn
On November 11 2011 09:41 emc wrote: any suggestions on a good anime? It can be any anime, I have netflix and have been eating up the funimation stuff. Soul Eater, Eden of the East, Darker than Black just to name a few. I have on my list to watch: Aquarion, Elfieen Leed (or something like that), STRAIN, Black Butler, Something Blacksmith.
Yea just looking for types of animes like the ones I listed, they gotta be good ones. And if the ones I listed suck, feel free to tell me so I can skip them.
This is why we have a recommendation chart at the topic of the page.
Okay, fine, I'll watch it. I won't promise that I'll like it, though.
Wtf is that Sent. Go watch Black Lagoon. Also is Kurogane no Linebarrel any good? It features in SRW L and the mech designs are reasonably cool. Verdant, for example, is eerily similar to P3's Thanatos. Not going to put more anime on queue just yet, just curious.
Its an anime thats going to be airing next season, lol.
What did I just watch? I expected some mecha anime from the youtube preview, read the title and expected a romance, saw all of this random fanservice and an enemy mech that reminded me of Freezing, watched the good guy mech which looked like it came from Guilty Crown, and then random talking at the end with the absence of male characters...
IDK what we just watched, other than mecha+girls=okay fine I'll watch it, god damn
Also, if you don't think the chart is very helpful (I actually think it's very helpful as a reference), at least tell us which animes you liked. Did you like Soul Eater or Eden of the East because I thought EotE was terrible.
On November 11 2011 09:41 emc wrote: any suggestions on a good anime? It can be any anime, I have netflix and have been eating up the funimation stuff. Soul Eater, Eden of the East, Darker than Black just to name a few. I have on my list to watch: Aquarion, Elfieen Leed (or something like that), STRAIN, Black Butler, Something Blacksmith.
Yea just looking for types of animes like the ones I listed, they gotta be good ones. And if the ones I listed suck, feel free to tell me so I can skip them.
I don't really like Eden of the East, not that much action.
And it's Elfen Lied btw, contains lots of gore and nudity (no sex though), definitely NSFW to the extreme.
Watch Code Geass. :D
I've seen all of Geass, it was excellent. Eden of the East so far is really intriguing, I'm like 5 episodes in and it's pretty tight so far, I just want to know why the hell he captured 20k people. And good on Elfen, I like gory shit, anything else like that you know of but has a good story as well? I'm mostly looking for good stories.
On November 11 2011 12:17 Zergneedsfood wrote: I thought EotE was terrible.
we can no longer be friends
What? It sounded nice and overall it was decent but so much potential was lost. Kind of like an Angel Beats but even worse imo
You will never know the glory of the air king! ^_^
Your referring to Kaze No stigma right? I think we can all agree that a fail show. It was a lump of coal that almost turn to diamond but it got drop in poop and was never found again....
I still get the feeling theres as many questions being added as answers, or atleast not enough of them are being addressed, still for the most part the Tabuki and fabulous chick seem to have their involvement resolved, albiet not particularly well. I dont reall mind though, but the show is losing alot of sting the last few weeks.
The pen is basically being used as a way for, when discovered, Undertaker to basically lose any/all trust in Shu at some critical moment later on in the story. Shu will probably try to say that he never planned to use it, that he won't betray them, Undertaker won't believe him etc etc.
I was kind of surprised when Inori said that everything she had done so far (ie: being together with Shu, Shu is her's or w/e) was all a lie and just a way by Gai to try and get Shu over to Undertaker. It annoyed me though that Shu acted as if he just wanted Inori to be his girlfriend (not that I blame him) and that was that. He didn't really care about w/e Undertaker was fighting for and was ready to basically try and run away with Inori.
He also seems to have a misunderstanding between Inori and Gai? but I wouldn't blame him, I would've thought the same thing too from just Shu's POV, but the scene with Inori and Gai in the bedroom didn't look like anything sexual or w/e. Unless it was all after. But Gai was on some IV drip which was interesting.
The pen is basically being used as a way for, when discovered, Undertaker to basically lose any/all trust in Shu at some critical moment later on in the story. Shu will probably try to say that he never planned to use it, that he won't betray them, Undertaker won't believe him etc etc.
I was kind of surprised when Inori said that everything she had done so far (ie: being together with Shu, Shu is her's or w/e) was all a lie and just a way by Gai to try and get Shu over to Undertaker. It annoyed me though that Shu acted as if he just wanted Inori to be his girlfriend (not that I blame him) and that was that. He didn't really care about w/e Undertaker was fighting for and was ready to basically try and run away with Inori.
He also seems to have a misunderstanding between Inori and Gai? but I wouldn't blame him, I would've thought the same thing too from just Shu's POV, but the scene with Inori and Gai in the bedroom didn't look like anything sexual or w/e. Unless it was all after. But Gai was on some IV drip which was interesting.
Inori is turning into a Ayanami Rei rather than a C.C, unfortunately.
Also, its been kinda clear that Shu doesn't care about Undertaker for quiet a few episodes now. He even has been lead to believe by that evil white person that Gai is the villain. It annoying you is one thing, but as far as Shu is concerned, Undertaker is a terrorist organization he doesn't really want to be involved with, but lol circumstance. Not surprising that after Rei manipulated him that he would just want to elope with her.
The title of this episode of GC was called "Ayase is the best girl: The Episode" lol
I've always liked reading quotes by Yoshiyuki Tomino, the creator of Gundam. You never know if he is going to say something profound, or something that will make you go "this guy is batshit insane". Like for example, here are some Tomino quotes I've come across in the past:
I was very upset when I saw Evangelion, because it was apparent to me that the people who made it weren't thinking at all about making fun for or gaining the sympathy of the audience. Instead they tried to convince the audience to admit that everybody is sick, practically in the middle of a nervous breakdown, all the time. I don't think you should show things like that to everybody. It's not entertainment for the masses--it's much more interested in admitting that we're all depressed nervous wrecks, I thought. It was a work that told people it was okay to be depressed, and it accepted the psychological state that said if you don't like the way the world works, then it's okay to just pick up a gun and attack someone. I don't think that's a real work of art. When people see that, they begin to realize they are the same way. I think that we should try to show people how to live healthier, fuller lives, to foster their identity as a part of their community, and to encourage them to work happily until they die. I can't accept any work that doesn't say that.
As I mentioned earlier, there is this political theorist, Hannah Arendt, whom I admire deeply. She wrote about the possibilities of totalitarianism. What I'd like to do, if I ever have an opportunity to create another Gundam-like series, is to use this theme. The possibilities of totalitarianism and the dangers of it. I would embed it into this work and tell the story of totalitarianism and its dangers using robots or cute anime.
In fact, as you might see from all the cosplayers on the convention floor, samurai-type anime, especially with swordwork and swordplay, seems very popular, so I'm starting to think that maybe we need to start incorporating that into Gundam.
Maybe Tomino's next show will be a Gundam-like anime about a totalitarian government run by cute samurai lolis, that encourages people to live healthier, fuller lives, to foster their identity as part of their community.
This is how I image Tomino looking every time he starts talking: + Show Spoiler +